What kind of person is this design supposed to appeal to?

What kind of person is this design supposed to appeal to?

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Other urls found in this thread:



>>520778274actual retards since all of her concept art is better than this design

this game makes me violently angry

>>520778274/k/Never heard of deerwife?

Attached: 27f.png (792x1100, 303.16K)

>>520778274My penis.

>>520778469It's just a game, bro

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>>520778274this bitch has a retarded face and i hate her.

>>520778486>user, she told me you raped and beat her every night. I’m gonna save her.

Attached: 8AC4049E-87F2-46D0-9277-65409000A62E.jpg (667x1000, 164.29K)

>>520779394>buck proceeds to get beaten and raped every night

>>520778274Why does a design have to appeal to you fucking coomer?

>>520778274People who like cuteMy coomer brain though want to deeply inhale her deer anus

>>520778274You know what's better than stupid deers?

Attached: I+googled+something+i+shouldnt+have+trying+to+find+this+_9fb1f7dca59e01b7f362c9412c433250.jpg (500x407, 72.87K)

Its a shame her release was immediately eclipsed by Yasuo 2, her art amount won't be as high as I'd like


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>>520781730>>520782309Yeah horsepussy is nice but based on all the porn I've seen centaur women are renowned for their titfucks instead

Anyone got the story of the hunter who fucked a doe who got stuck in his fence? Wanted to share it with a friend of course.

>>520782445Care to elaborate?

Attached: 1564258490078.png (476x386, 340.46K)

>>520778274People who like enchantress in dota.


>>520781834she'll still get a new skin before Ornn

Which is more furry?A female centaur or a an anthro horse lady?

>>520783883Anthro horse lady since the whole body is furry and the face is less human

>>520778274>literal uwu sowwy ^w^What the fuck were they thinking.

hehe scottish deer go vrooom

>>520778274To enchantress mains.>>520784065Also this. I thought Qiyana was top cringe but this was next level.

>>520782990>Not even crotchtitsWhy go for a centaur if you're gonna fuck her human part?

Liking centaurs is zoophilia and you should be shot for that

>>520778274Honestly after being on winning streak for 10 games I realised even winning isn't enjoyable. This game sux

Attached: 1595605636932.jpg (931x1193, 135.44K)

>that slav artist that threw the pussy on the front of the dryadwhat kind of sick fuck are we dealing with

Attached: oh my goodness.png (500x352, 255.06K)

For me it's Irelia and her pretty bitch-face.

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Attached: Im not a furry but.jpg (2048x1152, 153.41K)

>>520778274What kind of person is this design supposed to appeal to?

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>>520778274>deer pussy

For me it's kindred

Attached: EddVSW8XYAQPChI.jpg (1200x707, 123.64K)

>>520787523White boys.

>>520787523White men

>playing last night >enemy team bans yuumi>I go lux>end up going 1/11>faggot talon mod flames me for being a yuumi main>we win anyway>post game friendly 15/3 garen says “I love you lux”I guess what I’m trying to say is yuumi is a good champ.

Attached: 98896371-BA99-4373-9312-9E90B3674894.gif (500x280, 1.9M)

>>520784550>Qiyana was top cringeIn what way is Qiyana cringe?


Lillia is best taur

>>520788035Sisterpussy, best pussy.t.anime pro

>>520787636>finally a good skin>turns her into an anime girl and reveals her faceAh come on

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>>520778274Pansy bitch niggas and deviant coomers

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I actually only started playing because of her

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God damnit bros. I want to fuck a horse so bad!

>>520789932Is that a PONY?!Cringe bro cringe! Why can't you let go of your toddler show?!

>>520790817Permanent brain damage, there's no return for me now

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>>520782309Fucking pleb

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I fucking despise that shy uwu bullshit. Her walking animation also pisses me off.

>>520782445only because those artists are fucking cowards who can't commit


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>>520793623now you've done it user.

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>>520792594How do you feel about Hecarim?

>>520795737don't you talk shit on hecarim

>>520795814He's a faggot now

Attached: Hecarim_4.jpg (1215x717, 200.45K)

>>520778274most vidya concept artists are up to their neck in porn and fetish art and literally consoom that shit day and night, so when it comes time to make art for their day job they want to make something as close to their perverted dreams as possible


I love horse pussy bros

Attached: Feild_cera.jpg (340x468, 43.15K)

>>520797496You know who else does?

>>520798096Your mom?

>>520787523The average heterosexual male


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>>520797496Centaur tits are better

Help me guys I want to fuck a deer in the pussy

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>>520800515Just do it.What's the worst that could happen?

