Donald Trump's tax plan would help the poorest Americans

Under his plan, single people making less than $25,000 a year and married couples earning less than $50,000 would pay zero income tax.

[I included the screencap of the comparison table in case it isn't displayed properly]

Donald Trump's tax plan would help the poorest Americans

Much has been made of the fact that Donald Trump's tax plan is really, really good for Donald Trump. But by raising the point at which people begin to owe taxes and retaining key tax credits, the Republican presidential candidate's tax plan should also put more money in the pockets of the poorest Americans.

Under his plan, single people making less than $25,000 a year and married couples earning less than $50,000 would pay zero income tax.

"They get a new one page form to send the IRS saying, 'I win,'" the plan says. "Those who would otherwise owe income taxes will save an average of nearly $1,000 each."

Currently the lowest-income Americans only start paying taxes after they've subtracted an exemption ($4,000 for singles, $8,000 for couples) and the standard deduction ($6,300 for singles, $12,600 for couples) from their tax bill.

For a single person, that means they don't owe taxes until they earn at least $10,300. For a couple, that figure is $20,600. Children also increase the deductions a family can claim, so a married couple with two children wouldn't start paying taxes until they had earned at least $28,600.

That's not the full picture, however: Many lower-income Americans benefit from the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which gives taxpayers an additional $503 to $6,242, depending on the number of children they have. And some couples with children can get up to $1,000 per child in credits, further lowering that tax bill.

Taking these factors into account, the Tax Policy Center's Elaine Maag has calculated that those credits would help offset a single person's tax bill until they earned $12,255. A married couple with two kids would have to earn nearly $50,000 before the sum of their tax bill minus any credits they received was greater than $0.

The basic rule of thumb, she explained, is that once credits are taken into consideration, a family with children starts owing taxes once their income is about double the poverty level.

The reason Trump's plan is so good for poorer Americans is because he plans to keep the EITC and Child Tax Credit, his campaign told CBS News. So the point at which people will start paying taxes increases - and they can still collect credits.

Family type Income tax kicks in Income tax kicks in
Current law Trump tax plan

Single, 0 children $10,300 $25,000
Single, 1 child $17,250 $25,000
Single, 2 children $21,250 $25,000
Married, 0 children $20,600 $50,000
Married, 1 child $24,600 $50,000
Married, 2 children $28,600 $50,000

Chart partially based on data from Elaine Maag, Tax Policy Center

For example, a single parent with one child with one child would start paying taxes on income after they earn $17,250 dollars. Under Trump's plan, they would not begin to pay taxes until they had earned $25,000, so their credits would stretch even further.

Under Trump's plan, "most people could earn more money without owing taxes and not be made worse off than under current law since they would still get their refundable EITC and CTC," Maag told CBS News.

The downside to such a generous plan, however, is that it comes at a high cost to the U.S. government. The conservative Tax Foundation estimated that Trump's plan would reduce tax revenues by $11.98 trillion over the next decade. It would increase the national debt by over $10 trillion over the next decade.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sounds good. Income tax is jew invention after all.

Get the poorer people matched in some way with the lower mids, help build a stronger economy, create more jobs, industry and enterprise in USA and cut off foreign dealings in sweatshop type shit, then when it gets better lower income tax to a higher level. This will also give more reason to reduce the size of government.

Trump is the only change America can become great again, ever. I want you to become once again the isolated superpower who doesn't care unless it's called for tenaciously, and only taking in immigrant legally who are willing to work and forego their nationality to become Americans (contrary to German-Americans who shipped of to Germany to fight in the war).

You have a chance, make it count. If it's Shillary, the entire world is fucked beyond redemption.


oy vei like you whities know what poverty is. Vote Sanders, feel the bern goyim

Denmark had a campaign a year back, if you as a couple went abroad for a "love vacation" and could prove you got pregnant during it, they would cover the vacation costs and some other nice shit. Reason was falling Danish births.

Of course SJWs attacked this as "racist/white pride" campaign.

