Exposing Liar Cruz

The media won't call Cruz on his lies. Trump now publicly calls Cruz "Liar Cruz". Roger Stone called him "Tricky Ted".

Trump has, in several rallies/interviews, said "how can you even counter that?", complaining about Cruz's blatant lying about his positions.

We need to help Trump expose Cruz.

Here's a quick compilation I started. Any feedback or suggestions for additional clips to include?

Other urls found in this thread:



What's Behind Ted Cruz's Apparent Change of Heart About the TSA?


Yes, put less clips before the Cruz one, make sure you have one where he says it in front of Cruz.

In that same speech Cruz says that Trump is against second amendment. Trump in literally every rally before that says "we will protect our second amendment".

You can add that too.

We cant let it just be that. Use the booger to fuel momentum on the liar angle.

We should also upload as many anti cruz videos with clickbait titles that normies will fall for like "Donald Trump did what?!?!" And "Trump was being mean again and then this happened!"

Liar liar, pants on fire.
Cheater cheater, booger eater.

They did the same with Farage in the UK and his actual positions on healthcare, lie about it.

I was going to make a separate video for 2nd amendment lies, didn't want it to be too long.

Agree with your suggestions. Will look for additional clips, thanks.

Wew forgot about that one. Been a long time since I was 10. This is going to be so much fun. I hope theres an user out there with the autism to make a "cheater cheater booger eater" video in the same style as cant stump the trump.

That would be epic.


there really are a lot of slide threads today



There's so much potential here. That fuck lies, cheats and eats boogers all the time. We need lel vids with school kid chanting in the background with Cruz's cheatin' and booger eatin' front and center.

Throw in a few of his famous lies and set his pants on fire then we've finished him.

It's been happening since last night.

It's like a switch was flipped that went into Maximum Overdrive

Greasy grimey gopher guts.
Mutilated monkey butts.

Oh man, I need to find that book. Lots of potential in there.

I think I understand him now. He wants to be the Republican nominee so he can compete with Hillary to see who can lie the most.

Have another bump, also post if you update. Might add some spice to it later.


Cruz and the TPP

Ted Cruz Vows to Vote Against TPP Trade Deal in Iowa
“There are a number of Republicans on that (debate) stage who support TPP, who support (the Trade Promotion Authority),” Cruz stated. “I voted against TPA and I intend to vote against TPP.”

…but back in April Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal calling to grant Obama the Trade Promotion Authority he wanted:


and this op-ed is full of lies, I'm not going to go through each lie one by one it would take too much time.

This article below explains how he contributed to the passage of the TPA. Cruz is a sneaky snake:

Yes, Unfortunately Ted Cruz Did Support Trans-Pacific Trade Deal (TPA) – With Video…


Senator Ted Cruz voted for Cloture on TPA Fast track trade authority removing the hurdle and concern of further amendments and clearing the way for passage. Again, like “unanimous consent” cloture votes are not recorded roll call votes. Thereby Ted Cruz could obfuscate his support. He figured to hide, see how that works?

However, Cruz advocacy could not be hidden entirely. On another bill HR 1314 Cruz voted against an amendment to the Trade Deal that would require congress to be consulted if China (or other nations) were to join after the fact

Cruz voted NAY. Directly saying he did not want congress to be consulted before other countries, namely CHINA, could join TPP.

Ted Cruz worked with Paul Ryan to push the Trade Promotion Authority at first but then he voted against it at the last minute saying muh Mitch McConnell lied to me and blah blah blah so now he can feign opposition to the TPP before his electorate. It's all theater.

Cruz just wants to replace Rubio and become the favorite of the corporate establishment.

I was just searching for snippets of kids saying such rascally things. Cant find any. If one of you has a young relative record them saying a bunch of them and Ill work my audio engineering magic and make it sound like a chorus.

I think you could make this into one video with all Ted Cruz's speech from that night. E.g. A bunch of clips of Trump promising to end Obamacare+Cruz saying Trump is pro Obamacare. A bunch of clips of Trump promising to protect the 2nd amendment+Cruz saying Trump is pro gun control. Have 4-5 issues in the same video. Also, play some music in the background, like this.

Ted Cruz is basically the Hillary Clinton of the republicuck race. Same mannerisms, same vocal inflections, same rhetorical strategy where you twist and misrepresent sides in a debate. What needs to be done is that he has to be baited into attacking. He doesn't do anything except attack indirectly and he prefers being on the defense. The perfect example of this was the debate from last night.

Where Lubio was always attacking, always reaching for embarrassing ways to reply to Trump, Ten Lies Ted stayed not only out of it but even congratulated himself and others who want to pretend they're better than that. What this means is that he's positioning himself as the moderate and stealing Kasich's position as the "reasonable mature cuckservative," whatever the FUD'd republicuck voter wants him to be. This is why Lubio has been kamikazing at Trump while Tricky Ted has been staying out and pelting from safety.

Trump needs to trigger him and trigger him hard. That John Roberts moment was priceless. The booger moment is valuable but will pass. He has to be overwhelmed and put so on the defense that he will be desperate to go back to offense. He wants to stay comfortable so he can maintain his composure but just like his composure and knockoff-stealing tactic of repackaging Trump's words and positions as his own, he's the ultimate fake - like Shillary. He wants to steal the Trump voter by convincing them that he's the safe choice that has no stigma attached. He wants to stay clean but he's dirty, and that means he's hiding something.

He can't fight in the open. He will stay out of the spotlight and places he can't control. He is that vulnerable and he is allowed to hide his weaknesses. Draw the rat out.

This is some good places to start.

See, the amazing part about Cruz saying he has a flawless track record is that he's setting himself up for a fall so big and an image so shattered that he can't heal from attacks. He absolutely cannot sustain a continued assault like Trump easily can and that's why he is so careful about maintaining his image. Broken windows only attract more attention.

He is certainly a rat-faced liar. His smirk was like that of a cartoon villain who has fooled their mark.


I made this video. I'm terrible with video editing, so its not the best, but its alright.


He lies so shamelessly. Spread this around like wildfire.

We need another video exposing how Cruz stole Trump's immigration policy and his wall idea. There's plenty of footage of that.


I agree. I think it might be handy to also play clips and put some dates on them. Show something like "Trump said xyz about immigration, 4 months later, Cruz was claiming Donald never said that and adopted it as his own position"

one of the related videos is hilarious.

Yeah, that's why I bumped this. We need to expose Cruz as this RATTY and untrustworthy candidate. He is a RAT, and he doesn't even try to hide it.

I remember in the beginning, and I'll never forget – how he and Trump tried to be friends. We had threads about Cruz as a VP candidate, along with Trump, but El Rato is hungry for power.

I don't want this man to take the Republican nomination.

