I'm starting to think many of the popular female actresses these days are trannies
I'm starting to think many of the popular female actresses these days are trannies
have you considered growing out your hair, learning how to apply makeup, and chopping off your anthony weiner to make it big in (((hollywood))) goy?
maybe that's just wishful thinking on your part?
No I mean just the narrow hips the wide shoulders and stuff
No the actual trannies look more like Women these days
That is weird. Is there a certain genetic trait that goes along with narrow hips and wide shoulders that, for some reason, makes it easier to get into movies?
What is with this meme? Shopping pictures of fridgerators? Seriously?
Pedophile rings?
Yeah check out thoseā¦.. curves?
Welcome to hell.
i dont get it
They are. Michelle Obama and the Williams "sisters" are trannies as well. It's a psyop to blend them into society.
It's 2016. we love Trannies now
Because the chemicals in the plastics girls dont have to make estrogen, that's why boys are getting tits now
You conspiracy tinfoil nutjob wackos need to just stop this nonsense. Go get a job, get vaccinated, drink some water, and shut the fuck up.
Its part of all the shit in the water and in our food and plastics, but also they just hire the more masculine women and effeminate men so they can blur the gaps between the sexes.
Men must be bought down, women bought up until they reach in the middle. This among with race mixing and eliminating the middle class, fights inequality and "will give us peace" (seriously, they think a one race, one culture world will mean no more war).
That's her brother, nigga, it's even in the filenameā¦
She has extremely masculine shoulders.
What a bod?
Devious little kikes.
Why is that little boy wearing a grils bathing suit?
How hard do you have to look to find someone with literally no ass no boobs and no hips?
just wow. i have a feeling that this babe could sell a movie on looks alone. has she been in any?
I think it's just that it's cheaper to payroll these ugly cunts. They know they only get the shekels because the kikes allow them to.
Maybe its to peddle to the Female demographic. I mean at most popular womens movies. What things do they have in common.
1. Hot guys, the assholes are hot, the nerds are hot, except the one comedy relief guy who is usually the fat one.
2. The Protagonists are 5/10 or lower. Shit bodies, crap faces.
3. If there are any Hot Girls, they will always be the evil one. Women automatically see any Woman hotter than them as the enemy.
I mean Christina Hendricks literally dropped off the face of the Earth after Mad Men. And she was considered by many to be the sex symbol of our time. Who is in control of whats popular and whats not?
Yeah, you're right. Women make up 70% of all expenditures despite earning a fraction of the income. It's why the corporations keep targeting them everywhere, the cunts spend the money their husbands and boyfriends make.
It's because women actually feel threatened by females they perceive as prettier than them. They are completely incapable of tolerating fiction where the woman is attractive, it triggers them hard.
It's why they lash out at everything, be it movies, books, TV shows, games, comics. Nothing can feature an attractive woman, that's "objectification".
All the celebrity and fashion magazines are under the thrall of ugly white women. They are the ones that dictate to the rest of the dumb cunts what is pretty and what is not, and they instigate jihads against any woman that might remind Western men what it means to look upon a woman with some basic hygene standards.
when I was young and dumb and didn't know about (((them))) I fucked a Jewish woman. I always wondered why she had a Hank Hill ass.
Little did I know they all do, it's as much of a sign as the nose or the ears.
When I was 19, I was propositioned by an 11 yr old girl online, apparently she met up with guys quite often, she even showed me her webcam and turned it around to show all the guys fapping to her. She was Jewish. LOL
Consider that the entirety of Hollywood is vehemently pro-LGBT.
If you take an introductory college class in journalism (and theoretically any other major correlating to mass communications), one of the things you will be familiarized with is an effect called Cultivation Theory. Cultivation Theory posits that heavy television viewers will have their perception formed by what they see on the television. Their brains will internalize what they see to be indicative of the state of the world, because as far as the brain is concerned, it's just more audio/visual information about the world. Psychological research has shown that the attractiveness of faces is determined by the average of the surrounding population.
From these three pieces of knowledge, we know that Hollywood would want to promote notions that support the LGBT community, they know that their products can warp the perception of their consumers, and (if informed of the psychological research on perception of beauty) they can warp their consumers' perception of beauty.
What would a rational person with that agenda and that influence do? Convinced of the righteousness of the Pro-LGBT cause, it doesn't seem to be a stretch that Hollywood producers/directors/casting directors would intentionally promote androgynous/masculine women (or potentially trannies) so as to warp the male audience's perceptions to be more favorable toward such women (or men with hormones and/or a mutilated dick). By warping preferences like that, they make people more likely to be gay (imposing cost on social condemnation of homosexuality), increase the likelihood of such masculine women having children (thereby propagating their genes), and makes it harder to discern between trannies and normal women.
blah blah blah blah blah. dont you ever give it a rest and just loosen up and have some fun user?