Why do you even consider something else than ballistic weapons?

Why do you even consider something else than ballistic weapons?

Attached: Starsector.jpg (480x360, 19.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>>520796951why anyone likes thumper? It's trash


Because pulse weapons look cool.

>>520796859>>520796951>>520797012>>520797061>>520797147Hegemony or dieDassault-Mikoyan tough, I love the French-russian lore

>>520797012>He doesn't know how to use the thumper

>>520796859My favorite is the arbalest. Good combination of damage, precision, fire rate and low OP to mount. Not too shabby against armor due to the 150 damage per hit. Better than the tribarreled AC for sure. 3 x 100 per salvo sounds nice but rarely works due to worse recoil compensation and worse general precision. Also waaay more flux for marginally more bang.MK9 AC is still best though. High damage per shot and 4 per salvo. Flux efficient too. Mining pike is my second favorite: Nice damage, timed delay, good visuals, low flux.I would really like a good gatling gun type ballistic weapon in the game. Thumper is just too bad against shields and armor to be worth it.>But it really melts ships without shields and armor!Everything and its mother melts raw hull and is better than the thumper at actually getting there A modder should just take the thumper, change damage type to kinetic and increase range and flux. BAM done.

>>520797764>25% against armorhave fun shooting against anything that is not a frigate

>>520796859Muh Tacky-on Lance

>>520796859is this game any good?

>>520800373yes and no. Kinda hard to get into it at first, but once you understood the chore mechanic it's quite fun

>>520800525is it finished yet? Wasn't it being in development for line 10 years or smth?

>New dev blog incomingOh shit oh fuck.

>>520800696yeah okay but WHEN

Attached: 1576805907955.jpg (640x458, 180.94K)

>>520800608It's not finished in the way it doesn't have an endgame, see this game as a huge sandbox. Tough the game is higly modable, and there's a mod that add endgame and a lot of content in the game

For me it's Dassault-Mikoyan.

Attached: SnQrbEp.png (800x468, 427.42K)

>>520800991>>520797330>OP meme shittrash taste.

>>520800373it has a Holla Forums seal of approval, that means it's a game for fucking degenerate autists who love looking at Excel chartsYes it's fuckign good

You may not like it, but this is what peak battleship performance looks like.

Attached: karkinos.png (384x422, 199.39K)

For me, its Pandemonium. Have a freebie Crusder skin. I head it was nerfed, a shame.

Attached: crusader.png (356x605, 224.29K)

Best mods?Best faction mods?

>>520801421>Diable Avionics

Attached: b4b.png (471x637, 324.38K)

>>520800991I painted the Vesper Red. To go faster, of course.

Attached: istl_vesper_red.png (92x100, 15.09K)

>>520800945>it doesn't have an endgamewhat does this mean? Is it short?

For me, it's the Adamas.

Attached: 23235243234.png (207x288, 97.28K)

>>520801710There's nothing triggering the end of the game, no final boss, no evil faction to defeat, nothing.

>>520801509These are the mods you should have.

Attached: 1513213213.png (747x830, 65.45K)

>>520800696If the new blog isn't about an update I'm gonna explode.

I also do love this thing. A fast cruiser with its own version of phase cloak, a built-in large energy cannon and two swarm missile launchers.

Attached: SRD_Rakia.png (168x339, 88.97K)

>>520802030mfw I only have 8gb RAM and can't add more than one or two factions without fps drop

Attached: 1519151015077.jpg (335x333, 27.73K)

>>520802506That's Java for you

>>520802030Is there a mod or something that makes Vayra's Ship Pack less of a meme mod?

Just had my first crash. The game shits itself with a null pointer thing when I get near a Scy deserter bounty fleet. I fucking saved near the system with the bounty so the crashes are inevitable.RIP my save with a good tens of hours of playtime. FUUUUUUUUCK

>>520796859Nothing quite like outfitting a Victory with various autocannons and watching the ensuing bulletstorm.

Attached: 1568741403866.jpg (505x960, 96.29K)


How should I load up my Paragon, anons?

>>520804143First you have to take off the "I take it up the bum" sticker on the rear because just flying this gay shit is enough

I prefer tachyons and whatever the fuck else beam lasers so I can explode ships in a single burst burst


>>520796859Purple dudes should have their own unique ships, or at least substantially different modification of other faction ships.In a game which is 90% combat is unforgivable for a faction to not its own thing as far as units go.

any way to make the game load faster when using a lot of mods?

>>520804341Okay, I scratched it off. Now what?

>>520804940Scrap the paragon for a legion

>>520804393No plasma? What mods? All the shield crap?

>>520805081Legions are flamboyantly homosexual.

>>5208041434 tachyon lances, all you fucking needaugmented drive fieldsthe thing which gives beams more rangehardened and stabilized shieldsdump the rest into vents/capacitorsone shot non-capitals from the other side of the screenbecome unstoppable

is it worth playing without the nexerelin mod ?


>>520801053>caring about balance in a single player gameif I wanted to be worse than everyone else I'd just play real life

twitter.com/amosolov/status/1293619507785879552new blog post very soon

Attached: a4288f014a90f60376ea2f3d2e12b31bb151ed98.jpg (2544x3420, 1.48M)

>>520804542yes, we just need to seethe harder and alex might finally implement support for multiple cores, the lazy fuck

>>520805407Oki. I tried going with plasma cannons first but the AI was so goddamn retarded it couldn't use them. Kept swinging back and forth with the turrets to target fast frigates instead of shooting at the big capital in front, and when I put Tachyons on the front the retard AI kept firing the plasma cannons on the side mounts even though they were out of range.I'll try switching to Tachyons only. Thanks user.

>>520806131So in about six billion years he'll get to it, right?

is it possible to get the blueprints for the Hegemony Onslaught?

Diable avioniceDassault mikoyanBlackrockInterstallar imperiumDo I need mroe ?

>>520806542The XIV-variant? No, it's a unique variant.

>>520806549Uninstall mikoyan and you are good to go

>>520806715what's wrong with mikoyan ? the ships look good

>>520806682So I can only get that by taking a commission and getting my rep up and then buying it? :(

>>520806549Tiandong is good

>>520807782no, in my headcannon, chinese were obliterated during the last world war

>>520802193I remember that thing before it got nerfed. It was so fucking powerful. I literally solo'd entire fleets with that thing.