This will help black Americans a lot. Remember that the next time your talking to lefties.

Income tax is literally slavery to the State

b-but this might encourage families to have children
Plus it might reduce the number of goyim on welfare

Singapore waives your first two years! of taxes when you have your first child and one year for every subsequent child up to 5… giving rich people an amazing incentive to have children.

This is a nice start, hopefully one day income tax will be completely repealed after the dissolution of the Federal Reserve and the emission of debt-free sovereign currency.

if we're currently paying, and have been for years, so much money nationally in taxes how is the "debt" not gone already

fuck the current state,

actually Blacks are hit the hardest by Mexican immigration.

The immigrants take all the black mans jobs.

total bullshit.. the income tax ALL IN only makes 600 Billion a year for the government.

Even if you cut income tax to 0 it would not equal 12 Trillion

Unless all that money goes right into the economy with purchases. People with so little money often don't have the liberty of turning that money into savings.

People shouldn't be paying income tax anyway, it's double taxation.

And besides, what's the point of it when you can just get it back at the beginning of each year?
Like, who's not going to file their W2 to get thousands or more back?

Can't Stump
Wont Stump


I hadn't realized that. Trump is definitely going to win the black vote.

it isn't conservative and it's not a taxpayers' organization, it's a business lobby:

Mr. David P. Lewis (Chairman)
Vice President - Global Taxes,
Chief Tax Executive & Assistant Treasurer
Eli Lilly and Company'

Mr. James W. Lintott (Treasurer)
Sterling Foundation Management LLC
Prior to turning his full focus to private foundation management, Mr. Lintott was chief financial officer of a division of a $35 billion privately held company [which one? not named], where he worked closely with the principals and played a critical role in a variety of important philanthropic endeavors.

Ms. Sarah McGill
Senior Vice President, Tax
PepsiCo, Inc.

Mr. Tom Roesser
Senior Director of Tax Affairs
Microsoft Corporation

The Honorable Bill Archer
Former Chairman, Committee on Ways & Means, U.S. House of Representatives

The Honorable Philip English
Co-Chair, Government Relations Group
Arent Fox LLP

Dr. Douglas Holtz-Eakin
President, American Action Forum
Sixth Director of the C.B.O.

Mr. Stephen Kranz
McDermott Will & Emery

Ms. Pamela Olson
Principal, Deputy Tax Leader
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Mr. Scott Hodge
Tax Foundation

Sounds like a great start but when do we extend it to everyone? income tax is theft and pushed solely by der juden and commies.


Yeah sure. How the fuck is that supposed to work.

You're supposed to just believe them

His immigration plan would as well.

Remember for lefties who pull out the "trump is raciss" card that this plan means the majority of blacks/hispanics wouldn't pay taxes.

He's following the tax rate in Singapore?

It's worked out pretty well here since it was implemented.

I'm bumping this

Thank you.
I'm a Singaporean the taxes here are notoriously low. Income tax, Goods and Service Tax (GST) at 7%, and we have this Central Provident Fund Scheme (CPF) that 'deducts' 13% of your income and puts them in a big 'ol bank until you're ready to retire. We don't put single mother's on welfare and the nuclear family is going strong.
Frankly, Singapore is a very ideal nation– good education, low taxes, high GDP, low degeneracy. Trump is smart by taking cues from us.
I wish our late prime minister Lee Kwan Yew was still alive to shake hands with President Trump.

Trips confirm.

Only if blacks know that Trump will be good for them. Low-info black voters well vote for whomever leftist kikes tell them to vote for.


Calling it now - Trump will drop his tax plan at the Chicago Rally. He will either win the black vote right then and there, or show the rest of America the hypocrisy of BLM if the blacks still reject Trump even after proposing to help them so much.

Win/win either way.

Which radio and TV channels do the low-information black voters watch? Any idea?





Then again, he IS more of a Bane.


Trump has to emphasize this along with the tariffs and non-interventionism. This sounds pretty cool.