>>520778274I didn't like her design but she fun as hell to play


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>>520801019That's not a deer though.Then again, getting kicked by a deer is probably unfun as well.

I would rather a leopard seal.

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Lamb is only good for ONE thing

Attached: lamb laying.png (433x1334, 1.03M)

>>520801335>Lamb>ONE thingVolibears onahole

Attached: volibear.jpg (1280x720, 86.27K)

>>520778274I've wanted to fuck a dryad since Mylune in Cataclysm. That retarded fuck was hot.

>>520778987Kindred sucks but I wanna brutally sodomize her as well as the Sprit Blossom skin


>>520802212Wanted to fuck a dryad since Vanilla.

Attached: Shrine_Keeper.jpg (603x864, 56.95K)

>>520778274last good designed character was ornn.Dunno if you noticed but for a couple of years the character design team has been making more and more anime style cutesy shit instead of cool badass designs.Zoe lul random girlYumi lolrandom catNeeko totally lesbian baitSeth pretty boy 1Aphelios pretty boy 2deer trying to be cute and failing miserablyAnd now fucking yone bullshit.Atleast theyve been on top of old champ reworks, volibear's design is pretty sweet and i love what they did to fiddlesticks.

>>520787636>takes mask of when recallingI almost liked that skin

>>520803507Volibear and Fiddle just came out and they look pretty non-edgy badass.

>>520803507Sett is based.

>>520778274Is this League? All I know is that I wanna fuck a yordle

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I peaked gold 3 in season 4 and now im stuck in silver 4. Its a nightmare. I have been trying to climb with twitch mid.

>>520778274I want to fuck it

>>520778274built for human cock

>>520794407Nah, it's by a guy called dalwartShadman at least knows english

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>>520787523post the based version

>That's it! You pissed me off so I'm ending your virginity here and nowAnyone have that one?

>>520808873futa is not based user

>>520802691ahhhn the great outdoors :)

>>520808958that's preggo you dolt

>>520801335What does she look like without that mask.

>>520793623Can't blame him.Dat ass is too juicy to pass up.

>>520809446I've got a few bucks set aside for later ;)

Attached: dryad.png (736x553, 834.7K)

>>520778335champs always have such cool concept art but in the end they always go for the shittiest designappealing to the lowest common denominator, i guess


>>520778335>>520811514What the fuck are you talking about? They picked the best one

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>>520811514Luckily Illaoi was the one they didn't fuck up from concept to final product. I still love her to this day.

>>520810727when I first began playing wow I made an elf hunter and when I saw the deer girl I started seething I could not play as that

>>520787636>anime girl under the maskno

>>520814228It's Spirit Blossom, they're all fucking anime.

>>520778274>What kind of person is this design supposed to appeal to?normal peoplecrossdressing mental illnesses with gaping goreholes questioning this fact of life wouldn't understand

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>>520791353Give me source please

>>520813898I know your pain user

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>>520814596> “One thing led to another and I found myself having sexual intercourse with a 200-pound full grown female cougar,” the young man told reporters, visibly amused by the situation.based

>>520814849get fucked furfags, animechads win again

>>520778274I hate how low her base movement speed is. Rather they lower her bonus ms on hit and increase her base speed so she isn’t walking around the jg with adc speed.


Attached: чг26.png (500x500, 160.32K)

Horse pussy=dolphin pussy>deer pussy>>>power gap>>>human pussy>cat pussy

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>>520814876Kemono.If it involves horse fuckery in a manga, its ALWAYS Kemono

>>520816460>No dog pussyShit taste

>>520816460Bunny Cunny>>>>everything else

Attached: 8c1 (2).jpg (531x766, 136.33K)

>>520816779But user bun cun is forbidden!

Attached: omg.jpg (716x731, 179.2K)

>>520816460What about dragon pussy

>>520817082Not real

>>520778486Surely you wouldn't...?

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>>520817381Surely you wouldn't not......

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>>520778274How big is her horse cock?

>>5208177450 inches. Deers don't have horse cocks.


>ench front vagina


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>>520817816Futafags BTFO'd


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>>520817019No such thing as forbidden!S-Sauce!

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>>520812348should've gone with the deer centaur body but with the pipe as a weapon, because that's my fetish

>>520814586Why do you let transsexuals live rent free in your head like this? Literally nobody is talking about them and they have absolutely nothing to do with anything hereI can't imagine anything more pathetic

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Attached: virgin donkey vs stacy centaur.png (1060x651, 663.32K)

>>520778274She looks like a superior version than the ugly dota 2 one lol

>>520818016>>520818142exhentai.org/g/845116/d1eda1f3be/Sauce for those who want it.