>>520796859I hope the developer doesn't do the "Choose one skill or the other" character progresion, it sounds really unfun

>>520808867yes user we all read that post

>>520806542raid their production planets

>>520796859Starsector is really nice I hope it gets released on steam or gog one day because he deserves money for the little space gem he made. Back when I was playing the game in a more frequent manner I made a faction mod with a Ship that was a "station" so I could drive my faction around with the giant behemoth.I used the idea of that cathedral and the sporeship with multiple sub hulls and a mix of diable and that broken blade or whatever was called the OP dassalt evil AI variation ship sprites plus a bit of editing In the end Iade my own autism macross with even the programmed missile swarm and little drone + fighters that would do silly stuff around.Also it's really neat how easy is to program / mod stuff I wish more games were this open ended for the user to mod. Only problem I had is that my dumb mod took all the fun out of the game for me, too much point defense, rail guns, etc and I couldn't be bothered to balance a "mod" I made for myself with cropped sprite pieces from other people but the station system on a ship was fun tho caused some bugs of random AI ships trying to visit me. Pic related the highlighted part is one of the many "ship hulls" that make it, that being the left hangar wing.

Attached: stf.png (294x562, 212.02K)

>>520810151Also forgot to say the ship is retarded big, its almost 4 cathedrals in length.

>>520810151looks perfectly balanced

>>520801369fucking based. blackrock is so cool. Hope we get more crustacean looking ships.

Is this the game that started off as you vs the ai on what looked like a pong field with spaceships? I remember playing that years ago.

>get distress signal>fly to that system in four days>nothing in there>no fleet in distress, pirates or [REDACTED], just one dead derelict with none inside So who sent the signal?

>>520810531the derelict you brainlet

These Templar fucks are really strong. Even with battlestation on my side I only managed to destroy 3 frigates and 2 destroyers before I had to retreat. Well, it was Hegemony battlestation, so I don't really care.

Attached: screenshot029.png (1920x1080, 3.74M)

>>520806542Pretty sure there's a XIV Blueprint Package that incudes it.

>>520810774But there was none inside, did they managed to kill each other in those four days or what?

>>520810531You got too late user

>>520796859>space game>it takes place in 2 dimensionswhy

>>520811223why not

>>520810151It always struck me as odd that the devs didn't go the Steam early access route. It would do really well if these threads are anything to go by, and it's better than most of the crap that ends up on the store.I remember reading once that it was basically down to a group of autistic modders on their forums and their staunch hatred of the steam workshop, though I don't know how true that is.

>>520811223thats 90% of space gamesat least this one is good

How the fuck do I find Pather bases? I have active cells on all my colonies

>>520811440Pray to Ludd for deliverance


Attached: starsector.png (849x379, 251.26K)

>>520811223because they aren't boats

>>520811519I had a friend in High School named Ludd.

>>520796859>not missilesyou aren't playing this game properly>>520806031fucking hell hopefully it's something

>>520811440Lurk around in bars.

>>520811824How are missiles going to chew through 2~3 fleets full of capitals and carriers?

>>520811345Yeah he really deserves a wider audience and the cash that comes with it, maybe when the game reaches 1.0 he will put it there, hopefully.I have seen the pure rabid autism and power hunger in the forums so I wouldn't be surprised but who knows, maybe it's people wanting more drama by saying the tard moders are to blame.

>>520811440That's what you get for trying to make your own fuel you filthy Kaffir!Self-sufficiency is haram.

>>520810925The Templars are really too OP, even if you get their ships their supply demands are absurd so its imposible to fight fire with fire, anything below destroyer ship is getting pummeled immediately and the rest will have a hard time trying to lsurviving the fight, the only counter i can think of is lots of fighters


>>520800373Yeah, I got filtered by the combat and controls the first time I tried it but after getting used to it I realized just how good it is.You really feel like a badass when your ship has been in the battle for so long that it barely works anymore because all your systems are failing so you eject yourself to command another ship and continue fighting.



Attached: Need to kill fast and armor too slow.jpg (423x446, 57.9K)

>>520812448>Carries a black hole's worth of SCUD missiles and ICBMSThe science checks out.

>>520800991Never liked it since it doesn't mesh well with the general Starsector style.

>>520806031HOLY FUCKtwitter.com/approlight/status/1284530094027857920?s=20

>>520796859aurora and two heavy blasters. fwup fwup fwup fwup fwup, boom goes your shitty legion

>>520812986Ludd provides

>>520806449I'll wager we will be fucking living Starsector in real life by the time he's done

>>520796859is there a mod for organic looking ships? like flying flesh monsters that throw blood and bones? or even plant like ships? for vegan players

>>520812448Any idea what's the song called? It's pretty nice lowkey

>>520814095just search for jihad music

>>520810151>>520810253>4 cathedrals in length Yeah I'm interested.Make more super massive dreadnoughts for us.

>>520796859It seems that Gauss Cannon + Mauler Battery is a potent combination to use at rangeby extension its medium counterparts Hypervelocity Driver and Heavy Mauler are strong tooOnslaughts, Conquerors, Dominators, down to Eagles (to an extent) and HammerheadsConquerors are also surprisingly stronk when applying pressure with two Gausses and two MIRV launchers Three hypervelocity drivers are amazing on an eagle but the 3 energy medium energy weapon slots are mismatched unless you get mod guns because there aren't any heavy energy weapons at 1000 range that you can use after the ballistic weapons apply pressure

>>520813227do i have to make a twitter account to read that?

Besides Hegemony, are there any good RP friendly low tech factions for fighting Knights with? Really, what are the most lore friendly factions out there?

This game is a ripoff of a nearly 2 decade old freeware called BattleshipsForever, thank you for your time.

>>520815030why don't you try clicking it retard

>>520815141i did, it literally says "something happend :("no reason to use that kind of language anyway

>>520815131That's a bit of a stretch

>>520815419ohsorry, besides "werks on my machine" i don't really know what to tell you. the post was just the video of the big blue star with a Sauron eye looking at you, not even anything new

Update when?


Attached: skeleton.jpg (620x464, 36.92K)


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>>520815012if i do an Eagle with 1 Hypervelocity Driver + 2 Heavy Maulers + 1 Ion Beam + 2 Graviton Beams, it can fight well at range and grind ships down by attrition but boy its sloooooow

>>520816318that's why you use the aurora with so and that speed hullmod and that's it

>>520815893Concerned man waiting for starsector update

>>520815419You're on mobileRefresh the page from the browser.

Have you guys managed to get interstellar imperium to work with nexrillion?


>>520802030saved thx

>>520817195i don't even own a mobile phone.

>>520816593no i mean slow as in slow to killit can still maintain distance against other cruiserswith safety overrides i assume its a matter of cramming as many heavy chainguns as you canthough again, eagle and its awkward triple energy weapon mounts means i cant use chainguns but rather use heavy machine guns and energy blasters...

>See Wayward Terran Frontier get recommended in a Starsector thread>Give it a pirate>2 hours of figuring out the systems>8 hours of frustration of getting BTFO'd by tier 2 ships>8 hours of fun after finally getting a tier 2 ship and returning the favour>Not much left to do after thatThere are no more games like these are there? WTF is very barebones right now and it seems to update about as fast as Starsector does.