The kind of people that are stuck in a low wage job are the kind of people that make frequent impulse purchases.
Those people tax themselves by buying stupid shit.

Instead of trickle down, the money percolates up through the lesser economic classes.


What networks do the low-info black people in Chicago turn to for news?

Consumer side tax cuts energize the economy, supply-side tax cuts don't.
This is economics 101, but the conservative tax foundation is a far right neocon think tank that is more interested in keeping israel safe than keeping america financially stable.


Next time you have an argument with a socialist you can explain to them why Trump's tax plan is better than Bernie's tax plan for the working class and local businesses.

I like it so far.

Because we give it all away to gibmedats countries that don't even want our help, and waste it on promises to old rich fucks.

So what about self employment tax?

I get fucked every year I file because of that shit.

This sucks, why should a person without children have the same cut-off as someone with children? This will lower incentives to have children.

Bump it to somewhere between 30-50k a year for singles.


Again, bottom of the catalog. It will be gone in 2 hours if I don't bump it.

ayo hol up hol up
*smacks lips*
iz u sayin
*misfires glock*
we wuz families an shieeeet?

if I don't bump this now it'll be gone when I wake up tomorrow

niggers what the fuck are you doing. This is literally my very first talking point when I'm trying to swing votes.

pls lrn2taxes. You should know that after the personal exemption and standard deduction the actual threshold is 35k for singles and 78k for a four-member family (parents, two kids).

that's why I'm keeping this thread alive along with the health plan thread

pre-emptive bump, I may not be there later to keep it alive.

Once Trump makes AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, he will just get rid of the income tax entirely.

Good news:

Donald Trump’s Working-Class Appeal Is Starting To Freak Out Labor Unions
(Huffington Post)

"Over the course of five weeks, Working America, the non-union affiliate of the AFL-CIO labor federation, did extensive canvassing in union-dense, blue-collar areas of Pittsburgh and Cleveland. They called it a “front porch focus group.” The idea was simply to listen — to let likely 2016 voters sound off about their thoughts and concerns headed into the presidential election.

What they discovered, among other things, was a lot of support for Donald Trump, the GOP front-runner. For months, this enthusiastic backing of the obnoxious billionaire had generally baffled the chattering class — not to mention the GOP and Democratic establishment. But to Working America canvassers, it made plenty of sense.

“We hear the same refrains all the time,” said Karen Nussbaum, executive director of Working America, which has high membership in the Rust Belt. “That people are fed up and they’re hurting. That their families have not recovered from the recession. That every family is harboring someone still not back at work. That someone is paying rent for their brother-in-law.”

“And then a guy comes on the stage,” Nussbaum explained, “and says, ‘I’m your guy who will blow the whole thing up.’”

Trump’s pyromaniac approach to politics has earned him strong support from white, working-class voters and brought him to the cusp of winning the GOP nomination. It is an ascent that has shaken Republicans, who view the businessman as a fraud bound to splinter the party, and it’s leading Democrats and their allies to do what they do best: fret and panic. "

What? People WANT children, they just can't afford to have them.

I knew my city was great, but I didn't know we were this great.

The media says it would add 9 Tril to the defect.

How do you counter this???

"we don't make anywhere near 9 trillion dollars on income tax"

Damn son. Also I read that Trumps tax plan will cause a 6% GDP growth.

I don't know much economics but this is good right?


That growth is unheard of in the first world.

If he actually pulls that off he will be the economic man of the century.

Reminds me of the German Miracle…

What the hell is ordoliberalism?


+ by pointing out that the group who claims that is a shill group for corporations

They're the kind of group who contribute to the campaigns of politicians to get something in return when they're in power and they're mad at Donald Trump for ruining their little show because they can't bribe a billionaire so they try to discredit him.

We add 2-3 trillion to the deficit each year, so even with revenue neutral tax plans any 4 year presidency is going to add 9 trillion to the national debt.

