Is Life of Brian truly the best comedy film ever made?
Also, I noticed that the scores have gone down across the board. Butthurt leftists perhaps?
Is Life of Brian truly the best comedy film ever made?
Also, I noticed that the scores have gone down across the board. Butthurt leftists perhaps?
I suspect the 'where's the fetus gonna gestate, in a box?' Line will be censored in a few years.
Not to mention the bit about a certain group attaining world supremacy. Honestly, Life of Brian makes fun of just about everybody, but I wouldn't be surprised if that did happen.
That's funny if that's the case, because Monty Python shit used to be considered left leaning comedy.
it still is. modern people don't know what words mean. death of language and all that, you know.
Glad it's all agreed then. Great thread.
The right is what stayed the same. The left is what changed and went so far left that to "leftists" it makes the right look extreme by default and what used to be considered left look right.
In reality, both were so close together that there was almost no difference.
The Meaning of Life is way better.
lmao, what is this, the bronze age? this is a time of science
I'm not sure if I would call it the best but its damn good. The scores going down maybe a result of the tranny jokes in the film.
-every Monty Python bit ever
I remember my first beer
in their defense, they were the first to do the le randum comedy
i liked the holy grail better
although both of the movies had shit endings
""""""""british comedy""""""""
this tbh
Wait, I don't remember. How did Holy Grail end? And I quite like the ending to Life of Brian. The song is very catchy.
The Holy Grail never ended. They got shut down by the police before the ending could air.
but that WAS the ending.
Supposedly according to the commentary the simple reason they ended Holy Grail like that was because they ran out of money so they just shut it down. Wouldn't be surprised if all the police scenes were added in at the end considering how jarring they are compared to the rest of the film
I hope you're being a fucking daft cunt on purpose, matey.
Nah, the ending with the fuzz was in the first draft of the script. They wanted it there to annoy everyone who was ready for a climactic battle scene.
Kek, see you on the day of the apocalypse.
The family guy of their time