Attached: WTF_2020-08-11_17-09-05.png (712x406, 339.99K)

>>520815131You might notice something if you look at the names of some of the modders on each games forums. Shipmaker is one of the pinned mod resources too.

>>520817385like, the tachyons on the paragon? i hate that shit. it's just tediious. try the pfalcon maybe?


>>520817229>>520817441If in doubt a "nazi" mod got blacklisted by other mods from forum trannies, change the mod name and mod id.

>>520796859Because having a weapon group that does 200% to shields and another that does 200% to armor makes you a god. Its just a bitch finding those weapons.

>>520802030dassault and vayra are both garbage mods this list is shit

>>520805532nexrelin honestly makes the game worse

>>520801924>Ships look great>match the game style>fun new weapons>great hull variations which also have cosmetic changesIts lowkey the best faction mod in the game.

>>520804393>double phase lance on tempest while using high energy focus

Attached: The-Billy-Mays-Experience.png (2133x1600, 895.1K)

>>520818547it also adds Yamato which would make it the best mod by itself

>>520818781why does everyone get a boner for ships called yamato?

>>520819002because meme spaceship

>>520819002It just works

Attached: yamato.png (1920x1080, 1.23M)

>>520817229Change the name in the mod files.Modfags got butthurt it's nazi based and made it so mods DON'T work with it.

>>520819861Can you make a guide please, I am at a loss for how to do so

>>520817904Can you please make a guide on how to do so.

>>520820593>>520820474go to the mod's folderopen mod_info.json in your text editor of choicechange the 2 marked fieldskeep the id to letters, underscores and i think numbers are fine too

Attached: file.png (501x184, 11.48K)

>>520817229Isn't that the AI empire? I thought that works fine with everything. Maybe you mean that Aria the Escalation mod?

>>520819246>every super weapon for mods is a laserUncreative hacks desu

>>520822170Anon, you do know that the ship there is just lifted from something else right? Which probably makes it worse, but everyone loves Space Battleship Yamato anyway.

>>520821580And then rename the mod info file to the mod name and put it in the nexrilluon mod?

>>520822170im firing mah lazer

>>520807782It's chinese and adds chinese names to ships of other factions.That's utterly revolting. Chinese names are painfully hideous.


Attached: 1596228138187.jpg (1159x1018, 185.81K)

>>520823712Why would you lie like this?

Attached: 1586471465805.png (649x763, 639.3K)

>>520818781>use Yamato thruster jets>it jerks so hard you can juke a fucking MIRVlol

>>520825289Can you kick frigates to death?

It's a shame games like this take so FUCKING LONG to make and update.I've been waiting on Starsector and Highfleet for YEARS now!

Attached: Highfleet.webm (1600x900, 2.93M)

>>520824045the fractal forums seem to be out of maintaneance though

>>520822459No shit, but every single mod has a super weapon and every single one is a giant laser

>>520811827I've lurked in over 50 bars now, and no tips :(

>>520798020>>520796951>>520797012I thought the Thumper was a point defense/AA gun...

>>520827164You have to lurk in your own planets bars

>>520825707First time seeing Highfleet, looks rad

>>520828395Don't get ur hopes up user, we're in for a long wait.But yes it does look rad.

>>520807090No, you can salvage one either from battle or as a random drop floating around in space

>>520796859Esthetics. I like beams.

anyone has a clip of that IBB cabal carrier's disco ball in action

>>520827783Did that too. Lurked a lot

>>520796951>>520797061youtu.be/WUS4-hQ0i-E?t=16>>520797012>>520797764>>520798124>>520827429Tumper is flux efficient and good if you have armor penetration and shiled damage already covered and just need some hull damage, or to deal with smaller less armored ships.

>>520801369>cursor next to enemy>hit F>*teleport charge up sound* >exit facing the wrong way and not even close enough to overload their flux >get torps in the assI wanna like KarKINOs but its special ability is too unreliable

Attached: 1565297800115.png (128x128, 26.04K)

>>520830678I want this right now.

>>520812959>two plates of armor left >nbd bro i'm good

>>520825707my dick hurts i'm getting Hawken vibes

why would you ever mod that game? It seems to me that after adding one there soon will be another and another and so on, to the point where game is close to unplayable and generally mods shouldn't make up for developer's incompetence If a mod is played by over half of the playerbase why its content hasn't been incorporated into the game before someone came up with given mod

>>520833384Because the dev team is a single dude that is focusing on making every inch of the game as moddable as possible?

>>520825707What am I looking at?

why the fuck has this old ass game gotten popular here again?

>>520831425Had one that was part of the Zeus IBB fleet. It teleported right in front of my capital line, ate shit and teleported back where it came from with almost no hull left. Not sure what finished it off but the explosion took out an allied capital carrier, at least a few destroyers, and broke their line completely.

>default max fleet size is barely 30 vessels>my entire fleet costs just around as much as a conquest battleshipwhy would they do this? the weak should fear the strong

>>520834242Some starving African did a video on it a few months ago.

>>520834242Someone posted their mod space dreadnought pretty recently>>520834081A flying craft landing in the middle of a dust storm or something

>>520835064I only did it because the threads gained traction and reignited my interest, anonWill continue working off that other user's help on the weekends

every Tri-Tachyon enlistee receives a personalized AI catgirl designed to cater to your fetishes.

Attached: 1595687993541.png (2048x1148, 1.38M)

>>520834242i got into the game again and started modding

>>520810151>you make more money on steam30% to Valve

>>520835665>sub-gamma level borenah man miss me with that shit, it's indistinguishable from normal humans alpha-cyborgs for me

Do you ever use armor tanks?

Attached: 20200809175544_1.jpg (1920x1080, 359.85K)

playing the tutorial, why the fuck does combat open up another screen on top the of the screen? why can't I just issue command in the main map

>>520835886Link to portrait pack?

>>520835665>everyone hates Tri>they're the only factions actually doing anything of note other than just trying to maintain peace Its a shame they are disgusting laser/shield users. Ballistics/armor is infinitely more Chad.

>>520835985'Interesting portrait pack' on the forums

how do I have fun with this game again it just all feels so shallow

>>520835886>used to always focus on shields and shield mods >took me years to realize that ditching shields and focusing on damage and armor was infinitely betterWithout soft/hard flux build up its amazing how much sheer fucking doom you can unleash. Just grab any decent armor tank, slap on even more armor tank, then throw yourself at the enemy.

If i want to shoot as many missles at once as possible, what ship and weapons should i be looking for

>>520836048Thanks user.

>>520836184Offense is the best defense.