I don't think Donald Trump outright attacked any of the candidates without them provoking him fist except Jeb Bush. I definitely know that Donald mentioned that he didn't attack Crubio until those fags went against him.

I'd like some actual sources to go with that false list of bullshit

it's like you want to be obvious

low energy/10

high-energy post

Tweet it to Trump.

Nope his main point has been repeal obama care and lower costs by destroying state lines insurance providers use to create false oligopolies.
He hared him from the start, he was probably the most popular person who was leading the charge about Obama releasing his long form birth certificate
Never liked her, and used paid her money to do humbling and humiliating things.
Always called him a nice and weak guy. He was also very critical of his brother.
Not one of his major points, but doesn't want to increase nor decrease it because he views it as something paid into and the people are owed what they paid for. So it is something that is a necessary for now evil that is hard to undo.
Always was a huge supporter of the 2nd Amendment and even has a concealed carry license and weapon.
At least this one has some basis. A few years ago before he was running, he was fairly pro-choice. But he had a freind and met their family including their kid who they told Trump might have been aborted. He evolved into a pro-life viewpoint because he recognized how that child's life could be denied to him, like it is done to many others.
He had released a tax plan, and it is the same he espouses now. He has always wanted a lower corporate tax and for America to make better trade deals internationally.
He has been consistent that he hates the dealers and suppliers but is sympathetic to the users and addicts. You can see this when he talks about the need to build a wall to cut off the cartels from supplying heroin to New Hampshere instead of arresting the people of NH.
He considered running for president under the Reform party, but he didn't get the primary vote to beat Buchanan.
I assume this means he changed, so I will go on that.
He did not necessarily change his views that much, but he has registered under multiple parties.
" Until 1987, he was a Democrat;[4] then he was a Republican from 1987 to 1999.[3] He then switched to the Reform Party from 1999 to 2001.[3] After a presidential exploratory campaign with the Reform Party, he wrote an OpEd in the New York Times stating that he was leaving the Reform Party because of the involvement of "David Duke, Pat Buchanan and Lenora Fulani. That is not company I wish to keep."[176]From 2001 to 2009 he was a Democrat again;[3] he switched to the Republican Party again from 2009 to 2011.[3] An independent from 2011 to 2012, he returned to the Republican Party in 2012, where he has remained.[3]"

I see no problem with this, since he changed political parties it could be that he felt that his vote mattered more in the other party. (with the exception of the reform party in which he did consider making political reform directly)

So basically you are full of shit.



That's hilarious!

Have only three clips of Trump putting down Obama-care before you show Cruz lying, then repeat Cruz lying two more times: once slightly before the middle of the video and as the final clip of the video.

Propaganda for the masses must make no requirements of patience, and the core point must be repeated as much as possible. In this case Cruz' lie is so blatant it becomes humorous; utilize the comedic effect to repeat the clip as much as possible for maximum retention, but don't go overboard and make it tedious.

My gut feeling says three times is the right number since it's just a one minute video, but it may stay funny even if you do it four times, so try it and evaluate.

hello Dan Gabriel

Pretty darn good. It should convince some people.

I'm bumping this

bump again.

We could use more videos like this.

We need to get Trump to re-aim at Cruz. Cruz runs his campaign off of lies and the cuckservative media (local radio stations) repeat them.

Trump needs to make Cruz answer for his involvement in the TPA and TPP.

Reposting someone's post from the Primary/Caucus thread:

Regardless of the eventual plan the RNC has in mind for Cruz, his race is still an obstacle. Squash the rat. Quash the lies.

Yeah, get this to Trump.

Daily reminder that Cruz is the same old shit.

1. He isn't an American. He was born in Canada to a Cuban and an American woman who had left America to be a Canadian.
That Fucking cubanigger Rafael "Ted" Cruz doesn't even have the stones to run using his own name. Only refer to him as Rafael Cruz.
2.his wife was given a promotion to the upper echelon of Goldman Sachs almost immediately after Rafael was elected senator.
3. Both rafael and his wife are part of the globalist council on foreign relations- which includes the clintons, most of the g.w. bush administration and advisors, and the rest of the most evil people on earth.
4. His wife was the primary author and advocate for dissolving America's borders and making all of North America and EU-type organization.
5. Cruz amended the last budget to include a 500% increase in H1b visas.

Cruz is already completely bought and paid for by globalist shills. He has a completely failing track record on immigration and will contribute to the imminent balkanization of America and end of the united States.

Haha they called him a cuck.

Remember when Cruz spread false information about Carson leaving the campaign?

Ted Cruz has too much against him as an honest candidate. He is the biggest liar I've ever seen, and I'm astonished this isn't getting much attention. The way Fox News cooperated with Cruz, dropped poor Rubio – absolutely disgusting.

I have a brother that's 13.
Is that young enough?

I suppose you're talking about this?

I posted this in another thread, might as well post it here too. It's incredible the media hasn't run with this yet, it's prime clickbait material.


Sorry, can't embed.

When that thread dies, we need to embed that video


It's extremely informative but it also looks like it needs editing down for normalfag consumption. The middle of it is really good on the trade deals and how they are the key to turning NA into the EU and ruining the USA, but the real focus needs to be on the Rafael the Rat and how his wife is part of the same scheme he is lying to his voters on something he is actually in favor for.

The underpinning deception here is that Rato is hiding his involvement in the big trade corruption scheme. If Trump were to expose that, Rato would be finished in a week. This is Trump's domain as well. He needs to make this his focus in the rallies and force Rato into trapping himself.

This is very important. This is very, very important. The fact that the AFA is a hate group is also important, because Trump suffers from the KKK thing. This is a much more direct hate group connection.

For Christians, remind them that Trump is the only president who has directly promised to protect Christendom.

A History of Deception

The Real Ted Cruz

The Truth About Ted Cruz

A History of Deception

The Real Ted Cruz

The Truth About Ted Cruz

let me post fire tires

I drafted this post and just realized that I forgot to add the most damning thing:

He was the biggest fucking supporter for the release and subsequent reward for CONVICTED TRAITOR KIKE JONATHAN POLLARD. Pollard is a guy who should have been hanged after getting caught sending US secrets to Israel. This is the type of person Cruz supports.


Cruz is not a natural born citizen.


Rafael the rat is finished

Trump has a mountain of ammunition by his side. He just needs to start firing away. The best part about this is that Rafael can't counter it without something new and the media has used up all of its ammo on Trump. Cruz will completely flatline in the next primary/caucus day.

Someone compiling and sending all this ammo to Trump's people? Make sure he sees it. Maybe send to his sons as well.

Hopefully they already know all this, but better safe than sorry.

Both of his sons have been on the road a lot. They're really good too. I've heard both speak and they sound excellent in their own way.

