Even though Trump is still ahead, we can't get complacent, especially when we know there will be dirty tricks ahead.

Ted Cruz is known liar. I was doing some research and I noticed that his youtube channel has a ton of videos on it, almost 800 if I recall correctly. Whoever is working for him has been very diligent about putting clips of him appearing on TV, or people talking about him, etc. It's actually quite a comprehensive list.


Operation RAT HUNT is simple.

Step 1)

We need to go through all of his videos with a fine tooth comb and expose everything that we can. Whatever clips or inconsistencies we find, we need to document it, post about it here. If you are good with a video editing program, pull out the clip and upload it here for other people to use.

Step 2)

After we've worked together collecting clips that we can use against rato, we can compile them together to upload to places like youtube/facebook. We can put together videos that show all of the lies in one place, and also make videos about individual issues as well. We should also get clips from Trump rallies and put them together with ratos lies to destroy his credibility.
I'm okay at video editing and will be making clips and editing together videos to put on youtube, but it would be really helpful if other anons could assist in doing this as well.

That's pretty much it. If we could put together a really long comprehensive video, something like 30 minutes long, I bet a lot of people would watch it and it would definitely win us some converts to Trump.

If you are extremely dedicated to helping out for this project, use the program "Direct Video Downloader" and you can download all of the videos from his channel quickly and easily. A little information about the ultility so you knows that its not spyware: lifehacker.com/5927303/direct-youtube-downloader-downloads-entire-channels-or-all-your-favorites-in-glorious-hd
link to it: majorshare.com/direct-youtube-downloader
Just put TedCruzforSenate into the download area, queue up all of the links and wait for a day for it download 40 gig of Cruz.

Just in case rato were to remove any of these videos from youtube, I have already downloaded them all and will reupload any that have been taken down.

Other urls found in this thread:





good idea OP, it's rat poison time

What like how he had people touring Kansas on Caucas Day

Let's do this


do you even meme?

Fixed that for you

I stole those memes like how Cruz stole votes.

Here are some of the other threads similar to this. We should pull useful information from there and post them here now that we have a devoted sticky.

hello rato

You insufferable faggot

You mean

Let's do this

This slimy rat seems more durable than Jeb

I almost miss jeb

to those actually concerned over cruz i suggest you read this article, washpo is no friend of trump but they do a good job here of explaining why this 'momentum' narrative is largely wishful thinking. cruz is no different from santorum or huckabee in 08/12, santorum won 11 states, do you think they were saying romney was threatened by santorum because santorum won some cuck caucus states like kansas and iowa?

its just gaslighting, cruz is pretty much fucked now that the south and bible country is over with.

trump will win mississippi and michigan and go onto win florida, ohio is a tossup, i expect kasich to use voter fraud to win there.


>Iowa caucuses
Colorado caucuses
Minnesota caucuses
Missouri nonbinding primary
North Dakota caucuses
Kansas caucuses


we need to crush Cruz swiftly and with great prejudice

I'm tired of looking at his disgusting rat face

Trump needs to in a debate make him look like a Establishment Puppet
Something another user said I thought was a good plan
Cruz typically goes off topic from a question, Trump should Target Cruz when this happens saying something like "That wasn't the question he asked Cruz"
When Cruz does it again Donald should keep at it, saying stuff like "Come on Cruz this again", "Cruz are you there, you're barely answering the guy" "How can we expect a question dodger to be a good president" or "Twisty Cruz at it again"

hello rato

Me too, he was so cool.

I know I shouldn't be doing this but my ID has Quads
Sage for off topic

if this post is quads, el rato will choke on his next booger

You were 1 off dubs

hello rato

That's a "paid for" face if ever I saw it.

Here are 6 of his lies.

Mods sticky this

Hey guys. Anyone shameless enough to submit a copyright strike on his videos? There's nothing he can do about it, you can suppress anything you want, for 30 days guaranteed. Then after that you can just do it again.

3 strikes and the channel gets shut down.



As far as I know, the process is 100% automated. You don't even have to be the actual owner for the content to be taken down. You just say you are - it doesn't matter.

Listen up, guys. I need much more solid evidence of some of Holla Forums's claims. Can I get a source definitively proving Hillary Clinton is guilty of crimes? (And I mean a legitimate source, no bullshit like Info Wars.) Can I get a source with some real, hard evidence about the alleged rigging in… which state was it? The one where Trump was supposed to win by a huge margin. Yeah, it made no fucking sense, but we can't assume it was rigged unless we have some really credible information to that end.

I want to make some Holla Forums videos, but I have very little time to do research. I'm also not that good at it anyway. But I do feel the need to help Trump and hurt Cruz. Cruz is a cheat and an asshole. However, guys, I think we're a little too against him. I mean, on policy, he's pretty damn solid. Just like the Establishment needs to get over their trump hate, we need to be ready to support even Ted Cruz if he does wind up beating Trump.

I'm pretty sure you can lose your account if you go around issuing false claims.