Attached: 20200808090413_1.jpg (1920x1080, 570.62K)

>>520836372shit loadout

>>520836187That massive MIRV from Interstellar Imperium sound right up your alley. It's pretty weak but Swarmer SRM with the Missile TDS from the Banshee-class in the Neutrino mod shits out a lot of missiles

>>520836372Why not use tactical lasers instead?

>>520836187Seconding Imperium mod. It even has a ship with built in missile launchers thats amazing fun. Otherwise Diable has some great missile spam too.

>>520836868tacticals aren't point defense

>>520811345>I remember reading once that it was basically down to a group of autistic modders on their forums and their staunch hatred of the steam workshop, though I don't know how true that is.It's very true.fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=11378.0

>>520837081With intergrated PD AI, which you already got, they work almost as well plus giving some extra offense.

>>520835830You talk like Alex owns the payment service he's using, for all you know they're taking 30% as well. Steam comes with an absurd increase to your sales. When Factorio had their Steam release, they sold more in one week than they had for years on their website.

>>520837081m8 you have pd ai

>>520836691>>520836885Neat thanks. No chance of doing something similar with base game is there?

>>520811345Because there is no reason to. Steam is nothing more than an advertising opportunity for developers, cost wise you lose a huge portion of your revenue for that advertising opportunity.But Starsector is already extremely well known, it doesnt need that advertising.

>>520837392See >>520837265

>>520837265>for all you know they're taking 30% as well.BMT Micro take 7% commission >Steam comes with an absurd increase to your salesNo, Steam comes with an absurd amount of advertisement as I just said, but everyone knows about Starsector. Bad example using Factorio since no one knew about it until Steam.

>>520837265>When Factorio had their Steam release, they sold more in one week than they had for years on their website.See >>520837392

>>520811345>Steam workshop support >All the discord fags that keep mods in there start seething

>>520837265You talk like selling on Steam guarantees sales for games regardless. SS has been around forever and would have achieved close to its full saturation in terms of people interested in it. Just "selling on steam" =/= sales.

>>520838268Bullshit, Factorio has a huge modding scene before it hit Steam, just like Starsector has now. Moreover you are ignoring the fact that Steam is a necessity for people around the world due to its payment options, which also massively contribute to an increase in sales.

>>520838427>Steam workshop supportIts literally just a gloried Nexus.

do you ever retreat? I have never personally. Usually when its clear I'm loosing I send remainders of my fleet that were meant to participate in post battle pursuit onto flank and engage the biggest enemy ship hoping that I could disengage that wayIt usually works and after that Im often left with nothing but a frigate or two and rest of my support fleet

>>520838571>Moreover you are ignoring the fact that Steam is a necessity for people around the world due to its payment optionsBMT support all the same methods as Steam. And nope, Factorio had literally zero advertising before Steam, thats why it sold.

>>520838676>Issue full retreat order>half my ships fly backwards trying to shoot at the enemy and get swamped No, its a bugged mechanic.

>>520838676If i’m outnumbered I will engage the enemy with my combat ships and then kite them down so that I can retreat for real

>>520837392Starsector is not well known.

>>520838704>BMT support all the same methods as SteamYou're delusional. Each country on Steam has different payment methods exclusive to that country. Not to mention point cards being sold around the world for those without credit cards and regional pricing for countries with lower incomes. In fact when sseth's video hit and people asked why the game wasn't on Steam, payment options was the among the top reasons why they were asking about it. Are you going to tell me I can walk into a Korean convenience store and find a BMT point card?

>>520838971>Starsector is not well known>youtube Starsector>literally tens of millions of views>is also posted on Holla Forums monthly >massive reddit community too You realize Holla Forums is one of the largest gaming website on earth right?

>>520839065>Now hes just trying to save face by moving goalposts Okay then you keep being retarded. I was just pointing out the obvious since you obviously dont have a grasp on it.

>>520839065>Each country on Steam has different payment methods exclusive to that country.user maybe you should actually go try and buy Starsector and see how many payment options there are

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>>520839065>payment options was the among the top reasons why they were asking about it.Steam shills will latch onto any excuse

>>520838971>Starsector is not well known.>Holla Forums is a secret little clubKiddo sorry to burst your bubble but Holla Forums is mainstream gaming now

>>520839285???I'm still talking about payment methods. I did drop the Factorio point, yes, because I feel like discussing that with you further about it isn't going to lead anywhere. I mean I could go back to the archives and see all the threads we had about it here before its release on Steam, but that'd be too much trouble and I have better things to do.>>520839394Well if that's the case then I'm mistaken and I'll drop it. But I specifically saw people complain about this which led me to believe that the several options weren't available. Are you sure this is available in third world countries as well?

>>520839408Well time to fucking sleep I guess

Attached: 12893c2f0019e48ddf28d02fe190a626.jpg (472x472, 35.43K)

>>520838971ever since the hey hey people man made a video it's well known

>>520839637>Are you sure this is available in third world countries as well?You can literally pay by fax, bitcoins or cheque.Im pretty sure even a third world monkey could mail their poop and get it.

>>520839715Not him, but that's how I learned of it.

>>520839878Alright, I stand corrected then.

Anyone tried this out? Is it actually a fun addition?fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=18011.0

>>520838427>>>All the discord fags that keep mods in there start seethingIs there a better reason than this to support the steam release?

>>520840665It does a bunch of neat things for your colonies, I've had fun with it. Mainly I use those added structures on a single planet as a sort-of sector capital while my production worlds benefit from their effects.Military/Interstellar relays are a must but are also completely broken at the moment, grab it before they're nerfed.

>>520796859ballistic weapons are good

Attached: screenshot096.png (1600x900, 1.23M)

>>520837389the Gryphon is a dedicated missile cruiser in the base game. Aside from that, there's not much else afaik

What are good mods thanks for reading and replying to my post!

>>520841545Thanks user.

>>520806131Can't be done, same as Dwarf Fortress. It's too late.

>>520842961Damn. I was still having high hopes DorfFort would get Mulit-core support.

>>520815131Can't be. I fucking hated Battleships Forever.

>>520836000>armorPssh, nothing personal

Attached: Reaper.jpg (14x27, 1.13K)

Is there no way of testing weapons without owning it and a ship capable of using it first?

>>520844707You can try going into missions in the main menu and refiting there, you'll have every weapon available in the game to test

>>520843505it's okay, I was lying

>>520836000trips of truthbut not complete truth, the path is trying to do something that isn't maintaining peace too

>>520844825That's pretty useful, thanks.

>>520842221Too bad those kind of ships are garbage since the AI is too retarded to use them, they will spend literally 80% of a fight hiding behind another ship instead of using those large mounts even tough they could use it and be in 0 danger


>>520846120>all that alpha core porn

Attached: 1565807797487.jpg (600x600, 61.27K)

>>520846120is this just one broken ship?