Not as good as interest-free loans with 1/4 of the debt written off for each white child, but it's a start.

I think he means the Natsoc one.
Search "Nazi Economic Miracle"

We'll cut spending by 10 trillion to make a surplus of a trillion.

This one, user-kun.

almost at the bottom of the catalog already.

absolutely disgusting

run some ads during daytime talk. Get poor dumptruck white broads and black people at the same time!
Jerry Springer for extra kike tears.

Aren't there some weird drug & general irl shitposting laws contributing to that? Where the streets are kept so sanitary and there are so many possible infractions no one wants to go outside? Or is that Hong Kong?

Trump will make America great again.

He is blowing the fuck out of cucks and cuckservatives.

Then we can go back to the 150 years uninterrupted winning streak of blowing the fuck out of leftists.

Trump's plan incentives (((poor))) people to not have kids.


in case I'm not back before it hits the very bottom of the catalog, bump

The couple would go on vacation dude, they wouldn't pay women to go to a country and get boned.

It's just good economics.

The only substantive critique of Trump's tax plan and economic policies was the Tax Policy Center's (echo) which basically completely overlooked regulatory changes to tax loopholes and shortcuts, as well as reverse tax rates for large multi-nationals.

Not only that but the Donald understands you can't go into austerity when you need to revitalize the economy and bring down private debt:GDP.

cuck stereotypes are getting too outrageous in this current year, I don't blame him.

They're already encouraged enough what with food stamps and all.

small bump

Sorry. This is only tangentially related but I've nowhere to post it. Found this well done ad for a US paper company. Paints an emotionally story about the creation of a paper plant in the US saving a town and a family from decline. Something we can expect to see repeated with a pro-US business perspective like Trump has.

Blacks are too stupid to recognize any policy that benefits them. They're more than happy to vote Hillary instead.

Is this really wise?

lil bump

anti-slide bump


That is a pro-minority policy.

This is a good start. He needs to find a way to skim money from the HF traders also.


I don't think Hillary is going to automatically get the black vote just because she's a Democrat.

Antislide bump. This thread is always relevant


Huey Long would be pleased.



Yes and?

Good. Too late though.

It is free shit. If you're just leeching off.

The point of lefty socialism is getting other people's money in one form or another, that's why it appeals to dindus. It appeals to people who believe 25K$ a year is a lot, those who do nothing and just survive on gibs and crime. Truth is, if you want to help the poor, at least let them keep the money they make.

always worth a little bump


another good selling point.

It's a populist invention. It got started because of the robber barons who took and took but never gave back. It was a way to make them pay their fair share and took a constitutional amendment to stop the Supreme Court from striking it down.

You're an idiot then.

Wurlstar and twitter

That is just what they told the rubes to get them to support it. Income tax was created by kikes as a necessary part of their paper scam. With paper money, you need income tax so that you can give the money value (without having to pay taxes in the paper currency, there is no reason for people to use it and it would be forced out of the market). It also allows them to more easily control the volume of money, so they can inflate and deflate the money supply by printing more or taxing more, respectively.

70% of blacks view Trump unfavorably but 20% view him favorably

National polls usually have Trump getting 25% of the black vote

In general I'd say Trump will do very well getting the "man vote" while Hillary will fail in turning out the "woman vote". Trump will receive a strong showing among black men over 30 in Northern states like Ohio and New York.

Notice that typically support for Trump from blacks in public comes from older black men, while black men most hostile to Trump are usually 20 year olds. Basically there is a divide between dumb young niggers who are all "fuck whitey, Trump bad because whitey likes him" and older blacks who are more realistic about the world and realize that no, you can't get through life rapping, selling drugs or playing basketball.

I don't think you know what that word means

probably the most retarded post ever

I don't think you know what that word means

probably the most retarded post ever

second most retarded post ever

70% of blacks view Trump unfavorably but 20% view him favorably

National polls usually have Trump getting 25% of the black vote

In general I'd say Trump will do very well getting the "man vote" while Hillary will fail in turning out the "woman vote". Trump will receive a strong showing among black men over 30 in Northern states like Ohio and New York.

