Proof of shilling/raids - the tractical nuke

Alright so we've all seen little pieces of evidence that proves X group of shills are raiding us, but I've never seen a thread dedicated to gathering it all.

Some of us still have their doubt that people actually waste their time and resources raiding some anime posting website, so why don't we create the tactical nuke that will expose the shills once and for all?

I've seen the based mods provide evidence of shill's by posting their extensive post history. Yet I didn't save all of them. Post what ever you've got.

feb26 rally threads - cruz shills out in full force

Shills derail wifi thread

Other urls found in this thread:*Version*=1&*entries*=0

Bumpity bump bump, get in here faggots! Initiate the thread.

It seemed too obvious to mention but it is probably good to get the word out anyway. Shill threads seem to be getting a lot of attention (probably from other shills).

"X is a Jew" D&C shills spent so much time in their their fchan circle-jerk that they believe their own bullshit.

here is some Tox chat evidence of Shillary supporters trying to D&C while refuting mods for calling out their bullshit (warning: intense tl;dr)


Just more proof anime should be ban on sight.

Same with the anti-Christian memes.

anyone who uses "kike on a stick" or promotes fucking paganism is a shill.

Even if that wasn't true, neither should be fighting each other.

holy shit it WAS learning code


is supposed to be demotivating? seems like it should motivate you to remove minorities.

Why isn't this spread like trading cards?

Hello Holla Forums. Do you think no one here has heard of basic infiltration at least?

this entire thread >>5261901 is filled with defeatist shills.

what are you talking about?

Bored-ass people craving a reaction.

I guess you are hoping that as long as you blame people first people will forget the truth that anime is not welcome here.



And the anti-anime shilling continues.



I dont really understand the retards of the first post with the animeshit in it.
It is obvious people shill for money or that gubbamint shills and other creatures shill here.
Dunno why "regular" people would do that.

bumping for maximum shill butthurt

bumping for extreme amounts of rage this has filled me with. Fuck the shills. Fuck the jews. We will make America great again.

what does that even mean? could it be that people are genuinely bothered by having people among us who have a creepy obsession with animated little girls?

Are you excited to go back to Jerusalem kike?

bumping for the Emperor

no, really. what would anyone have to gain by "shilling" against anime?

The usual suspects just trying to cause shit. It's a classic hot topic button between two different flavors of autist, so it's an easy D&C target. We had a whole thread on it yesterday, and someone posted a cap of them talking about using it.

playing dumb, shilling 101. spotted.

trying to crack existing consensus to divide group, another shill and/or useful idiot.

God damn I thought you Holla Forums faggots were stronger than this. Is this your best?

easy gains on creating group division. D&C.

I never understood why an user would be upset by anime, on any fucking Chan! The ones who do always sound like norps to me.
This type of shit has been going on forever. how new are all of y'all that you can't just ignore all the bullshit? The stormfags are here as a smokescreen from norps and anyone raiding is supposed to be our entertainment.
What happend to the days when they left slightly less bluepilled than when they came.

With all the confirmed groups raiding us, the only option is to tolerate zero D&C. Call everyone out and filter them for any and all D&C, regardless of if they're actual shills or just faggots shitposting.

The current consensus is anti-anime. Just look at the rest of the board. No anime. You don't fool anyone.

I honestly think we need to have some gore every now and then. Anyone who gets triggered by anime or by people not liking anime doesn't belong here. Nobody should be getting upset because of an image.

There's a good chance the person that posted the screenshots is the same person that made those posts from said screenshots.

It's best to ignore it and move along to your nearest Trump thread.

how's the weather in tell aviv?
welcome to the first day of your job.

I guess you are hoping that as long as you blame people first, people will forget the truth that anime is not welcome here.

Nobody's buying it, bud.

seems like there's an easy solution to that: don't post anime. i mean, it's not like this is christians vs. pagans or whatever, where you have two groups with conflicting, deeply held beliefs. if anime annoys a lot of people, and you keep posting it, i'd say that's more divisive than anything i've said.

this is an anonymous imageboard. there is no reputation. welcome to the first day of your job.

/int*/ is being slid to shit

Shrug truth and evidence is on my side.

Holla Forums, the only easy solution is for you to enter the oven.

My god yes, maybe going back to the old traditions of gore would help, but I feel like the whole world is desensitized to it now. Still it could help.
I say we get back to Chan essence, lulz and Butthurt, less of this serious business shit. It just stiles is.

They're probably trying to raise their post per hour, and other stats.

Is your pay in ramen from re-processed matzos?

What a pathetic incompetent bunch. Almost sounds like UN on world issues.

Yup as I said, but you're just Holla Forums trying to drive me into circles and restating my evidence.

Are they recruiting you from GameFAQs now or something? Shilling quality has gone way, way down over the past week or so.

tough talk for someone who get's butthurt because someone criticizes his cartoons. here, have something to jerk off to…

I can't get aroused by infants sorry. That said, no wonder you want anime banned so fast. If my job was to "crack down on anime", I would feel rather pathetic aswell.

I m not upset by anime (well maybe for the extremely smug stuff), it is just hard to find any decent discussion here. Someone described it as "wading through a river of shit to find a few gems", but there is more and more shit and less and less gems. Not even taking all that shill shit into account, which upsets me greatly. But then again it is probably just a symptom of the overall situation that some people see a need for shitting up fringe anime boards because people cannot discuss political matters anonymously without all the retarded PC baggage.

then leave you fucking faggot. our numbers were around 2500 regular posters, it's you who has to adapt to Holla Forums culture and not the other way around.

even for a shill, we don't give a shit about your special snowflake needs. either you like, or get fucked and leave.

How is that different from literally any other medium or genre?

If you had good taste in anime people wouldn't troll you about it.

I dont post here much here anymore, and you are completly fucking on point leaving makes the most sense, well that is what i wanted to say indirectly anyway.


How can I become a moderator on Holla Forums?

reminder we do plenty of dividing to ourselves

shitting on anime is just as much Holla Forums culture as posting anime, and it has been since the beginning, on halfchan, and on other halfchan boards before that, despite all the spergs insisting that every board was an anime board.

number one problem is being getting way too mad on this board.
second problem is autists unable ot empathize. doesn't help that we are all user and there is no way to identify another's position.
third biggest problem is realism or practicalities.
for this third point; i leave this video.

They've also been attempting to crack consensus on shitskin immigrants lately. The ones I catch doing this feel a bit more professional than your typical /intx/ sperg, so I'm guessing this is Applied Memetics' new angle.

I started collecting the posts to make an op but it seemed pointless seeing as that's the one issue Holla Forums would never, ever bend on.

newfag, either you learn to like this, or leave.

plenty of other reasons kike shills might dislike anime other than the medium..

*to clarify second point:
lack of being able to identify and therefore empathise - in combination with the first point - causes us to attack each other

people are stuck in a lose attitude where they think its okay to do this, they justify it because they think arguing is makes us stronger; but they fail to see they are not actually arguing.
loweffort posters think they are being uncompromising by being autistic and calling everyone a shill and saging
they think they are fighting the cause by yelling and belittling at their own awakened brethren; they call them out for not doing enough.
they equate their traitorous governments for the people; and promptly dismiss them all.

just some stuff i've been noticing

oh and of course the people who have this attitude are doing nothing for the cause themselves

These niggers are dancing with the devil. Shills just confirm and reinforce the average Holla Forumslack's beliefs.

I can identify people by there posts and how the write it and 90% of them are either shills or fucking smug semismart retards.
Take that as you will.

I like anime but weeaboos are huge faggots and really fun to troll.

Bump this should be stickied

Holla Forums only wants to fuck up this board because they think it's funny. Ignore them and stop taking them seriously.

Holla Forums makes who they are obvious. They're not terribly bright. These are pros.

gonna dump a few here for you guys.

Find out how one lone volunteer BTFOs cointel with this one weird trick! Shills hate him!

go post on Stormfront, twitter or somewhere with usernames you autists.

oh, and they re-use the EXACT same talking points.

and here we see the proto-shilling before the applied memetics fags actually started using a bit of effort

and the despair shill hard at work, with a brief foray into attempting to not be a complete newfag.

fuck off degenerate

top kek OP. You won the internetz today.


My favorite bit is "Holla Forums lost 1000 users" and "Holla Forums is dying, Holla Forums is dying"

I block one shill, and half a thread disappears

the shilling is real

What the fuck is Holla Forumsolerant supposed to mean?

all the Cruz shills stopped around 11pm. They arent dedicated enough.


Life is struggle those who refuse to fight do not deserve to live

No one is paying any attention to shills, most of these liberal retards can't keep it concise enough to matter. None of them can type coherently, and the only people that respond to them are the real-deal autists that actually hang out here. I can't believe


Around where I'm from you can make $15/hour fresh out of high school tard-guarding.

The liberal head is soft, they think anyone in their far-right mind is voting for Cruz? These primaries are rigged, but in a Mario Kart: last place gets nothing but red shells and lightning bolts fashion. It would be too obvious if they stole it, but they'll sure as hell make it look like a race. Trump's winning, and it looks like we're going to be rounding up a lot of (((journalists))) come January.

I get the feeling that Holla Forums and Holla Forums are fat jewish retards whose brightest achievements in life are shitposting on our board and jacking off to lolis. What's their reason behind desperately trying to ruin Holla Forums?

Don't try to understand weebs. They are all degenerate trash.

They think that we're evil people, they've dehumanized nationalists.

It's not so unimaginable a sentiment, considering youth plays a major part in it, and internet nazis are a very soft target.

Behind a lot of it lies delusions of a perpetual overclass of fascists, ruling over them. It's basically an extremely blurred version of liberation theology, much like ardent "stormfag" types will call anything remotely jewish inherently evil as well.

Degenerates, yes, but not incapable of maturing. Don't forget where most of us came from before ending up here.

There's another option which we can reach through threads like these and I believe it's actually happening. Some of us here are becoming adept at arguing and discerning the intentions of a poster.

We can feed of this trash and become something greater.

the second and third march 5th primary/caucus threads were absolutely flooded with shills

definitely a coordinated effort

wow i guess we left an impression

aren't the Christians the shills for starting threads with bible bullshit?

There were weeks of quiet and suddenly this week Christians come out in full force trying to divide the religious from the national socialists

This has been going on for months. The sheer persistence is quite amazing.

Why do they even do this? They admit in their own words that "Holla Forums is a lost cause" because we cannot, will not, and have never allowed ourselves to be swayed or deceived. However, that's not the important question. I reiterate, why?

Do they have nothing better to do? Are they driven by the agenda of some larger entity? These are some pretty hardcore efforts for a group that they are perhaps unintentionally admitting is a huge threat to them.

Stay the course fellow Holla Forumsacks. Do not falter.

We give zero fucks about you faggots, except you've been raiding us like your mom's fridge on fudge day. Nice smokescreen for the applied memetics shills, btw. Most of Holla Forums forgot about the slick concern trolls after you faggots showed up.

God it'll be a fun day when all you shitskins hang from trees.

They're pathological. They're continue to double down, they're perennially stuck in denial, right up to the point the noose breaks their neck.

hahahahah holy shit

How many votes are they planning to sway? lmao. One thousand? fuck off lefists

After all these years I'm still having trouble conceiving how a group of people can suffer from such massive delusions. It's akin to something straight out of a Lovecraft novel. An evil cult whose worshiper's minds have been warped beyond all human recognition to the point that they merely serve their profane instincts and the whispers of the inconceivable, evil elder god of equality, tolerance, cuckoldry, and diabetes.

These "people" are fucking doomed. It's just so goddamn hard to wrap my head around what motivates such a sick mind.

are you kidding me? 90% of the religious d&c shills have been anti-christian spam
it's been like that for at least the last three weeks

I mean they want us to be fighting each other, so they do both, but the anti-christian stuff has been especially blatant, it's always extremely obvious it's not Holla Forumsacks

Just call it for what it is, Christianity.

Filtered for D&C faggotry.

What the fuck, why would you actively try to destroy someones hopes and dreams

that is some sick shit


I don't like to think there are completely evil people, but these young minds seem to be lacking empathy. I wonder if that's what made them to be leftist in the first place.


/christian/ and /fit/ occasionally get raided by the pajeet team


Anyway, why don't we use the tactics in 's first pic against them?

your post makes me think of borderline personality disorder, maybe that's part of it

So when will you braindead fucking faggots stop replying to bait? Did you finally understand that bait is much easier to destroy a thread than pre-meditated shilling?


I was jsut thinking about that myself

you know that article about some people seeking help because they can't handle the god emperor being so popular despite being ebil racist?

take the "can't find job because minorities" line and substitute "I just don't understand why people like him, it's obvious he's a racist and he just want's to get rid of minorities but no matter how much I tell people all they ever say to me is make america great again and that they don't want to help these people. Don't they get that people are starving to death?"

or something like that but better worded and not something I just pulled out of my ass

Once again the moderators have felt the need to sticky an Holla Forums thread. This is at least the THIRD fucking time this week you retards have stickied an "anti-shilling" thread made by shills.

Christ, at least monitor their hideout so you can take appropriate action. These dumbfucks aren't exactly secretive about it.

Amazing how much damage a small group of retards can do. It really is an indictment of how terrible our moderation is.

see, the problem with that is shills can respond to shills and perpetuate shilling

there has to be a better way to deal with shilling, like gore posting

or racist propaganda that is indisputable

It would be cool if we shooed the Rebbitfags this way, but I doubt this will prove to be effective in the long run.

That's good too. Make concise, easy-to-understand and well-sourced copypastas that will be posted on command every time some Rebbitfag appears with his ebin bland regurgitated shit.

This is, again, NOT effective against /int*/ though.

then what is their "the Jews (golems) were abandoned by Yahweh in 160 A.D."

what really upsets them?

what are they even fighting for?