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>>520818448I should probably check my images before posting. Apologies mr.advertiser

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>>520818016Fat bastard wins again

>>520778274Neeko became really popular, so they tried to replicate that, but it seems people are not liking her that much

>>520787636>kindred has constantly had some of the worst porn of the league cast>new skin comes out and its all consistently goodlol turns out when you make the furry character a human the porn quality increases lol

You freaks are fuckin' nutters

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>>520778274gay retard losers who don't have good tastes. pic related is far superior in terms of personality and looks.

Attached: sproink.jpg (1920x1080, 253.93K)


>>520818821bitch should enchant herself a smaller nose, but i bet she gives good head.

Attached: enchantress.jpg (1280x720, 84.76K)


>>520778274I like fantasy creatures and monsters, so I like it, but not specifically because it's cute/sexy. it could be toned down/a lot more monstrous and grotesque and i'd still like it

>>520819171>monstrous and grotesque>i'd still like itthe fuck is wrong with you user

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>>520778274this is not sproink at allwhy does she have danger hair

>>520818821Remember how much cuter she was in the beta then valve made her... uglier?Why can't I find a picture of her beta portrait!?

>>520819350i didn't mean in a sexual or waifu way, i meant that i would still like it because i like monsters and creepy/weird creatures. if it had like 4 eyes and looked more alien looking and more menacing horns or had a more brute animal as the centaur half i would still like it

>>520778274They literally designed this character to pander specifically to ME. This is an incredibly dumb decision design-wise because I love fucking deergirls so much but I am not going to give Riot any money. It did, however, get me to download and play the game through the spirit blossom event. I have only grinded out one petal so far and I gave it to Lillia.

Attached: Lillia.png (1856x1290, 1.7M)

>>520819782Good for you. I hate every character unless they come from Ixtal.

>>520812348I never knew I wanted an enormous pipe to beat people up with before

>>520814849you mean lamb


How are those Bad Dragon masturbators? I want one as lifelike to animal pussies as possible

>>520778274How long before Rito makes an announcement that Lillia is a lesbo dyke?

Attached: mental illness.jpg (700x432, 182.32K)

>>520820548hopefully in the next eight to nine seconds so that the lesbian shoulder-deep deerpussy fisting porn can begin production

>>520809865an skull with glowing eyes sockets

>>520819350he's a patrician, that's what


>>520821092Is this what you want?

Attached: Evolve.jpg (1080x1303, 384.08K)

>>520809865There's nothing behind the mask.

>>520821339depends on the setting and whether or not it fits into the world or noti never meant to claim that being grotesque/monstrous makes a character or creature better just that i don't purely like any of them on sex appeal so both cute and ugly designs can be cool and well-made to me

>>520787523my dick



Attached: im not a furry.jpg (1062x896, 391.96K)


>>520820380>Posting the forbidden link on a board like v

Attached: walking garbage horse fixed.jpg (920x650, 518.44K)

>>520814596>the thumbs upI was probably "thumbs up because I'm alive" in the context of that photo but it's still funny


Attached: Yes1.png (527x659, 181.43K)

>>520821339"i want heroes to look like shit" posters are why dota is dead

>>520823174Valve is gay so it makes sense.


>>520818289We've fallen so much as a species

Attached: blossy.png (356x587, 280.9K)

Centaur type girls are literally the worst type of hybrid girls.>Go fuck one>After the trek to her behind you realize there isn't a single woman part to reach>Literally just a horse's ass>A strong stench of manure fills your nostrils>Lift the tail>Somehow get a boner by looking at the titties far in from of you, out of reach>Stick your cock into the infamous h o r s e pussy>It's loose as fuck because you don't have a literal horsecock>She looks at you disappointedly>Lose boner>Dick now smells like manure.

Attached: d05.jpg (1280x1604, 687.54K)

>>520823840centaur girls are the worstsheep girls are the best

>>520823840Assuming centaur girls existed, magic would also be possible so just brew a potion that would alleviate your problems and voila, problem solved.

Attached: potion.jpg (1200x906, 57.32K)

>>520823927Hell yeah.

Attached: 707abbd22e23686cc8b9db00c6c42d4a.jpg (2235x3011, 846.38K)

Women.The ones that are into fantasy are obsessed with druids, fae, nature magic, animals, etc.

>>520824216>spirit blossom kindred

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For me it's foxes.

Attached: 1596307297816.jpg (1280x1429, 137.65K)

>>520823840>not shoving your entire arm in, hand balled up into a fist>since you don't have a literal horse penis for an arm you can actually last for more than 4-5 pumps>not jerking off with the other and then brutally fucking her face while she's drunk off having genuine orgasms

>>520824141How the fuck does centaur = magic. It's a fantasy creature but not a magical one.>>520823927Any girl is better than horse girls.