Notice that typically support for Trump from blacks in public comes from older black men, while black men most hostile to Trump are usually 20 year olds. Basically there is a divide between dumb young niggers who are all "fuck whitey, Trump bad because whitey likes him" and older blacks who are more realistic about the world and realize that no, you can't get through life rapping, selling drugs or playing basketball.

Not ironically, Huey Long was shot dead by a Jew.
Weiss is not a catholic name…don't believe jewpedia

It's not poor non-whites doing most of dirty work tho, it's global elites.

They use non-white frustrations due to a poor economy and blame whitey for their problems to deflect from the real culprit.

Most poor people are stupid. Non-whites make up most poor people. The reason this evil 1% whitey shit doesn't work on poor whites is because (((((they)))) can't hold their race hostage to a lie.

What I am saying is that non-whites will listen to whatever elites tell them. The root cause solution is to replace the you-nose-who elites that pull the strings. Hitler got this right

Civil rights movements are not organic. Poor people hold no power in this country.

What is Hillary Clinton's tax plan?

page 24, last minute bump

This 50k for married couples is good right?

It means if a man is making 50k a year, he will cut his tax burden to zero if he gets married. Nice…

I presume their calculations are correct, I didn't verify

some Bernie supporters are going to need Trump's tax plan >>5798942

worth a bump

Federal income taxes btw. It's perfectly fair considering the rest of the taxes they do pay tend to be regressive(sales tax, social security) or flat (medicare).

It's easy to counter just ask them the following questions:

What do you think the tariffs are for?
Why do you think he's also raising capital gains taxes?
Millionaire stock brokers should pay less than secretaries?

Also if consumers start actually spending money again those business profits and revenues inside the country will skyrocket(not like now where most of the gains made are untaxable or low taxable stock shit) and the taxes will overflow into the coffers as well.

Because children still provide a tax deduction for those that do pay taxes. Folks that make less than that won't even have to worry about it. It's still much better taxwise under trump plan if you have kids/dependents.

Bump. Reminder to use that talking point when arguing with Sanders fans or Clinton fans.

Page 21. Bump

Consider the following…

Let's examine several married-filer income brackets…
… and let's consider some different income taxation scenarios.

Bracket #1: $20,000

$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(20,000-18,550) * 15% ==> $217.50

Taxed: $2,072.50
Percentage: 10.4%

$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(20,000-18,550) * 15% ==> $217.50

Taxed: $2,072.50
Percentage: 10.4%

0.0% ==> $0.00

Taxed: $0
Percentage: 0.0%

Bracket #2: $40,000

$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(40,000-18,550) * 15% ==> $3,217.50

Taxed: $5,072.50
Percentage: 12.7%

$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(40,000-18,550) * 15% ==> $3,217.50

Taxed: $5,072.50
Percentage: 12.7%

0.0% ==> $0.00

Taxed: $0
Percentage: 0.0%

Bracket #3: $80,000

$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(80,000-75,300) * 25% ==> $1,175

Taxed: $11,542.50
Percentage: 14.4%

$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(80,000-75,300) * 25% ==> $1,175

Taxed: $11,542.50
Percentage: 14.4%

0.0% ==> $0.00
(80,000-50,000) * 10% ==> $3,000

Taxed: $3,000
Percentage: 3.75%

Bracket #4: $160,000

$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(160,000-151,900) * 28% ==> $2,268

Taxed: $31,785.50
Percentage: 19.7%

$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(160,000-151,900) * 28% ==> $2,268

Taxed: $31,785.50
Percentage: 19.7%

0.0% ==> $0.00
(100,000-50,000) * 10% ==> $3,000
(160,000-100,000) * 20% ==> $12,000

Taxed: $15,000
Percentage: 9.4%

Bracket #5: $320,000

$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(231,450-151,900) * 28% ==> $22,274
(320,000-231,451) * 33% ==> $29,221.50

