Just saw it, it wasn't bad...

Just saw it, it wasn't bad. Suffering from origin story syndrome with a throw away villain and a lot of set up but great effects, great cinematography and great soundtrack. Humbercut Cabbagepatch did as good as job as an AYY can at protraying a human being, the female AYY however not so much.

The surprisising thing?

A packed screen that was 100% male and by the looks of it all over 25.

I thought this freakish fetal alcohol syndrome mongoloid was attractive to women for reasons i cannot understand?

Its not perfect, the plots predictable and they add too many forced comedy moments with his sentient flying cape tugging him or wiping a tear from his cheek that ruins a moment with undeeded forced levity but as marvel origin movies go its worth watching for the spectacle.

After credits scene is Thor dressed like a bum drinking a constantly refilling ale tankard with strange explaining he and loki are in new york looking for odin and need his help



I thought Marvel said no more origin stories

so what storyline is that meant to lead into?

tumblr women who are the outliers.

Is that fucking Loss?

The trailers make it look like it's nothing but Inception-esqe moving the city with your mind bullshit. I haven't read much of Doctor Strange but doesn't he have powers other than trippy CG effects?

You need to take a fucking break from the internet lad.

Don't discourage him, he just found a subliminal meme.

Eh I don't have high hopes after the first two

tumblr girls will love it because of Tom Hiddelston and normie girls will love it because of Chris Hemsworth. Expect a shirtless scene of at least one if not both.

What's not to love about this fella? He makes even greasy hair look good

He's a feminist.

No one's perfect.

So like any other capeshit movie from Marvel/Disney.

Thor still has to ghet his third movie sometime next year I think.

What are the chances of this shit bombing? I notice it's opening at a shitty time in the year as well.

Oh god, there's another Thor movieā€¦


Didn't he buy some kind of "male feminist" t-shirt that it turned out was manufactured by elderly chinese women in a slave sweatshop for .90 cents an hour or something similar?

Yes, he and Humbugger Cumdumper and a few others I believe.

In all seriousness though I don't know how normalfags can still eat this garbage up 9 years on. I mean there's been what? Maybe 2 somewhat passable MCU movies Iron Man 1 and the first 3/4 of Captain America 2out of the 9 or 10 they've made? That's unacceptable and I don't see how normalfags can continue to go see what are essentially the same fucking movies over and over again. Perhaps I'm just overestimating the intelligence of the masses but you'd think they'd get tired of seeing the same garbage that appeals to the lowest common denominator.

No one cares about capeshit here.

Most people just want to watch super heroes fighting and don't really care about plot. Most people aren't into the source material enough to care about the plot to any high degree.


I thought Thor 2 ended with Odin dead and Loki pretending to be Odin

Nice job OP, I chuckled twice. Probably because I'm drunk.


Saw it too. Doctor Mordrid still better, even though it's a rip off.

We have Raimi's Spiderman films for that though.

Their English. Not much of a choice.

fucking sold


I will never understand this

People who virtue signal aren't terribly bright and don't exactly bother with logic at all.

I just saw it and I was confused by how confused everybody was.
Minor spoilers but he joins a school of magic.
It's a modern place with wifi and an informal athmosphere. Strange is not summoned by them because he has a unique gift, he seeks them out and they agree to teach him.
The stuff they teach him is flashy and easily provable magic, at no point does he have to swear secrecy or is his connection to the outside world cut off. One would assume this is the same for all students there.
Yet people outside the school are baffled and incredulous at the idea of magic, the love interest stands amazed at the agic portal that pretty much everyone there can summon. I can't wrap my head around it. How is it possible that the mystical arts are viewed with the same scepticism they are in the real world when there's clear and irrefutable proof floating around?
Strange himself states in no uncertain terms that he believes only the material universe exists. Yet he knows about the avengers, a prominent member of which is the flying thor.

There seems to be some sort of invisible force in the marvel cinematic universe trying to keep everything as close as possible to the real world. Knowledge of magic doesn't spread, levitation technology just doesn't catch on and neither do all the other special supertechnologies that should revolutionize the world.

I have a theory though. The Marvel Cinematic Universe runs on Who Framed Roger Rabbit rules. The superheroes are like toons, a whole different set of rules apply to them, they can have special technology and abilities that can't just be mass produced or spread around like normal knowledge. The fact that these comicbook toons look like real humans confuses the issue but the fact remains that they're not like normal humans, not just because they're specially gifted but because they're fundamentally different.

I think Strange's own skepticism was at least partially justified by having the introduction seem like a faith healing scam.

And supernatural things are really rare, so even if you accept that they exist then any random person who claims to have them is still very likely to be lying or crazy. In a world where magic is rare but generally known to exist scams and delusions would probably even be more common than in real life.

It still doesn't add up. I guess they want to keep it close to the real world to make it more accessible to people who don't watch all the movies.