If you are naive enough to think Holla Forums openly states their views then you don't understand them.

Their new angle is pretending to be normal Holla Forums users. Apparently the mods are incapable of dealing with this, judging by the fact that they keep stickying threads MADE by Holla Forums users.

Most of them are racist as fuck. But what people fail to understand is that the shitposting comes first, always. No matter what the topic is, if you can derail a thread by getting a hothead to lose his cool that will be much more entertaining.

Problem being you run into the /int/ problem where you had a bunch of bestposters just doing it for a giggle getting hijacked and lead around by a british commie jew who promised fun to get people to attack his enemies.

alright then jsut to be clear, what is /int*/s goal

are they just shitposters?

are they antifa?

what is the known goal of /int*/

Can someone please explain what Holla Forums or /int*/ or whatever is for a retarded newfag like me?

I keep reading about them and I realize they have something to do with SA and SRS but I still don't really get what they're all about. Are they related to other chans' /int/ boards (like Kraut Chan or Ylilauta or cuckchan) at all?

Pic not related.

Jewish shill here AMA

Their goal is destruction, or "lulz" in old image board parlance. They are a group of /jp/ oldfags who've been kicked off every board/site they've ever been to (/jp/ originally split from /a/ because they shitposted too much).

Almost every major "controversy" on this site has been manufactured to some degree by Holla Forums. Hell, they were the one's who pushed the whole "hotwheels loves trannies" meme.

The reason Holla Forums is so "successful" is the same reason that bait in general is successful, the average user is too stupid and trusting. Even the mods are dumb enough to sticky this thread made by an Holla Forums shill.

The only thing you can do is remain CONSTANTLY vigilant and remember that any post and any poster could be Holla Forums or another form of shill. When you see it - sage, call it out (but do NOT respond to the content), and report. Simple as that.

Never, EVER try and reason with an Holla Forums shill.

so they are old school no lifers that just do it for the lulz

that it?

There are as many goals as there are people. There is no /int*/ in a strict sense. There is no grand unified conspiracy. At best you have a few isolated IRC circlejerks that like to think they are the "real" int* and everyone else is their useful idiots.

Swiss Proxy's faction guide was obviously a joke, but he did manage to name a few of those circlejerks. I think he posted a new on in the cow thread to stir up some more shit.

For the most part though, no matter what a groups goal is, it is all about pissing people off and claiming credit so they can jerk off over people discussing them.

Honestly you all need to ease up on the metapill.

All autistic shitposters do it for "the lulz".

Kek. Goreposting only works on normies. The people raiding us are battle-hardened.

user, knowing is half the battle

can't make an effective response without first knowing your enemy

figured I would ask just to make sure

Swiss Proxy is an amalgam, or "character". He is an idea, more than a person - representing their Heh Pill "ideology". In a sense he is a prophet figure.

Their motives are irrelevant.

No, his typing for the most part was consistent enough to be the work of a single person. /2hu/'s U.N. Owen was a pure amalgam though. It was just the handle they all used when they needed an identity to forward their agenda.

no user, they are not, their motives are relevant

if it was just bernie fags one could dig dirt on shit bernie has done that counters the feel the bern message like shit that is the opposite of his message that he has done

if you know a mans hopes you can destroy them

Everybody knows these people are shills anyway. Why would we support any pro-TPP candidate if it threatens the existence of this website?

Am I the only one who thinks pol was ruined by trump shills? I liked po because there used to be interesting topics that I could learn from. Now it's just mindless trump shilling. Holla Forums has become just like /n/ with india shills. Pretty sad.

Fuck off anti-trump Holla Forums shill!



I'm my position on that almost immediately

it seems we are not doing a simple Holla Forums vs Holla Forums fight as a third party of /int*/ is involved

I think what you have written and what I suggested earlier are good for posting on Holla Forums but for /int*/ and general shitposters I think I am going to start posting Mr. Rogers songs

Here is a hint, the majority of them are from TRS and they are interested in importing that flavour of thought here.

see I didn't follow TRS

was that cryptojews or was it "alt right" Cryptojews?

or was it zionists?


sorry mate, have an MP4

I've put forward many theories as to his identity, but I can not say they are accurate with any certainty.

They just want to watch image boards burn.

This guy is an Holla Forums shill by the way. Look through his post history. You see, they've become much more subtle.

but that's so boring

You liked papercraft and origami?

Origami is pretty cool

I've been shilling for trump on reddit and yotube since December. Kind of an outsourced shill since I don't live in USA. While it pays good - $200/week(that may not be much to you) I have to take a lot of crap from anti trump shills.

Anyways, I'm really feeling burnt out. Constantly getting called names by anti teump shills(last week got called a troll by a niglet). I try not to take them personally but the niglet incident was too much. Not sure what to do. I want to support Donald Trump until the election and keep making money but the stress is too much.

Sorry for whining. What would you do if you were insulted by a nigger?

call him a nigger you /int*/ shill


I would add their legs to my freezer.

Also, I do it for free.

What the fuck have you the faggot ever done for trump except for spreading shit on Holla Forums? I worked hard for 3 fucking months only to get called anti-trump! Fuck you

I may not be american but my methods of shilling do work. Best of all I get paid unlike your broke ass. You assholes are dividing trump supporters and are actually hurting the campaign.

did. called her a monkey. Probably shouldn't have done that as it might hurt the supporters. But I sure as hell am not going to be insulted by a fucking nigger! Fuck em

Tbh some of those posts have a good point about Holla Forums having become a stormwiener hugbox. I still browse this board from time to time because I like Trump and want to see him achieve victory, but it is absurd how often you get called a shill or even banned just for having an opinion that somewhat deviates from the norm. It's funny because this is the same kind of behavior you find among leftard SJWs too.

I wish we could return this board to how it was before December 2014, le sigh.

ya done good user, probably a lot of people had a laugh about your banter

overplayed your hand

Not really. We are simply doing what we always have.

We are the internet.

We subvert anything deemed to be fail.

We exist for lulz.

Oh, and we accidentally uncovered the scientific basis for occult powers.


Fuck off shill. >>>/oven/

Agreed. After a hard days work(believe me it is hard work) I just come here to relax and not think about the warzone that is social mafia websites.

I would not be surprised if he just copy pastes from stuff we post here


gave me a giggle mate

dude epic, +1 upboat xD

There's nothing wrong with having beliefs, but I find it rather pathetic that you try to create an environment where opposing opinions do not exist. It is a sign of weakness, nothing else.

Personally, I never cared at all whether "shills" or whatever post on Holla Forums. If they make a noteworthy point, it can be used to disprove their views with superior arguments, thus publically exposing how wrong they are and honing your discussion skills. If their argument is too weak to make it worth responding to, they can simply be ignored.

I never understood why people who obsess over the identity of posters (as opposed to the content that is posted) this much chose anonymous imageboards as their medium of communication tbh. Wouldn't internet forums with accounts be much better at keeping out the evil shills?


can't tell who is shilling who



checkedfor truth

Is their anyway to counter raid?

There are different approaches. For example,
if there is a video where niggers doing nigger like things and people are generally politically correct about it we break the ice and simply post "why are blacks so violent". lol.

Then there is bait posting. You post really stupid antitrump comment. Like, "look at that faggot trump with his stupid hair" so my friends can't insult me and I (my sock) looks like a complete fail.

Then there are actual posts exposing democrat degeneracy, obama war crimes etc. There is a range of topics but the point is to post where it has the smallest chance of being brought up. Basically, introduce redpill to where it is least expected.

Can't disclose more than that sorry man. I'm only ranting. :(

I mean Holla Forums in general. Normie net is hell

14/88 to that brother gas the race kikes war now

I've been noticing this on 8/pol/ for the last month now, especially since super tuesday

I try to tell others to chill out when they over react, when I'm bored and my brain is tired that is

well sure, that makes sense

I find Holla Forums and many of the smaller boards to be more relaxing, the slower speeds help keep drama down




It is especially good to detect the shilllary supporters and sabotage them. I know it sounds dirty but hey, it's politics.

he he he

glad you're on it mate, were gonna need it big when the real game starts

First pic looks like someone at a literal gathering of Saturday morning cartoon villains. I don't understand the kind of mindset where wanting to inspire feelings of hopelessness in other is (presumably) compatible with feeling like a good person doing the right thing. I consider myself an enemy of Holla Forums, but I've never done this, nor would I ever.

Time to leave and get gassed, kike.

please elaborate

in 20 words or less explain how involving Christians weakens the movement

I almost never post and when I do, it's always completely transparent and sincere, just like above. Not that I'd expect a warmer reception, but you seem really insecure.

you either don't understand him or you do and you're fucking with him

Someone posted a project for creating a viral song mocking Donald Trump kek. Thinking of making a song mocking shillary and posting it instead. There is opportunity for lulz

I realize you stand to gain nothing from having even a passive enemy among you, I just find it funny how he gets his knickers in a twist over it.

It's beautiful, my brothers.
We have at last transcended reality and become a meme ourselves.
We have achieved the endgame. We are finally free.

when I was younger I would be in it just for the keks, so I appreciate your position

but these days I try to dissuade people from letting their emotions rule them and I try to show them how to not be such thin skinned faggots, like liberals that think with their feelings that think they are helping to improve the world when in fact they do the most damage to it

like how providing aid for south africa destroys local farmers by removing their ability to compete thus crippling their food production and making their entire country dependent on foreign aid that may well soon dry up along with the california aquifers

not that I will shed any tears for a bunch of dead niggers that have no desire to learn how to become self sufficient and just destroy everything


based mods pls ban this defeatist d&c shill


hate unites


I used to think Holla Forums was just in it for keks and egotism, but then I learned not to jump to conclusions. I didn't want to fall into the habit of assuming somebody's really just a nihilistic/hedonistic Chaotic Neutral simply because they disagree with me.

To be fair you autistic retards talking about anime every time it gets brought up only gives shills a chance to slide the thread. It's not fucking relevant to any given discussion here and every time you complain about it, you give the shill a chance to argue with you, which may cause others to respond and derail the thread. It's extremely low quality bait and I wish you guys would stop chomping.

Not him, but the allegiance of a nationalist goes to hist country, his family, him (in this order). The christian places God usually before all of these, or at least to high to be compatible with a nationalist movement.

And my personal view of christianity is that it works a bit like communism:
Communism says that poors will replace or be equal with richs
Christianity says that weaks will replace or be equal with the strong.
You know, the classic jewish scheme to channel slave morality for its own use.

I still think that at least 99% of the population needs a religion, even if it's a lie.

user, I said 20 words or less

I get the jist of what you are saying but the message is lost in the words, keep it breif

Well, keep the first line, then.

good, now shorten it to below 20 words

Props to OP for bringing this.

This is the absolute ultimate proof that all that you guys say are true, and we are on the right path!

Funny how Holla Forums is the most shilled place I ever been. Funny how they call us a hugbox, but you can't even try to argue on leftpol, if you want to argue or if you see things diferent from they you are automatically banned.
Funny how (((they))) need to appeal to tatics of disruption instead of arguing and showing their arguments.

A truth is true by itself, not because it doesn't hurt anyone feelings, not because it was what they thaught to us on the school, not because the (((elite))) agrees with.

Thank you so much Holla Forums!

You can do it yourself, lad. I don't feel the need to convince people of such a simple affirmation.

missing the point user, so I'll give it to you

when people ask questions it's best to give a short concise answer, and a snappy image to go along with it helps

your post was a long pontificating unfocused one

for you see I already knew the answer, "Christianity values no borders"

this of course can be followed up with elaboration if nessicary

actually pontificating was probably the wrong word, I meant to convey that you were thinking about the answer as you gave it which contributed to how unfocused it was



I want to cuddle with Rei.

These faggots have fucked brit/pol/

Mods please prune all pro or anti-anime posts from this thread, and cherry pick out posters like the fake Trump Reddit Shill making $200 a week.

There should be stuff on things like plug media, hasbara, viral marketing in this thread, instead it's a bunch of /polmeta/ nonsense.

she is whiter than snow and might make a decent mother

I wish i was actually making 200$ a week for shitposting.

But i am doing it for free…

I totally agree, all these anime shills should get banned! Long live pol 14/88 haha right

I make a little over 250 a week for working 4 nights a week as a night auditor

I spend half my night shitposting then rush to get everything done

turnover is pretty high tho


holy F*CK!


What, is that their word for the cross? Sounds dumb as fuck.
Must be some really desperate people if they resort to astroturfing.

too bad they're all so fucking bad at it they stick out like a sore thumb I can even name the origin of the site they came from most of the time.

if only they knew. bless their hearts.

Daily reminder that if you ignore shills they lose

well, you can also be nice to them


Alright faggots I'd figured I'd come back from the dead to tell you what's REALLY been going since I'm getting tired of this grand charade. Although you've come so close to solving the conspiracy that started at an unspecified time more than one current year ago, I figured you could use a little help filling in the rest of the pieces. So at great danger to myself, here you go.

It all started with a plan in a small IRC circlejerk filled with most of the gvols including firetires and Jim themselves, as well as some large board owners and vols for boards such as /a/, Holla Forums, /2hu/, and /jp/. I was just there because it used to be the home of our GETball team, and they've never kicked me out because they thought I was cool I guess. When /2hu/ died after the tranny BO got a hold of it, we just moved to a hidden IRC network that shall not be named. (They still don't know who I am, and I prefer to keep it this way.)