>>520846251it's volturian lobster porn

>>520846120Stop posting it, I'll resume work later

>>520846424that reminds me that if you search volturnian lobster a anthro volturnian lobster is one of the first image resultsthank you duckduckgo, very cool

>>5208461201800s ship mod when

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>>520845939i wonder if making a hullmod that increases the projectile speed of all ballistics could solve thati wonder how hard would be to code that

>>520847415There already is

>>520822170Way back there was this railgun cannon in a mod that required you to charge it for like 5-10 seconds before it fired.When it did finally fire, jesus fuck was it loud and fast. Most things got one or two shot by it.Hadron collider or something I think it was called.

i can literally never make enough money to build a decent fleet, and start a colony. I dont wanna minmax the trade system.

>>520848030Just embrace the scavenging life and live in the edges of the sector

>>520848098i have hit a wall 5 times now where i cant find shit for 3-5 excursions and go broke.

>>520847510don't you mean the skill? or a it's from a mod?

>>520847415there is one already, but it doesn't do anything, they don't attack because the AI is retarded and they are afraid of enemies since they are frigates, it doesn't matter how fast the weapon is, they will never shoot because your other ships will be blocking their LOS since they automatically hide behind themthe only large weapon that works as fire support on frigates or destroyers are missiles since even though the AI is still retarded and hiding behind your other ships missiles can go through your ships making them actually useful (if they choose to fire ofc since the AI is retarded when it comes to using missiles aswell)

do i not have to pay for imported goods in my colonies?

>>520848098just kill bounties or even better system bounties until you have enough dosh for a colony, maybe do a couple of explorations to find a nanoforge

>>520848993it's deducted from your monthly income iirc.

who else /tinyfleet/ here?

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>>520850801Is there anything more satisfying than a bunch of lasers just frying the hull of an unfortunate ship

what do people mean when somethings not compatible with nex? im using nearly every faction mod including the tranny angering ones and i havent noticed anything not working

>>520851121it probably means they don't use the special Nex features? idk

>>520812959Why would anyone run it without 4 typhoon reaper launcers? To fit in safety overrides for extra 20 combat speed at the cost of a reapers and aux thrusters and reinforced bulkheads and vents?

Attached: falcon p.jpg (708x660, 156.07K)

>>520852257I forget, can this thing equip two medium ballistics?

>>520852257is it really just enough to use sabots and torps?enemy ships usually dont turn on the shields if its just sabots so you'd have to dump all of them at onceor do you only engage capitals that you flank with that?

Was thinking of making a fighter-centric modpack that's just /o/ references to Honda. Playing more to get a feel for the game before even starting. Thoughts?

>>520852465the pirate variant has 2 medium composite>>520852548It really needs other heavier ships to take down shields and then the torpedoes will absolutely wreck anything in their way and it is fast enough to go in quick and back away before the enemy can retaliate. amazing against stations4x4k dmg torpedoes is nothing to sneeze at and gets to around 201 or something combat speeds when using maneuvering jets

>Oh hey I noticed you were saturation bombing every pirate outpost into obliteration for constantly raiding your colonies. Naw man s'cool. Looks like you're a little low on fuel. You need a fully stocked Prometheus?

Attached: Sindrian_diktat.png (410x256, 56.44K)

>>520853113Diktat are total bros

>>520852257I'm having more success with the supposed tournament buildI had a build with 4x Typhoons 2x Reapers but I noticed that Falcon (P) tends to go after lighter ships more often than heavier ships. Coded-in behavior I guess? Also, the torp volley was often wasted on far flung no-flux ships or rapidly moving targets. I was suspicious of this build but it seems to a fairly decent frigate/destroyer deleter and performs consistently in AI's hands.

Attached: fake threat.jpg (1035x848, 278.13K)

>>520853249If only they weren't squatting on such a nice system I wouldn't have to kill them so often.

>>520853423seems good for ai. 4 typhoons is more suited for a player ships for taking out the heaviest targets when supported by a battleship

what are the best main character skills to go with at the beginning?I assume combat skills that only affect your ship are kind of a red herring because you have stuff like ship mods that you can stick onto every one of your ships right

>>520853904The ones that reduce supplies and fuel needed per month are really damn handyThe one in the blue section that raises your fleet's ordnance points is OP, so is the ECM oneGetting more officers is good, officers are really damn strong.If you pilot a carrier you need the carrier skill in green, otherwise you can get by piloting normal ships without red skill but they can be pretty fun to use especially the armor ones

there's something really comfy about fielding a fleet of space tanks screened by flying bunkers

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>>520853904I'd say navigation 3 for transverse jump, fleet logistics and loadout designThen eventually safety proceduders and field repairs. Perhaps salvaging and sensors for neutrino detector for getting good schemantics early on

>>520854173I can't find the skill that reduces supply consumption but the fuel consumption is in technologyseems i should go into tech first since most of your suggested items are in that?

>>520854752Yeah I'd say fuel usage reduction is pretty important early on just to expand where you can go, also like other user said transverse jump is really really handySupply reduction is fleet logistics

>>520850417cozy, but why?

Dominators are cool. How do you outfit your dominator?

>>520855424I'm trying 1 hephaustus and 1 mark lX autocannon but I'm not sold on the DPS of thatThe 3 medium missile slots are always typhoons

>>520803059The forum post has some instructions on how to disable the commie tooltip spam as far as I know

>tfw crammed so many mods that im getting out-of-memory errors and i gotta find a way to increase the upper limit

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>>520855678>AsymmetricDPS aside, does it function well? I outfit mine like this, and it turns it's side towards the enemy instead of pointing the guns at them. Kind of annoying

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>>520855424double devastator, double heavy machine gun, typhoons, system override, aux thrusters, huge balls>>520856296vmparams in the base folder

Wait, waIT WAIT....... you guys actually use (D) ships????

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>>520856361It does alright, all I use it for is deleting capitals/cruisers with the 3 typhons which is always its jobI mainly just try to go for a weapon set that doesnt fucking overflux the thingAlthough honestly >>520856397 is probably the best set

>>520856479yeah bitch because i'm not retarded

>>520856479there's a mod with ships that give you more ord points the more D-slots you have and the ships themselves are hard to actually kill instead of just get disabledseems pretty intradasting

>>520856479yes? enormous reduction in deployment costs and -50% penalties from d-mods and far lower maintenance costs.from skills. I'd rather field twice the ships with minor flaws and lower maintenance than very few slightly better ships

>>520856653I use a setup similar to yours for AI piloted ones.

for me it's 4 needlers 2 thumpers 2 annihilators hammerhead

>>520856296>no Hyperdrivetsk tsk tsk

>>520856479My faction in Nex just got its only fucking forge world taken over by the Hegemony, so yes. I don't like to use out-of-faction ships/weaponry in my runs, and every boat being sold has at least one or two D-mods on it.