Go trip and fall into a fucking gas chamber you shilling kike.


Go trip and fall into a fucking gas chamber you shilling kike.

Hotwheels needs to fix this fucking mess

So you just make a new account. Fuck off, shill.

Stop giving shills ideas, dumbdumb. The only reason they'd want to flag these videos is to shut down our mining.

Fuck off, you dick. I am all in for Trump, but I'm also ready to support ANY fucking Republican against that fucking crusty Jewish commie and that fucking bitch.



Look, man, my accounts are actually incredibly important to me. I am trying to make some actual money with one of them, in fact.

No, I just really need some good sources and also wanted to give you faggots a quick reminder that, hey, Cruz is still infinitely better than either Democrat. Not that he should be our nominee. He's very douchey and annoying. But he's still a Republican.

Honestly It will be better to have Hillary in than Cruz or Rubio
If Hillary is in the Overtarian window will shift harder right than a Trump loss will shift it left
And even ignoring that Hillary will wreck things so hard its unlikely a Happening won't happen
While Cruz/Rubio will be really bad meaning a democrap will get in probably for 8 years like they did when the two George Bushes got in

this is dumb

this guy is correct.

We need to keep the videos up for a while so people can download them. Theres not much of a point to take down his youtube, he doesn't have a ton of views of subscribers. it's worth more at this point to keep the videos online so people have time to go through them and to show that the clips are real


just FYI to the shills. Theres no use pulling the videos now, I already downloaded them before I posted this thread. If I have to, I will reupload. Id rather not, but if things start disappearing, i'll make sure to make it available for download again.

Should we get a torrent of it going? are there enough people who would want to download a full pack of all of these videos to search through? Its like 40 gigs.

Just make a new mega account. They give like 50Gb for free.

Schlomo, the weather's been rough in Jerusalem, hasn't it?

We don't need a happening, and we wouldn't be guaranteed one anyway. If Hillary gets in, it's four more years of Obama, plain and simple. And it's a completely fucked Supreme Court. That is honestly the most important part of this! We absolutely MUST HAVE A REPUBLICAN WIN so that we can save the Supreme Court. A Democrat would make the Supreme Court an enemy to America as we know it.

I hate how you fucking stormfag retards can't take any constructive criticism and instead just call everyone a fucking Jew. Go hang yourself, you intellectual dead weight. You have no ability to think for yourself.

A shifted Overtarian Window is more useful than a right wing dudeweedlmoa

>implying we (ching chong land) are more subtle than them

nice try establishment-kun


whats the link to sign up for a mega account? I'll upload it if people want, it will just take me forever though.

If someone here has a really fast upload/download they could mirror much faster than myself. But ill do if I got to

Don't use that word, unless you want to get filtered and possibly banned. That's not wise, even if you are a shill.


Nice, was just thinking about that video.

hello rato

Nigga, the Overton Window has RELENTLESSLY moved farther and farther left the longer Obama has been in office! You think changing him into a chick is gonna reverse that trend!?

Look, too many of you fucks are so consumed by your Jew hatred that you lose all rational thought. Yes, there are a lot of fucking Jewish puppet masters in the world. Get the fuck over it and focus on what you can change.

I'm uploading videos there now. The only issue is that it says it only gives 10gb of bandwidth though, and considering there are 40gb of videos, that wont work if we have a bunch of people downloading them.

Ill go ahead and upload them all though so they are online and accessible

How else can we get these videos out there?

Gas yourself, Chaim.

here is the link for the mega. I'm going to leave my computer on and let it upload, it will take a while though.


You should only use the mega if youtube is blocked for you. If you can use youtube, you should be using the utility I linked in the OP.

Gassing won't be enough for you.
"Do it to Leah!"

That's exactly why we are antisemites. jewish reign will fall.

People call you a shill because you act like one. Stop using leftist buzzwords and lurk more.

Look up for threads about leaked shillary mails.

But Cruz is nuts.

He is smart though, I give him that.

room 101 for you

LOL, you wish. Look, the elite Jews who run so many things are a clever bunch, and I have no idea how you can think that's going to change anytime soon. Also, I lurk plenty, I just do not agree with everything that Holla Forums generally believes. And I also dislike some of Holla Forums's tropes. The stormfaggotry is really fucking annoying, for one. Everyone who's looked into it for even a minute knows that there are elite Jewish puppetmasters all over the place, yes, but the way so many of you fucking blame them for literally everything is laughable.

It's fucking ridiculous.

He is indeed a nut, but not nearly as much as either Democrat.

Good riddance, you fucking loser.

Are you going to room 101 or will the thought police have to force you

Go to Stormfront and bring back a thread that shows why Stormfront sucks.


I'll wait :^)


Laughable? Newfag confirmed.


Cruz is the absolutel worst on h1b's and I'd vote bernie over him.

For all newfriends, this is what we call a derail shill. It's an old JIDF tactic recently adopted by Applied Memetics and even Holla Forums and chanoutreach.