>>520823927girl sheep*

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>>520824437They steal your soul and kill you during sex.

>>520778274>things must be tailor-made to suit my shitty tasteNo one cares about your bad opinions. Why do zoomers think anyone fucking cares what appeals to them? Is it because they are slaves to marketing? Yes.

>>520824695Not if they love you.

Attached: 1f3cddfbfdcfeff8713d372f106383d9.jpg (809x1250, 896.33K)

>>520824695everyone has to die sometime

>>520824739man you're dumb

>>520824459>Now your whole hand smells like horseshit>Not simply getting a better girl.

>>520825661>>Now your whole hand smells like horseshitGood


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>>520824695Just reject them lol

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>>520825719This actually made me laugh, thanks man.

>>520825978God I've lost gallons of semen to that Douji, the tongue is so fucking hot.

>>520825978Souce me senpai, it better not be a sadpanda

>>520825995You're welcome you big fucking dweeb.

>>520826184It's so easy to find, use saucenao

>>520826184Not the poster but it's by Herio, 220309 on nhentai.


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>>520826646This manga was nice, it's still ongoing isn't it?

>>520826646What is this alien looking thing?

Attached: ayy lmao.jpg (600x403, 35.57K)

>>520792280Ah shitLegianaMy greatest weakness

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>>520827147I think it's the ghost of a young girl, iirc

>>520826998Yeah I think so, I just read it few days ago.>>520827147It's a ghost/spirit from "My roommate isn't from this world".

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>>520827830I have this weird craving for ghost alien girls

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>>520784065That they wanted more money, and I 100% guarantee she will sell many, many skins

>>520778274Monster girls and guys are hot.

>>520828279Monsters are hot

>>520828419You are hot.



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Does my love for Draenei pusspuss and massive futa cock make me a furry? Honestly, it's the only anthropomorphic thing that does it for me.

>>520787238same, she looks like my older sister and it makes me hard

>>520829097I want to have children with and marry your older sister

>>520829097>>520829646She about to slap you mofo's silly

Attached: irelia.png (450x416, 319.05K)


>Kindred gets a skin that turns her into a generic anime girl>Thresh gets a skin that turns him into a generic anime boy.Boy league is going down the Heroes of newrth route and its starting to sadden me.

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>>520831538its because those plastic pretty faces are like crack for koreans and chinks

>>520831538If that means league will die then i'm all for it.

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>>520831538As >>520831961 said. Honestly I don't care about 2-5 skins like that among hundreds. Until they start realsing champions that look like that. But I doubt they will.

>>520830656>Makoto's VA I want to let her punish me however she wants

Attached: Makotos future stage fright.jpg (889x689, 96.23K)

>>520819134listen to this man

>>520831538>>Thresh gets a skin that turns him into a generic anime boy.Why? Even if I can understand the case of Kindred, why Thresh?

>>520832398Here it comes user, she about to slap you silly.

Attached: irelia1.png (501x422, 251.98K)


>>520793623I would a deer

>>520833081Well, I asked unironically. I never expect Thresh to receive this treatment.

>>520833081this is who those skins are for btw

>>520804598I would

>>520778274China bugpeople.

>>520833212The fact that you even call something as minor as a skin that turns him human as "this treatment" like it's some war crime shows you're just as much of a faggot. >NOOOOO I DON'T CARE IF HE'S STILL A SKELETON AND HAS 10 SKINS WHERE HE'S STILL A SKELETON THEY MADE 1 SKIN WHERE HE'S A VAGUELY HUMANOID DEMON AND HE'S RUINED FOREVER>>520833291Let me guess, you're one of those people who hasn't played the game since 2012 but still comes into threads about it just to complain about every new bit of news.

>>520818707She’s just terrible. I’m expecting a huge buff for her soon to encourage people to buy her and a skin. Expect her to be the best champ next to Yone for a few months before being nerfed to uselessness again.

>>520782445That's just Japanese hentai in general. It's very hard to find a single hentai that commits to the idea of doggystyle sex. Even with horsegirls, they somehow find a way to bring the missionary position into it, which means a focus on the breasts.


>>520833492Oh, no. I just thought it was normal for only female to have this, seeing things like KDA and Star Guardian, example: Poppy and Lulu having actual humanlike skin. But I didn't expect using characters like Thresh.

>>520831538At least it's not as bad as Smite

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>>520834323I said horseGIRLS, not HORSES. Learn to read dumbfuck.Stuff like this nhentai.net/g/88520/ where the horsegirl still has sex in the missionary position.

>>520834516It’s ok for them cause I wanna fuck lulu.

