Why are you all so much better and cooler and funnier than 4chans Holla Forums?

Why are you all so much better and cooler and funnier than 4chans Holla Forums?


Race mix cuckoldry is the fetish of the thinking man.

We have the sophisticated wit that comes with maturity,

8/tv/ is obsessed with finding cuckery and black dicks. Obviously this makes us better than those degenerates on 4/tv/ that could only ever talk about underage actresses' feet.

What did he mean by this?


who's the tranny in the pic? i'd fuck him

Every other thread is Holla Forums or reddipol shit.

No, most of them are just you being asshurt while the rest of us laugh.

I think you meant to say 'more intelligent, more nihilistic, and a wickeder sense of humor.'

I can't stop hating niggers. I just hate them so much. I want them all to die.


Awwwwwww! Did reddipols mother/sister drop him on his head when he was a just a wee lil shitbabby?

Or are you still bitter that uncle Cletus buttfucked you in the barn? Lie as much as you want we ALL know that you LOVED it.

Has that actress ever been blacked?







stale meme

Oy vey, why are you associated Hillary with that evil racist frog? Its a whole nudda shoah!

Is this be best mememagik you cucks could muster?

Shame on you, you disgusting shitlord. You go against everything She stands for. You're probably just poleddit in disguise trying to corrupt Her followers.


Is like I dont have to do anything you just cuck yourself

you're tears are delicious drumpftoddler

This is the saddest meme attempt I've ever seen.

Try harder. You can do it.

assblasted republicuck detected

Nothing in this thread is going to make your waifu stop being an ugly, drink bitch.



Your Hillnigger has some fucked up eyes nerd virgin

Guaranteed replies.jpg

was there ever anything that really tied the CTR fag to the /a/utist?

You have to go back


What's up with the inconsistent hat?

Keep up, these are great.




I have no idea what any of that shit says.

That banter is pretty good.


It's most likely Thai.

I'm a staffer with the Trump campaign over in DC. The campaign is literally falling apart.

Trump and Pence are growing more bitter towards each other behind the scenes, his advisers are all considering jumping ship, and Trump himself is starting to crack under the weight. I've personally heard him recite his concession speech over the past few days ever since the pussygrab video drop.

He will not admit to losing against Hillary. He will continue to say that the election was "rigged" against him for years to come.

Whatever poker face he maintains in the public eye before this week is likely going to fade away very soon, the presidency is literally giving him sleepless nights and seizures. I've heard him telling his daughter behind locked doors about how he can't keep up the charade anymore and that he has absolutely nothing ready for the third debate in terms of a strategy or range of issues.

Jill Stein is probably going to endorse Hillary by the end of the month anyway, likely followed by the bulk of the Berniebros, leaving him dead in the water.

He knows he'll bomb the final debate, he knows his poll numbers are slipping, he knows everyone with any common sense in his own campaign is getting the fuck out before it crashes and burns.

He's trying to win over some female voters now but knows his public and private positions have permanently alienated them from the GOP.

I don't want the mainstream media to know about this, so I came here. Feel free to ask me anything, but bear in mind that party watchdogs have already hijacked my post.

Not really, Holla Forums tried to imply that anyone who triggered them with "reddi/pol/" was the autist in question but I like doing that too and don't even post on /a/.
Also this site is in such a sad state that what would've previously called for resignation is allowed. He's an autist, but shit like that from mods previously led to pitchforks.
Oh well. Not like anyone cares now that gookmonkey and pigfucker the third own the site.

the oldfags went back to halfchan months ago, friend

Do you have their IPs?

i'm still here, tired of jumping sites.

In the /a/ log he repeatedly mentions "reddipol" I can't imagine there's really two people trying desperately to force that shit.

Also, once that got posted and people started shit-talking his waifu, suddenly the goonposting quadrupled, and intl diarrhea like half the posts in this thread started seeping into every thread. I mean, I guess it could be an organized effort, but it's just so retarded I find it hard to believe it's more than one person.

Like, cumskin is stupid, but it's been proven that was orchestrated on intl, and the posts using it are different enough I believe it's at least different goons.

Case in point. Classic intl spam. Random nonsensical attack directed as Holla Forums, calling the site dog shit while being unable to stop posting here, overtly hostile insult towards mods, BO or site owner.

Debate was last week dude.

All Trump had to do to win was pivot. It's so obvious. Almost anyone could hop into his body for a week and even out the polls. Then count on a higher turnout on the day.

A handful of statements could seriously turn his chances around among the Berniebros demographic. His statements on space the other day were well-received by the youth. If he can split the Bernie vote, that's easily 10% of the popular vote. Hard to do in a week or two, but he just needs a couple announcements. Focus on economic growth, focus on science, focus on all the stuff that Hillary continues to disregard. Tap into the youth market. He can remain nationalistic while doing it. "We want to have the best economy, the best space program, the best medical care in the world, don't we folks?". Easy votes.

And he's losing them by not saying anything.

What did he mean by this?

This tbh

whites are literally subhuman not only do they embrace the destruction of their country, race and culture but they get off on it! They actually get horny to the idea that they are dying out lmfao

This wasn't a spam post, nor am I your Holla Forums boogeyman.
Were you born mentally retarded because of the fact that your parents inbred or was it due to the fact that they were too poor to feed you properly, growing up?

Checking every box off of goon bingo, I see.

It's not spam, because I'm not spamming.
You're not very intelligent, at all, because you wrongly assume identities with anonymous posters.
I take it that it's the first one, your parents or grandparents inbred and you were shit out. Mainly because you sound like an obese mouth breather, and even all of the junk your parents fed you would've been enough to make sure that you weren't as fucking retarded as you are.

You post the same garbage which is just stirring shit attacking demographics of the board and affixing labels no one else uses. That's spam.

Why else would you be so ridiculously angry? Like you said, this is an anonymous board. You could turn around right now and make another post replying to yourself and go "Hey, you're an idiot, the other guy's right!" and no one would know.

Your posts are very easy to spot though, and clearly that's angered you to the point that you're making over the top class-based personal attacks about me, another anonymous poster.

Mate, You're "that kid"
We all know when you're around. We all know what you're going to say. You contribute nothing and are the equivelant to a kid who calls people a made up name because his parents won't let him swear "Y-YOU STORM WEENIES" "REDDIPOL". Christ nigger, just because you came from reddit doesn't mean you need to make everywhere else like reddit.