Notice the progression of the shill, in the first post he attempts to cast doubt on things that have been covered on Holla Forums over and over again, hoping to derail the thread into a discussion we've had many many times. Shills often use this trick, attempting to get Holla Forums to repeat itself over and over again in every thread on things that are more or less settled for most people here. When called out on his shilling, what the shill will often do is double down with something along the lines of ">didn't answer my argument >your claims are as baseless as the left >anybody who disagrees with me is a shill" etc. etc. You'll see what this kike did was quickly devolve into "stormfag" and "lel you retards actually think the jews control everything XD" shitposting.

I know this election has brought many new people to this board, please learn to recognize this pattern or patterns like it. It's probably the most commonly used shill technique on here outside of repetition, concern shilling, and false consensus spamming.

There is nothing wrong with using [citation needed] in the correct circumstances and doing so doesn't instantly make you a shill.

Using it in response to well known facts or the outcomes of logical deduction should set off alarm bells though.

Rato caught in a complete and utter lie. "Illegal aliens should be legalized, guys! Fuck illegal aliens, I never they should be legalized"


This could be turned into a very powerful video.

read the text above

You mean the text above the [citation needed] bit? I did and all it implied in my opinion that questioning skepticism of something in any way instantly makes you a shill.

Courtesy bump.


Get back on topic, retards.

Very good stuff. It annoys e how the media is outright ignoring this stuff. They claim Trump is this all evil person yet the guy who parrots a lot of Trump's stuff is generally ignored and allowed to fly under the radar. It's disgusting really.

You guys need directive, do you realize that this operation is on a full fucking circlejerk?

here, let me do something for you faggots but I expect something in return, I want you idiots to do your part while I do mine.

Give me an anti-trump ad and i'll try to make an anti-cruz ad, trust me I work for this type of shit.

once you give me an ad that says "don't vote for trump" i'll try to get a cruz ad going that says "don't vote for cruz"

Also, Help me out now will ya? I need a fucking source here, what do I say on descriptions to dismantle ted cruz, all I have is that he's not a citizen.

Also, keep in mind, i'm a shitty brazilian who is not a citizen and I never plan to go to america, but I want donald trump to win and I want america to build a wall to keep all the shitskins in my country out of your border.

Let us work together on this shall we?

Wow! very low energy this morning i'll tell you that.

Come on kiddos, we ain't got all day, quit fucking procastinating and give me some top cringe anti-trump materials so I can begin my work.


who cares about that guy my man, focus on my post, I need that source ASAP.

Be more obvious, faggot, we won't fall for your reddit tier shilling, you should learn from professional Israeli shills, those guys know what's up.

The Rat worked for convicted felon Robert Mericle.



Somebody oughta counter the shilling so they know it's no use, sorry brah, at least I bumped the thread for ya.

No this is bad. Like OP said we can't get complacent. We need to knock this guy out and we need to do it now. He needs to be our new Jeb.By any means necessary. If we lose Trump we lose the only candidate we have as Holla Forums we might not get another one for another 8 years.

New article came out on one of the guys running rats campaign.



This guy running Cruz campaign sounds like a real scum bag. I'd say this is why Cruz lies so much and did shit like Carson it's this guy.


Ted Cruz Failed To Disclose Ties To Caribbean Holding Company


wiki fag here
proper way to do it is {{cn}}

effeminate rat here: youtube.com/watch?v=li83kcwXKak

He should only be referred to as Rafael Eduardo Cruz or Rat. None of this "Ted" stuff.

Not new, saw it during the Applied Memetics thing. But good article nonetheless.

Might have been more effeminate back then but rat's more of a pussy now.

lel, any way to get Trump on this? Just imagine what will happen in next debates once Trump names the rat.

Rat represented a CHINESE company against a Florida company.

It's fucking go time lads


Gold right there.

I WILL HELP (a little bit)

I have 30 recent Trump rallies saved, mostly from Feb 2016. (Need to download more sometime.)

Also have all the GOP debates.

I ran them all through Speech Analysis in Premiere (feature removed after 2014) to get an inaccurate transcript. Makes it fairly easy to search by topic when digging for clips.

oh shit, wrong link there. effeminate rat is here: youtube.com/watch?v=0uf9d7gQlbM

Cruz mentions his background at Harvard here, couple exploitable soundbites in here perhaps

@ 2:14

While this hunt is going on, should we also start attacking Kasich? Arnold's endorsement and Ohio's polls are cause for concern.

not until he actually wins something. Cruz is the only immediate threat.

Kasich only has a chance at winning Ohio and attacking Kasich after Ohio would be pointless. 66 delegates are at stake, not a number to ignore.

Alright faggots, you all procastinated so hard that you forgot to aid me and now i'm left wondering if this is SHIT, DECENT or GOOD.

BUT. time is up and I have to go to work, BUT, before I do I want to make this VERY FUCKING CLEAR AND YOU ONLY GOT A SHOT AT THIS SO DO ME A FAVOR IF YA CAN.