Attached: D52476E6-31AF-4932-9601-E6CEBD76DC64.jpg (261x223, 44.25K)

>>520834869but she's sleeping.


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>>520823662No we havent. We're still the same immoral goat fucking species we've been seen we lived in huts. The only difference now is social media and internet makes it more obvious

>>520778274My dick.

>>520822835>>520828107>>520828701Is this really what you want?

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>>520809796There's a preg version? Post it now dammit

>>520836220Still yes.

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>>520809796>no child postsWhat kind of fucking kike hides that behind a patreon

Attached: Screenshot_20200812-210001_Chrome.jpg (720x761, 190.8K)

>>520836352T-that's animal abuse user.

Attached: turned.webm (1280x720, 963.84K)

>>520821339>>520836220There is literally nothing wrong with monstrous characters actually looking like monsters.

>>520836872>That pixel gif by the guy who drew the Eevees

God I want to fuck yuumi so bad

>>520836949Pretty sure it would pull it's neck away if it wasn't enjoying it.

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>>520818821OH NO NO NO NO

>>520836220How many times do I have to say yes?

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here's my league wife

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>>520787895She latina or something?

>>520827972Bold move

Attached: Picao I fucked the girl through the gap.jpg (1000x1412, 400.53K)

>>520837687Sorry user she gonna be an anime girl.

>>520818386Not him, but you wanna know what is more pathetic? You defending mentally ill Frankenstein monsters.

>>520838045She's an ambiguously raced jungle woman. I think Brazil or South America in general is the closest real world equivalent.

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>>520787895Based. Brown women were made to please white gods. We were taught this young.

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>>520837687Mind if I borrow your wife for indefinite period of time?

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>>520834869Post salsa

>>520778274People who like Monster Grills or nature?

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i like her(?) too

Attached: 3e77c96652012d4ff98221172a2feb3b.jpg (1215x717, 447.54K)

>>520827972Anyone have that comic of the dream eating imp?

>>520838170Thanks for proving my point

>>520839059Just google Hellmouth Imp

>>520836872>fundoshi That's kinda hot.

>>520836872>>520837072Yuumi is good for ONE thing and ONE thing only

Attached: 1576882592484.png (277x291, 15.51K)

>>520839482banning, fuck that stupid cat

Sodomy (/ˈsɒdəmi/) or buggery (British English) is generally anal or oral sex between people or sexual activity between a person and a non-human animal (bestiality), but it may also mean any non-procreative sexual activity.[1][2][3] Originally, the term sodomy, which is derived from the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Book of Genesis,[4] was commonly restricted to anal sex.[5][6] Sodomy laws in many countries criminalized the behavior.[6][7] In the Western world, many of these laws have been overturned or are not routinely enforced.

>>520839482Which is?

Attached: 110319081850598905801.gif (392x200, 1.39M)

>>520839701Guess I'm glad I live somewhere bestiality isnt illegal

>>520792594What shy uwu shit

>>520838657Not him, but that’s from ININ Renmei 2 by Waero

>>520837687She was better with her old Ult, because the beach skin had her ride across the fucking map on a jetski.

Attached: 1592999133973.jpg (1280x973, 284.96K)

>>520839701Imagine living in a society whose laws are dictated by a book of fiction

Attached: 1270354375407.gif (381x380, 103.27K)

>>520839854Is the girl on the right actually from a game?

>>520839854>waifusI hate this fucking meme. Waifu isnt another word for cute girl. Do you say Pokemons too? Everyone that uses the term wrong is a legitimate retard.


Attached: djeeta.png (800x1028, 314.56K)

>>520838241Post full or drop a link lad.


Attached: 20101904901111.gif (500x200, 896.41K)

What kind of person is this design supposed to appeal to?

Attached: Illaoi_0[1].jpg (1215x717, 184.97K)

>>520840560made for gangplank

I will now milf kindred molesting shota wolf

>>520840560How do I counter her tentacles?

>>520840560This scurvy dog

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 68.34K)

>>520839142You proved no point you smooth brain fuck lmao

>>520840752Dont get it by them

>>520778274>Animal pussy and anus>Human mouth and titsMade for furfags in denial

Senna looks cool too, right?

>>520836872>fundoshi Isn't that Japanese though?Not korean which I'm pretty sure yuumi is supposed to be.

>>520840560it was literally based off of riot's tranny employee

>from horses to aliensOk that's enough

Attached: BAD_DICK.webm (692x778, 781.21K)


>>520841392you got something against aliens bro?