It will be especially crucial now since Lubio is basically done and that just leaves the rat.

one of the biggest lies rafael's supporters push, especially ben shapiro, is

then by that logic, since LESS THAN 35% are for rafael, MORE people are AGAINST RAFAEL

they do a lot of talking points like that… they just cite one half of a statistic and leave out the inconvenient parts. you need to stop them perpetuating bullshit talking points like that immediately, otherwise ppl start to believe it if they are uninformed.

On twitter, send to @erictrump and @donaldjtrumpjr

This picture

This info

And this video

More stuff as well, but this is some stuff in the thread that are really important.

The night's over. Trump's done talking.

We got work to do.

Send it to all three and Trump's own twitter. If they haven't already seen this info, they must. Trump will inevitable clash with Cruz 1 on 1 and once it's come to that Cruz will be the most vulnerable. He hasn't been challenged hard at all and won't know how to defend himself. The full might of Trump will come down on him and squish him like the rat he is.

This isn't really that important.


We full attack mode on Twitter.

Hivemind AND some real coordination.

The TrumpStaffel STRIKES BACK (you fucking niggers)









Many are repeats. It would be nice to have larger better organized list of vids.

I think he's a sociopath


Like and share the fuck out of it too. Get Trump to actually see it.

Can you imagine if he shared it?

Ho, fuck.

The editing wasn't bad.

It was simple and got the point across.


What a piece of shit.

Alright I am spreading this on twitter OP. I hate Cruz with a passion.

Very good post.

Good stuff. Music could be a little quieter so we can hear what people are saying.


Every single anti-cruz thread is being slid. Do people not care?

Cruz isn't even that bad, people are only hating on him because he's running against Trump.

Cruz acts like a standard politician which appeals to the crowd that doesn't like Trump's "scholonged" shit.

have you seen his face? heard him speak?

Kill yourself. Cruz has no values and votes however he thinks will net him support. This is the same person who was in support of TPP and only voted against it when he saw a chance to push himself. He's also a lying asshole who is willing to do underhanded shit and is is owned by israel. This is the same person who said if you don't stand with israel he won't stand with you.

Cruz's greatest crime is that he's boring.

Trump can get Obama numbers and Cruz can't.

If Cruz went with Trump you would have had something that would easily annihilate the GOPe.


He has worse crimes.

The way he talks reminds me of Mayor Quimby from The Simpsons.

thanks user

I wouldn't really mind a Trump/Cruz ticket, but it's just not happening.

You really are cucked.

even at 18 cruz seems like a slimeball. His dad looks like caveman sam from the trailer park boys.

Great video. It's short so attention isn't going to be an issue for anyone who is relevant [can vote]. And is full of information straight from the respective horses mouth, not from some talking heads. That's the big one. It also isn't half comments "yeah well kind of maybe in this kind of situationish…"


oh my

lol, he reminds me of Townes Van Zandt there

It's like an unfunny version of Beavis & Butthead.

Can this be made into a format for sharing on Twitter?


drudge report news just Fav'd my tweet about Cruz. It has 555k followers.

Click the "share" button under the "subscribe" button and than click on the twitter icon






great job user, this is pretty much perfect

bump for this video

rato pls

I just realized that a lot of articles and videos exposing the rat as the liar that he is came out in January.

Did all of that get slid without us noticing or what?

What the fuck is this garbage? Could we make this more popular?

It already was. Cuckservatives spun it as; signs that the rat was a real human bean like the rest of us, guise!

I made a twitter just to tweet it to him

Great. Remember to tweet it @erictrump, @donaldjtrumpjr, @danscavino, @clewandowski, as well as at any pro-cruz goyim you can think of.

No problem, my man.

can someone repost that youtube vid where rato's father talks about the wealth being moved from non-believers to believers? I have some people on gaybook who are shilling his "christian hard-line stance"

Things Cruz and his campaign have outright lied about

Helping push TPA and only going against TPP when votes were already assured
His failure to disclose financial donations from entities like Goldman Sachs.
Carson pulling out of the race
Rubio photoshop
Saying Trump's against 2nd amendment
Saying Trump supported gang of eight while hiding that Trump also donated to him during that time period


thanks, but I was looking for the video at the end of that one, with the dominionism being pushed with Rato as the coming king


Mainly because of the kikes.

God I hate this fucking guy

What if this was the plan all along, plan B at least after Yeb! failed. Keep Rubio in to pretend to be the Establishment's guy but really it was Cruz all along. But with both in the debates, and attacking Trump in tandem, Cruz was using Rubio as a meat shield and passing through collecting the anti-Rubio and anti-Trump votes while rigging everywhere possible. Someone must be helping him rig so that someone is the Establishment.

They want Cruz because the NWO Zionists want Cruz to dissolve BOTH of America's borders and create another EU. The North American Union. One more step towards one world government.

And the crux of bringing down Cruz is to broadcast Ted's involvement in the TPP and the plans for bringing about the NAU. It will single-handedly destroy his image as an outsider and anti-establishment guy. Whatever Trump says, the media listens, and all he has to do is begin with that and the rest is easy.

The only problem with him bringing up the NAU is that people who believe its coming have been labelled as conspiracy theorists ( see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Union#Claims_of_implementation) and it could become the jumping the shark moment for Trumps campaign, because just about nobody wants a conspiracy theorist for the presidency. He should bring it up somehow, but I'm not sure if there's a way he could yet.

He already got that label when he started going after Dubya Bush through Yeb. The gloves are off and people will be listening to that. Also the loss of jobs being overseas and open borders is all people need to know about the NAU. Again, the rest is easy.

That's true. I do think Trump should try to reveal Cruz right before an obvious win for him though. He generally does controversial stuff that might hurt is polling right before an obvious win. For example, going after Dubya right before SC. Maybe right before Florida (or even during his Florida victory speech) he should talk about the NAU and Cruz's connection to it.

He could even go around the way the media will spin it by anticipating them saying "Trump is attacking Cruz's wife to attack Cruz," (referencing her involvement in the NAU is not just related but essential) by saying that Cruz is hiding behind his wife, then joke that he's really running for president to help her help Goldman Sachs.

It's too easy.

the Holocaust



I tweeted it to to every news service I could think of. And some Fox anchors too, haha.

Just tweeted it at everyone from my normie Twitter too. What the hell. I want this to go viral. Every little bit helps.


Check this out: youtube.com/watch?v=j84hdYDkrbA

It's the kind of Cruz supporting jackassery I'd like to counter. And then link the Trump video showing how he demolished Megan's hatchet job on Trump U complete with documents.


Once he realized people saw him as a sellout he did a 180 degree and publicly rejected the TPP he was all in favor of for months. Ted Cruz's anti-establishment rhetoric is just a ruse.