>>520806549I have those + SCY, Underworld/Cabal, Sylphon, Shadowyards, Tahlan/Legio Infernalis, Mayasuran Navy, and Legacy of Arkgneisis/Anarakis Reparations. Cabal's neat because they aren't a full faction; they just harass/kill almost everyone who isn't Tri-Tachyon. Interesting concept with strong ships, but kind of annoying to avoid.Mayasuran Navy fits in with the default factions pretty well, I think.Shadowyards ships look weird-- kind of smooth, with odd striped paint designs.No real opinion on Legio Infernalis, SCY, or Sylphon, yet. Seems someone or some people in these threads think Dassault-Mikoyan and Legio Infernalis are overpowered. I don't know if the ships are too strong, but it does look like LI is expanding in my playthrough.

>>520855314just starting a new game.

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>>520857178shepherds are peak comfy

>>520857178Are you a supply-let or something? Why are all your repairs halted?

>>520857157DA isn't really overpowered anymore, it's just obnoxiously meta. If you set out to design a faction that you intended to be very strong but also maintain a fig leaf of deniability it would look like DA.

Is there a mod that adds unique ships to the Sindrian Diktat? Even if its just repaints?

>>520856361I wish there was a "don't use it if it has inappropriate dmg type" order for AI captains. you just *know* your AI is gonna put those hephs on autofire and vent like a retard in the middle of the fight.

>>520857413you mean DME?

>>520857483Designing for the retarded AI is half the challenge of fleet building.

>>520857750that's correct, but their retarded behavior starts to grate on you when you're fighting massive fleets and you want those 200 unmodded points to really count.

>>520857483They are kind of retarded like that but the ai seems to be smart enough to keep turning the sides of conquests if one side has kinetic and other energy to hit with the correct ones. sometimes

>>520857901it's pretty much impossible for the AI to use weapon types correctly or to capitalize on an opening, the best you can probably do is set your ship kinetics with longer range than HE so when it tries to shoot at max range it will only use Kinetics and when the enemy ship gets at high flux it will move in and use HE but that doesn't work all the time sadly and it will force ships to get closer

>>520857628Yeah, sorry.

>>520815042Are Knights really that lore-friendly to begin with?Mayasuran Navy and Tiandong seem to blend in well enough (if you don't mind the Chinese names). Imperium and Diable stick out more but play well. Could add Blackrock into the mix, but that's high-tech. Starlight Cabal ships are garish, but the faction fits in.

Should I start off without mods and slowly incorporate or just go full Skyrim ASAP?


>>520858691play without while you learn but grab some quality of life ones

>>520858691You should start without any mods besides Speed Up and Combat Log and then proceed from there.

>>520858691If you go full on the mods there's gonna be way too many things for you to reasonably learn

>>520858785>>520858809>>520858816Noted, thanks for the QOL mods

>>520857442the ship and weapon pack gives them a line of skinned ships like how the hegemony have XIV ones

>play a new game>decide to explore space with my fleet of SONIC SPEED GABEN FEED>find XIV ships on space>haul them back to the core worlds and have them reparedSuch a great feeling, shame about the cost.

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Legacy of Arkgnesis has some kino weapons

Attached: hCajhMq.gif (400x200, 963.57K)

>local AI too angry to die

Attached: screenshot057e.png (971x481, 234.61K)

>>520826921Interstellar Imperium has a ship that's mostly just a shell for carrying a giant missile.

Stop seething and play my mods now.

Attached: tahlan_portrait_nia.png (128x128, 27.43K)

>>520859153I'm going to pull your brain out and plug it into a machine and design a second machine to rape it continuously.

>>520859153No, I'm gonna play appro-chan's mod instead

>>520859153no fuck you i'm gonna make my own mod and it'll be got garbagebut it'll be mine

rate find>>520858928thanks user thats exactly what i was looking for.

Attached: unknown (1).png (1122x501, 245.26K)

>>520857287Try Fluff's Ship Pack; it adds a bigger Shepherd (but not too big): the Collier.

Attached: Collier.png (98x113, 26.9K)

>>520800608>is it finished yet? Wasn't it being in development for line 10 years or smth?It's a sandbox game under constant development. You don't want it to be "finished."

>>520859481Aquatic planets are 10/10. Just hope that there are other planets in the system worth a shit.

>>520859519>wayfarer + shepherdit's perfect

>>520857413So Dassalt-Mikoyan is Diable but balanced instead of overnerfed? Sounds great, but I like Diable's style and Wanzers more.

>>520859153Your Scalartech mod is the most girliest mod I've ever seen holy shit

>No Star Wars mods>No UC Gundam mods

Attached: angry megatron.jpg (640x640, 79.53K)

>>520859903I mean, if you want to call a faction with the central design philosophy of "whoops I took every concept that's strong in Starsector and put them all in one faction" balanced then go ahead dude.It has nice systems, at least.

i've only checked 2 mods for distinct reasonsboth had some commie shit on itwas it a coincidence or is this a common occurrence

>>520859153I saw him complaining about being triggered by the name of a guy's ship until he changed it.

>>520860232There's around 3. If you're talking about varya's you can disable the commies.

>>520860112Gundam doesn't really have a wealth of purpose built battleships or frigates, most of the iconic ships are carriers of various types. Which would leave most of the fighting out of your hand as you just sit on the edges of the battle letting your MS do all the fighting for you.

Attached: external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg (1019x1300, 380.76K)

>>520860112Someone should make the protag ship from Raystorm as a mod ship.

>>520860330nope not that onename the other 2

>>520796859i cant shoot and its pretty hard to miss with a laseralso i like the burst damage

>>520860112there are 2 starwars mods

>>520860386goddamn shame because the feddie capitals are great

Attached: gendum1.webm (640x360, 2.26M)

-Blocks your path-

Attached: Blyat Breakers.png (720x300, 146.78K)

>>520860596Link, I've gone looking and didn't find any

>>520860550Dassault-Mikoyan, Shadowyards, Kadur Remnant, Junk Pirates, Active gates.There was a load of neo nazi larper vs communist discord tranny drama and most of those will crash your game if they detect you using nazi mods.

>>520860854fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=12243.0NGO is the other one if you want black wedges

>>520861004actually the ones i found just had ship reskins for another mod's faction

>>520858918SpeedUp, Combat Analytics, AudioPlus, Combat Chatter, Combat Alarm Sounds, Trailer Moments. Might as well go ahead and download MagicLib and GraphicsLib.Unknown Skies adds planet variety. SkilledUp lets you unlock all skills on one save, if you like that idea, but it's far from necessary.Grab a portrait pack if you don't like the default art. I use Another Portrait Pack.