Attached: ayyy.png (500x462, 295.09K)

>>520841392Clearly we must move on to alien horses now

Attached: horse thing.jpg (1200x1006, 396.5K)

>>520834719You didn't even post the worst example. They took the mask-wearing personification of death and gave him a RWBY skin.

Attached: Classic Ruby Thanatos.png (1000x562, 826.39K)

>>520841420Look up Bex on the Kiwifarms or just wach Jersh's video about him where it was confirmed that illaoi was a pet project between the tranny and another artist

>>520841729I'm biased so I didn't mind, Roob is cute and they didn't have another scythe chracter they could use.Korra getting a skin in the avatar collab is the part that irritates me because out of the entire TLA cast they apparently could only find homes for Aang and Zuko. It just made me doubly upset the Yang skin went to Terra because Terra's moveset would've been perfect for Toph.

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Attached: FatHorse-1.gif (551x225, 919.45K)

>>520800957Snek is always best.


>>520840752She literally tells you how to counter them. Just move. Just get the fuck out of the way. If she ults and you just disengage for a while she loses a ton of power.Webm related. They tried to be smart and stay back, but then one got impatient and went in too soon and they all died because of it.

Attached: ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS MOVE.webm (1280x720, 2.52M)

>>520800957She'll eat you once she's done with you.

>>520841709The patrician's choice


>>520842856>Get laid for the first time and die in one nightIs there a downside?


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>>520778274people who have been wise enough to reject humanoids (like elves)

I like her anime form more

Attached: index(16).jpg (1920x1208, 727.87K)

>>520843778Haven't touched lol for a 100 years now, did they turn it into a dating sim or something?

>>520843893unironicly yes they implemented an entire event that is just a dating sim

>>520844042>entire event that is just a dating sim

Attached: 11309309049410411144g.jpg (480x360, 17.62K)


>>520843893There's some kind of interactive story element in the client at the moment for the current event. There are some humorous "dating sim" like responses you can say.

>>520842829Man, I havnt played lol for 5 years and I can't tell what the fuck is happening in this webm.I legit cant tell any of the characters too, their skins change their look way too much.

>>520802691Why can't we make dryads user it isn't fair

>>520778274Fantasyfags and/or furfags that pretend to be ironically into fantasy.

>>520840203>>520840476lazy bastardsrule34xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3637774

>>520844536Azir i'snt using a Skin and both the Khazix and Riven skin are over 5 years old

>>520845114Thanks champ

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What kind of person is this design supposed to appeal to?

Attached: 1591281981863.jpg (1215x717, 108.56K)

>>520818016>ugly bastardevery time


What kind of person is this design supposed to appeal to?I'm kidding of course. The answer is obviously smashfags.

Attached: 1559451068898.jpg (500x1077, 240.49K)

>>520821339Rek'sai makes my dick feel funny

Attached: RekSai_0.jpg (1215x717, 174.19K)

who's the best artist in riot and why is it Alex Flores

Attached: alex-flores-mordekaiser2019-alexflores.jpg (1920x1037, 326.57K)

>>520848383She's distracted and lifted her tail, now's your chance user.

Attached: Rek'Sai.png (2108x1312, 1.99M)

>>520846609u already know the answer to this


>>520832007>it also means that league players will start to leak into every other game, including coop games

Attached: smack.jpg (320x195, 12.97K)

>>520778274Enchantress mains

>>520840560Don't hate on Illaoi. She taught riot an important lesson about female champions. Don't make them ugly, because nobody will play them or buy skins of them. Cut their SJW phase short before it could do too much damage.

>>520851150But I like Illaoi. In fact, she's my favorite top champ.

Attached: do you think i give a shit.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

>>520845342Shhhh, don't even waste your breath trying to reason with these people who don't play the game any more but still come into threads just to complain about things being different. They don't care if the things they're complaining about make sense or are even true to begin with, they just want to let everyone know that old good new bad.


Attached: riven kiss.png (1312x793, 1.89M)

>>520778335>>520811514>champis that not enchantress?

>>520787238I need an Aya gf. Hapas get me rock hard.

Attached: 2tlgu279m5851.jpg (1080x1080, 108.24K)

>>520851487It is Lillia from league of legends

>>520851590so budget enchantress

>>520851576How did you get a picture of my sister?

>>520851762Dotard, you don't get to play the "hurr lol is just stealing from dota again" card when your """"original"""" character is a literal off-brand Lunara from warcraft. The fact that your game doesn't invent original ideas yet still acts like it does makes you the worst fanbase of all.

Attached: Lunara_HS_Cropped.jpg (440x460, 69.88K)

>>520778335>>520811514You would say the same thing no matter what design they used.

>>520851953its from a warcraft mod, cope

Attached: seethe.jpg (1320x1299, 153.57K)

>>520820548They are owned bby Tencent it would upset their chinese overlords.