Ted Cruz flips on Obama trade agenda after months of support
Sen. Ted Cruz supported fast track until the very last moment, but pulled his support after months of conservative criticism. He cited deals over the Export-Import bank and immigration concerns with another trade agreement as his reasons why. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

WASHINGTON — For months, Sen. Ted Cruz backed a critical part of President Barack Obama’s trade agenda. But after weeks of taking heat from conservatives, Cruz abandoned his support for Trade Promotion Authority on Tuesday.

Also known as fast track, TPA prevents Congress from amending trade deals, only allowing a yes-or-no vote. The White House has pushed for Congress to pass fast track so it could finish off the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a massive trade deal with up to 11 Pacific Rim countries.

Cruz, a 2016 presidential candidate, announced his change of heart in an op-ed for the conservative news site Breitbart, published hours before a crucial procedural vote. He cited concerns about Republicans appeasing Democratic concerns over unrelated legislation and a separate trade deal, the Trade in Services Agreement, which he asserted could impact U.S. immigration law. Cruz voted no, but the bill moved ahead 60-37.

Cruz wrote that he wouldn’t support fast track unless the Senate passed amendments introduced by him and Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., to ban the United States from agreeing to a trade deal that effects immigration law. While he’s repeatedly said TPP doesn’t impact immigration, Cruz wrote that TiSA, outlined in a June 3 document leak, could.


But in between the June 3 document leak and today’s vote, Cruz made several appearances on conservative radio shows to beat back criticism from a Republican base that typically fawns over him. “I don’t trust this president any more than you do,” Cruz told Boston WRKO’s Jeff Kuhner on June 12. “But at the same time, my top priority in the Senate has been jobs and economic growth.”


Cruz voted for fast track in May before it failed in the House, and in April wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed with Rep. Paul Ryan–the 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee–to support it. His connection with Ryan made Cruz a bigger target with conservatives, who see Ryan as a mouthpiece for the Republican House leadership.


Once he realized people saw him as a sellout he did a 180 degree and publicly rejected the TPP he was all in favor of for months. Ted Cruz's anti-establishment rhetoric is just a ruse.

Ted Cruz flips on Obama trade agenda after months of support
Sen. Ted Cruz supported fast track until the very last moment, but pulled his support after months of conservative criticism. He cited deals over the Export-Import bank and immigration concerns with another trade agreement as his reasons why. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

WASHINGTON — For months, Sen. Ted Cruz backed a critical part of President Barack Obama’s trade agenda. But after weeks of taking heat from conservatives, Cruz abandoned his support for Trade Promotion Authority on Tuesday.

Also known as fast track, TPA prevents Congress from amending trade deals, only allowing a yes-or-no vote. The White House has pushed for Congress to pass fast track so it could finish off the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a massive trade deal with up to 11 Pacific Rim countries.

Cruz, a 2016 presidential candidate, announced his change of heart in an op-ed for the conservative news site Breitbart, published hours before a crucial procedural vote. He cited concerns about Republicans appeasing Democratic concerns over unrelated legislation and a separate trade deal, the Trade in Services Agreement, which he asserted could impact U.S. immigration law. Cruz voted no, but the bill moved ahead 60-37.

Cruz wrote that he wouldn’t support fast track unless the Senate passed amendments introduced by him and Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., to ban the United States from agreeing to a trade deal that effects immigration law. While he’s repeatedly said TPP doesn’t impact immigration, Cruz wrote that TiSA, outlined in a June 3 document leak, could.


But in between the June 3 document leak and today’s vote, Cruz made several appearances on conservative radio shows to beat back criticism from a Republican base that typically fawns over him. “I don’t trust this president any more than you do,” Cruz told Boston WRKO’s Jeff Kuhner on June 12. “But at the same time, my top priority in the Senate has been jobs and economic growth.”


Cruz voted for fast track in May before it failed in the House, and in April wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed with Rep. Paul Ryan–the 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee–to support it. His connection with Ryan made Cruz a bigger target with conservatives, who see Ryan as a mouthpiece for the Republican House leadership.

It's so obvious that he's the ultimate flip-flopper. He does it when its convenient, like the living embodiment of the republicuck party as a controlled opposition to the democucks.

The rat has to be torn apart.

I hadn't realized until now that the TPA wasn't just for the TPP, it's also for the two others as well, the TTIP and TISA. Fuck I hate that lying lawyer. Ted Cruz needs to pay for this.

Ted Cruz Channels Paul Ryan: ‘A Lot of Misinformation’ on Obamatrade That ‘You Can Get on the Internet’
11 Jun 2015
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), a 2016 Republican presidential candidate, defended his decision to vote for Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) that would fast-track the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) and Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA)—among other deals—during a Thursday interview with the Hugh Hewitt radio program.


Cruz, by saying that, was essentially making the exact same claim—blaming the Internet for what he argues is “misinformation”—as House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI). Ryan made the claim on Fox News earlier on Thursday in response to Breitbart News reporting highlighted by the massively influential Drudge Report. Ryan, with whom Cruz pushed Obamatrade in a Wall Street Journal op-ed in late April—one that’s been used by Speaker John Boehner to try to rally support for Obamatrade—has been essentially discredited by various false statements he’s made throughout this process.

That Cruz would use the same talking points as him is interesting and probably disappointing to many conservatives. That Boehner is using Cruz to push Obamatrade is probably even more disappointing to most conservatives, and Cruz’s press operation hasn’t–over the past 48 hours, since Boehner ratcheted up his decision to use Cruz’s support for this to whip votes for it–given Breitbart News any comment in response to that revelation despite multiple opportunities to do so.


From there, Cruz aimed to separate TPA and TPP—but he didn’t mention the other, even more secretive trade agreements like T-TIP or TiSA, which would also be fast-tracked under TPA. TPP’s text is available for members of Congress to review in a secret room in the Capitol basement. Cruz went to review the text in early May, after he wrote the op-ed with Ryan pushing TPA and before he voted for TPA. It was a distinctly different position from his 2016 opponents Sens. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), both of whom voted for TPA but have continued to refuse to answer whether they read TPP text before voting for TPA.

the flip-flop 10-12 days later, he blames McConnell for his change of mind:

Ted Cruz: Obamatrade Enmeshed in Corrupt, Backroom Dealings
23 Jun 2015

Cruz is a confirmed globalist scumbag:

The Debate Issue The Wall Street Funded RNC/GOPe Refuse To Allow…

For those who missed last nights Democrat debate, there was a very substantive back-and-forth between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton regarding the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership deal (TPP). Bernie Sanders has been a long-time opponent to TPP, and Hillary Clinton only recently opposing it. Some would say: predictably due to the poll-tested opposition amid the party.

As Bernie pointed out Hillary’s ‘come-to-Jesus-moment’ on the issue, he also brought a secondary and semi-related subject into the foray by discussing the Import/Export bank authorization (part of the Omnibus financial deal).