Here is how this shit works, if your state hasn't voted yet or you're planning to go to your neighboring state that is, then DO THIS.

1. Find a fucking printshop, I don't care where just do it.
2. Ask the guy to print this shit as A4, remember you fucking neets, its not A3/A2/A1 it is A4, REMEMBER IT.
3. make sure you DO NOT use shitty bond sheets to print this out, if you do kill yourself, otherwise you're golden.
4. USE QUALITY PAPER, not the worthless fucking type, the type that actually HANDLES WEATHER CONDITION, keep in mind that rain and snow exists as well as windy days, if you print it using shit paper your effort is absolute shit.
5. GO EVERYWHERE, find your local caucus and staple this bitch where the naked eye can see, there is a caucus nearby? grab some glue or whatever the fuck you can and start to place these wherever you can possible, spread this thing like WILDFIRE and you might actually convince a cuckold to vote against cruz.

Look faggots i'm not the greatest ad maker but i'm like the guy on this thread:

I am doing my part so you should do yours too, I understand i'll receive criticism for the ads but guys, LISTEN UP, OUR TIME IS SHORT, do tell me what else I need to add but it can't be complicated, I made it as simple as possible, very straightforward message and all, just does the work, so get the fuck out there and start stamping these fuckers everywhere you go ON THE STATE THAT WILL HAVE THE CAUCUS.

Thank you for your time.


Someone should inform the MSM or Trump or anyone really. This could really hurt Rato.

Requesting help.


Zadroga Act basically the police, fire fighters and fist response got sick from the dust and shit and their healthcare plans don't cover them because of some bullshit.




It might be nothing but it could be something that Trump might be able to use. Cruz is gravestanding on the dead and sick from 9/11 but refuses to push for a bill that helps them get the medical care they need most likely because willing to use EMS when it suits him but when they start costing to much money he doesn't give fuck.

We need to get Trump to re-aim at Cruz. Cruz runs his campaign off of lies and the cuckservative media (local radio stations) repeat them.
Trump needs to make Cruz answer for his involvement in the TPA and TPP.

Reposting someone's post from the Primary/Caucus thread:

Regardless of the eventual plan the RNC has in mind for Cruz, his race is still an obstacle. Squash the rat. Quash the lies.

Into the trash it goes.mkv

jk, nice work

Filtered, my yid.

This picture

This info

And this video

Tweet them @erictrump, @donaldjtrumpjr, @danscavino, @clewandowski, as well as at any pro-cruz goyim you can think of.

I may be a chink, but I think China should put its nose out of America.

I like this! those hashtags kek


I really think this thread is procrastinating to the point of not focusing on one objective, i'm not saying everybody is wrong, but feel free to use that image for another thread, (tfw on a fucking bus trying to type shit on a cancerous phone)

if you do make a new thread with the same idea I shared, just copy pasting would be fine with a few justifications and tweaks, then you'll likely have more people to help us.

that sessions video is a good one

so make another one for doing this shit.

you kike faggot.



with cruz you lulz


Need more support here as well:

What do you guys think about calling him by his real name Raphael?

This kinda let an impression of outsider/

hello rato

Ted Cruz Campaigning Tomorrow In Mississippi With Extremist Bryan “Arrest All The Gays” Fischer

This shit should scare the normies

We need to further connect Ted Cruz with his shameless Goldman Sachs connections.

When he ran for Senator in 2012, he made a focal point of his campaign that his support was so "grassroots" he even had to take out a mortgage on his own house. Conveniently, he had no problem disclosing his home mortgage on his FEC filings, but forgot to properly disclose the two zero-interest loans he received from Goldman Sachs & CitiBank which no one discovered until this Presidential election.


I'm sure by no small coincidence, Goldman Sachs also happens to be his #4 campaign contributor from 2011 – 2014.


Additionally, Cruz' wife Heidi is no simple stay-at-home mom. She is a highly paid investment manager at Goldman Sachs who makes more money than Ted does. She is also a radical liberal, serving on the notoriously liberal and pro-immigration organization the "Council for Foreign Relations" where in 2005 she co-authored a paper urging the Federal Government to abolish borders with Canada and Mexico and allow free, unregulated immigration between these countries.


Cruz has the dirtiest connections to Wall St banks of any GOP candidate still running. He campaigns as a tea party conservative who's going to stand up to Wall St and end federal bailouts of banks, but it's blatantly obvious that he's on Goldman Sachs' payroll and is merely controlled opposition.

Filter this fucking shill. Don't allow suspicious posters to derail this thread.



Yes, there really is an Alberta rat patrol.

it seems like one of the escaped to the US

Reminder for all the printfaggots:

They chased him out. Did the job.

I don't get why this got stickied when

Have a lot more info and ammo against Cruz


Rafael Edward Cruz –?→ Ted Cruz
C'mon. He chose Ted because it sounds less foreign

OP is probably a mod

Who fucking cares? Like muh sliding it's irrelevant whining… and since this is anonymous I don't see the benefit, other than that complaining is d&c

It's more about making sure that when the window shifts right it fucking shifts hard.