Before I go into details about their plan, let's first take a look at some history. Do you remember that time when the site was ddosed early last year? Or the time before that when 4/pol/ was nuked? Hell do you remember when moot first sold out, and started banning users for posting GamerGate threads? It was all orchestrated by this cabal. Hiroyuki Hiroshima bought 4chan months before moot went full retard and negotiated a deal in secret with Jim to split the userbase to settle a loan Hiroyuki borrowed from him years ago. We'll call it the TCP (Trans-Chan Partnership). I don't know when they exactly Hiroyuki first became involved but my sources say that it was sometime last Thursday. The minor details are unimportant but what you need to know is this: Hiroyuki would get the normal users on 4chan, whereas Jim would take the rebels, and outlaws. The normalfag's infomation could be datamined and sold advertisers, and the group that came to Holla Forums's information could be mined and sold to law enforcement agency. Each group is equally valuable to each party, and both were happy with this solution. Yes, it was because of that deal, that we are all here today. That's how deep this rabbit hole fucking goes. Now let's take a look at the plan.

The plan was they hatched was fucking insane; Rule Holla Forums from the shadows and guide it to greatness with an invisible hand. They didn't have a hard time doing this, they were easily manipulating the boards to do their bidding. First they created Holla Forums, that would become the controlled opposition. Then they managed to convince the other large boards to turn against them in under the guise of unifying the boards against a common enemy. From there, all it would take is a couple of carefully crafted shitposts to turn them against anyone that made them butthurt. All they would have to do is say is that Holla Forums was behind something, and the goyim would go to work. It's also worth mentioning that they had Holla Forums go on false flag operations as various other factions, some of which don't even exist, all in an attempt to create more confusion surrounding the source of all of this shit.

It wouldn't be long before they achieve their goal of forcing the userbase to switch to Infinity Next, so that they had even more power over the userbase with their new datamining capabilities. Unfortunately for them, someone threw a wrench in their master plan. It was none other than the site goblin himself. You see, he couldn't fucking code, so they decided to put him to better use by making him a boogeyman and a convenient scapegoat for everything bad that has happened to the site so far. It was a roaring success, the users of the site once again cheered their various names and fell back inline after the problem with the current build was fixed that they intentionally created to make the users want to switch to Next. This was only a minor setback to their plans, and soon Holla Forums will have all of the spying features built right in the site without a shitty web 2.0 look!

You may not believe me Holla Forums and think that I'm a SA Goon part of the Holla Forums and /jp/ teenbro cabal who works as a DNC shill part time for the JIDF as well as DARPA. Please keep in mind however, that is exactly what the powers that be want, and the reason why I'm here trying to warn you to leave before it's too late.

This is the only post I shall make because I'm going to have to go in hiding again after this. I wish you all luck and pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten never forget ttimes wen u feeled happy

wen day is dark alway rember happy day

The only problem I have with the weebs is that one, they tend to obsess over it, and two, whenever Japan is mentioned people who haven't bothered to learn about East Asian nations will automatically shit on them because they aren't Japan/complained about the Japanese Empire. I'm also worried that weebs know more about Japan because animu than their own, European culture, unless half of Holla Forums is Japanese, and that doesn't seem likely.

Basically your post fully proves that every Holla Forums poster is an anime poster.


*Whatever happened to tl;dr

100% correct

This poster is a warosu /jp/ teenbro shill dont listen to him

fuck off goon

I like book/culture threads more than I like meme/Trump threads.

found the kike shill!



Capped, 10/10 truly magnificent

What is this from?

what does the Holla Forums menace want? How can we make them leave us alone?

What? So no BroNat

Seems that Holla Forums was just a puppet all along m80.

Remember how good it was two years ago?
Sure we had some spammers, but the actual shilling and trolling was nearly nonexistent.

Those were the best of times.

Its because GG wasn't involved with Holla Forums too much.

I mean Holla Forums in general.

mhmm i love Semite religions

I can confirm the /jp/ teenbro cabal is 100% real, someone on /cow/ leaked logs from their hidden IRC network a while ago. Apparently they even have Josh in their pocket.

[00:50:03]* n-tech has changed the topic to: /jp/ - alcoholic cultist orgies
[00:50:10] lel
[00:51:41] oy m80 we may have alcoholic orgies but we're no cult
[00:51:55] we're g-d's chosen
[00:52:04] thats true
[00:52:16] those stupid goyim on /pol will never know
[00:53:56] if they ever found out we'll just shut it down like we did on 4chan eh chaim
[00:54:11] cummies


well I already have /fringe/ alternative
but I don't think Holla Forums would willing move altogether just like that


saved this one…

Its a common mistake when you change proxies when your post has "taken too long to post".

IDs are gay anyway tho.

Well it gives shills a slightly harder time samefagging, as seen in the third image of OP. Also produces obvious shill slip ups like

y not post in a forum with accounts if you want to keep out shills though?


cool guy that used to post cool stuff until he was told to stop

find old space elevator threads and his blog for neatness, he doesn't post any more tho

Like what, plebbit? GLP? Even the mods there are shills. We're not going to abandon 8ch/pol/. That would be pretty defeatist.

You hate IDs yet you suggest posting in a forum with accounts to avoid shills. Do you want a board with no IDs so shills/shitposters can run rampant? Also ID filtering is a really nice feature in my opinion. Even if they change proxies, it's not hard to filter them again.

This happens during every election cycle. They know we are the only real objective source for information, social media outreach, and data storage. We have what it would take to get a real grassroots movement going with power and impunity.

They fear us, we can't let them demoralize us or divide us. We are the last bastion of free speech on the internet and the last bastion of sanity and reason.

We will not be taken down. We cannot be broken. We are bound together. Remember: Do not respond to shills, or those you suspect are. Filter as many of these voices as possible and keep up the good posting.

Fuck the shills, fuck the globalists, and fuck all the enemies of our god emperor.

We will win. We will hold back the night.

Mind sharing?

Kill yourself, fuckface.

Delete that board entirely and prevent its recreation. That’s the only way, other than to permaban all of their IPs from Holla Forums.


This is a truly gr8 b8 holy fuck.

Jim does want to datamine btw

You know how i feel about this?

I am seeing circus with bunch of faggots, making stupid ass troll posts and shilling non-existent anti-Holla Forums organizations, instead of focusing on educating people how to proceed against D&C, and continue working on redpilling people and analyzing current political situation to act against Zionist plans.

What the point of all threads that are unrelated to politics, such as:
"Hey Holla Forums, true nationalist wants to make anime real!"
"Hey Holla Forums, lets talk about religion, totally not to fire up some D&C shills!"

I believe moderation should get even more strict, and ban people for creating topics not related to national socialism or actual politics. And also lockup derailed threads.

I don't care about the identity of posters tbh, only about the content that is posted.

Yes, let's make this a place for serious discussion only and ban all of the obvious dnc shill threads such as this one.

quit shilling against free speach

Fucking kill yourself shill enabler.

This 100%. NO MERCY.

Holla Forums meme, delete this post


is it bait or is it a shill?

make up your mind


Typical. How many times must based Holla Forums BTFO you stupid ass shills before you learn? You will NOT destroy the last bastion of free speech on the internet.

Btw, reported. Enjoy the ban faggos.

M80 I don't even lurk Holla Forums I have no idea while you are getting so up in arms over this.

You're doing that just fine yourself by advocating for even stricter moderation.

Shitposting is not free speech. Shilling is not free speech. Spam is not free speech.

You've already lost Holla Forums, go back to Freech. We are 100% behind the mods and support their efforts to delete your shitty posts and ensure Holla Forums remains the last bastion of free speech on the internet.

Exposing shills on Breitbart.

I can´t post this as a new topic because I "seem" to have mistyped the verification even thought I didn´t, please fix this!

The Breitbart comment section is overrune with anti-Trump shills, they all pretend to support Ted Cruz whom they typically claim is a constitutional conservative and they all claim themselves to be true conservatives.

I´m pretty sure Cruz didn´t send them, the FED and Soros have way more money than Cruz does.

Here is just one. It got upvotes from its watchers, it got the exact same number of watchers and followers, watchers and followers are the same.

You find the shills, you look for oddities like that and screencap them, document it.

I think we should gather more such examples, that way we can make our case to normies that yes, fedgov is unleashing paid shills against Trump.

That's all I needed to hear friendo.



now for Cruz campaign shilling


Sounds like you belong on Freech, "friendo".


No, really, you do. I don't know why you post on Holla Forums.

I'm being as clear as I'm going to be. We'll see if you understand.


Whatever happened to filter/report?

I'm fine with that if Christians can stop unironically telling non-Christians to get out or shut up. Some of you seem to think that D&C is any post promoting a position you don't hold, which is retarded.

I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming those posts are shills, but please do your part and call out the "Christians" who tell non-Christians to leave.

That first pic didn't include a few types of shills, but thanks anyway.


It's an old image from the early days, so it's a little outdated. It still holds water today though.

i dont really like anime but i dont mind seeing it here, it seems to keep normies away since most normies think anime is just weird perverted shit

Can confirm

Was memeber of cabal sept 14 to Nov 15

Do not trust the Rabbit. She is behind it all.

What are they so upset about anyway?
They're still asshurt about the fact we ruined their board?

thanks for the slide thread about trolls

What's the backstory of intl anyway?
Are they Goons? 4faggots? Wizards?

Had an user tell me that
in response to me taking exception to the notion that race is only a matter of skin color. Here >>5252455

This is the funniest part about these faggots. They are so obviously not from these parts.

The second they leave everything goes back to normal.

filtered and reported

Holla Forums and SA deserve no less than pic related.

Have fun Holla Forums

Do you have crippling autism orrr…

Some of them are coming from endchan.

endchan migrant cuckolds should stay there with SnakeDude the asian SA goon.

SnakeDude if you are reading this I hope it was all worth the 10 BUXXXXXXXXXXX

They seem to consist of a large group of people, including but not limited to Goons, GNAA, Weird Twitter, etc. Some of which are offshoots of SA and some of which are new. They have a pretty wide network with a bunch of smaller sites.

Some of their favorite tactics are to write things off as a "conspiracy theory" to discredit it, and to lie about two groups of people to get them to fight each other.

They are hyper-liberal SJWs. They are the types of people who would do that whole "we're so sorry" thing where they get shackled and paraded around by black people, but they don't leave their homes and sit on social media 16 hours a day trying to reach 100 followers on their twitter account with 50k tweets. Not all of them are losers though, some of them are somewhat big names, like Ezra Klein.

The louder they bitch, moan, and shill, the more you are winning. They are so devoted to fighting what you stand for that they will sacrifice large portions of their day to "troll" you on an anonymous image board. Most of them are clinically insane and suffer from mental ailments like BPD.

They also have a distinct way of typing, and no matter how hard they try, they can't fit in.

endchan is one their sites. Coincidentally, they pushed it on other boards when they were focused on them. But now they aren't, and those boards never hear of endchan.

So that's where all the the anti alt-right threads have been coming from? Lmao, I didn't even care about the alt-right until these retards started shitting on them because they had some fags in the movement.

Nice beliefs you hipster fucks.

People don't like it when anime is spammed and jerked off to the same extent as MLP. That's it. Get over it.

This, at this point.

Holy shit, I hate these fucks. Glad we have mods that cooperate with the user base in tandem.

I dont like the fags in the movement ether but its whatever.

Gas yourself for not understanding the extent of the problem.

Well, as a genuine non-shill, I actually think it's good that there are shills here. The reason is simple: the divisive crap shills do, whether for the "lulz" or for those gigantic $253.42 paychecks, are effectively identical (if more obscenely) to the disruption, lies, and harassment that the Jewish media does 24 hours a day.

This is actually a tremendous training ground for learning to identify, counter, and have resolve against the bullshit arguments in the REAL world.

And, so what if you they "win" a few threads with their d/c crap – do you think that even compares to getting the defamation treatment by the media and government? Learn to defend yourself with these folks and you'll be much better prepared when you are debating, politicking, interviewing, etc when it counts. Hell, do you know how many millions of dollars and thousands of hours are spent each year by politicians "roleplaying" opponents to debate against? And, these dorks are literally doing it for us ==for free==!

When we were dealing with them on other boards, we found they were helpful in uniting the user base once their shit was found out. And at this point, it's basically all in the open as it's the same clique of people doing it everywhere.

Same. Fags annoy me to no end, but that's legitimately their only fucking criticism of it.

CF is pushed a lot too because of his stance on them. Gods knows them making their own content would be hard.

lmoa, get a load of this tinfoil hat-wearing loser

Daily reminder that Josh is a goon, which is the reason why Holla Forums was so quick to start defending him and damage control for him when shit hit the fan

I thought you were a black women, toothpaste.

Interesting. Well, whether they are intending to or not, they have created one of the best online schools for right-wing debate.

The truth, whether we like it or not, is that debates (not just formal ones) are not won not on sure logic and reason, but by skillful rhetoric. There are many techniques that those who have weak arguments use in order to defeat unready opponents in debate, and our enemies are happy to do every dirty trick they can as Edward Bernays and Saul Alinsky teach. In order to beat them, we must be able to hold our ground even when they fight dirty.

What a wonderful gift these shills are giving us, making the right far stronger than it would be if it was a half-baked fascist philosophy circle jerk. It's verbal street fighting and it'll make the right invincible!

I've already enjoyed watching the majority of folks here evolve to be much more resistant to divide and conquer stuff about national socialism, gays, women, christianity, and jews – you know, all the usual shit. In this crucible of fire, the silver will be cleansed of dross and some very bright champions will emerge. So, thank you, shills and shilling companies for fucking it up yet again.

Day of the rope.

Filtered for poor trolling.

dude Holla Forums isn't bnearly important enough to be even vaguely related to important well-connected kikes like ezra klein
time for a reality check imho

fuck off kike

I'm positive that we're all at the very least anti-Globalists (aka nationalists).



Ah, very well.

Thank you for the sticky, mods.

Yep, plus racially aware and pro-White. Most are Jew aware as well.