Sanders voted (in the minority position) against the Import/Export bank reauthorization as a matter of principle. Readers will note that Senator Ted Cruz, and a majority of ‘conservatives’ also don’t like the crony capitalism within the I/E bank. Ted Cruz’s opposition to the I/E reauthorization was/is so strong, it was the basis for him claiming a complete reversal of advocacy for the TPP deal.

Senator Mitch McConnell purchased the votes for the TPP deal (in June) by promising several Democrats he would reauthorize the I/E bank funding in the Omnibus (December) spending bill. This McConnell quid-pro-quo arrangement was “The Lie” that Ted Cruz pointed out on the Senate floor.

Just to be clear, Senator Ted Cruz was for TPP (his own bill) until McConnell added I/E reauthorization promises; at which time Cruz was no longer in favor of TPP. Senator Ted Cruz supported TPP, but opposed funding the Import Export bank.


The TPP deal is terrible for U.S. manufacturing jobs because it puts the U.S. company at a strong disadvantage to all of the above nations who benefit from low costs of good sold. Labor, energy, little environmental regulation, and government subsidy all benefit the Pacific Rim manufacturers. In addition, the central planning of the government, via currency manipulation (devaluation), keeps the exported prices of their goods artificially low.

Corporations in these type of manufacturing nations simply have a ridiculously low inherent cost in the manufactured product. It’s just cheaper to make it there, and ship it here, than to be manufactured here and sold in the U.S. This is the essential problem. When Ted Cruz supported TPP he supported this overall system.

However, remember he reversed his support based on the I/E reauthorization; and ONLY because of the I/E reauthorization. If the I/E was not authorized, he would have presumably still supported TPP. Heck, he even created “Fast Track” (Trade Promotion Authority ‘TPA’) to facilitate the passage of TPP.

But Cruz did change his mind, according to him because of the I/E bank (McConnell Lie). If McConnell never reauthorized the I/E bank, Cruz would have continued supporting the TPP.

Longevity bump

Can't let ammo die


Jeb Bush’s brother Neil joins Ted Cruz’s finance team


Sen. Ted Cruz's presidential campaign is getting some help from the Bush family. Neil Bush, the brother of former Florida governor Jeb Bush, who dropped out of the presidential race last month, has joined Cruz's finance team.

Neil Bush's decision to join Cruz's team makes him the first Bush to join a presidential campaign after Jeb Bush's departure from the race.

“We are seeing incredible momentum around our campaign,” Cruz said in a statement. “I am thrilled to welcome these new members to our outstanding team. This race is winnowing down between two candidates, and this is further testament that conservatives are continuing to unite behind this campaign.”

Anti-establishment my ass. The Bush clan is now behind Ted Cruz the lying rat


Let's sink the Tedtanic

I don't understand the strategy here. This book tells like the tptb are as desperate as possible to stop trump. So desperate, in fact, that they are willing to bold face lie in hopes that the listeners don't have access to the Internet. This feels like good news

Wyoming relevance bump


I hadn't noticed the words 'Diversity' and 'Inclusion' on the green leaves until now.

interesting that Time would write such a long article about this Caribbean company:

Ted Cruz Failed To Disclose Ties To Caribbean Holding Company


"An old college friendship led to financial entanglement with a Jamaican private equity firm and a British Virgin Islands holding company. Neither was disclosed during his 2012 campaign. "

A short analysis for those who haven't kept up with the lying rat, Rafael "Ted" Cruz as a faux-candidate.

The rat's tactics in a nutshell can be summed up in 3 small items:

The rat's rhetoric is almost entirely comprised of parroted words and ideas repeated throughout cuckservative radio. If you have ever listened to 550 KTSA from Texas, it's as if the rat's words were lifted straight from the local radio personalities themselves. Be warned for those interested; they're strongly for the rat but totally are unbiased and totally don't endorse any candidate - why would you think that?
This tactic is an adaptive response to Trump's race for president. As many have noticed, the rat has incorporated several of Trump's words, ideas, and promises and shamelessly passed them off as his own. This is not unlike his primary directive for the campaign, but the reason behind this goes deeper than that. Spiritually disenfranchised and thoroughly demoralized voters who don't know who to follow are subject to simple FUD tactics. These tactics have caused these types of voters to swing away from Trump with this type of logic, e.g. I want to vote for Trump but I don't want the stigma attached, so I'll vote for Cruz. On top of possessing his unwarranted status as an outsider and anti-establishment, people still see him as a viable choice to Trump despite being there to lose for Shillary - which brings me to the last item.
This is a derivative of a signature jew tactic. The rat has constantly repeated the following phrase ad nauseum (paraphrased) ever since Trump discovered that the rat is simply that, a rat; If Trump wins the nomination, Shillary will become the next president. Because this is the actual plan that the rat is supposed to follow, what the rat is actually doing is revealing the plan that he was supposed to be a part of, symbolically cause the cuckservatives to lose to shillary in the general election, and instead has re-purposed it as ammunition in his ongoing FUD campaign.

Conclusion: Each of those points go hand-in-hand and let's you see why the rat has played things safe so far. Despite this relatively complicated defense the rat supposedly has, Trump can easily smash him but the problem is that he hasn't had time to. Soros and the kike media have realized that their best bet is to fight Trump is by using Death of a Thousand Cuts and put Trump on the defense. Trump's defense is powerful, but its derived from his offense. He needs to long strong, powerful, and dominating - so they need to have him solve jew puzzle after jew puzzle. What the kikes have done is put media stunt after media stunt in the hopes that it overwhelms him and so the rat slips by and steals more votes. Meanwhile the rat gets to brandish his latest recycled cuckservative script and try to sway tired voters. Trump has to do what he did earlier in the campaign, make the media play against himself. He's doing well but he can do better and in addition still squash the rat who is more vulnerable than any cuckservative can imagine.

and another bump

Ted Cruz is big on pandering to the anti-establishment crowd. His big tactic is to be the guy who wants the same policies as the anti-establishment people but he's more "electable." For example, before Trump showed how different he really was, Ted Cruz was stealing from Rand Paul. Cruz's foreign policy? Rands. Cruz's tax plan? Rands. After Rand Paul showed he wasn't gonna be significant, Ted Cruz started stealing from Trump. I think showing the way Ted Cruz has stolen policies from others could do great to hurt his base. The anti-establishment people will realize he's a rat and the evangelicals won't like his stealing and his dishonesty.

Speaking of dishonesty, spread this.

[2nd attempt]

new anti-Cruz ad released by Trump:


it hasn't been posted on what seems to be the official Youtube channel yet:


(is it THE official Trump channel on Youtube? there's not a lot of videos)

We need to create and share content like this. Ted Cruz is now the last hope people have against Trump, we need to prove he's a lying, dishonest, son of a bitch.

