So Holla Forums. How do you feel about harvesting reaction images from kino and television?
Holla Forums Reaction Pool
DS9 and TOS are fine. The rest…
Eyyy, Holla Forumsfag followed.
there's no better source of reaction pics than The Simpsons
…Well shit, I only got these two right now.
Remember when the entire site was filled with film/tv series screencaps and not just anime blobs?
not really, no
These Doctor Who reactions are fantastic! Thanks!
ITT: Reddit
Except not. Shoo.
Rubber faces are always fun. I just wish I had more of the Tenth's gurning.
You have a whole folder of such glumness, don't you?
What was that over?
A Ben Garrison's comic
Say, is Gundam kino?
a fucking screenshot isn't OC you stupid fucking nigger
you should lurk for it