You're spinning your wheels. Go to the South, it's common.

The Overton Missing Wall because it ain't no window anymore.

You want to help Cruz or not faggot?

This. Many of the videos could make for a good start. Cruz seems to have flip-flopped on damn near every issue out there.

He even opposed the Wall in 2013 when Sessions proposed it.



Ron Paul: Cruz 'owned by Goldman Sachs'

This picture

This info

And this video
Watch them and make your own content and tweet them to @realdonaldtrump, @erictrump, @donaldjtrumpjr, @danscavino, @clewandowski, and anyone else you can think of


Just because we're winning, we cannot relax. These dirty cheating rats have been slowly stealing delegates from our God Emperor via fraud.

hello rato

The boogers must have done him in.


Why the fuck is Chis McDaniel endorsing Cruz, while his lawyer, Mitch Tyner, is endorsing Trump?


Mississippi was the 2014 representative straw that broke the conservatives back – because Mississippi was ground zero for the GOPe attack against the conservative base of their own party during the primary season of 2014.

GOPe candidate Senator Thad Cochran -vs- Conservative, grassroots candidate Chris McDaniel was the exemplification of elitist republican arrogance against the grassroots electorate of the party.

The Washington DC based GOPe, led by Senator Mitch McConnell, ran racist attack ads against their own party candidate Chris McDaniel just to protect their incumbent cohort Thad Cochran.

After McDaniel won more primary votes than Cochran, a run-off was needed. The GOPe through the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee (NRSCC), where Ted Cruz was a vice-chair member, then paid Democrats to vote in the runoff to aid Cochran.

The racist attack ads, in combination with the intentional voter fraud, was the most visible and divisive tactic in modern republican history. The GOPe behavior showed how they would do anything to remain in power, A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G!

He is probably lying so he can escape from being called out on campaining with Bryan nutcase Fischer. Of course this also damages him in that for the next few days he can't show himself as being anything other than sick. Unless he wants to be called a liar, oh wait…

The (((GOPe))) doesn't want Cruz so they and the press are holding back a mountain of dirt that could be released in a general election to tank him. The easiest of these are his ties to fringe probably rogue CIA-run religious groups.

hello rato

hello rato

We should compile a collage of Cruz looking out from the corner of his eye, like in that pic, and when he tried to rape his daughter. It's so fucking autistic-looking and attention-seeking. He's such a pasty-faced goober



That font needs to be much bigger, and maybe scale down his ugly fucking face.

No they aren't, they've never been clever, it's why they always sow the seeds of their own destruction. They're doing it now in their hysterical opposition of Trump and support of Islamic "refugees".



Same shit… if it's a good goy it doesn't matter if they have an R or D next to their names.

prepare your anuses fagits

Isn't this article the one that never came out?

The thing is, at first I thought it was Breitbart's style, but it's really not. There style is to release a bit of a story at a time, so the liberals have to scamper for cover after each blast, like with the baby-part sales.This is just being a faggot.


Yes, the one held back by editorial for about a month.

Perhaps they were hedging their bets in case Cruz was the frontrunner and they didn't want to scupper his chances in November. Perhaps they've seen that Trump needs a little help and have timed it for maximum impact.

Well, we'll find out sometime today.

hello rato

Let the memes flow. Rato will be done for.

Not bad. The first lie isn't countered well though. Cruz says that Trump wants to replace Obamacare with socialized medicine, then you have clips of Trump saying he wants to repeal Obamacare and replace it with "something better"

A lot of people aren't going to see that as a refutation of Cruz's lie, but in fact a piece of evidence that supports Cruz's statement.

Trump has released his healthcare plan, and although it doesn't fit the template of this type of video, it's actually evidence of Trump's position. Trump wasn't given an opportunity to lay out his healthcare plan at the last debate, but maybe he has at a rally. If you can find a clip of that, it would work a lot better than what's in right now.

oh my

lel what, who is that guy?

Dumping some stuff I spammed on the never trump hashtag and the nancy reagan trend

He "delivered", finally.

this website fucking sucks

Just kidding.

He's actually dropped the real story, and it's pony-related bullshit:


Jesus what a faggot, can he stop baiting. It better be good since the 1 month delay.

you've fooled me for the last time

This is masterful.

You know you fucked up when I'd rather hang you to keep you from shilling against a gay jew

Check the date, that article came out over a month ago.

Ted Cruz joins the establishment
from The Hill - this may be the most effective line of attack going forward

Establishment, globalist advocates published what will go down as the most disingenuous, deceitful and outright dishonest promotional piece on behalf of the so-called fast-track trade authority that could have been written. Authored by establishment GOP Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and heretofore "conservative" Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), the op-ed in The Wall Street Journal is a compilation of talking points and slick dodges. It is textbook propaganda that would make the disinformation experts of the KGB blush.

