Dude weed man and unfunny feminist commercials killed

No I'm not Holla Forums and never have been. You r/thedonald faggots have killed Holla Forums with your constant shill accusations and cuckoldry for the Golden Goy™ Donald Trump. There was 9 fucking stickies yesterday. 9! Your mods are fucking clueless and on top of that ban for the most retarded shit they happen to not like. It is no longer a place for politically incorrect discussion but rather a masonic psy-op. You guys are an embarassment to everyone who is actually jew-aware. Now go back to your email stickies and keep this crap off Holla Forums, nigger.

lol no one cares what you want

Rogen couldn't make it there?

but tumblrinas feel like shit when you keep saying triggered.

They should bring back the Real Men of Genius commercials.

Thats her wealthy Dad who gave her her entire career through nepotism.

You didn't quote the best part:

People stopped drinking Bud Light because of this campaign.

Fuck off, faggot.

Oh please. You're the assmad lolberg who got banned from Holla Forums years ago and has shit up Holla Forums ever since.

You really don't understand this meme, my simple goy.

Who's ever could have written this post?