Beyond that, folks vary from being truly far right (fascist, monarchist, German NS, etc) to nihilistic to libertarian to various still-in-denial states.

Remember to contribute to the /polarchive/ thread whenever you have proof of shilling, everything is stickied to ensure nothing gets slid

do you have the original clownpiece pic? i don't have that one and that redundant "america" is ruining prime fairy tummy.

also, yah Holla Forums mods have been a little trigger happy recently but as OP has show there is reason for that.

Oh yeah – and classical Liberal.

Classical liberal and libertarian are the same thing, m8

They are close, but not quite the same. Modern libertarianism is essentially a type of anarchism. Classical liberalism holds the enlightenment crap like equality, democracy, etc in high regard, but really only among "enlightened" free thinkers. It still values hierarchy and tradition; it is not as far left as libertarians, nor are they, in turn, as far left as dyed in the wool anarchists (i.e. Goldman, Kropotkin, etc).

Don't fucking come on this board and spam gore. This website was made as an alternative to 4chan, that doesn't mean that all of the anime liking and whatnot applies to Holla Forums or Holla Forums in general. Gore is fucking Holla Forums tier at most and neither gore or threads about anime have nothing to do with politically incorrect discussion and should be deleted instantly anyway.

stop believing Holla Forums's conspiracy theories

hi 4chon

wew lad
Fuck off shill, "hurr durr only SHILLS are against muh religion". Just as full of shit as the faggots that think everyone that doesn't like animoo avatarfagging is a goon.

We have real actual shill infestations going on and you're trying to claim everyone that disagrees with you specifically is a shill, creating a "boy that cried wolf" scenario.


Where do you think we are?

The thing is that a lot of divide and conquer shills hide among the unironic pagans because it gives them an excuse to shitpost without being called out as fedora-tippers or shitskins. Prior to fullchan being made, Holla Forums used to have copy-pasted threads made to take advantage of it, and I don't mean pasta with a shitload of links, I mean both the OP and even a lot of the replies copy-pasted from a script to mimic consensus. Although there are legitimate pagan posters, regardless of how many they may be, shills like to pretend to be pagans.

You may or may not be a shill, but there's a way that part of the difficulty that Holla Forums has is that not everyone is in the same camp here. There _are_ inherent disagreements about things.

It would interesting, though maybe not a good idea, if everyone had a badge identifying their beliefs i.e. National Socialism, etc. Then we could at least acknowledge that, yeah, that person is a Traditional Catholic so they are CORRECTLY arguing their beliefs, even if I fundamentally disagree about certain things – versus the "you're a shill because you ___".

It's natural that shills will try to exploit these honest divisions as much as possible. So, for Holla Forums, as a motley crue, to defend, people have to be wise enough to contain these arguments to appropriate threads rather than let unrelated threads become argument zones about Paganism, Hitler, Feminism, and whatever.

Conversely, when someone INJECTS a divisive topic like religion into an unrelated thread, that person is very likely a shill and should be ignored/filtered/banned/whatever.


I wish I had started collecting these as soon as the started popping up (about the same time as the h1b1 defeatist shilling was crushed). This collage should be WAY bigger.





This exchange reminds me of the fuhrer's writings regarding the merchants.

Of course, pure coincidence :^)


The anime shit is a perfect excuse to derail a thread. They'll go around and round in circles arguing over anime for no reason, and poof, thread derailed.

And this fucker right here is a perfect case study to prove my point.

Hes still going on about anime

Based mods. They are truly doing God's work. No better proof of invasions than these.

Learning2code, you still haven't gassed your self?

There are a couple options as I see it, both feasible for the board and moderators(correct me if I'm wrong here).

1) Mods run a locked/stickied thread with a list of shill user IDs. They'd gather this list from reports of users. An anonymous blacklist of sorts. This would likely be quite time consuming for users, who would use the thread as a resource to filter shills, and moderators, who would have to comb through a large amount of reports to create a list. Hopefully, though, eventually anons would be self-policing and pointing out shill IDs as referenced by the sticky.

And then there's the true Tactical Nuke option:

2) Recognizing that the shills purpose in raiding Holla Forums is to discredit and diminish Trump's supporters and support, ban dissenting views against Trump. It does feel a bit extreme, in that a board that could not exist without free speech more or less bans it itself. But if we're being honest with ourselves this is more or less already the case, it would just make it official.


Well I'm glad that there are some shills that are on our side too.

The person you are responding to is correct. He does not, in fact, post Holla Forums.

He posts on /fam/

And here we go.
Cry wolf some more, make it harder to detect when a real shill appears because you're busy calling every normal poster a shill.

Funny how it's often the pro-christian posters that cry "LARPagan" "fedora" "shill" to every opposing religious view doing that.

The tricky part is that Trump is a protest vote rather than a Hitler reincarnation so there are a lot of legitimate gripes – though they miss the point.

It's their board and they can do whatever they want, but if they want to make the shills' job much harder they just need to have some rules in place (i.e. no arguing about religion outside of a religion thread, no arguing about Trump, no Jewish apologetics, whatever) and then bring down the banhammer whenever it happens.

Stormfront is far less plagued by shills but had to do this with their Theology section. Yes, people will get it wrong now and then and folks bitch and moan, but rules are really the only way to stop it – if they want to (I think shills are great fodder for fascists).

2) sounds the most viable

I saw endchan getting forced when the Fed protests where going on. What happened to those, anyway?

The first is far better, knowing the enemy is far more useful than nuking pre-emptively. The Bernie Glassberg shills failed to attack both half/pol/ and full/pol/ because, setting differences aside, subversion only works against willing targets. The easiest way to stop subversion is to not be a receptive target, a man that does not want to be subverted will never be subverted. Also it would be better to only post shill IDs if the logs are convincing enough, meaning that the logs should contain either contradictory claims (ie. playing both sides) or have enough cancer to justify it. Even if the shills put the extra effort to get around it, they will still end up having a much harder time.
Pic related

Fuck off, m8

The reason you smell like a shill to me is because you make so many personal attacks and insults and are nitpicking.

But, here. Have a hug. It's okay. You're not a shill. Now stop whining.

That could easily be an opinion of an user.
He does tolerate white power organizations quite a bit.

Hey I recognize that first image… They just posted it in another thread.

I'm beginning to strongly suspect that some merchants are going between endchan, Holla Forums, and 4chan Holla Forums and posting pretending to be the other website in order to get us all to fight each other while they scheme away undisturbed in the background.

Excellent post, user.

That's exactly right, we have to allow dissent for Trump in case he betrays us.

Everything points to him being legit, however. A true cult of personality would kill this board.

oy vey personal attacks and insults

What are you a fucking pussy? What are you doing here? By your tumblr logic all of Holla Forums is shills. You are the boy who cried wolf, you are creating the illusion of shills and dilluting the definition of it so actual shills have an easier time subverting.

by banning people for criticizing anime?

Also you're a fucking shill on damage control, I despise the faggots who tries to wreck trump here but you're clearly worse, please fucking kill yourself volunteerfaggot.

I agree and I made the suggestion, but then again that's why I called it the nuclear option. I would hope its only used as a last resort, if at all.

Lol… come on, shill. You're proving me wrong about arguing with shills refining our arguments. They need to fire you and get someone who actually knows how to debate rather than shitpost. Anyone can spam like a moron. Earn you money, freeloader!

The Narcissist Who Cried Wolf

Get filtered.


1.pose as bernfags
2.waste their money


Read the images in the post I'm quoting. You know damn well.

These images in the op look like serious satire of shilling. Either they are satire or shills are on an entirely different level of retardation.

It's hilarious. Holla Forums makes honest people smarter and dishonest people stupider. Streetwise debaters will be priceless. You folks won't always be in your twenties.

I just got here you fucking moron.

I'm not saying shills don't exist, I'm simply stating that these images look very manufactured to provide evidence of shilling. The one even loss like a collection of shit posting because that's what people believe trolling is now.

An interesting point of view. It's certainly true that both paid trolls and shills exist, so it's hard to imagine why someone would go to such efforts when so many leftist dorks would "do it for free", but maybe.

You dont go jewjitsu on a 400 pound gorilla.
No matter you technique, i will break them anytime. I figure that they are really upset about someone that is just you know better and skilled.

As a shill, could you at least be funny or humorous in some way?

Well they are confirmed shills so it is reliable enough, the fact that they are posting on Reddit nicely explains the autism. On Holla Forums, they are goons and, as goons always do, they always pretend that they are joking so they always have something to fall back to if they are compromised, they have done it this way for ages and they continue to do it because it is very effective. You know, the same way leftists say "nobody is coming for your guns, conspiritard" when that is EXACTLY what they want to do. For example they had a thread on freech calling to damage control for Josh and, by pure coincidence(tm), anti-Josh threads on pretty much every board were being heavily shilled and, as was the case with /n/, some were spammed on top of that.


Get a load of this pussy

The "it was just a joke goyim" bullshit is the most irritating, obnoxious shit in existence.

"I was just pretending to be retarded!"
"We were just making a joke!"
"It's not serious goyim, it's just lulz!"

Complete fucking faggot cancer.

Its because they know that they cannot beat Trump. If someone like Rubio or Cruz won then they could easily win.


Its not hard, I would be willing to write the bot myself. It would all have to be open source as well, obviously.

That's a very stupid idea, user, however well intended. Sorry.

retards at reddit are spamming the wrong Holla Forums

how so? I think it would work out well.

Yes my fellow Aryan brother, if we aren't completely serious 100% of the time we might actually have fun, and fun is a slippery slope to white genocide.

Somehow i like this retards, it is kinda cute.
Not that i m pro trump or any of this candidates but it is cute. A for effort.

technically it's by far the more populous Holla Forums

I really like how Holla Forums is almost back to normal. There are some nice threads today. Don't want to sound like a fag but love you guys!

It is plebbit, but it is cute. I would love to stroke their heads gently.


Because Bayesian filters do not work like that. They cannot detect carefully crafted concern trolling or d/c criticisms or deliberately stupid arguments. Yes, it could get rid of repetitive meme shitposting spam, but it would suck out a lot of the Holla Forums humor by accident as well.

Sorry. It just won't work. The shills… GOD I HATE TO SAY THIS… are too smart for it.

Shills give you information and a level of sophistication which also gives you information about the players involved. It is kinda pulling out the shit they try to put into you and take a closer look, just like a scientist looks at a new form of shitflies.
Only thing you have to figure out is if it is worth the time.

And filtered for D&C

Well put.

just fucking kill yourself you autistic schizo.

They do it because they, like us, believe in "meme magic".

That is to say, they believe that Holla Forums can influence public opinion by being particularly adept at crafting effective right wing rhetoric, which self-propagates by wrapping itself in comedy (encouraging people to share it with others).

They aren't attempting to change our minds. They are attempting to disrupt our creative process, so that our influence is weakened.

if you want anime, go to /a/

why is that hard?

The thing is i notice the effort, i can see everything there is nothing i can figure out. But what i wonder about is: why so much effort, why so much sophistication. Is it just because we like to talk freely or are they trying to mine us? I would love to understand the motivation behind it, and not just about some 10bucks srs retards because they are fucking boring and stupid.
Are they all like dead inside like zuckerberg or do they acutally belive in something. At this point it gets really interesting and the information is really foggy and hard to put in their according place.

They genuinely perceive us to be a threat.

Every time with these shills always focused on attacking whites and Christians. You mad, queer?

I dont care about /intl there is a lot more to it.

I mean why the fuck cant they leave us alone?
It really wants me to break them into little shattered pieces of their fragile minds. I really would love to crawl inside them but i assume they wouldnt last a week. That is what i hate about these motherfuckers. They think they are smug and sophisticated but all they do is being a bunch of pawns that i would love to destroy.


Christfaggotry is great and all but it isn't the default position by any means

The over emphasis on 'gay' shit is fucking annoying too and i dont care how faggy i sound saying it. It's not fucking important enough to care about when we're scratching for every bit of support we can get.

Reported. Thanks, intl!

Reported. Thanks, intl!


Remember the memetic warfare presentation that was discovered about one month ago? The reason is, if you have a small group of like minded people spreading memes there is an high risk of converting a lot of other people. It's emerging behaviour confirmed by the most accepted models of social dynamics.

The reddit post looks like a forgery why delete the username? I can't find the reddit post through the reddit searcher or google, I guess it doesn't exist, why not archive it? The first pic too, they look like written by someone who wants to manipulate the paranoid autistic elements on Holla Forums with persecution delusions who will believe some stupid story about a shill alliance between SRS, SA and Holla Forums, which sounds ridiculous.

For reference, this is what an actual intl shill post looks like.

There's a great interview between Michael Piper and Brother Nate that talks about how practically from birth Jews are taught to believe that they are victims justified in vengeance against the anti-semites, literally chosen by God and (among the more orthodox) the ONLY actual humans. You think we Gentiles have heavy duty conditioning? Whew.

You'll notice what attracts the serious shills. What there are actual paid organizations for (ADL, SPLC, AIPAC) and huge campaigns about. One of my relatives married a Jewish lady and she spams out e-mails regularly that are pure Jewish supremacy. It's the kind of pro-Israel bullshit copypasted on Breitbart, etc.

The point is that they're not simply doing something out of boredom or even personal greed. They are literally in an ancient cult bent on world domination through any means necessary. I mean, it's about as evil as it gets. So there's a zeal there that's truly dangerous. Not just anyone would be responsible for the deaths of literally millions of Goyim and just shrug it off while they accuse YOU of being hateful.

I'd pity their twisted ways if they weren't such a threat. Judaism (and it's like minded but less dangerous cousin, Islam) should be outlawed.

Operation - Bernout

Let's make this shit happen.