The dynamic duo start by asserting that the U.S. must "strengthen the country's bargaining position” by giving President Obama fast-track powers. Really? The GOP Congress thinks it is vital to our national interest to expand the powers in Obama's hands? And, what exactly "strengthens" our bargaining power? So the only way to win a deal is by convincing foreign governments that the U.S. Congress will be limited in what it can say on the matter? Are we to tell the world that the people and their elected representatives will be sidelined so a "deal" can be done?

Next, Ryan and Cruz assert that the American worker has been placed at a terrible disadvantage to workers in the rest of the world and that we have to give Obama more power in order to address this serious problem. But, of course, nowhere is there a mention of the fact that a big part of that "disadvantage" is currency manipulation and other financial gimmicks — issues that are expressly kept out of the trade deal. I guess nobody told these gentlemen that the primary weapon being used against American workers and business is not going to be discussed. Had they been allowed to read and review the so-called deal — the Trans-Pacific Partnership — they might have known that. But sadly, the Obama administration has kept the "deal" under lock and key — virtually nobody has been allowed to view it.

But this is a minor matter compared to the bald-faced falsehoods that follow. The congressional odd couple assert that Congress will demand three things from Obama, three "requirements" that will protect the nation. In truth, all three are hollow shells; the tools of bait and switch that have used to con America in the past. And what are three shells of the con game?

First, it asserted that there will be 150 "specific negotiating objectives." Sounds good, except these objectives are nothing more than suggestions. If Obama comes back with a treaty and none of these "objectives" are included, there is no effect. The treaty will still get the up-or-down vote. No amendments will be allowed to be offered. No two-thirds ratification vote in the Senate will occur. And of course, at that point, all the special interests — having been fed their fill — will demand passage. Are we to believe that Ryan and Cruz will vote against the treaty if the 150 "objectives" are not included? If that is the case, why do they not say so?

Second, it is asserted that the administration would be required to "consult" with Congress over the course of final negotiations. This is the "kissing your sister" argument — no meaning and slightly discomforting.

Finally, it is claimed that giving Obama more power will enhance the power of Congress and thereby the American people. This is simply a lie. Under the authority Ryan and Cruz want to give the administration, the powers given Congress under the Constitution are suspended. No amendments are allowed. U.S. law will be subjugated to a treaty that can be passed by a simple majority in the two houses. Hollywood and Wall Street will get what they want and the American taxpayers will be given the bill. So, gentlemen, how are the American people protected by suspending the Constitution? Is this the 2016 GOP platform — gather votes signing praises of the Constitution while moving to undercut and suspend it at will?

[…] For Ryan to do this is expected, but Cruz's shilling for this big lie may be the last straw for those who became known as Tea Party supporters. The irony is that if they give up hope that America can be restored because they no longer have a champion, who is going to vote for Ted Cruz?

The answer is no one.




Helo rato

too much text?


Not to mention that the picture with ted doesnt blend with the background.



When will Ted Cruz disavow Tony Perkins of FRC?

In 1996, when Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Tony Perkins was help­ing the U.S. Sen­ate cam­paign of Woody Jenk­ins against Mary Lan­drieu, Perkins was fined $3,000 for fil­ing false dis­clo­sure forms in an attempt to hide $82,500 he had paid for a mail­ing list from, you guessed it, David Duke!

Perkins has also caused con­tro­versy being pic­tured address­ing a group that has been known for white suprema­cist rhetoric, the Coun­cil of Con­ser­v­a­tive Cit­i­zens, while a Louisiana State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive.

On May 17, 2001, Perkins gave a speech to the Louisiana chap­ter of the Coun­cil of Con­ser­v­a­tive Cit­i­zens (CCC), a white suprema­cist group that has described black peo­ple as a “ret­ro­grade species of human­ity”. Perkins claimed not to know the group’s ide­ol­ogy at the time, but it had been widely pub­li­cized in Louisiana and the nation, just two years ear­lier. In an April 26, 2005 arti­cle in The Nation, reporter Max Blu­men­thal revealed that in 1996 while man­ag­ing the unsuc­cess­ful U. S. Sen­ate cam­paign of Woody Jenk­ins, Tony Perkins “paid for­mer Ku Klux Klan Grand Wiz­ard David Duke $82,500 for his mail­ing list.” Despite Perkins’ denials the doc­u­ment autho­riz­ing the pay­ment car­ried Perkins’ sig­na­ture. The Duke inci­dent sur­faced again in the local press in 2002, when Perkins ran unsuc­cess­fully for the U.S. Sen­ate.


hello rato

With Cruz you LOS would be smoother.

actually, the composition is just right, any changes might make it better but increasing the font size will make it look like huffington post.

This was a better sticky than the kikebart-brony bullshit.

"Howdy y'all!"

"El Rafael Here, Born in canada!"

"Regular ol'Merican just like you!"

"Bankers you say? (insert worried ted's face) oh thats really nothing…"

"It was just a small loan from GOLDMAN-SACHS"

hello rato

I think it's pretty good.

Why does Rafael The Rat want to kill the gays when he's the biggest faggot around (after li'l Marco)? Why doesn't the media demand that he DISAVOW?

