The QUALITY of closed captions

I often watch TV with these on. Sometimes it is for toons to know the spelling of strange names or ones with alternate spellings.

It is also to see just how much they mess up. They often make ridiculous mistakes that make me wonder if they just pull in random people who never watched an episode before.

Case in point this is from an episode of Wentworth. Bea Smith is the main character of the show but they CC it "Baysmith".

What makes it extra bad is this is from the recap of the start of the episode titled "Plan Bea" so it literally presents the name on its own and they still ignore it.

Other times you can see the captioners intentionally rephrase things which utterly changes the mannerisms of characters.

For example in "Sword Sisters" an episode of Atomic Puppet, Princess War Tickle (a Xena/Wonder Woman parody) in audio calls the protagonist "youngling with the arms of spaghetti" to show her foreign speech patterns.

The captions do not capture this at all, rephrasing it "spaghetti-armed youngling". Perhaps the transcriber thought they were saving space but in doing so they make PWT sound too normal.

I feel bad for deaf TV watchers. They get a raw deal and I'm not sure what is worse. The obvious mistakes like Baysmith which they will catch or the YWTAOS>SAY substitutions which they would be unaware of.

If there are others like me who can hear audio but check the CC too, is there a way we can organize our complaints and hold these people accountable?

It pisses me off that people are getting paid to do shoddy work. If they won't improve they should be fired to free up jobs for those of us who care more about the shows and will transcribe them more accurately and faithfully.

deaf people don't deserve to enjoy movies.

hey, i'm deaf
fuck you

It seems to be shitty Google translates from foreign languages sometimes.
Other times, it's like they use voice recognition and just roll with it.

You know that is not official policy. Some lazy shit with the dream job of watching great shows is phoning it in and spending their time fapping to porn or talking with their kids or mistresses. They must be made to pay. I want a database of shitty captions attributing the fails to providers so they will fire the workers accountable for the failures and alterations.

I've seen a lot of captions from my attention-challenged Mom and they get that shit wrong so often I think there's a monkey behind the wheel.


Post 'em


Warner Brothers productions/distributions seem to historically have the best closed captioning, like someone is actually having to transcribe it before committing to captioning it.
There seems to be a lot of on-the-fly half-assed captianing delete delete delete captioning that occurred.

What doesn't make sense is so many shows have scripts so instead of paying someone new to write a fuckup caption from scratch why don't the producers just send in the script from the writers?

The only stuff you couldn't do this for is things that involve on the fly ad lib like pro wrestling where not all the dialogue is read off a script and filmed live so they may flub it differently.


That's why transcription will still be a job user, some words will just never be picked up by a computer.

Haha, subhuman. Enjoying your deformity today? :^) I'm enjoying being normal, but I can't expect someone like you to know what that's like L O L

For everything that might be in the produced script, a good chunk gets left out on the cutting room floor, and since some of the captioners seem braindead to begin with, having someone just do a block copy of what it the script says seems like a disaster waiting to happen.

You could easily have a studio intern look over a script printout during reading and cross out changed parts and replay the audio to correct them and do a final script copy to match the taping.

I can't do shit, I'm a guy on an imageboard.
But you can, go forth, and bring change and progress to the close captioning industry!

Transcription isn't easy at all, you have to be 99% accurate, so you MUST fill in even the words you don't understand, are barely heard because of other audio, or are spoken too fast. If the idiot movie makers gave the script to transcribers they have references it would make shit 10x easier, but they just give the audio to some transcription company without the script. So it's hard to guess. And transcription is super tedious so you'll just fall asleep typing.

Neither of us alone can do it but unified we could. I made some more notes today. We need a place to organize them. Hm… On the cheap perhaps Reddit?


Dubs does everyone on this site bitch about that? I've seen people on /k/ and Holla Forums bitch about it.

It's the latest trend, this "reddit spacing" shit wasn't posted so often, it's probably a month old at max. You know why? Because more 4chan refugees came recently, and they try too hard to fit in on Holla Forums.

Reddit spacing, yeah, REDDIT invented people who don't write long paragraphs. Fucking faggots who think this I swear.

Found the redditor. Have you ever considered that people have pointed it out more often because halfchan niggers like you brought reddit spacing here?

This. Plus boards like Holla Forums are frequented by shitstirrers from freech/intl/inth. Just ignore them.

It's like two or three shitstirring faggots who want to derail threads.

They showed up on Holla Forums about two months ago.

Just double space every sentence while maintaining the thread topic.

They'll sperg hard every time.

sage because off topic

Do give them a little credit user, they have a fast turnaround from my understanding and try their best. Sometimes they have a script, other times they watch the show and have to make their own. For the small little things they mess up on, they're very good.

Now if you want to get pissy about something, subtitles on Asian films is a good place to start. Used to be they hired someone to provide English captions and they did a decent job. English though is an afterthought in those countries so now they just feed the script into Google Translate and slap them in their DVDs. Almost none of the lines of dialog make any sense and sometimes lines of dialog appear for the next scene that hasn't appeared yet. Completely unwatchable. I feel sorry for anyone in China or Korea trying to follow along.

Guys about this Reddit spacing, sometimes I browse on a tiny tablet where I have so much trouble widening the box I usually do not. This makes what I initially looks like a paragraph three or four lines long end up being shrunk to two lines when posted, and maybe even one line on a wider monitor.

yup and the same effect happens in the quick reply window if you don't widen

I've naturally typed like this for years on the chans and I despise reddit

ignore the shitstirrers

These aren't small little things. They show phoned in not reliance or not watching the show or not knowing basic English.

Only Asia. Films I will bother with are those related to manga or anime in which case a co.petent fansubbing group will have done it for free.why would you pay for the official sub's?