That's what makes them professional shills, >(1).

This faggot here is what a neurotic paranoid with unwarranted self importance delusions looks like

Haha, this is almost like one of those intl posts where they call you a conspiracy theorist :^)

Christianity has been the default state of white people for more than a millennium.

Thanks for being so obvious though.

hey guys anyone got some spare cummies?



Where are the archives of these posts you miserable subsaharian-IQ shitposter?
why is the name censored?
why don't they use irc for their conspiracies?

They perceive us as a genuine threat, so they believe it is their civic duty to stop us.

I'm not going to answer those questions because they are based on a false premise. If you are not an intl shill, you need to get better at arguing your point.


Are you fucking serious?

Should probably add some tidbits.

Didn't you hear user, if you slap cuck on a name then suddenly you win the argument regardless of any lack of facts your argument actually has!

Dubs of truth.

Cuckime? Could you be any more of a fucking useless nerd? Seriously. I know people like that who go to my high school, they wish their whole goddamned lives were cuckime. Probably because their parents got divorced and TOTALLY DON'T CARE when they come home and announce that they're gay or something.

It's not so much that I hate cuckime, well I do its utter shit, but that's not too bad because the world would be boring if we all liked the same thing. Anyway what really gets to me is anime fans or 'weebs' as they have dubbed themselves. They think that liking cuckime makes them superior to those who don't, they think that if someone does not like cuckime it means they are too stupid to understand it and they worship Japan. There ongoing obsession with Japan makes me want to kill myself, they all want to learn japanese and move to Japan to be an cuckime artist. They insist on speaking in broken Japanese all the time, trying to show off to there fellow cucks just how much they know and they get offended if you say a slight word against Japan. They also have an obsessin with gay people and yell and scream whenever they see one, they say that gay people should be treated the same as straight people yet i don't see then shout and scream when they see a straight couple do you? No, they only reason they love gay people is becasue they are desperate to show the world how openmided they are and they just wait for someone to something like 'thats so gay' so that they have have a 3 hour discussion about it.I myself don't have anything against gays but to be honest i don't really think about it. I mean BASED Milo is pretty great and it is nice that the alt-right has a bulletproof sheild like him. I could go on for hours but I can't be botherd just know one thing cuckime couldn't be crapper if it tried.

That must be how it works, because I didn't even know what the anime was. Just saw it on Holla Forums one day.

Cool paragraph, please highlight my ID and read my other posts.

Holy shit, there's new and there's haven't been conceived yet.

Islam is far, far from being non-threatening. they tormented eastern Europe for centuries on end.

I'd say Talmudists and Islamists simply pose different kinds of threats (Islam of the physical sort, Jews of the mental), not that any one is more dangerous than the other.

And forget I said that, I just noticed the "the" in your post. I'm a huge faggot, please ignore me.


I do know that, and ive known it before.
But where is the fucking problem? Look at europe, look at germany or esp. sweden that seems like a suicide mission due to delusional believes. And i hate all of those motherfuckers that perpetuate this and their little narrow minded poltical games.

We could also make a list of youtube shills. One can find them on the comment section of videos.
For instance, posters trying to push the flat earth hoax, with a recent accounts and no account info are most likely paid agents.
Here's one of them:

These are top-tier screencaps.

/bmw/ needs more attention. The study of memetics is crucial to the future of our civilization. Our enemies study it for good reason. We must not allow a meme gap to form.

nerds deserve to be bullied tbh

You highlight his ID. This guy has been doing nothing but Topic dilution and anger trolling. You are "debating" an Holla Forums shill and destroying this thread. You need to fucking lurk moar.


Islam is comprised by primitive Arab desert bandits that absorbed the Jewish religious cult supremacism but removed the racial element so they could all be Kangs and shit. They would never have gotten deep into Southern Europe if it weren't for the Jews that opened the gates and still run lovely places like Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

For literally over a thousand years, the Muslims have been the dupe army of the Jews, pushing towards the destruction and subjugation of the Christians. People pretend Christianity is a Jewish derived religion, but it ISN'T. Islam on the other hand, absolutely is.

All of which are, combined with the particular evils of the Jews, why they are less of a threat than Jews. Were it not for the Jews in the last hundred years, they would be no more dangerous than Native American tribes and the Arab vs Western hatred gives the Jews wet gooey blankets every night. e.g. ISIS

Ugh.. fuck off sciencefag.

I recommend starting with the basics.

Cute cat, dude. Don't let the janny ban you for it.


So they're the "gypsies" of imageboards? They always seem to be nomadic.

It is wether you like it your not.

I know how they think, they just should keep it moderate you know? Everyone and every group has their own interests. And the jews are being smart about their networking and ther "vengeance" is a good vector achieving their means. They just should keep themselves in check.
And by jews i dont think of the abominations like zuckerberg. That is a very special kind of breed.

more like common-sensefag

I think i'll be fine ,although some drunk guy gave it to me .
Haven't talked to him recently tho.

Are you sure he didn't come back from the dead?

he's been in the land of the living for a good while

The story of the Jews is one of self-destroying excess. Again and again. It's like some kind of legendary tale about megalomania, greed, and materialism. They are their own worst enemy, but are too Jew'd to see it.

Well, yes, but what I mean to get across is basically that islam is the brawn while judaism is the brain. I never meant to imply that they are separate entities. They most certainly are not.

100% agreed.

Matthew 23:9King James Version (KJV)

9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

Not to jew'd to see it, that is why i mentioned moderation, something that is missing today.
And that is why "jewish" strategies work very well these days.

Just because I didn't automatically filter him doesn't mean that I'm willfully feeding him. I am one of the last people that you need to tell to lurk more.

You aren't even trying.

Taking a page out of the stormfront playbook I see.


I'm pretty sure this thread hasn't been pruned because it's a honeypot to ban all of the Holla Forums shills but here's some info for you lads anyways. I wonder how many innocents will fall victim to this shoah.

Moronic fundamentalist literalism.

So What Did Jesus Mean?

Jesus criticized Jewish leaders who love "the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues, and salutations in the market places, and being called ‘rabbi’ by men" (Matt. 23:6–7). His admonition here is a response to the Pharisees’ proud hearts and their grasping after marks of status and prestige.

He was using hyperbole (exaggeration to make a point) to show the scribes and Pharisees how sinful and proud they were for not looking humbly to God as the source of all authority and fatherhood and teaching, and instead setting themselves up as the ultimate authorities, father figures, and teachers.

Christ used hyperbole often, for example when he declared, "If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away; it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell" (Matt. 5:29, cf. 18:9; Mark 9:47). Christ certainly did not intend this to be applied literally, for otherwise all Christians would be blind amputees! (cf. 1 John 1:8; 1 Tim. 1:15). We are all subject to "the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life" (1 John 2:16).

Since Jesus is demonstrably using hyperbole when he says not to call anyone our father—else we would not be able to refer to our earthly fathers as such—we must read his words carefully and with sensitivity to the presence of hyperbole if we wish to understand what he is saying.

Jesus is not forbidding us to call men "fathers" who actually are such—either literally or spiritually. (See below on the apostolic example of spiritual fatherhood.) To refer to such people as fathers is only to acknowledge the truth, and Jesus is not against that. He is warning people against inaccurately attributing fatherhood—or a particular kind or degree of fatherhood—to those who do not have it.

As the apostolic example shows, some individuals genuinely do have a spiritual fatherhood, meaning that they can be referred to as spiritual fathers. What must not be done is to confuse their form of spiritual paternity with that of God. Ultimately, God is our supreme protector, provider, and instructor. Correspondingly, it is wrong to view any individual other than God as having these roles.

Throughout the world, some people have been tempted to look upon religious leaders who are mere mortals as if they were an individual’s supreme source of spiritual instruction, nourishment, and protection. The tendency to turn mere men into "gurus" is worldwide.

This was also a temptation in the Jewish world of Jesus’ day, when famous rabbinical leaders, especially those who founded important schools, such as Hillel and Shammai, were highly exalted by their disciples. It is this elevation of an individual man—the formation of a "cult of personality" around him—of which Jesus is speaking when he warns against attributing to someone an undue role as master, father, or teacher.

He is not forbidding the perfunctory use of honorifics nor forbidding us to recognize that the person does have a role as a spiritual father and teacher. The example of his own apostles shows us that.



Nice incomplete quote
>Just because I didn't automatically filter him doesn't mean that I'm willfully feeding him.
I've been browsing the chans for 6 years, Holla Forums for 4. I don't need you to tell me to lurk more. It accomplishes and furthers nothing.

I'm fucking burning through VPN IPs, this is seriously getting 4chan tier holy shit.

My bot crashed at 5277773 so I did a manual submission.

Thanks for the info though. Inforgraphics are important if you are going to educate people on the danger the KC Cartel and Cuckime Cabal present to the Aryan man.

Unwillingly feeding trolls only makes you that much more of a faggot.



Let's be reasonable here, we know a lot of reddit racemixers have moved here.

No problem man, I'll keep dumping until someone tells me to stop. Have some of the various pills that people have swallowed. I'll post the faction guide in a minute.


I agree, these anime SHILLS need to be banned. It is only by the Government banning things I don't like that America's problems will be solved.

What are you even trying to accomplish?

I hope you're the Artfag.

Here's the faction guide, I've heard someone was looking to updating it with current information so be on the lookout for that.

I've been reading Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion recently. Very interesting book. The techniques it describes could likely be used to enhance memetics.

I still laugh at how /int*/ doesn't understand what trolling means.

If people lurked more I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that fucks up the meaning of words and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Thinking you "trolled" a person just by making it believe a lie is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of term that is used to describe people who literally try to make you angry just by insulting you or your tastes. in others forums they do it right. It's just /int*/ and /int*/'s lame knockoffs that fail at knowing the meaning of trolling.

The true meaning of trolling means YOU posted something intentionally enraging (Personal opinions don't count) to get somebody incredibly mad and respond seriously to your post. If a person tells you to "Fuck off" or similar things, it doesn't mean he got trolled, it means your trolling attempt was so lame you should just stop trying. Trying to use "D&C" "Shill" and other similar memes is just a pathetic attempt of covering your hurt ass (Because you are obviously hurt that your troll didn't work and you are trying to save face by making it a metatroll).

Trolling never meant to be funny, or annoying, or cool, or anything. Only huge nerds with no lives or girlfriends try to get off to people getting mad on the internet. It's like they are admitting their own insecurities and loneliness.
I want to use sarcasm, yet I almost never do it on Holla Forums because people will jump on me thinking I'm trolling or something.

Is it the Freech one or the Holla Forums one? I know the Holla Forums one got an update a few months ago in a post on /cow/

Where did i dispute that, faggot? Oh right, I didn't, because I'm talking about Holla Forums in the [current year].

There are plenty of people here who aren't Christian, and you faggots are 10x worse than Holla Forums fags when you sperg out on someone for being that way

nice kopipe

I wish we had this kind of motivation and resources
At least they practice what they preach

It's amazing what you can accomplish when you control 95% of the world's wealth and all media. And, yet, they are all still so ugly and want nose jobs. Tsk tsk.

You should work on yourself using that "power" to influence people you know in RL. It is a lot more statisfiying and a lot more of a gratifcation than just relying on weapons of mass deception.
The new thing that because really interesting is looking at subconsicous actions because they tell a lot more than simple speech or simple arguments. And i guess there is a way to "exploit" this.
"Psychology of persuation" is more like a psychology of wholeness.

Small update here


Don't know if you've been following the GATE threads, but one of the main perpetrators of mindfucking the children in the program base their operations on Wilfred Bion's work in group dynamics. I've been searching for some of these papers but unfortunately they've gone all-out "SHUT IT DOWN" on him and the papers are hard to find. Finding these documents could prove immensely useful in understanding the modern Frankfurtians' current methods and, possibly, ways to combat them.

I laughed.

Oh, God. Talk about use of a classic technique for discrediting Holla Forums. I'm surprised we don't have "Gangstalking" threads popping up as the gov't did when forums were talking about Snowden's disclosures. GATE paranoia should be immediate ban; it's obvious paid shilling.

you want to be called father because of your pretense and disgusting pride.

cause in reality, you`re not a father, you`re a heretic maggot

It's time to put down the bong.


I've been practicing it face-to-face with people I meet. So far the results seem promising.

This is the first I've heard of "GATE". No idea what it is.

What about the Wilfred Bion / group dynamics stuff though? Is there any credence to that?

abraham would spit in your face

There you go fam.

It's a supernatural distraction like Aliens and Reptilians to make people feel scared, turn off reasonable people, and waste our time. "Find info on this!"

It's literally as worse than Alex "goose chase" Jones. Even if it was all true (which of course it isn't!), it doesn't fucking matter because the things that are really central are about Jewish supremacy, white survival, and the creating healthy countries.

Anyone talking about GATE should go to /x/, stop taking those drugs, or quit their job as a shill in shame.

Abraham was evil. The father of the Jews and the Muslims. The original Jew and the original Muslim. The worshiper of the demiurge, a satanic murderer, and would-be killer of his own son.



are you to stupid to understand that the voice abraham heard was jesus

and to ignorant to understand that the mountain to which Abraham took Isaac to sacrifice, Mount Moriah, was the same as that on which the Lord was crucified and then resurrected.

John 8:58King James Version (KJV)
58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

You disputed it when you said it wasn't the default position.

White people should always be assumed to be Christians. Christianity and Europe have been inextricably linked for a long time, and there's no reason to pretend that isn't the case for fear of triggering some faggots in their rebellious phase.

There are also plenty of shills here, and we don't make allowances for you either.

