Upcoming Holodomor Movie



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I'm glad to see that the Holodomor is finally getting recognition from Hollywood.

Poor man's come and see

Also, this is at least based on more factual history.

Come and See wasn't about the Soviets oppressing and killing their own people.

So a bunch of useless eaters got wiped out. Whats the problem?

Fuck off fag.


Stay on topic, comrade.

nah I just enjoy triggering faggots
if you aren't a faggot who laps up Trump cum or Hillary phlegm you're cool with me
who gets offended over making fun of mass genocide anyways? we're not on facebook.


you're clearly not from around here


$20,000,000 wasted that could have been spent better on something actually relevant and important like the holocaust

I agree. It's shameful that the Holocaust doesn't get more attention. Never forget!

I was wondering why there weren't more movies on events, but better late than never.

Where do you think you are?
No really, where do you think you are?
Anons make fun of horrible shit here all of the time.

I love how stupid liberal commie marx faggots are. Also this board is pure garbage.

Hahahaha. What a joke everybody knows that no ukrainian actors rising. Personally I hope that they get a rising star like Boyeega or Idris Elba in this movie. European (especially eastern european) definetely needs to celebrate its diversity more. A 50% african muslim cast should do.

oh I'm sorry I seem to have forgotten that this board was Holla Forums's hugbox. my mistake.

no one's upset that you keep posting the same 'muh dik' comic, fag.

nice meme

yeah and it only took someone making fun of this particular genocide to send Holla Forums into a frenzy because 'muh economic spectrum.'

always a pleasure to watch Holla Forums believe that their hugbox is sacred.

so are we taking bets on whether this is an anti-commie movie or will it be your run-of-the-mill anti-russian propaganda piece like I think it is?

How transparent can these (((people))) get?

First you have Ukraine win the euro something contest with a song called “1944”, even though the rules state “no songs about politics”. This is supposed to make clear to the EU citizens that Ukraine has suffered through the same shit as they did.

Then you release a movie about how evil the Russians are, and how Ukraine suffered under their rule.

I’m not denying Ukraine suffered. I am pointing out this shit is pure (((Hollywood))) propaganda pushing for WWIII.

the only time they talk about the holodomor is when they need to paint Russia in a bad light. what a despicable group of people. liars and bastards.

It'd be one thing if they were actually doing this to inform people, but I'm guessing they're only doing it because muh putin is the popular bogeyman of the day.

They can't keep getting away with this


Are you implying that the holodomor didn't happen? It's good that this is getting attention, kikes aren't the only people who have suffered in history (a lot less than they would like us to think that they have) and it's about time that the (((media))) start reflecting that. This doesn't just weaken their holocaust narrative, it also pisses off Russians who see what the kikes are trying to do. It's win/win.

I wonder if they'll point out that the comissar's that helped implement this policy were overwhelmingly jewish?

Any honest portrayal of the Jewish led communists of that period would rightly rile up anti-Russian feelings, they were incredibly cruel and savage during that period. Just take the time to point out that it took two generations of jew led propaganda and terror to turn the Russians into the savages that they became. They were victims just as much as they were perpetrators.

Good. Hope it shows the kikes as the perpetrators and not OMG EVIL RUSSIANS, BUT COMMUNISM IS GOOD.
Patiently waiting for an Armenian Genocide movie or one about how many chinks died under Mao's communism.


You're a literate guy


stalin was a fascist, communism has never been tried, socialism never killed anyone but fascism killed billions of people including six million jews.

Guaranteed replies.

Is this like the first movie to ever be done about the Holodomor?
Good, we just need about 5,000 more and it'll almost be on par with the kill count/movie ratio the holocaust has. One thing I do hope is that when people are killed in the movie it doesn't show clean deaths where those wouldn't exist, whether a Bolshevik or a peasant gets shot in the gut, they should be screaming on the ground, as opposed to dead in 3 seconds, it wouldn't be accurate to portray it otherwise.

Well it will piss off tankies and commies so thats a good thing I guess.

There may have been some documentaries but I'm not sure. Glad this is being made though.

let me guess this movie will not-so-subtly imply poutine is literally stalin aka literally hitler

It seems a lot more plausible that the holodomir was because of stalins callousness and ineptitude more so then it was "engineered", pretty sure it wasnt only hohols starving, he fucked over plenty of people, he was a crazy savage cunt just like hitler. He was a little bit shrewder though and not so suicidal



Pinko's like you deserve a lead injection.

And yet there is documented evidence to prove that it was engineered. Stalin may not have had control over the famine, but he sure as fuck used it to kill off and subjugate entire regions where political opposition was more commonly expressed. That is a documented fact.

lol, Commie's never change.

We on Holla Forums make fun of the Holocaust because the overwhelming evidence that it didn't happen. We want to genocide The Jews because the overwhelming evidence points too them wanting to genocide us, therefore being based on a "kill or be killed" sentiment. That doesn't mean we condone genocide you fucking pinko.


You guys should aim twords a poe's law level of bait, not this shit.



Now this is good bait.

Source? I wan't to BTFO commies.

Why is he confused? I hate commies and tankies. They are pretty much the same thing.

Both of those comments are mine, I was confused because only Holla Forumsacks use "tankies".

Oh, well I'm not leftypol but I heard of the term on tumblr where some leftists identified themselves as that and were apologistic for all the atrocities that communist regimes have done and it sickened me. I hated them ever since.

Because (((Some People))) believe that there is only one holocaust and (((they))) own it.

Mentioning the Holodomor is almost anti-Semitic now.


The Jews want the only genocide ever to be da Shoah.

I wonder how many jews will be behind the scenes of this movie?

maybe there has been another holocausts (hard to say since the only one with actual proofs is the Jewish one) but you cant deny the genocide of jews by the hands of hitler was the one that killed most people.


I've never seen a real Jew jewing before, jesus.

daily reminder that the Holodomor was intentionally done by the Jews who ran the Soviet Union as revenge for the discrimination their people suffered at the hands of the Ukrainians in previous centuries



inb4 nazis somehow get roped into this
