I bet she can't read in a fourth grade level

I can understand your blind rage but can you at least TRY to find a target that actually deserves your vicious treatment. Maybe you could try going after Adolf Drumpf if you really care about America, that is.

Anyone here with half a brain can see the sinister reddipol agenda at work, we will not be caught in your tangled web Drumpflings…Beware of that.

There's enough people that shitpost here without you joining in.

No no You have lost!


You're not funny and you're not getting any bites. I'm guessing you're about 14 and just learning how to troll? Word of advice: Less is more.

How many months have you been here and you still can't come to terms with where you are.

What's wrong? Have you finally succumbed to full blown Drumpftardation to the point where you can't even understand simple points? It's MY body you MRA rapist mother fucker. it's a stroke of good luck that your penis is too small to actually penetrate a vagina.

Fuck off. Bbefire i make you.

*Holla Forumsiewer
Before anybody tries calling me a newfag it was a typo

liberals sure are getting desperate