Yeah, dont set a goal when you meet people just keep one in the back of your head.
Be comfortable, charming and know your shit. Dont go too tinfoil, when people feel you know your shit they get along. Dont make it too serious always keep some kind of sarcasm humor in it. Keep in mind that if you want boobcarriers they like confidence and "leadership". A lot of highly educated boobcarriers/people are submissive and can only focus on certain areas, outside of those areas they feel helpless and need to be guided. Keep that in your mind, sometimes you have to put people on thin ice.

Pill-poppers need to try swallowing a browning pill sometime, it's a blast.

As Robert Plant said, "Back to the shed, Zionist bible thumper."

No. I don't believe it and all the "types" tripe. I'm a heretic and I fully reject the Old Testament. That God was EVIL and the biggest mistake Christians make is trying to reconcile that shitlord with the Logos.

To fix Christianity, get rid of the Judaism!

Oh God, not 1/4 Jew Rev. Anderson…

I guess this is as close as it's going to get for some people. But if you want to get closer, try Traditional Catholicism. And, that's still not close enough to the truth.

Who Are God's Chosen People?

Oh God, not 1/4 Jew Rev. Anderson… The John Angelo Gage of the Christian Right.

I guess this is as close as it's going to get for some people. But if you want to get closer, try Traditional Catholicism. And, that's still not close enough to the truth.

No, retard it's about how the Jews use the school system to alienate children and reduce their potential. Wilfred Bion is a legit psychologist who's work is central to modern shilling/subversion tactics.

Idiots like you are a prime example of why those techniques are used in the first place. You take one look at the supernatural trolling fags in those threads and refuse to do any further research into a legit topic.


Jesus, if you actually wanted to try you'd at least link some Christian Identity sermons, you lightweight.

And, it's still wrong. We just have to make these two utterly opposed texts work together. Or, maybe, you don't.

Imagine Christianity without the Old Testament. Just imagine it. What are you really missing? Keep in mind that I have well over one hundred books on Christian theology and am not a total retard. It's not as simple as "the bible says", m8.

What is Christianity really about? What values does it really reflect? If Christ was not actually a real person, but the MESSAGE was 100% true, what would that message be?

Any good shill mixes some truth with the falsehood. If you want to know the reality about the conditioning through education, read this book:*Version*=1&*entries*=0

The book so good, Gatto had to copy the title hide the message and make people think "oh, it's just about making industrial workers".

The GATE stuff is a psyop, as you'll figure out on your own in the months ahead if you have any brains.

There he goes, feeding the trolls.

You know they're just trying to get this thread to 750, right?

Good point. Last post for me.


Spoonfeed it to me.

I was raised lutheran, and still believe that christian churches have a vital roll in communities, but no longer believe the stories in the bible are literal truth.

The stuff I read in the old testament seemed pretty shitty. Like turning Lot's wife to salt? That's just petty. She wasn't the one who tried to whore out her daughters to an angry mob…

The new testament stuff is nicer, but I think it needs to be interpreted correctly otherwise it can be inhibitive to nation building. "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's" part leaves room for government, but the "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" stuff seems to preclude christians from participating in that government. The "turn the other cheek" parts, in the hands of the wrong preacher, can make people glorify weakness and be complete pushovers who don't stick up for themselves.

GATE stands for Gifted and Talented Education, a loosely connected group of school programs that served as the testing ground for Common Core "standards".

If you had any brains you'd know how to filter out psyops and pay attention to the core issue. Seeing as half of your posts are arguments with shills it's easy to see why you fell for the bullshit.

thus the essence of your failure

When I was in school I was in the "gifted program" because some psychologist said I had a decent IQ. But all that meant was that I had a free ticket to skip any classes I wanted, and could get into AP courses without meeting the grade requirement.

It was like a cheatcode to highschool. No hint of any common core (or any special curriculum at all, unless you count the hours of Doom I played instead of going to class).

Who here wasn't in a talent and gifted type program? Who here isn't an INTJ? Fuck, it means nothing other than they know who we are and are marketing a bullshit psyop to us.

Common Core did NOT come from it. Read the fucking book I linked and check out Cheryl's site and videos. She doesn't name the Jew, sadly, but it's 100% world supremacy shit.

If I have time when I return. Take care, honest user.

this user gets it

They did not infiltrate every single gifted program in the country, they just used a few to hone in on their bullshit.

The FUCK it didn't. We dug up people with direct, top-level involvement with both of these programs. The INSTANT they stopped working in the gifted programs is when they started creating Common Core. Some of them cited directly their work with these gifted students as instrumental in it's creation.

If you weren't so goddamned susceptible to the most obvious of b8 you may have actually stuck around in those threads long enough know this mundane and obvious shit.

So how much we wanna bet that never shows up again?

If i would do psyops it wouldnt be that easy to filter.
What is the "core issue" so to speak, if you try to define it then it will get interesting.

Mostly just filling in the gaps as to how the Common Core "standards" were originally devised. It's not exactly thrilling or even all that interesting, per se, but it did bring the Tavistock Institute Frankfurtian research group and Wilfred Bion into the light, which was slightly illuminating.

Not exactly a bombshell, but it helps fill in the picture.

i`m always here

My father had a yuge bible like that when I was a child. I really need to get one, or hopefully I will be able to obtain his when he passes. That would be more ideal, so I can have a sort of family bible to pass down to my children.

Regarding the 4th image.

How does the Board Volunteer know the IP of the spammers? I thought only admins and globals can check IPs?

Here's a few of my thoughts on the matter:
1) Despite all the bullshit that is repeatedly thrown at this board, it refuses to crack.
2) System advocate faggots are weak bitches who just follow the Rothschild narrative
3) System advocate anti-whites always show how they are by their low-tier, base, dishonorable behavior.
4) All of the above basically just establishes that we are right and always have been.

Also, a note to the pro-censorship faggots that can't handle free discussion: you're going to lose because you're inferior. You might as well accept it. You have been pushing on the truth since before christ insanity started, and it's still readily available. You can't stop us.

We are always five seconds from waking up the next "racist," and everyone normal already agrees with us. All you faggots can do is run around and break shit, just like we have seen with the Marxists. You've never BUILT anything.

Now get the fuck out of here.

A note to our brothers and sisters: don't think that everything is D & C. Just because it exists doesn't mean every debate of policy or argument or disagreement is "shilling." It's intellectually lazy and allows our enemies to destroy thought, which is their primary objective.

Except it's not "paganism" or any -ism, it's our real pantheon.

They don't see the actual IP. They get a hash like the images in

I love the shills, what would i do with out them?

I need them

it would be nice to know it was a shill cause then i could target them specifically

the thought of arguing with a shill keeps me alive

So people are paid to shill Cruz, and others are paid to shill Bernie, others Hilary and others Trump. Clearly the Trump shills are winning by volume, or you might say they are indistinguishable from an authentic Trump poster; but logically they exist – it's not like Trump is going to be the one candidate that doesn't have shills. Some shills are paid to shitpost and some to advertise. Taken on the whole they work for the benefit of them and their masters versus everyone else.

It doesn't matter what the shills shill, it's their existence that's the problem. They don't care what they're shilling. They exist to siphon life energy and attention onto little squares, on which they can make crowds think as they want and do as they want them to do. They've cropped a picture of the world to flaunt problems and whore their bosses merchandise/initatives/solutions so that they can be a scammer and not a sucker.

There is no way for them to D&C where minds are already made up. They can't make Stormfront into Revleft nor Revleft into Stormfront. D&C shilling is stagecraft, JIDF/intl/leftypol/ are masks. There's more risk from false friends than antagonistic enemies. Trump is only popular because the shill and media narrative has been set so that everyone will lurch to the right, while Trump's given script is the only one to serve the niche.

Holla Forums's worst enemy is the shill and the shill alone, they're multifaceted and coordinated enough to be its most effective friend as well as antagonist. Attack the shills not the pagans/christians/jidf and whatever else.


One of the problem with young people is that they think that the things that are relevant are recent and, the more recent they are, the more relevant.

Are you familiar with Dewey, Bloom, Mortimer Alder, William Bennett, and David Cole? Each played a role in the creation of Common Core. Even the focus on Common Core misses the point. The schools have long been taken over. The experiments like the "new math" and CBT "mastery" conditioning were open ones – all you had to do was read the literature over the last FIFTY+ years. Holy shit, go and read WFB's God and Man at Yale. No, really. You'll like it. And, that wasn't the start by any means! Read about Robert Bork's experiences as a professor in Slouching Towards Gomorrah. Fuck, the universities have been hot beds of conditioning for over a century and it's just trickled more and more into lower education, all while they learned and applied more and more conditioning techniques developed by academics here and in the USSR – you're too young to know this, but the USSR was *lauded* as having as vastly superior education system for a very long time, one we were supposed to emulate if we were going to catch up in the cold war.

Yes, this is a very deep rabbit hole. But, I'm telling you with complete conviction that GATE is a fucking dead end designed to be spooky, offputting, and wrong, like microwave mind control beams. You don't have to trust me. But, you really owe it to yourself to read back a little in history to see what I'm saying is true.

If you want to know about something scary and REAL, go learn about Dr. Cameron and McGill University. Yeah, the spooks are sociopathic creeps. But, GATE is a shill discrediting project. Doesn't matter, they'll do it regardless of blowing the alarm, but you'll realize eventually that they do lots of shit like this. (Beam weapons and 9/11 come to mind).

I see what you did there, Avi.

Like I actually care. Anyone is welcome to come fuck with me in person and be signed up for a very rapid onset of health issues.

I could fucking care less.

Actually, if the system wants to squeeze normal people everywhere, they will just make total revolution inevitable. Everyone already is 14/88 tier outside the cities, and there are literal moonmen going around killing muds that they won't put on the TV because they don't want the rest of you faggots copying it.

So…whatever. We're going to win either way.

Besides, ZOG, aren't you aware that for every time you think you tapped us, we have you tapped twice as hard? Your top fags can't do jack shit without every bad goy knowing in under five seconds, meanwhile some irrelevant faggots can and do maintain total privacy.

It must really hurt knowing that trillions of dollars in spying isn't fucking worth anything when you're shilling all the attacks because normal people just want to live their lives. Stay mad, ZOG.

Plenty of truth in that. The goal with the government leaked Snowden disclosures is to normalize surveillance and make everyone feel tracked. The more fear people have of "total information awareness", the more they will have control. THEY DON'T NEED REAL CONTROL FOR THIS TO WORK.

Just like scaring people from being racist, they need to make everyone aware of "wrongthink" and then martyr a few poor souls for doing it to scare EVERYONE into staying in line. Of course, the reality is that the government is chock full of affirmative action dorks that can barely keep their prescriptions sorted and you are quite safe. They just need an occasional paper tiger attack to convince you otherwise.

Fact is: the US Government could not counter a mere 1% of its population in active revolution against it. So, it has to scare folks enough to keep that 1% from forming.

Trump is BARELY shelling out for radio and television advertisements, and you expect me to take for granted that he is paying people to shill on Holla Forums?

Goddamn, you are one smug, self absorbed piece of shit.

No use in arguing with someone that thinks only they know basic history and refuses to pay attention to what you're saying.

Trump is admitting to spending about $500k every couple months on "consulting services". Honest question (and, yes, I will be voting for Trump because it is an important statement and I think everyone here should vote for him as well):

If Trump shills were real, would you (1) feel differently about Trump and (2) support or oppose their presence here?

"Everyone is doing it. It's the only way to compete."

If Trump shills were real, the only thing I would be doing differently is try to get hired as one.

Okay, so you've never read a book about any of this. Is that what you're saying? Hell, you won't even read a "wall fo text".

You don't have to do any real work to understand what's going on in education, but you're going to insist that the GATE threads are legit. Got it.


Actually, it's my reading comprehension that's at fault here. You're saying that you didn't say it was a big deal, but I'm criticizing you for thinking you know it's important. That's a fair complaint from you and I should have put it differently.

I just don't want people to buy into the GATE bullshit. Education is a fucking yuuuge conditioning tool, bigger than entertainment media for example. But, GATE is a psyop.

way to completely rewrite the definition of shill to fit a doctrine for diversion and dissension within the board.

if you're for something, and you talk positively about it–you're advertising it, you're building it up, you're shilling it.

The only shills we care to hate here are the shills that are not shilling trump.

I despise Cruz shills, Bernie Shills, Rubot-Shills, but Trump shills are basically what the majority of us are (save for the above mentioned degenerate board infiltrators)

I think the real problem that's the topic is people (often, but not always, paid) being deceptive in their purpose and technique in order to manipulate folks away from the right-wing (and, most critically, the Jewish culpability). It's dirty tricks stuff, as opposed to some misguided SJW or leftypol coming here and trying to convince people, which shouldn't really bother anyone, IMO.

I unironically believe in the god Kek. Anyone know of any worship rituals for Kek?

In modern Holla Forums parlance, a shill is somebody who does not argue in good faith.

This is a cloaked (but obvious) attempt to put moderation into a state of paranoid-induced inaction. Things should continue like business as usual to counter this pic.

No. Shills are outgroup

Dumb fuck, I spread dank memes AND I say the fucker was a kike on a stick.

I fit outside your paradigm.

What Now? :^D

I agree, Holla Forums and /christian/ need a fucking Trump Wall erected between them. /christian/ has been a cancer on Holla Forums here on Holla Forums for as long as I can remember!

Your a fucking retard kid


Yeah, I figure most of the sane people are already not giving a fuck. I even remember softcore people at college who gave even less of a shit than I did about the attempt to force fear, and back then I cared more about spying, but I could see the legitimacy of their point in fear not being productive.

It's a consistent pattern with many shills I think we have noticed here–usually the effectiveness of the things they say requires you to believe in it first, like the whole "Trump can't win" type shit that has been posted literally a million times. X can't happen–no point in trying, goy.