What would help is if people have a list of the rat's lies and video sources where he said certain things and went back on others.

pre-emptively bumping a Cruz thread in case nobody else does it

Stuff like this as well as the video above: youtube.com/watch?v=FRPwgfc3RHc

That was actually a lot better than I'd thought it'd be.

I'm a big fan of BLR; they can be pretty funny.

longevity bump

Wat? This is perfect.

It's "Lyin Ted" but close enough.

Every shot his family looks like they hate him. How the fuck hard can it be to win over little girls? You just buy them dolls and call them a princess and you're done.

good time to bump this

Cruz pushed for doubling of immigrants, including Muslims, to 1.67M PER YEAR


" Plans pushed by GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz under the immigration reform debate in 2013 would have jumped the number of immigrants, including those from Muslim nations, by doubling green card caps and boosting temporary worker visas five-fold.

Under the Cruz plan, yearly legal immigration would have gone from 740,000 to 1,675,000.

Well before Donald Trump drew a line on Muslim immigrants following a wave of terror attacks, highlighted by Tuesday's deadly blasts in Belgium, Cruz's suggested changes to the so-called Gang of Eight legislation would have also created a family green card category and lifted the per-country caps on immigrants. "

pre-emptive bump

And a little bump. We should use this occasion to explain the other reasons why AnoinTed Cruz shouldn't be president.

Bumping this again. If you're on Twitter spread the good articles and the good videos.


bump in case it's gone before I come back later tonight

good thread

from the other thread:

Ted Cruz And The Wall Street Connection



" It was disturbing enough when Senator Ted Cruz announced that Neil Bush, brother of Jeb and George W., would be a Finance Chairman of his campaign.

Neil defrauded U.S. taxpayers out of $1.5 billion dollars in a savings and loan scam. Now however, Cruz has announced a key appointment that should disturb voters even more.

Cruz named Former Texas Senator Phil Gramm as his economic guru. This guy virtually crashed the U.S. economy. Gramm is largely responsible for two bills which led to the speculative bubble which popped in September 2008. First was his Gramm-Leach-Bliley bill that repealed Glass Steagall, which separated investment banking from commercial banking. Its repeal — which was signed into law by President Clinton, with the backing of Robert Rubin and Larry Summers — opened the door for a flood of money, from commercial banks, to flow into mortgage-backed securities and other funny-money schemes, which blew up in 2008.

The second bill was the Commodity Futures Modernization Act (CFMA), which totally freed derivative trading from any regulatory oversight. This was another Phil Gramm bill, and was central to the bubble creation from 2000 to 2008, and then again today.

Following the crash of 2008, the Dodd Frank bill was backed by Obama and teams of Wall Street lobbyists, who mobilized to make sure that Glass Steagall was not restored, and that the CFMA was kept in place. As a result, when combined with bailouts and Quantitative Easing, a new bubble has grown, allowing Wall Street speculators to continue the Ponzi scheme, while depriving the real economy of credit.

Phil Gramm is now an official at UBS, the Swiss bank which has been under fire for its protection of tax-cheating U.S. corporations and the upper echelon of financial speculators. Gramm would be the architect of the Cruz economic model, great for Wall Street but no so hot for American taxpayers. "


bump. to be updated later.

We aren't trying to expose him. We're trying to get normies to see what's already been exposed and proved.


Senator Ted Cruz Joins Glenn Beck Passing Out Freebies To Illegal Border Crossers…

A year before he announced his presidential campaign


[this is a long article so I'm not going to post it all, click the link and read it it's worth it]

"Beck and Cruz were passing out Teddy Bears and Soccer Balls, while Catholic Charities and Baptist Child and Family Services were getting millions. The inner-city American kids? Well, nothing for them…. not even a word from Jeh. "


"In October of 2013 Cruz made a strategic decision to get his political life kick-started and try to regain credibility and influence. To achieve this he partnered with the very political machine he previously opposed, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and then Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

McConnell directed Cruz to join the NRSC.

Through 2014 Cruz participated as Vice-Chair inside the NRSC as part of that alignment with the DC machine.

However, the DC machine was working on a very specific set of objectives which, while noted at the time, were not fully understood. They only became most visible as time provided a historical analysis.

Two great outlines of what was going on are available HERE PART 1 -and- HERE PART 2. If you haven’t read those outlines, you will be lost moving forward.

While those corrupt machinations were going on, Senator Ted Cruz remained part of their overall program – working earnestly to assist the NRSC and simultaneously refusing to assist any political entity who was not in alignment with the overall objectives. In short, he sold his soul to McConnell Inc. around Christmas 2013.

AFTER, the scheme became toxicly visible -thanks to the Mississippi primary election of Thad Cochran/Chris McDaniel- Senator Cruz was at risk of losing all of his conservative bona-fides.

In June/July of 2014 he made another strategic decision to ‘optically separate’ himself from the McConnell led crew and the fiasco that was exploding inside the Mississippi election and the relationship to the NRSC and GOPe apparatus. It was a political decision, not based on principle but rather based entirely on saving his own political life.

Cruz needed, found and executed a political stunt to provide him cover as he retreated – He also enamored himself with radio host Mark Levin.

At the same time, in order to control his exposure, Cruz joined forces with Glenn Beck around the summers’ “Humanitarian Crisis” and Unaccompanied Alien Children; all in June/July/August 2014.
(…) "

latest Ann Coulter column:


"So now, Cruz has finally won an honest-to-goodness primary! This is great news for him, provided: (1) the general election is a caucus, and (2) the national media universally denounce Cruz’s Democratic opponent the same way the Wisconsin media denounced Trump.

In that case, Cruz should do fine.

The Cruz-bots don’t care. They don’t care that they’re being used as a cat’s-paw by the Never Trump crowd, and that a brokered Republican convention is more likely to end with Bernie as the nominee than Cruz.

The Cruz cultists don’t even care about plain honesty, which I always thought was a conservative value. Republicans used to be appalled by guttersnipe, lying political operators like the Clintons. Now they are guttersnipe, lying political operators like the Clintons.

It’s all hands on deck to stop the only presidential candidate who wants to save America from the cheap labor plutocrats.

Cruz has flipped to Trump’s side on every important political issue of this campaign — which only ARE issues because of Trump. These are:

— Quadrupling the number of foreign guest workers to help ranchers and farmers get cheap labor: Cruz was for it [link], and now is against it.


— Legalizing illegal aliens: Cruz was for it, [link] and now is against it.


— The Trans-Pacific Partnership deal: Cruz was for it, [link] and now is against it.


— Building a wall: Cruz was against it, [link] and now is for it.