Taxed: $81,013
Percentage: 25.3%

$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(231,450-151,900) * 28% ==> $22,274
(250,000-231,450) * 33% ==> $6,121.50
(320,000-250,000) * 37% ==> $25,900

Taxed: $83,813
Percentage: 26.2%

0.0% ==> $0.00
(100,000-50,000) * 10% ==> $3,000
(300,000-100,000) * 20% ==> $40,000
(320,000-300,000) * 25% ==> $5,000

Taxed: $48,000
Percentage: 15%

Bracket #6: $640,000

$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(231,450-151,900) * 28% ==> $22,274
(413,350-231,450) * 33% ==> $60,027
(466,950-413,350) * 35% ==> $18,760
(640,000-466,950) * 39.6% ==> $68,527.80

Taxed: $199,106.30
Percentage: 31.1%

$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(231,450-151,900) * 28% ==> $22,274
(250,000-231,450) * 33% ==> $6,121.50
(500,000-250,000) * 37% ==> $92,500
(640,000-500,000) * 43% ==> $60,200

Taxed: $210,613
Percentage: 32.9%

0.0% ==> $0.00
(100,000-50,000) * 10% ==> $3,000
(300,000-100,000) * 20% ==> $40,000
(640,000-300,000) * 25% ==> $85,000

Taxed: $128,000
Percentage: 20%

Bracket #7: $10,000,000

$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(231,450-151,900) * 28% ==> $22,274
(413,350-231,450) * 33% ==> $60,027
(466,950-413,350) * 35% ==> $18,760
(10,000,000-466,950) * 39.6% ==> $3,775,087.8

Taxed: $3,905,666.30
Percentage: 39.1%

$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(231,450-151,900) * 28% ==> $22,274
(250,000-231,450) * 33% ==> $6,121.50
(500,000-250,000) * 37% ==> $92,500
(2,000,000-500,000) * 43% ==> $645,000
(10,000,000-2,000,000) * 48% ==> $3,840,000

Taxed: $4,635,413
Percentage: 46.4%

0.0% ==> $0.00
(100,000-50,000) * 10% ==> $3,000
(300,000-100,000) * 20% ==> $40,000
(10,000,000-300,000) * 25% ==> $2,425,000

Taxed: $2,468,000
Percentage: 25%

Bracket #8: $20,000,000

$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(231,450-151,900) * 28% ==> $22,274
(413,350-231,450) * 33% ==> $60,027
(466,950-413,350) * 35% ==> $18,760
(20,000,000-466,950) * 39.6% ==> $7,735,087.80

Taxed: $7,865,666.30
Percentage: 39.3%

$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(231,450-151,900) * 28% ==> $22,274
(250,000-231,450) * 33% ==> $6,121.50
(500,000-250,000) * 37% ==> $92,500
(2,000,000-500,000) * 43% ==> $645,000
(10,000,000-2,000,000) * 48% ==> $3,840,000
(20,000,000-10,000,000) * 52% ==> $5,200,000

Taxed: $9,835,413
Percentage: 49.2%

0.0% ==> $0.00
(100,000-50,000) * 10% ==> $3,000
(300,000-100,000) * 20% ==> $40,000
(20,000,000-300,000) * 25% ==> $4,925,000

Taxed: $4,968,000
Percentage: 24.8%

page 21. pre-emptive bump

Looks like more Tax cuts for the rich, similar to Bush. This is nothing new, and it actually ends up depriving the state of even more income in the long run, which weakens it and allows multinational corporations even greater influence.

This really won't help the poor in the long run and will cost programs like education and infrastructure development far more than it helps. This also hurts the poor in the long run.

visibility bump

Literal double think.
When your country has policies that allow it to be more prosperous, the tax rate can be lower and you can still meet the cost of the state, because non-static taxes are elicited in greater amounts because your economy is being allowed to grow and flourish. This over time will allow us to get our manufacturing jobs back for and thus allowing us to export again.
You fail to realize that almost everything in the system is taxed, and when you lower the cost to run in the system, you will increase the overall amount of inflow.
This in accordance with the fact that he wants to cut government to their costs, this will in no way hurt those who are only dependent on government assistance.

longevity bump


Being single, this tax plan is fantastic.