Cruz said we should take in Syrian Refugees, starting at 1:01. Needs to be juxtaposed with the Paris terror attacks and the one in San Bernardino.

It's not so much that Cruz is naturally gaining momentum, but i do think Trump is rapidly losing it and additionally it seems the cucked Rubio voters are starting to follow R-moneys plan and vote Cruz.

wew lad.


Hello rato

I have been going onto John Oliver videos on JewTube and finding the comments with like 100+ replies.

Then I say some variation of:
"Ted Cruz was right when he said, "Hitler did nothing wrong.""

The little Icon for notifications on youtube is literally ellipses…

nah man were not a bunch of slimy jews who flag channels.

that is the epitomy of jew tactics.



start referring to trump as President Donald Trump
to help meme it into reality

President Donald Trump will make america great again

We need to spread the info on twitter and goybook. The media will not report anything bad about Cruz.

b u m p


we're not finished with Cruz, let's keep the Cruz threads alive.


Quads of truth. We need to finally kill the rat.

hello rato


almost at the bottom already. bump

Aren't there allegations of him having an affair and forcing his mistress to have an abortion to protect his political career?

Hello rato

Let's bump this, we haven't done enough against Cruz. Remember he has now replaced Jeb! and Lubio as the favorite politician of the GOP establishment.

I've heard that his other senators disliked him. Are there any quotes out there from anyone?

hello rato

hello rato


I wonder if we could get people to chant
at a Trump rally.

So, did anyone make any videos?

I think an interesting way to format them for normie consumption would be to frame it as pro-rato (upload them under the name Ted Cruz 2016, title the video something like "Ted Cruz on Illegal Immigration" and make a short legit looking introduction) until they watch the video where the substance is several clips of "Ted" contradicting himself, outright lying, etc. Then help spread them with messages along the lines of "woooow" to social media, where stupid normies are likely to watch it to find out what made you react that way. I see this a lot on dumblr and it seems to be an effective way at getting someone to watch something that they'd otherwise keep scrolling. Ideally these should be spread on legit social media accounts if you have them and are closeted about your Trump support, or at least more subtle sockpuppets with lots of followers, to reach the most people and be completely divorced from Trump (it'll be seen as smearing by Trump supporters, shutting off their brains) or politically incorrect ideas ("trolling," also shuts off their brains). They should be made in a way that anyone can share them without being accused of being a fascist/Trump supporter, obviously, so that normalfags feel compelled to share them themselves if they're good enough.

Lindsey Graham said a few weeks ago that if someone killed Ted Cruz in the Senate and the jury for his trial were the members of the Senate the murderer would get away with it. Something like that.

Yet he ended up endorsing Cruz last week. Lindsey Graham is the Queen of cuckservatism.

As long as Cruz has more than 10% we still have work to do

His mistresses aren't enough. There's some good videos in this thread.

Media Continues to Ignore Ted Cruz's Embrace of "Kill the Gays" Pastor

In a Cruz Vs Clinton general election the media would attack him over and over with these kind of stories. Cruz is the perfect candidate to fall before Clinton. The Tedtanic needs to sink now before he tries to sink the country.


lllloonnnngggg article, sounds as if it was written by a friend of the guy to promote him.

←- he made this flyer back when Cruz was his client's target. Maybe we can recycle it.



Another bump. there's a couple of good links


oops didn't mean to sage this one

bottom of the catalog. bump.


When I'll finally be able to post it I'll post the picture showing how Ted Cruz copied Donald Trump's immigration program

It looks like I can't upload the picture in this thread for some reason.

smart enough to take orders and copulate with a rat.


"He goes on to detail that a primary ballot disqualification hearing has been scheduled by the Secretary of State for Monday, April 11 at 9:00 a.m. in Mercerville, New Jersey."

That was today. What happened?

"He goes on to detail that a primary ballot disqualification hearing has been scheduled by the Secretary of State for Monday, April 11 at 9:00 a.m. in Mercerville, New Jersey."

That was today. What happened?

Ron Paul won Maine, so no it's not weird for a Texas politician to do well there.

I've lived in rural Maine. There are a shitload of evangelical/baptist churches around where I was. Pretty surprising to see them there of all places, but it's true. VT and NH should have been pretty good predictors. Give rafael more from the bible thumpers and from it being a caucus. I would have expected the folks up there to rally around Trump as an outsider.

The state GOPe must have gone all out for Cruz and was yugely successful. Would be willing to be there was some fuckery afoot by them or the liberal hippies that dot the state as well. Whatever the case, seeing Cruz do better than Holla Forums expected wasn't much of a surprise to me, but how was better was ridiculous.



Nice to see this thread is still up.

delegate count goes to cruz likely GOP nominee trump won't win 85% chance statistically:


I'm losing my mind fam

What do?!

Random burnings and chimpouts?