These are all positions Cruz has changed since being a senator — most of them he’s flipped on only in the last year. I’m supposed to believe that U.S. senators can sincerely change their minds about policies it was their job to know about, but a New York developer can never change his mind about pop-offs he made more than a decade ago. (…) "

It's not Liar Cruz…


Can anyone find that photo but in higher quality/resolution?

longevity bump

longevity bump


[is it finally working?]

Ted Cruz: A Brokered Convention “Ain’t Gonna Happen”


“A brokered convention is the pipe dream of the Washington establishment,” Cruz told reporters ahead of his rally in Orono, Maine, but added, “In my view, a brokered convention ain’t going to happen.”

Ted Cruz: 'contested' convention OK, 'brokered' convention not


So, what's the difference? According to Jeff Engle, director of the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University, "In a contested convention, no one shows up with all the delegates they need (to win the nomination). In a brokered convention, people begin cutting deals."

In other words, the delegates supporting third- and fourth-place candidates would have to choose which of the top two candidates to support in a contested convention.

"All of these definitions are kind of squishy," said Aaron Crawford, a post-doctoral fellow at the Center for Presidential History. "I'm pretty sure that no one knows exactly what they mean yet. They're going to have to figure out the rules."

Cruz: Brokered convention would lead to voter 'revolt'


"Any time you hear someone talking about a brokered convention, it is the Washington establishment in a fevered frenzy, they are really frustrated because all their chosen candidates, their golden children, the voters keep rejecting," Cruz said Friday at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

"So they seize on this plan of a brokered convention, and the D.C. power brokers will drop someone in who is exactly to the liking of the Washington establishment. If that would happen, we would have a manifest revolt on our hands all across this country."

In Cruz's mind, there's one way to beat Donald Trump: "with the voters."

16 hours ago:

Ted Cruz Now Says 'We Are Headed to a Contested Convention'


Sen. Ted Cruz for the first time said he believes the Republican Party is headed to a contested convention. Cruz had previously called a contested convention likely and that it seemed the party was heading in that direction. But after a disappointing third-place loss in New York Tuesday, the Texas Republican is no longer saying he plans to beat front-runner Donald Trump at the ballot box.

and another bump

How can all these old fuckers have gone through 70-80+ years of life, and still be such bad judges of character? Being that close to Rato would make any decent person's skin crawl.


page 25. last minute bump.

Cruz has made a distinction between a contested convention and a brokered convention for a while.

In reality, they're the second and third round of voting if nobody reaches 1237. Once the third round hits, the delegates become unbound, and the GOPe will dump both Trump and Cruz, unless they unite.

Maine governor: Cruz campaign 'stabbed us in the back' at state convention


Maine Gov. Paul LePage, a Donald Trump supporter, accused the Ted Cruz presidential campaign of reneging on a deal to support a “unity slate” of the state’s primary delegates, according to CNN.

"We reached a deal with Cruz's national campaign to put up a unity slate that would honor the wishes of the thousands of Mainers who voted at caucus,” LePage said in a statement. “But Cruz's Northeast Political Director David Sawyer lied to us and broke the deal. Sawyer stabbed us in the back, reneged on the unity slate, and betrayed the people of Maine."

The Maine governor suggested the incident was part of a larger trend of deceit from the Cruz team.

"As we have seen throughout the country, Cruz's national campaign is run by greedy political hooligans,” he said.

"I can't stand by and watch as Cruz and the Republican Establishment forcibly overrule the votes of Mainers who chose Trump and Kasich. I call on Senator Cruz to condemn Sawyer's disrespectful and dishonest tactics in Maine."

In Maine's GOP presidential caucus on March 5, Cruz came out on top with about 46 percent of the vote. He was allocated 12 delegates, leaving nine for Trump, now the Republican front-runner, and and two for rival John Kasich. The state's convention is underway this weekend to decide which delegates will head to the Republican National Convention in July.

According to a local NBC affiliate, LePage had been jockeying for a slate of delegates that would preserve the distribution of the caucus results. Maine delegates are bound by the caucus outcome on the convention's first ballot but can change their vote if the process moves to a second ballot.

Ann Coulter: Ted Cruz Trying To Steal The Nomination Like Tracy Flick In ELECTION


Another misconception sweeping the nation is that when state Republican parties disregard the voters and give all their delegates to Cruz, they are merely following THE RULES, and Trump is an idiot for not knowing THE RULES.

That’s what the Colorado GOP did, what the Tennessee and Louisiana parties are trying to do—and what many other states may do, all under the careful tutelage of Tracy Flick Cruz.

I keep asking someone to send me a copy of THE RULES that direct state parties to ignore the voters and pick their own slate of delegates, but no one can cite such a rule. So I read through “The Rules of the Republican Party” myself—and guess what? There’s no rule instructing state parties to ignore the voters!

To the contrary, the rules were recently rewritten so that delegate selection would “reflect the results of statewide presidential preference elections,” according to a statement by Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus. (The nerds will tell us, that’s “legislative history,” not THE RULES.)

Apparently, what people mean by THE RULES is that there is no RNC rule specifically prohibiting a state party from giving all the delegates to a single nominee, even if that is demonstrably at odds with the will of the voters.

The state parties are given a lot of discretion, so Cruz harasses and cajoles the local party until it awards all the state’s delegates to him. Trump keeps winning elections, and Cruz keeps winning sneaky procedural victories.


Look at Cruz's religious cult and nose. He is a thinly veiled kike. And as we all know you can call a kike a liar til you are blue in the face… you can even have him firmly in grasp… he will just turn into and ooze, only to coalesce after slipping from your fingers.

The only way to harm a jew is to call him a jew. We need to do so.

8 minutes video:

#LyinTed exposed as a pathological liar by Jookos News


With Fiorina pick, Cruz’s H-1B stance now in question


"In 2013, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) emerged as one of the Senate's top H-1B visa supporters, and argued for a 500% H-1B visa cap increase. But during his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, Cruz had a conversion.

Cruz's presidential platform proposed a $110,000 minimum wage for visa workers, among other restrictions, as a way ending their use as low-cost labor. The move marked a complete turnabout on the H-1B issue.

Cruz's decision Wednesday to add former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina (and one-time GOP presidential candidate herself) as his running mate if he wins the nomination, may make his newly found H-1B beliefs a hard sell.

At HP, Fiorina was a prominent supporter of the offshore outsourcing model, said Ron Hira, an associate professor of public policy at Howard University, who wrote about Fiorina's approaches in his book, Outsourcing America. "

Fiorina Slams Disney, Then Admits She Used H-1B Program At HP


"Fiorina was quick to defend the H-1b program when Carr confronted her with that data. “There is no reason for us to fear highly skilled immigrants who want to come to this country and stay here and live here and contribute to our nation,” she said. “After all, this is a nation built on immigration.” "

page 22. bump


We'll bring jobs back to America!!