What i think is the greatest thing about Trump is his plan to implement import tariffs. The globalists care little of taxes on the rich because they can easily hide their scheckels in a tax haven but they will have a hard time hiding the wast tonnes of imported goods from where their wealth comes from.

What i think is the greatest thing about Trump is his plan to implement import tariffs. The globalists care little of taxes on the rich because they can easily hide their scheckels in a tax haven but they will have a hard time hiding the wast tonnes of imported goods from where their wealth comes from.

timely bump, because of that other thread


Fuck that.

I'm not voting for a socialist.

Singapore is truly a national socialist model of an ideal state with strong central authority that defends traditional values. It's also sage clean and beautiful.



Let's hope that the US starts caning criminals in public as well.

As a european i like the idea. You don't help the poor by taking it from the rich. You can only help them if you cut them some slack.

Say it with me brothers;
Nationalist American Worker's Party.

preservation bump

longevity bump

interesting, I didn't know that:

"I really like Trump's plan," the CNBC senior contributor told "The Steve Malzberg Show" in an interview. "One of the things I just love about it is the 15 percent corporate tax rate. "Remember, China's is 25, so if you want to beat China, lower the corporate tax rate — and that's just what Donald Trump has done. And by the way, small businesses … would pay the same low 15 percent rate. That's one of the key features.

Trump Turns to Kudlow, Moore to Rewrite Tax Plan

Trump's initial plan was criticized for expanding the deficit, according to the Tax Foundation, by an estimated $10 trillion in the next decade. Economist and CNBC host Kudlow tells Politico the changes he and Moore are recommending are just "tweaking" Trump's original plan, but the Tax Foundation now estimates those revisions would expand the deficit by $3.8 trillion.

page 23.
longevity bump

Sorry to ask, but can someone spoonfeed me on "flat-rate" taxes? Also, what do you make of this idealistic tax policy:


I like how both my posts ended in 57

It would be nice but it's not realistic, the size of the government is just too big right now.

Millions in my country would kill to live the life he had and has the gall to call it modest.

My people live in infinite humilation, but we have grown smart enough to learn the technologies of the west. One day, we shall release artifical plagues and poison the air with deadly gases. If we can't have prosperity, the nobody will have prosperity, everybody shall be equally dead and we will have your revenge! We will have revenge upon God himself by dismantling His work!


Bump to upset the slidebots


worth a bump




Libertarians can fuck off. CEOs should at least pay for the free protection they get.

Holy crap man. Poor people make the dumbest choices with their money. R selection to the max. No ability to defer gratification.

Some guy on this board posted about how he worked as an electrician in Africa I think, and all the people there blew their money on night life and junk.

Flat tax or consumption tax are the only things I want to hear.

The current tax code is retarded and so are the "poor"


I hate this media.
Disgusting, i fucking hate this "show the truth and put a '?' at the end" tactic, fucking sons of a bitch scum bags.
Cant wait for Trump to triumph over all this bullshit and see biblical levels of salt.

It's a stupid idea considering money always flows up and money flowing up will cause the economy to screech to a halt. Tarriffs and income tax are much better taxes. Sales tax always slow the economy down and are regressive so they weight the most heavily on people who work for a living. Flat tax is a meme pushed by greedy corps to levy taxes more heavily on the poor. It doesn't even address the real problems libertarianist fiscal policy was supposed to focus on like the federal reserve or centralization of the banks.

Americans are already being poisoned by our "prosperity". You have no clue the torture it is to live in America where nobody will even admit anything is wrong.

You forgot capital gains, this is taking away the main way the rich avoid taxes. It's the dirty little secret billionaires don't want you to know about.