>>520861004>those will crash your game if they detect you using nazi mods.This is beyond petty. Fucking pathetic trannies, this is should not be allowed.

Rate my flagship

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>>520861004which neo-nazi mods? i'm using persean empire with mikoyan and kadur and i have no issues so far

>>5208616790.8 per month/10

why is the persean league so shit?

>>520861724NGO. FPE is fine because he convinced them it's a satire.

>>520860834i always force-spawn them in the game as a faction so they can rape every other modded faction including myself

>>520860386You could make a Federation lineup pretty damn easily.>Columbus-class Freighters>Resize and tweak a Salamis and Clop to make a few frigate variants>Salamis-class cruiser>Magellan-class battleship, focused primarily on beam-based batteries>Birmingham-class battleship, mostly a missile shipThen make the big gimmick of the Feddies that most of their ships are built around supporting Mobile Suits, with built-in gantries and launch catapults that give buffs to uptime in battle for MS, as well as faster repair and resupply rates.>Pegasus-class Carrier that boasts incredible speed for a carrier>Alexandra-class Heavy Cruiser that's meant to follow MS teams at close range and provide point defense and soak up fire from larger ships while the real damage comes from MS blowing through the bigger ships with their beam weaponry>Argama-class assault carriers meant to provide long-range fire support and coordinate the firing patterns of other nearby ships.>Ra Cailum-class mainline battleship, slightly less firepower than a Magellan but superior mobility and several MS squadrons>Dogosse-Giar-class Battleship, originally intended as flagships - slow, unwieldy but with immense firepower and enough ordnance points to carry an OBSCENE amount of MS.Shit if I were capable of doing the art myself I'd already be making this mod.

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>>520861769I assure you user the maintenance costs are far higher than that

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Does flux capacity affect the rate at which you vent flux?if so will it be useful to keep capacitors at minimum so you can vent al your flux ias fast as possible?

>>520862208You have to vent fully before it stops, so if you have a ton of flux but a low vent rate prepare to sit there for a long fucking time.

>>520825707Its supposed to out this fall if the twitter is believable. I'm super hyped but don't know the fuck the dev expects the game to succeed. He hasn't marketed at all, the twiiter post has only 17 fucking comments.

>>520861004>mods that crash the game if they detect you using nazi modsIf I were the dev I'd seriously considering yeeting those fuckersA purposeful crash is basically malware

>>520862198i meant per day i'm stupid

New blogpost from dev tomorrow. Nice.

>>520861970Based, I also tried making their ships including the deserters exclusive to my faction. Their designs are pure sex.

are safety overrides on a brawler weird

Anyone else really prefer the early-mid game compared to the end game? IDK what it is but I really prefer fielding a bunch of rinky boats compared to high tech super battleships.


>>520862719I guess I just prefer feeling my Cowboy Bebop man compared to Legend of Galactic Heroes man.

>>520862658There's a certain point where battles become either an effortless stomp or just feel like you're being shat on by multiple super ships or otherwise massive fleets and it stops being very interesting

>>520862658>high tech super battleshipsthat's your problem user, you're supposed to make a fleet full of shitty low-tech ships so you can laugh at them failing or at the enemy getting destroyed by an army of incompetent shipsbonus points if you install safety overrides on every ship[/spoiler[

>>520862780whole progression is to fastsector suppose to be falling apart with just some remnant military presence and yet factions have capitals everywhere

>>520862658I like mid game more because late game fleets just devolves into battleship/carrier spam.

>>520862860Its not just because its easy in the late game. I just feel more connected to fewer less powerful ships.

>>520862947samecarriers are especially bad as IA cant handle them or fight against them at all


>>520862947I wish I could find a role for frigates in the late game, but they just get popped so quick.

>>520862658>>520862947is there a way to mod factions fleet doctrines so tehy never build capitals then you can stay small fleet forever

>>520863574Delete capitals from ship listing maybe?

>>520863574>>520863641I now want to play a mod where ships worth more than 25points don't spawn

>>520863905I don't know if I'd want that, variety is fun. But I wish I could stay in the early/mid game longer. But I hope you can figure out a way for yourself user.

>>520863574Try changing "shipSize" in each faction's .faction file in data/world/factions. This should work the same as your own faction's size doctrine. Make it lower to have them use more smaller ships; for example, pirates have a shipSize value of 2 by default, the Hegemony has 4.

>>520796859How do you into combat? I started a game in the tutorial mode but how do you get rid of that big fucking annoying grid that covers everything???

>>520864145Boot up the simulator and just keep trying my man. The combat has so many little intricacies and being really good also requires knowing what to expect from all the ships.

>>520863574>>520863905>data\world\factionsset each capital hull to 0 under hull frequency in each faction file>data/hulls/ship_data.csvdelete everything from the tags column of the ships if you want to axe them from the markets too

>>520864145Also if you go to missions you can edit your fleet, and use the simulator on any of the ships. So you can try a wider variety of ships.

>>520864351I'd be happy if I could just figure out how to get rid of that grid overlay so I can see whats going on

>>520864078 ok thats probably the smarter way of doing it

>>520864434Is this the grid thats on the tactical map, or does it show up when your doing real time shit.

>>520864524when going into actual combat so real time

>>520863574increase size of Ai fleets also

>>520864671I'm gonna assume you've checked the settings so have you ever accidentally opened the console?

>>520864671Post a screenshot.

how can you tell if buying from the black market at any given moment will be tipped off to other factions or not?

>>520863087they are great when you are fighting a fleet that outnumbers you greatly, since the AI is retarded and will send a disproportionate amount of ships to chase after a single frigate, so sending 2 fast and resilient frigates on the flanks will usually lead several much more powerful ships in a goose chase since they will never catch something like a tempest or kill a monitor, other than abusing the AI like that they are completely useless

>>520864756>>520864734>>520864524Thats what I see for real time combat

Attached: wtf am i doing.png (1919x1081, 888.47K)

>>520863087have you tried the omen

>>520865389that's the map, dude. hit tab.

>>520865389Uh bro, you're still in the tactical display. Hit tab

>start new game>fly into Duz to see if its got any good worlds to set up a colony >not only does it have perfect worlds but fucking this is floating around the sunHonestly thinking I should just delete my save because I just won the game.

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>>520865480>>520865512holy fuck thanks. I don't care how small brained I was, that was turning me off playing this game. Cheers so much lads.

>>520859481Good for a raugh or two

>>520865874I'm gonna recommend you go through the missions my man to get a feel of the game if you're that new. Have Fun!

>>520865747What mod?