Cruz Praises Trump: 'He's Taking on the Washington Cartel'


"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) appeared on "Hannity" tonight to speak about a wide range of topics, including the incredible rise of Donald Trump. Cruz said that he's friends with Trump, and he offered a theory for why his fellow GOP presidential contender has taken a huge lead in the polls.

"He’s bold and brash, and he’s willing to speak the truth. And he’s taking on the Washington cartel," Cruz said. He added that Trump's focus on illegal immigration and sanctuary cities has captured the attention of many Americans and set him apart from other candidates. "I appreciate Donald focusing on illegal immigration," Cruz said. "I've been proud to defend him for focusing on illegal immigration." "

Bump. In case there's a few Cruzlims who don't understand why voters abandoned The Anointed One.

Trump Camp: Ted Cruz Is ‘The Reason Why Obamatrade’ Passed


Like Sen. Cruz, Obama had been pushing for fast track to ensure the passage of TPP. Fast track lowers the 67 votes required to pass a treaty to a mere simple majority, it surrenders the 60 vote filibuster, and it forfeits individual senators’ ability to add amendments or changes to the trade deals negotiated by the president. As Sen. Sessions explained, “A vote for fast-track is a vote to authorize the President to ink the secret [TPP] deal contained in these pages—to affix his name on the Union and to therefore enter the United States into it.”

On Monday’s program of Breitbart News Daily, Miller said:

We talk about Club for Growth, we talk about these groups that are out there pushing offshoring, there’s a reason why they’re aligned behind Ted Cruz — and this needs to be understood: the reason why Obamatrade became law is because of Ted Cruz. During the early pivotal moments of the fight when Jeff Sessions — and I was working for him — was out there warning the country about the living agreement [of the Trans-Pacific Partnership], about the transnational commission [established by the TPP], about the loss of U.S. sovereignty, Ted Cruz not only wrote an op-ed with Paul Ryan giving the pact urgent needed momentum, but Ted Cruz also did media and interviews arguing against Jeff Sessions.

In the April 2015 Wall Street Journal op-ed — which Miller cited during the interview — Cruz and Ryan describe the TPP as an “historic” trade agreement that would “mean greater access to a billion customers for American manufacturers, farmers and ranchers.”


Breitbart News Daily host Stephen K. Bannon pushed back against Miller’s assertion and asked about the fact that when a procedural matter unexpectedly caused the fast track to come up for another vote in the Senate, Cruz eventually reversed his vote to oppose fast track. Bannon asked: “Because of the work of Sen. Sessions and others — didn’t he [Cruz] actually see the error of his ways? And then at the appropriate time — or at least later — say, ‘Hey, look Mitch McConnell and the other guys lied to me.’ And he came out against TPA [trade promotion authority] and he’s coming out against TPP strongly.”

“No,” Miller replied. “He rallied support for the pact sufficient to ensure its passage and he cast the initial vote for its final passage when he and everyone else believed it was the final vote. All of the lobbying he did on behalf of the pact guaranteed its passage. If he had been silent, we probably would have defeated it. If he had lobbied against it — as he was morally bound to do — we would have defeated it. He was the difference maker.”

Indeed, Cruz seemed to provide cover for Republican lawmakers, who used Cruz’s support for Obamatrade to defend their votes to fast-track TPP.

Then-Speaker John Boehner touted Cruz’s support for Obamatrade on the Speaker’s website in a talking points memo entitled, “Conservative Support for TPA Grows” on June 9th.

These talking points were echoed by other Republican lawmakers such as Kenny Marchant, who highlighted Cruz’s support for fast track on his website as well on June 11th.

South Carolina lawmakers Tim Scott and Trey Gowdy similarly seemed to use Sen. Cruz’s name for political cover when trying to dismiss the concerns of voters who believed that granting Obama the fast track executive power he desperately wanted would further empower his Presidency: “Trade Promotion Authority is not about empowering any president,” Scott and Gowdy sought to assure voters. “Strong conservatives such as Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, George Will, Charles Krauthammer and the two of us support it.”


He and Glenn Beck together one year before the Republican Party primaries:

Remember in 2014 When Ted Cruz Passed Out Goodie Bags and Toys to Illegal Aliens?…


Keeping the thread alive for a while. There are still Cruz supporters who think he was the Anointed Patriotic Messiah or something.

Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions and the TPA/TPP Agreements


There were a couple of notable moments during Kuhner’s interview with Cruz that I found rather eyeopening. In an article appearing at Breitbart, it was claimed Sen. Cruz had read the entire TPP text. (As you may know, very few members of Congress have even bothered to read the trade deal text; yet they are willing to rush pellmell in granting fast-track authority to the president.) From my understanding, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is one of the few lawmakers that has bothered to read the text. Kuhner pointed out that Sen. Cruz had admitted in a previous interview that he had only read portions of the text. Sen. Cruz answered by stating he may not have read all the footnotes.


I think the one point in Jeff Kuhner’s interview that really floored me was Sen. Cruz claiming he had not publicly come out in favor of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Both Sen. Cruz and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) recently teamed up to write a joint 'op-ed in the Wall Street Journal promoting TPP and TTIP.''


I realize that this article may ruffle the feathers of some of those who are big-time Ted Cruz supporters. But it is what it is. It’s one of the main reasons why I never jump on the bandwagon until I have watched a politician or political candidate for a good long while, and determine if their rhetoric matches their actions.

That was two weeks ago. How come Cruz didn't felt the need to defend Fiorina on her admiration for Islam?


"I think he would be pleased at how much the world has learned from the example of the open, cooperative society that enlightened the world all those years ago. The Islamic example has helped create a world where democracy and transparency and rule of law are empowering people and taking them to new heights."

Cruz Defends Fiorina's Business Record Amid Carrier Controversy



Are you retarded, or are you retarded?

u mad

Confirmed for retarded, and butthurt Cruznigger.


Your tears are delicious. Lyin' Ted will never be President.


With it in the colours and arrangments of all the trusted bull. Wish Id thought of this earlier tbh

I think Ted is still mad at Sean Hannity for asking him a couple of "tough" questions

Introspective Ted Cruz in no rush to back Trump


"I recognize that Donald is like catnip to reporters, but I don't have anything else to say about Donald Trump," Cruz said, emphasizing he was focused on thanking supporters at the convention.

Since Cruz's exit from the race, he has nonetheless trained some fire on what he sees as Trump's enablers in the media, perhaps most notably Fox News. Asked about that cable news network in a recent radio interview, Cruz said "there were more than a few players who played a disproportionate role" in Trump's rise.

Holy fuck, delete this thread already. There's one fucking video I want to embed but it's in this thread. This thread is months old anyway and he's dropped out. Just fucking delete this thread, damn.