Get delegate doxxed and begin operation:


Liberty…… Needs watering

For sleepless panic.

hello rato

hello rato

All the good Cruz related thread should be kept alive until his boat sinks. There's three or four in the catalog.

reading RedState.com and believing them


why is this whole board all fucked up. Even images take one hour to open here. Fuck. When are you going to fix this kikewheels

You can change the world with only a handful of well placed 7.62x51.

hello rato

hello rato

hello rato

speaking of Jeff Roe, it's murky but he may have jumped on the occasion:

Ted Cruz’s Coup Against Right-Wing Matriarch Phyllis Schlafly


Eagle Forum, a conglomerate of conservative groups which anti-feminist icon Phyllis Schlafly started in 1972, has been rocked by inner turmoil over the last week that has pit family members against each other. And the group’s head, Ed Martin, says Cruz’s campaign is using its much-discussed “dirty tricks” to sow conflict in the organization as revenge for Schlafly’s endorsement of Donald Trump.

Schlafly, one of conservatives’ most prominent and visible leaders, played a key role in blocking the passage of an Equal Rights Amendment, and her group claims 80,000 members. Martin said the Cruz team set its sights on Eagle Forum when Schlafly endorsed the Texan’s opponent. And he said Cruz supporters in the organization leaked private emails to the campaign, and that Cruz’s campaign manager, Jeff Roe, confronted him about statements in the leaked emails.

Board member Cathie Adams confirmed to The Daily Beast that she passed on emails to the Cruz campaign that criticized the candidate. “There was an email that was forwarded to me that was very critical of Ted and Heidi Cruz, and being a strong supporter, of course I did give that to a person in the campaign,” she said, adding that Schlafly herself did not write that email.

Adams didn’t say who wrote the email or what specifically it said about Cruz. “It was a very ugly email,” she said. “And I really want to drop it at that, and I don’t want to be fingering the person who wrote it.”

Martin said the email leak was a massive breach of trust. “Jeff Roe has a reputation for dirty tricks that he likes to encourage,” Martin said. “A plus B plus C makes you start thinking — it adds up to this.”


“They were private emails that Anne admitted were improperly forwarded to Cathie who thought it wise to give to Cruz,” he said, citing what he views as evidence that Cruz backers in the organization were more loyal to the Texan than to Schlafly. “Roe then texted/emailed trying to get Eagle Forum to hold different views. That’s now how we do things.”

Martin said those Cruz backers also gave the campaign contact information for its state leaders, which the campaign used to try to pressure elderly Eagle Forum members into endorsing Cruz. He said one member got a call from someone working for Cruz who said, “I heard you’re going to endorse Ted Cruz. Eagle Forum’s for Ted Cruz. What’s your date of birth?”

Adams confirmed that Cruz supporters at Eagle Forum gave members’ contact information to the campaign. She added that she didn’t think there was anything inappropriate about that. “Public information was given to the Cruz campaign in order to verify those endorsements or not,” she said. “No one was pressured. It was only a verification. That’s it.”


Mmm… that could be the reason why he sent half a million to Fiorina's super PAC. If Sarah Isgur Flores got pregnant and had an abortion her silence would be worth at least half a million dollars.

another bump

we're not finished with him

hello rato

bump worthy

Pro-Cruz Plotters Against Phyllis Schlafly Drag Eagle Forum Founder into Court


"In the latest development of 91-year-old Phyllis Schlafly’s ongoing fight against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) supporters within her organization, Schlafly will appear in court on Tuesday to fight to retain control of her legacy and the organization she founded over 40 years ago.

As Breitbart News has previously reported, the internal strife within Eagle Forum is connected to Schlafly’s decision to endorse GOP frontrunner Donald Trump over Texas Senator Ted Cruz. When explaining her support for Trump, Schlafly cited Trump’s strong positions on promoting pro-America trade policies, curbing immigration, and defending national sovereignty — issues which are very important to Schlafly.

The suit was filed by Schlafly’s own daughter, Anne Schlafly Cori, and four other Cruz supporters within Schlafly’s organization: Eunie Smith, Cathie Adams, Carolyn McLarty, and Rosina Kovar. Shirley Curry, the only other member of the so-called “Gang of Six” who is a plaintiff in this case, has not taken a public position on the presidential race.

The defendants in the case are Schlafly’s son, John Schlafly; Schlafly’s handpicked successor, Ed Martin; and Eagle Forum itself, the organization of which Mrs. Schlafly is the chairman.

“The gang of 6 just served notice today,” Ed Martin told Breitbart. “They have filed suit in Madison County, IL court in their effort to takeover Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum. These Cruz people are dragging Phyllis Schlafly into a southern Illinois Court where a judge is going to decide whether to strip Phyllis of control of one of her organizations. Their law firm is Spencer Fane, lawyer for Planned Parenthood.”

hello rato

He's not dead yet

Does anyone know an anonymous email service that I can use for redpilling purposes? I don't want to be tracked.

You mean an e-mail service that doesn't ask for another e-mail address? What level of anonymity are you looking for?

Bump, just in case we still need this thread even after today.