>>520866026Diable Avionics friend

Attached: hX9ZSQH.jpg (704x1130, 581.03K)

>>520865747Nah it's not as ridiculously OP now, in fact it's pretty weak overall which is a shame because I love the look. It also costs a fuckton to field it, you won't be doing that much until the late game. Still a great find but hardly an instant-win.


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>>520866259You didn't see the planets I have>75% hazard rating, +3 farm/ore/organics and literally orbiting it 100% hazard +3 rare minerals/volatile +1 oreFirst time I have ever seen one of those two middle sectors have actual usable worlds.

why does the recover key option on their website just not work?i wanna try this game again but im not paying for it a second time

>>520866396I just wish the colors were more aligned with the base game, it doesnt fit the setting well. That being said the designs are sexy as fuck.

>>520866491The mod author posted a link on the modpage to a bunch of recolor versions, there's like 6 of them. Most of them don't fit vanilla either but you do have some choice.>>520866416That is nice, but I had a similar setup with Duzakh but it had only two good worlds and I still had a challenging game because I had been playing full pirate mode before I decided to check for colony spots and the entire galaxy was at war with me.


>>520866724>The mod author posted a link on the modpage to a bunch of recolor versionsoh my fucking god I am retarded

>>520866487Try emailing the dev. I lost my key ages ago and I just emailed the dev last year, he keeps good records and is very helpful. Found proof that I had purchased it and sent me the key less than a day later.

>>520867124>he found proofis what I meant to say. I didn't have to do anything other than ask, got the reply a day later saying that he found it and sent one to me. This was for a purchase I had made 4 years prior too.

Is the SS discord really bad as people make it out to be?

>>520866491If you don't like the colors palette swap are the easiest thing in the world.

Attached: recolors.png (515x286, 164.54K)

What's the opinion on the Missing ships mod?Looks good, but I fear some of these monstrosities upset the balance a bit too much

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>>520867229>commie trannies and degenerate furniggers running the whole shitholeYou guess.

>>520862040a gundam mod sounds pretty nice but how would the mod handle MC-tier gundams? >>520867421what is that Luddic monstrosity on the right?

>>520843505>DorfFort would get Mulit-core supportonly thing they could thread in dorf is maybe some worldgen shit with legends and plots and other small stuff. Maybe path-finding, but the very action of threading is its own performance hit on the main thread. You also can't thread something that frequently needs to refer to itself, such as physics. Which is unfortunate because the whole fucking game is built around the most autistic, arbitrary implementation of physics I've ever seen and can't be salvaged. This is why you don't see all sorts of crazy cool shit being done with physics even though we have gorillion core processors now. There's some shit you can side step with GPU shaders but that's incredibly limited in what exactly you can do with it. A few million spheres being simulated real time without any of them being put to sleep or clipping, for example. Tough shit if you want to have any of them do anything more complicated. No free lunch. etc.

Attached: 1485913149725.jpg (539x518, 73.44K)

>>520867697>what is that Luddic monstrosity on the right?It's called the Ragnarok and its the main reason I fear this mod is just too much.

>dirty third worlder so burgerbux too expensive>have to wait for the game to be completed so that fat fuck of gaben allows it in his store in my currency>links to pirate are outdatedgod fucking dammit I just wanna play a non shit space game


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>>520866396>>520867263which ship is this? combat Rime?

>>520867889??? nigger just download the game straight from the official website and then plug in this key>>520811572i thought if you monkeys were supposed to be good at anything it would be stealing

>>520867975Pretty sure that's the kitbash an user made, should be in the pastebin if it still exists somewhere.

>wasd to move, mouse to shootNeat. If I like shmups and twin stick shooters will I like this?

>>520852743Sounds like a great idea.

>>520868064we have a pastebin?

>>520868083Maybe. Game is a lot more strategy and trading than click on bad guy.

>>520854521If only the 'footsoldiers' weren't slow as sin, I'd enjoy the mod more.

>>520868174That sounds okay too but I will look at some videos

>>520865980Thanks fren I'll start from the beginning again now thats been fixed up. I was making the mistake of approaching this game like mount and blade but it seems much more strategic

>>520868309youtube.com/watch?v=acqpulP1hLo obligatory


>>520811572didnt the author say hes going to invalidate that key in the next update?

>>520867229its shit as most discords very single one have fucking tranny or faggots often bothsometimes they just hide really well but always not for long

>>520868567maybe its still gonna work with lesser updatesalso it brought him a lot of bucks so maybe he will not

>>520860112There's a Gundam mod, but it's IBOturd

>>520825707why do only slavs make these games?

>>520868456One minor correction on Sseth's video: Transverse Jumping is not actually illegalUsing AI cores is still extremely fucking illegal

>>520867421Awful kitbashed trash. Luddic abominations smashed together shouldn't even be symmetrical.

>>520869784Very weak native game industry

>>520830581it seems youre shit out of luckbut if i remeber correctly thers a trick that you can do, the bases show up on on trading lists anyway and you can track them down there

>>520856361I hate your guys loadouts so much...

>>520796859I love this game but I don't like taking part in the combat. It's odd considering the combat is the biggest feature but I like to just build the ships and put them on auto pilot and command the battle from the map. I've probably only bothered taking manual control like 5 times.

Attached: 1596775843602.png (793x533, 112.91K)

How polished is this game right now? The only similar game that I played is SPAZ.

>>520870335Nothing wrong with that per se, you can treat it however you like if you enjoy it.

>>520870335That is exactly how I imagine all the combat skill hating autists play.

>>520870165>why do slavs make games>weak game industrywhat

Starting to get mildly sick of paying factions 100,000 dollars to fuck off

anyone still have that azur lane mods?some user made it before general explode forgot to get it because all the illegal mod meme

>>520802506buy more fucking ram.

Is it just me or is the Lasher at the bottom of the simulation list a fucking rape machineI feel like I learned more about combat from letting that thing fuck me in the ass than from anything else the game has thrown at me

remember: your shitposts and porn folders will be mined someday for nuggets of old-world knowledge

Attached: 8kZp002.jpg (1000x523, 290.73K)

>>520870676So just throw down and put them in their place. You're not chicken, are you?

Is there ant wsy to make bigger ships much, much rarer to spawn in NPC fleets? U wsnt let game to be more about holding 1-2 capitals/carriers than a duel of who can throw more metal into the furnace


>>520870958not that guy but i also prefer to pay them to fuck off until my system has enough fleet presence around every occupied planet>the faction is after your [PLANET NAME]>they're outmatched by all metric >the fleet's actually in orbit around your weakest, newest planet >"planet raided successfully! -5 stability"

>>520871075oh he never finish it

>>520868523>pastebin.com/8rerJR7X>Hullmod ExpansionIsn't this the one where the author got bullied by Nia and the forum faggots? Is this the non-pozzed version?