By the way, I fucking love you guys for basically helicoptering your dicks at ZOG and being hilariously gratitutously RAY CISS and making them shit their pants–you glorious bastards.

"What the IPs have in common is that they tend to be based in the mobile infrastructure of the US."

How do they know that exactly? I'm aware about hashing but I thought hashes could be widely different from each other, for example:



So long as we name the jew every day everything will be ok.

I don't really believe anyone is wasting money sending shills over here because it makes no sense.

Two hours spent shilling on FB or Reddit or the NYT would be so much more productive.

This place gets a lot of hotheaded fanatics which is what you mistake for shills but they are just your typical uncivilized low IQ peasants that get too agitated about politics.

Not unless you're being paid for it.

So you're ok with paid shilling to keep people in an echo chamber. Shills can post Trump threads, make crap 'God Emperor' memes while the mods ban people for shitting on Trump.

It's OK because 'the majority' are in favour of that. The majority that is presently a rabble of newfags roused by shills, their fake news and half-assed memes, a majority that is blindfolded by infiltrators who false flag lefty pol, JIDF and Holla Forums shilling to drive everyone further into the coral, which is where you feel comfortable anyway. It's weak. Stop giving a fuck about people posting what you don't like, it's not going to change anything.

What does it matter if they post a pro-Bernie or Cruz thread? Why throw a fit about it? If they post an interracial thread promoting black girls with white guys, the only thing it does is cause people to flip their lids and cry 'MOODDDSSSS, we need mods ;D !!!!'.

At the moment the majority of threads are the ones you like, but the shills can swing it so that the majority of theads are the ones you don't like. There is the choice: do you want a safe space provided by shills and their friends the mods, which make it a slighty more trendy hugbox than Stormfront, or do you want to take the shills on – break out of the coral (reject their right/left dialectic politics) and choose free speech, then watch them crash Holla Forums under a tsunami of race-mixing threads and Bernie threads; pulling their comfy swatstika-embroided rug out from under you, and you not giving a fuck because you're stronger than needing it?

Oh well.



theycant has been shutting down THOUSANDS of Red Pilled YouTube videos it is like a JewTubeIDF.

BUT all the videos they have shut down is available on this torrent

It's 10.64 GB, and I will add 5 GB of vids (really big in size, so it's like additionally 3 or 4 only) when I restart the torrent tomorrow.


most of the shitty D&C shills will employ tactics like the ones explained in this screencap. Quotes from the second to last comment:

"I've been doing some heavy anti-weeb posting on Holla Forums and have gotten a bunch of people to join in. I also started to connect weebshit with /christian/ and encouraging others to report anime if christcuck shit bothers them and vice-versa."

"The Trump shit is great because we can splinter the board further. In lolberg threads make sure to conflate lolberg principles with judaism, and in Trump threads do the same."

"Always aim to be a vocal support of the other and try to create further splinters in the community as you can."

"We want blind reactionary posts to create the most drama possible."

"Remember the more people we get pointlessly arguing the less people there will be in threads thinking about what is being posted and the easier it will be to divide the board and destroy it."

and they do it for free. its a fun thing for them, they've worked hard at it for a year. they're guys who just 'want to watch the board burn' like in TDKR and they have the brains to destroy Holla Forums, for the lulz they'll get in return. Mods won't let the year they've plotted attacking us pay off – that's the reason why it's unacceptable to attack Trump, so that we can't be divided.

user, they think any effortposting as a reply to them is a successful troll.

The only winning move with intl is not to play. Just filter, report and then the mods can ban them.

as an additional aside, the GOOD shills use the mobile infrastructure IPs.

intl just uses global VPNs.

good as in professional.

If there is a God, he will rape them all. Fucking traitors.

some shitty japanese swordplay/rpg sim game, it's trash i don't recommend. can't remember the name tho.



I have a torrent of videos with 7GB of vids that the Jews have tried to shut down



this, shillarycunts are spamming Holla Forums

No, anyone who brings up religion for no reason is a shill.

Like you, you fucking faggot.


Will you let that fucking retarded meme die already? It was never good.

Way of the Samurai 4. Good premise that they ruined with wacky Jap shit for no real reason. Pics extremely fucking related.

Why do Japanese do this to their games?

Alot of cool kids on this thread.



Because its fun


by the way you can't bump the thread if you sage
What is "sage"? Posters may reply to threads without bumping them to the top of the index by putting "sage" in the email field.

Wow, I literally can't even wew right now lad.

The GATE stuff suggested to me that there are a bunch of kids out there who were subject to all sorts of paranormal testing (and drugged??) by the state for ESP and whatnot, who then never had a follow up telling them ESP isn't real. That's my best guess for all the /x/-tier stuff in those threads. Definitely wish someone would post some above-the-board, official writings on the whole ordeal so we can hammer down what we're talking about.

I've been reading Bion, and checking out these yearly seminars they hold at Tavistock for group dynamics training. Basically you can go hang out with all the best psychoanalysts and get experience in groups being manipulated, learning how it all works on the fly. Still not sure about how that connects to gifted kids though. I think Tavistock, Bion, and Group Dynamics is interesting enough in it's own right, though, so I don't want to just say it's all a shill-OP.



We're up late and in this thread:
Tease attached. If shills get to this thread meet above where you think would be reasonable after reading into it

Slid the fuck out, 2am and slid the fuck out

Please do not alert shills or other forum visitors when their methods are ineffective. Do not clue them in as to how we can tell their samefagging, or when they use our slang and memes incorrectly, or how we can tell their images come from another website, or when they clearly don't "sound like" they're from here, or when they're obviously trying too hard, etc.

Just ignore, filter, move on.


They're shitskins who abuse inhalants. That's all you need to know about them. They're all ovenworthy.

can someone barchive this?

Yes there is and it's called

What in the Lord's name did you just fucking say about me, you little heathen? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my Catechism class in the one true holy catholic and apostolic church, and I’ve been involved in numerous crusades on the Mohammedans, and I have over 300 theology books. I am trained in medieval warfare and I’m the top paladin in the entire kingdom. You are nothing to me but just another infidel. I will wipe you the fuck out with purging the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, heretic. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of inquisitors across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the Holy war, pagan. The Holy war that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, Saracen. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare guantlets. Not only am I extensively trained in mounted combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Swiss Guard and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what Holy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking peace. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn cultist. I will the power of the Holy Spirit all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, heathen.

Just show the shills the oathbreaker meme, the good ones will see the evil of their ways and repent

Does Soros pay you directly?


Sorry, but everyone's oaths are restored.

Die, jew.


bumping for this because now instead of the christians Vs pagans bs the D&C shills are pushing believers Vs atheists bs. In another thread some guy said all believers are the same and there's no difference between a christian a muslim and a jew.


bumping this, the 2nd to last comment:

"Also the massive reaction to cuckold shit that we had when we first got here, threads deleted as soon as they pop up, seems to have died down. This means we can start making race mixing threads and BBC threads."

This morning there was a dozen threads like that. They don't do anything new, they just recycle their old shit.

I see

In the event you aren't paying attention, Holla Forums mods showing their true colors once again.


These are the threads your mods - specifically, imkampfy and Heil - permit, without bumplock or ban.


Bumping. What is geting slid?

Dude, this thread is 3 weeks old.
Everyone has already seen it.

By posts alone this thread has 193 UIDs.

There are still people who take the bait.

God is far too great heathen, man can only ever be a vessel of God, never his son


I read your post again and realised mine immediately comes off as fitting exactly what you said about shills trying to get people to fight each other for no real reason.
You were right, my apologies. The constant shitposting is taking its toll on me

Where the fuck do you think you are?

sucks 4 you to get a taste of your own shit

And a bump for this in case some of you haven't read that post yet.

Don't take the bait next time.

Go stick your dick in an electrical socket you fucking troglodyte.

rate my art.



Anyone else notice we are being raided right now?

There is a whole lot of derailing, shitposting, and smug anime girls being posted.

My post got deleted but that day there were a lot of blacked threads, pro-racemixing threads and commie threads so I wanted to bump the relevant threads.

Fuck the shills. The anti pagan, anti christian and anti atheist shills are the worst. Any discussion of religion or atheism should be banned tbh, there are other boards for that.

Prove these aren't artificial images.

Muh mods!!
That D&C topic failed long time ago

Re-broken ;)))))))))))))))))))

Pagan here (not norse). I refuse to bring religion into non religion threads, but since its relevant, I'll say my part. I never shit on christians, and any people that bait religious arguments under the guise of christianity I always discredit. To me, it's clear they are the exact same ">x isn't white" kikes using nearly the same tactic.

We're all on the same team here.

I hate christcuckery and don't like people who worship a kike on a stick, I'm still not a shill though.


No. It's the "pagans" that come into every Christian thread and derail it while mods do nothing

They infiltrated 4chan janitorial roles and are banning Trump supporters away from the frontline battles.


Many people in a group sharing the same opinion does not a hugbox make, faggot. You don't go into a fucking church and complain to the guy sitting next to you that the place is a hugbox. You can say what you want and shill for jewish lgbtbbq rights, but don't be surprised when everyone on the pew in front of you turns around and calls you a retarded faggot.

Funny thing about that first pic, its all true, they don't even know how to troll properly


The united, transparent, attempt to throw every single thing they can to stop us. They play all the moving people like fiddles. They marionette Freech, SRS, SA, JIDF, and countless others like puppets to muddy the clear waters, so we get distracted from the cold hard truth. If every Holla Forumslack picked up a rifle and decided to go for the high score this country would cease to exist. It would be dominoes. We would have copycats, paranoid as fuck militias, gangs forming, normies racing to buy every gun they could getting more paranoid by the second; and most importantly, zog would lose complete control of this nation. There's even more lurkers than posters, so they only have data on 1/10 of this "gathering of individuals". And the funniest fucking part? We don't even need to communicate with each other to do it. That's the fucking beauty of asymmetric warfare. If Holla Forums went down then their worst nightmare would happen…


That's what keeps people like Soros and Rothschild up at night. It's what makes them look out the blinds every now and then, making sure a man in a ghillie suit isn't inching his way into range, on the outskirts of their mansions.

So smile, brothers. Kick up your feet and enjoy the ride, because whether they like it or not, we have already won.

Tick. tock. Doomsday is coming.


This is fucking amazing

Honestly, I'd like to see Holla Forums take a different stance to shilling. Instead of just saying "sage for shilling" or whatever,,, we should be BTFOing them with facts and logic.

I think shills could be used as an opportunity for people to sharpen their debate skills.

Bump because it's Friday. Either this morning or this evening there should be a small raid.

Check this and this and you can bet it's going to look like that.

Shiggery diggeryfuckingdooleloodipooniroo.

bump because there's something odd going on with Holla Forums today

bump for the same reason

Shut the fuck up shills. You're either a degenerate, sex-cult Pagan or a Redditard fedora atheist. Either way YOU AREN'T WANTED HERE. Fuck off.

Pagans REPEATEDLY disrupt Christian Holla Forums threads and try to play innocent. They REPEATEDLY shill blatantly false shit (especially about muh northern crusades) then they blame /christian/ while they fall for Holla Forums's shit.



Yeah, this is EXACTLY what I mean. When Pagans/fedoras complain about "le christcucks" no one whines about D&C against them. D&C is only applicable toward anyone who defends Christianity now or what?

I'm waiting for you to call out everyone who said "christcuck" / "kike on a stick" / other shill lingo in this thread. Until then you are a hypocrite and should go back to Something Awful.

bump to keep afloat

because christianity is anti White by nature

christianity is the D&C of Europe and the rest of the world

christianity is cultural marxism and hippie universal equality bullshit for people who believe in god

Heathenism is pro White, pro in-group, anti-degeneracy by nature

Atheism is neutral

and you christ cuck/christ nigger/kike worshiper/degenerate faggot/nihilist have your own entire fucking board called /christian/

Abrahamic religions don't fucking belong in Europe or the White man's mind


This is a shill. They think they're clever by joining in the shill calling.

Still, everyone knows the animu shit is a remnant from the Holla Forums raids.

And another Holla Forums shill who wants to subvert Holla Forums into an animu board.

Christianity has never attempted to achieve equality.. This is why commies always kill off all the christians whereever they get into power.

Atheism is spiritual blindness, but you already know that, don't you?

This guy said it best.

The animu shit is MLP-tier, meaning it is absolutely cancerous. MLP shit was banned from all other boards back on 4cuck for a reason.

This should warrant an insta-ban. What the fuck are the mods doing? Are they so incompetent they can't separate a shill from a genuine user? If so then they're not even Holla Forumsaks.

LARPagans not welcome.

kek, I'm the guy who did all those posts in that first image labeled "shitskinshill".

Thread theme

This. It's time we put a little attention to this.

Notice how all the anime shitposting is actively trying to subvert.

Look at this shit:

The audacity of these animu Holla Forums shills.


Historically speaking that's false. For some strange reason until recently it never occured to Europeans that the christian religion prevented them from being xenophobes / racists / nationalists / etc.



The opposite is true, but whatever.

Really? The slaveholders in the South + those who didn't care about slavery, all of them weren't christians?

The citizens and the soldiers of the British Empire, all of them weren't christians? Or the spanish empire for example, catholicism wasn't the official religion perhaps?

Can you me a pre-20th century example of christianity being used as an anti-white religion?

Never forget moeshit.

Every damn time they don't fill the thread.


Many rumors float around. Only way we'll know is to dig or investigate.

This one needs to be seen.

can someone help a newfag that hasn't used a magnet address to torrent yet? where can I paste this in my client and am I supposed to exclude part of the address?

nvm I got it

Bump to see if this Friday is going to be like the previous Fridays

I cant beleive shills actually think they are being subtle.

I think the second image, and possibly the first even, are just obvious trolling. Holla Forums is very easy to ruse and nothing gets more replies than playing the shill.