>>520852265Yeah Dota is literally just a Warcraft 3 but everything had to get a new coat of paint to hide from lawsuits

>>520851953>>520852265The fuck you two arguing about? It's literally the same character.

>>520812348a lady with an axe is far more interesting than AP hecarim

>>520852265It's a legally distinct version of blizzards character. Nobody in the league fanbase is patrolling the internet looking for every centaur character in fiction to cry about how they clearly just ripped off Lilia. Neither is anyone from the warcraft fanbase. Dotards alone have these massive undeserved egos where they worship valve like god and think they invented everything in the universe because they've spent over a decade seething that another company pulled off the moba formula better than valve and they've made it their life mission to get revenge over a 1 sided rivalry that exists entirely in their head.

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Attached: cope.png (735x281, 60.88K)

>>520852859>their life mission to get revenge over a 1 sided rivalry that exists entirely in their head.says the person who posts an edited meme imageprojecting much?how long did it take you to make that in mspaint anyway?

>>520853147who?i genuinely dont know who these people areor who plays league for that matteri can't figure out why people care about eithergame

>>520849701> people that play league of legends are not also playing other games

>>520852859>Nobody in the league fanbase>>520853395>i can't figure out why people care about eithergame????????????are you simple?

>>520853461Most League players just play League, so you're not far off the mark, no.

>>520853147What is that supposed to prove? You're just proving me right, valve had the genius idea to harvest dotards 1 sided obsession with league and let them fund all the tournament prize pools. Idiots like you happily buy thousands of extra dollars in game just so you can inflate the prize pools so you can brag about having the biggest prize pool online. Yet nobody cares because nobody plays dota so the same few people keep getting the prize money and the same few thousand people keep giving away all their money to valve so they can keep bragging about something nobody cares about it. >>520853354>too stupid to recognize 4chan filenames that show it was saved from 4chan (several years ago)And while I wasn't the one who made the image, I imagine it would probably take me about 1 minute to copy and paste the logos of the 2 games onto the original image. Maybe less if I was really rushing. I understand that for someone like you it would probably take several hours to accomplish such a task, but don't project your mental problems onto everyone else.

>>520838045Fake-Aztec seems to be it, I thought she was fake-Egyptian cause the design feels very not-Cleopatra but she's from a "jungle city".

Attached: file.png (900x1200, 2.96M)

>>520851150When Bizzard laid off their employee's Riot fucking picked then up and a month later this shit happened. Riot used to be filled with Gamer bros who would fart in each other's faces then it got pozzed

Attached: download.jpg (840x473, 72.46K)

>>520853636cope, the post

>>520853568> source: n/a

>>520853707And then they got over it. Do you just hear 1 piece of bad news and then assume that's how it is forever? Did you not see all the latest skinlines with hot girls?

>>520853636>filenames that show it was saved from 4chan (several years ago)>filenames cannot be changed by any means>filenames are read-only at time of image creation>lmao newfagget a grip, dude.maybe you should relax and play a game of league lol


Attached: dota dead.png (350x293, 24.99K)


>>520778317This guy.

>>520853927>i dont care about dota or lol!>heres an image how DEAD DOTA is!!Make up your fucking mind.

>>520778274>What kind of person is this design supposed to appeal to?

Attached: KDA_Soyeon,_Miyeon.jpg (1600x900, 175.26K)

>>520845114Page not available?

>>520854054Ask touhou fans and gacha coomers

>>520853848Did you forget about $400 million lawsuit dumbo?

>>520853858Literally what are you even trying to argue. You claimed league is ripping off dota because they made a deer centaur character, yet when pointed out that dota outright stole their deer centaur from blizzard you go maximum damage control "Cope! U mad!". It's almost like you got effortlessly blown out in this argument and are now damage controlling.>>520854024Are you legitimately mentally retarded?Do you see how there are TWO (2) responses to that post, and only one of them says they don't care about either game? Now get this, did it every once cross your single digit IQ mind that perhaps the reason your post got 2 responses with different messages could in fact be because, TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE REPLIED TO YOU? Mind blowing, I know.

Attached: dotard.png (628x112, 23.02K)

>>520854368>You claimed league is ripping off dota because they made a deer centaur characterwhat are you fucking talking abouti did not such thing> you go maximum damage control "Cope! U mad!"do you have brain damage?>TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE REPLIED TO YOU?the irony

>>520851478How come Teemo didn't do this?

>>520854054>mfw coming back to league and realized they dropped all pretense and just delivered the kpop thot skins.Sure there was popstar ahri but that felt a little more tongue in cheek. Having an actual song produced with a music video is a level I didn't think riot would go to.

