'Deadpool' Director Shifts to Sony's 'Sonic the Hedgehog' Movie

Quality stuff. The one nigger is just sitting still wondering how much money they can sue the school for.

does this mean there'll be a scene where Sonic gets pegged?

If that was a thing it'd be better than any attempt of sony's to make a sonic movie.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Well, you could look at the bright side, the kid will probably be too terrified of anything sanic related to turn into a sanic obsessed autist.

Deadpool was easily the best capeshit movie of the decade. Action that you can actually follow, no shaky cam bullshit. It had minimal executive meddling and constantly shits on Hollywood/cinematic universe jewry by not introducing a bun of shit no one cares about.

I didn't like the references at first but upon re-watching, Deadpool is actually a good action-comedy movie.

Why does Holla Forums hate Deadpool? Because of the inevitable copycats that will try and imitate the R-rated comedy/gore and fourth-wall breaks?

It's like saying this smelly shit was the best smelly shit of the yard. Also, you're wrong, it's a wannabe gritty "comedy" that relies on childish humor and ends up being yet another origin story with a predictable ending.

…I'd watch that. No lie.

because people like it
