Why is pedophilia so common in hollywood? I thought most people would be grossed out to actually try it?
Why is pedophilia so common in hollywood? I thought most people would be grossed out to actually try it?
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Why is shitposting so common in Holla Forums? I thought most people would be tired of all the shitposting to try it?
Shitposting is fun. Pedophilia is not!
All pedos need to be beaten and hanged tbh
Hollywood was (WAS) the centre of the cult of beauty, and they were looking for it even in children. Beauty is attractive. You have the beautiful girl there, you have the opportunity, you would do it as well.
when you have access to beautiful women 24/7 and they will do anything you ask it becomes boring. You need a new taboo, a deeper fetish to explore. Follow that until you end up fucking little boys in the ass as they cry.
How do you know?
wheres the raw footage?
funny how sandniggers jumped straight into the deep end.
It's just like Trump said, they can get away with it because they're rich.
So? He's rich, gets away with the same shit. He's one of them.
Corruption of pureness, people with fucked up childhoods, the illusion or actual power when you're able to recruit a child based in how good they suck your dick, and good ol' blackmail. No one can bitch about you if you sent some cute underage intern to their hotel room.
Because its a structure of power. And the predators go where the prey are so once they infiltrate the power structure they have an advantage over the prey.
OP, I'll give you one guess.
If she bleeds that means she is able to bear your offspring therefore she old enough to fuck
So what?
Some aren't pure.
so hang 'em all
pedo get out.
It's funny because Muslim countries are the only ones to have an age of consent so high as 18.
Except a bunch of U.S. states.
yeah no totally bro muslims don't rape children
Is it "so common" in Hollywood or just easier?
Yeah bro totally implied by what I said.
pretty much
How was that last one arrived at, sneaking CP into a plethysmographic test…?
Just portraits, without disclosure of the subject's age to the participant. So, to be fair, it's only measuring facial attractiveness.
Because, as you allude to, ethical roadblocks apply to, uh… administering more complete studies.
What about white men? We don't rape.
I can safely say I wouldn't fuck a ten year old, chaim.
One of these things is not like the other
Why not?
As soon as a girl is able to bear kids she is good to fuck
what shithole do you live in
i'm getting ready to book a flight
poor little brainwashed cuck. the guy is a fucking abuser and deserves what he got but he's certainly not pedo.
Was he Arab? He clearly couldn't speak English, even the nog spoke better English.
What about a 13 year old like roman polanski?
Well, it's fun for half the people involved. :^)
They will if you have a gun. You have to become a Supreme Gentleman.
typically the age of consent should be when theyre able to typically survive bearing a kid
He's clearly mexican by the name in that article
you sound like a cuck
Personally, I blame (((Dan Schneider))). Notice how these rumours about pedophiles in Holywood became more prevalent since good old Danny boy became a Nickelodeon producer.
The younger they are, the greater survival rate tbh
Thats like saying why is pedophilia so common among kings and religious leaders of the past.
Why was Mohammeds wife 6 when he married her?
Why did the legendary Indian mathematician Ramanujan married a 10 year old?
Why was Romeo in his late twenties when he married 14 year old Juliet?
Its because they can.
Every straight male is attracted to pubescent girls because they are the most likely to give them healthy offspring over time.
As women are given more power in society they will do everything they can to prevent men from hooking up with younger women. So that some men will be desperate enough to think their dried up worn out pussies are still sexy.
And the child is healthier too!
im sure this 15 yr old would carry a whole lotta babies
Good lord, what are they putting in the water to do that? I think this girl's a model who's 15 or 16. Any moar?
shes 16 now
I fucking recognize that cupid. That's the asshole from those old german porn cartoons but with black hair and brown eyes. The style is exactly the same. The idea of this girl (in two years time of course) schlicking to those old lulzy cartoons warms my heart and my penis.
I'm not sure what this picture is supposed to convey? It shows hillary with women who…used to be little girls? It'd be more damning if it showed hillarly with them as little girls instead if you wanted to go with the pedo angle.
not that guy but i think it shows their innocence being destroyed by hillary.
Because Jews are perverted.
It's easier to say, Because Jews.
Why is pedophilia so common in Christianity? I thought most people would be grossed out to actually try it?
I thought it was the catholics that were all pedophiles. Is it the same for baptists/protestants?
I'm pretty sure the ones in charge tempt people into it, so they have something on them if they ever step out of line and need to be demonised.
There's your answer.