They aren't. Which is bad.

Because if any newfag sees them being the vocal majority, then the newfags either tune to them or just leave.

Either case is bad because in both we lose an ally. Secondly, once they gain enough newfags and soon they'll become the real majority and we'd have another exodus.

trump bump

Convenient conspiracy shit. Why would you have to go into hiding for saying some shit about imageboard site hosts. People leak shit on powerful corporations and get away for less. What are a bunch of IRCfags going to do?

I think people who end up here usually have some level of rational thought and arent just going to immediately side with some trolling retard. The ones we do lose to shilling probably arent worth keeping anyway.

This just made me realise how ridiculous the whole thing is. The Sanders shills are legit, since they come from reddit and are basically doing what we do. I don't know about the others. Hillary is plausible, but I haven't seen much shilling for her.

You're doing the Lord's work, user.

the Trump shills do it for free, the Cruzbots probably not (hello Applied Memetics), the Sanders shills probably do it for free and the Hillary shills will definitely not be working for free.


some people keep on taking the bait

just in case

These faggots insist on writing down their plans. Until they stop I will consider the a nuisance rather than a threat.

The shit we talk about offline, that ought to worry them.

Another /Christ/ attack. Attack every Holla Forums thread to get the alt/right closeted faggots to your board.


So all the anti-christian fags were Holla Forums all along?
Should've figured that out myself sooner.

So all the Anti-christian fags were Holla Forums all along?
I should've figured that out myself sooner.

Why are we acting like anti anime and anime posters are at equal fault?

Anime posters are the original inhabitants of imageboards and we've been posting smug anime girls as reaction images for over 10 years.

The anti-anime faggots are the one's coming in from other white nationalist websites that have utterly failed in advancing the cause were we've succeeded.

They want "serious discussion" while not understanding that the lighthearted nature of Holla Forums is what made it so successful to begin with.

These uptight faggots don't realize that humor is the ultimate ideological vector and they want to make us like their failures.

Fuck them they need to leave.

It already is. Frankly, I can't wait until it's more of one so people of all political affiliations will unite and do something about it.
I left university with a liberals arts degree and managed to create a job for myself in a sector dominated by women.

Try harder, shills.

Why are we acting like anti anime and anime posters are at equal fault?

Anime posters are the original inhabitants of imageboards and we've been posting smug anime girls as reaction images for over 10 years.

The anti-anime faggots are the one's coming in from other white nationalist websites that have utterly failed in advancing the cause were we've succeeded.

They want "serious discussion" while not understanding that the lighthearted nature of Holla Forums is what made it so successful to begin with.

These uptight faggots don't realize that humor is the ultimate ideological vector and they want to make us like their failures.

Fuck them they need to leave.

Niggerwheels let me fucking post

Salvation is a mercy of God not any sign of your own intrinsic worth or value and without grace you'd be as much a degenerate as anyone else. The common providence of God allows pagans, often times more than Christians, to posess great virtue and wisdom amongst themselves and to not recognize this and grant them the due dignanty of creatures made in the image of God because they do not posess the blessings of faith that you do, is pig-headed.

If pagans are actually and sincerely disrupting and attacking Christian discussion on Holla Forums, how small a suffering is this compared to the suffering of Christ? We are the guests in this world, our true home being the kingdom of God, let us then act as guests and not as the head of a house we do not belong to.

INFINITE RESTORATION: impervious to breaks — fucking kill yourselves /christ/ Jew worshiping shill's who ruined 8ch


fuck off back to >>>/egy/


Holla Forums is not a christian board you fucking autist. /christian/ is.
also why does christchan look like she has down's syndrome? is it because it represents all stick yid worshippers such as yourself?

finally got satanic trips- PRAISE KEK.

Holla Forums doesn't have a pantheon, and atacking anyone christian because they are christian instead of focusing on discussion is fucking stupid.



Yeah, the low effort idiots are the worst. I realize this is an image board but always back up a salient point even if it may be easier to just type out a sentence.

Most of us are on the same side (in a broad fashion), explain or prove first, then if there is a dismissive or no response at all, then you're dealing with a shitposter or shill.

Connecting the dots was invaluable to me when first starting to even understand cuck/pol/ a few years ago, sometimes spelling things out is very helpful. Western people are great because of achievements, therefore the enforced degeneration is a bad thing. Jews are horribly overrepresented by population in these efforts. Therefore the aggregate impact of Jewish people is an obvious negative. Blacks specifically and minorities in general are used to push the gradual decline in our societies. Them being shoveled at us as role models and generally okay is therefore bad despite anecdotal evidence. Our governments are fucked because they go along with this.

It's easy to forget after being immersed in this culture for long enough, but there needs to be an additional push every so often to make everything click into place. We've been so deluged with emotional barriers that it's hard for folks to reconnect with obvious wisdom, such as there being a damn good reason that our ancestors thought they way they did.

PS: The best and most workable strategy that is often seen on Holla Forums is false equivolence, trying to drive people away from a line of thinking by attaching it to something else.

9/11 was a messed up situation and we don't know the extent of foreign involvement or purposeful domestic negligence.

The holocaust is almost a guaranteed fabrication.

Turns into:

More retarded than most, but these sorts of tactics are annoying as hell because of the purposeful obfuscation and complete lack of content.

Looks fishy to me.

Wow, OP put a huge effort in writing all that. Inspect element is a wonderful thing.

Now stop using it, there are no shills on this board. Are you retarded? There is barely any people here.

go back to Holla Forums and play with your low IQ buddies

This tbh

it looks like the Renegade Broadcasting & Firestarter Media trolls are very active here

Some of the anti-Trump/pro-Cruz shills are working for Hillary because they're really afraid of a Trump Vs Clinton election.

Notice how these fags obsess with anime? This is why anime is dead give away that the people using it are still blue pilled.

I don't think your distraction is going to work.

You fags have been trying to convince everyone to stop liking anime for literally years, and it hasn't worked yet.
What makes you think that's going to change the 23441523562566446th time you try?



Animefags please leave, you relish in the very degeneracy Holla Forums is against. You're also annoying as fuck.

Really? Then how is it we can always point out learningchode when he does his shit? People have tells and the asses posting anime are showing theirs. A year ago there was a kike hitting GG before the split. The corgifag. When it comes to animeposters, they aren't here to discuss anything in good faith, they are here to cause a ruckus.

tbqh thus far Kek has proven to be our lord and savior


kill yourself before you're made into an example.

Did this faggot just post "le sigh"? These fucking wastes need to go.

Use Overchan.

It pulls deleted posts.


Not dying

copy-paste of a comment I saw here

I don't see that in TK-85's post history and his publicly visible posts don't look like shill posts. Also this looks fake as hell– come on, "2nd Level profanity" which has to be reported via paperwork?

Holla Forums is really slipping when it comes to realizing that other people also know how to right-click "Inspect Element" and edit webpages.

Anyone else notice that /int always posts moeshit?

mini bump to preserve the thread

Visibility bump.

No. It's mostly a bosnian kebab LARPing as a White pagan.

Hey there, /int/. How's you liberal arts' degree treating you?

BLACKED racemix propaganda retards moved to Asians/whites propaganda. It's not nearly as destructive but white traits will get lost anyway.

Although it's probably a mix of degenerate "muh dick, can't resist" weeaboo virgins and actual shills.



Because of the Great Anime Shitposting Raid of Holla Forums. Anime-hating, hugbox accusations and Christianity bashing are among the most timeless shilling methods in goons' arsenal because they exploit systemic weakness of Holla Forums.

Note how Holla Forums plays both sides. The thing they love is starting conflicts between two groups of users - and their most common is "weeaboos" vs. "anti-weeaboos". That's why they use smug anime avatars, so they can channel the rage directed at them against anything anime related in general and produce a backlash.

Look into their tactics on 4chan during the /q/ era, they haven't changed much.

Bump. Because it's Friday.















Delete that picture.

Trump fan defends snap of her doing the Nazi salute - saying she was just showing 'rude' protesters how 'to do it right'

Birgitt Peterson, 69, appears in a photo taken outside of Trump's cancelled rally in Chicago

She said the gesture was a counterprotest against protesters who compared The Donald to Hitler

Some previously said the woman in the photo was actually Portia Boulger, 63, who volunteers for Sanders

Donald Trump Jr relayed the rumor in a tweet and has since deleted it


'They said Trump is a second Hitler,' Peterson said. 'I said: "Do you know what that sign stands for? Do you know who Hitler really was?"

'I make the point that they are demonstrating something they had no knowledge about, If you want to do it right, you do it right. You don't know what you are doing.'

Peterson, who became an American citizen in 1982, told The New York Times she was 'absolutely not' a Nazi and found it insulting when people accused her of being one based on the photo.

I have to add that one here, it's funny.

I'll just drop this here:

These nigs were trolling Holla Forums, and now we're halfheartedly raiding them.

Feel free to join in.

Pre-emptive bump. Tomorrow is Friday.

a little bump to preserve the thread

OR, and perhaps this is crazy, Holla Forums is neither a Christian board, an Athiest board, or a Pagan board, but a fucking politically incorrect board

Mini bump

btw all me

It is funny, because being a member of Holla Forums is about NOT being deceived; to be redpilled.

They're trying to bluepill those who are redpilled, but you can't go backward. You can't bluepill somebody who is already redpilled.

Distract, divide, and drive away.

If we focus on responding to obvious shitposts instead of reporting, hiding, and moving on we are not focused on the racewar.

If we are too busy fighting over stupid differences like Christianity, Paganism, and Atheism instead of agreeing that no matter what we believe the jews are all our enemies we can not unite.

If new people come in and they see theads about e-celeb drama, cuckold porn, and crows they will dismiss us as crackpots right out of hand and leave without ever taking the redpill.


we own your board e-celeb spam forever
we own your board e-celeb spam forever
we own your board e-celeb spam forever
we own your board e-celeb spam forever
we own your board e-celeb spam forever


that's always happening. they're faggots, so they probably like it. hell, they're probably doing it to themselves

Evalion spam screencap. In case someone had doubts that the spam was real.

screen cap the board right now. there are at least 5 "hurr durr sandnigger imkampfy" threads. 4 christcuck v larpagan threads. and 2 pedowood threads (though, those might just be faggots). And, every fucking thread has been spammed with their bullshit.

wtf are the mods doing?

Now THIS is shitposting.

I'm kinda sad that I'll never reach this level.

….Did everyone forget that this was Holla Forums? You can always make a new board.

if we made a new board every time shill faggots started spamming, then we'd be dispersed to the 4 winds. get real, shlomo

You have proof shilling is real? Do you also have proof Jews are bad an the Holocaust didn't happen, because, if so, this is critical news that Holla Forums must be made aware of immediately.

I have an image of your mom blowing a donkey, but it's just an image so you shouldn't be upset.

I actually don't care much one way or another about the anime thing but damn, son, this platitude is silly. OF COURSE people get upset by images from time to time. Images are more powerful than words; they convey messages simply and easily to a larger group of people, even the illiterate. Images are POWERFUL. The most influential propaganda in the world is spread by images, and we harness that power EVERY DAY in our dank memes. Don't even know where you were going with this "images shouldn't upset people" thing when our best memes are the ones that upset people. Wew.

Before this thread hits 751 replies save all the good pictures because we're going to need them for the next thread.

shenanigans while they last

lmao don't you see that whoever you vote for, the USA is still going to be shit? you realise real change takes more than whatever any candidate is planning to do? why even care?

Hey user, I'm someone who uses the kike on a stick meme a lot

I literally only use it because I'm bored as fuck and it gets a rise out of you good goyim

I don't worship Christ nor will I ever again

I worship Kek and Kek only.

I've made this point a minimum of four times across many threads, we should be vigilant, we have made major enemies, the establishment and the neo-cons and the SJWs all want us erased and so we will be shilled in all ways. There is no real chance at respite. They will both shill to purity spiral while simultaneously shilling to weaken the message, this is called the hellenic dialectic. It enables them to control our internal dialectical progress to guide us down roads suited to their ends however, we can resist this push. By staying true to the board culture at the point of the 1st exodus, when inquiry and philosophy threads were abound. So long as we stay smart and never give into either purity spirals or softening pushes we will win.

Hey Holla Forums I made a picture for you, I hope you like it. I don't know how or why, I simply trust that whoever is out there in the world to see it does see it, and finds a reason or purpose to it. If not, at least it was fun. So don't let the shills get you, don't turn out like 4chan Holla Forums, get smart, you know?

It's super fucking important that we not go full paranoia mode, but it is also equally important that we maintain our culture. First I think it important to find distinctions. For instance if someone persistently is jamming unwanted narrative unrelated to the thread topic derailing it, the mods should do their fucking job and defend the thread. If someone is a weeb poster it's vital to distinguish between someone who posts weebshit who remains on topic, they are most likely a harmless weeb poster and those who again derail the thread. Thread derailment and board spam are amongst some of the biggest issues on this site. The other two problems as I mentioned before are purity spirallers and dilutionists. Both are the same people, they attempt to gaslight so that either the group becomes so paranoid and purist that they can no longer take on new members or so diluted that an influx of new people is so easy that it becomes possible to destroy the message that was the point all along. The middle ground is to allow in only those who get the original culture, and be careful of anyone pushing undue purity spiralling and those who push dilution of the whole point.


Someone is necrobumping every thread on the board with random letters or just a quote of the OP.

I wonder what thread he wants to slide off the board.

Apparently everything

Then it's more a disruption tactic than usual sliding. Best to ignore and report it.

it's the Hegelian dialectic, named after Hegel, not hellenic which would be referring to greece shortly after the death of Alexander the Great.

751. last bump.

Save the good links.
Save the good pictures.