Attached: file.png (1063x1594, 1.58M)

>>520814992it's fake you dummy

>>520787523sleazy hood rat for niggers


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Attached: PSX_20200810_065145.jpg (1000x5960, 991.71K)

>>520858182Oh no I definitely don't want that horse to non consensually suck my benis that would be like totally terrible haha

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>>520858958Delete this

Attached: 14995601.gif (300x248, 963.31K)


Is Mordekaiser still numer uno

>>520859924I mean, he's literally Mr. "ONE V ONE ME BRO" since his ult just puts him and an enemy in the shadow realm alone together while also stealing some of their stats.

>>520812348none of those designs have anything in common other than "cute girl"

>>520860390yes, its a good thing that every single morde player is brain damaged and cant land his abilities, absolutely disgusting champ

>>520793623this is the kind of booty I want to see in fauna fanart. isabelle, cherry, ankha, audie, the able sisters and some choice r63 raymond pics all get the thicc makeover consistently and I'm not complaining, I love it I want more of it please and thank you lewd artists, but I think it's time for fauna to become the new hot big butt slut on the island. I mean, whatever happened to the interest in doegirls?

>>520860738>isabelle, cherry, ankha, audie, the able sisters and some choice r63 raymondWho the fuck are those people?

>>520861094all your momlike a mom conglomeratea momglomerate


>>520823840I haven't experienced it personally, but I've heard horse pussy gives dolphin pussy a run for it's money.

>>520809865If you pulled it off, would she die?

>>520778274Those with the most refined taste.

Attached: 8DF6F28D-59D3-46B5-BFEA-286EA0B08CCA.png (552x738, 186.31K)

What kind of person is this design supposed to appeal to?

Attached: camille.png (638x832, 693.11K)

>>520808873>>520836435>>520836639No need to thank me, but I do appreciate it. pastebin.com/urHXtXqH

>>520818016Jesus Christ /k/, calm down.



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>>520817381Totally would.

Attached: 1265594743.asthexiancal_ididitwithanantelope.jpg (834x849, 169.47K)

>>520864482please don't be a crop

>>520862770This one specifically is not videogames.

>>520867292It's literally a character exclusive to a video game user

>>520867398NO.Mods please show this man their place.

>>520867851>no rebuttal

>>520787636>>520789048>>520814228It almost sounds like you like her better being a furry beast, what are you faggots?

>>520868261It's not videogames related, that's a core rebuttal, how much more do you fucking need?Mods, do my bidding. Get to work already.

>>520851315>misses literally everything>kills 2 literal retards>for some god forsaken reason using graspwhy would you show us this?

>>520868697>It's not videogames relatedIt's literally a video game character so no that isn't a rebuttal

>>520868968Not. Holla Forums.Why is this manchild still pestering me?Why does this post >>520862770 still persist?MODS. CLEAN IT UP.

Attached: 1578083099790.png (861x285, 28.59K)

>>520869567You said it's not a video game character, and it's a video game character. You're wrong.One random mod post from 5 years ago is also not law.It's not even my post, and mods will delete it if they want to because there is no consistent law here. All I'm telling you is it's exclusively a video game character, it's not even a design from MLP. You barneyfag types are literally more autistic than actually ponyfags

Attached: 1585488192016.png (472x471, 350.7K)

>>520858182You've reminded me of very, very dark days of my teenage years.

Attached: Page_04.png (1450x2000, 2.83M)

>>520869943>furry shitDisgusting, most please come here.

>>520869851>One random mod post from 5 years ago is also not lawFool. There hasn't been one single tfh thread that hasn't been deleted for as long as that thing has been a thing.They were always removed even before they changed the name and they will always be removed, now and in the future.

>>520870409>There hasn't been one single tfh thread that hasn't been deleted for as long as that thing has been a thing.Because it always derails into pony shit, not because of TFH itself.

>>520869567>do I fit in yet guise

Attached: 1509946221578.png (550x394, 62.19K)

>>520844384Good to see jannies still ban furfags.

>>520870468No... tfh *IS* literal, fully classified, pony shit.See:>>520869567

>>520870626Read the conversation you fucking idiot.

>>520870673No YOU read it.It has been made fully clear to you why tfh does not classify as fitting to the topic of videogames.Now, where are those jannies...

>>520871045You clearly didn't read it, so I'll wait

>>520778274Wait, what's wrong with it? A bit generic, sure, but that's lol for you.


Attached: 1494456622081.png (634x802, 1.17M)

>>520871174She looks better than the dota 2 one

>>520871148Feel free.I'll be waiting for jannies to do their job as ordered.