Mfw people who have an HDTV and HD cable but still watch the standard def channels











Private torrented are a thing you know. or any of the honeypot sites if you're too NEET to know anybody and get an invite to a private one.

fuck new technology fuck tvs fuck movies fuck games fuck

My brother got a 40 inch flatscreen for $400.

She got a 60 inch uhd LED smart tv that lets her connect to netflix and do a bunch of other shit no one asked for. I just plug in my laptop and watch pirated movies. There aren't very many 4k movies released yet though, still looks good in regular high definition.

if your tv connects to netflix you paid way more money for it than you should have.

a tv is a fucking tv. you hook it up to a box to get the content, only a retard would pay 2 grand for a fucking tv no matter how big it is

What's the difference between a monitor and a television?

My flatscreen is a 40 inch smart tv and I paid like $800 for it. Is your mom retarded?

Yes. She also bought a table for it but instead of going with a default one at the store, she got one that was double the height, so now the television is too high in the room but she acts like it's fine. It's pretty uncomfortable. She also hasn't turn of the interpolation that's enabled by default so everything looks like shit anyway. Sometimes I don't understand how I was born to such plebs.


what did he mean by this?
