The 3 best superhero films of all time are all DC

Donner's Superman gets a special spot for being the first Superhero movie ever. Personally I don't like it that much, but credit goes where credit's dues.

But it wasn't


First modern superhero film maybe

Top 3 superhero films are

Spider-Man 2
Iron Man
Winter Soldier


best batman movie ever.

idk why you fags actually believe this shit.

don't get me wrong, the film is great, but it ain't the best capeshit or the best batman film.

so what is the best batman film in your opinion?

It's a good definitive conclusion to the original BTAS run if you consider the ending to it before Robin entered the series and they continued it for a few more seasons, and I don't just mean the revamped art styles, the seasons before that.

Because consider the themes and Andrea's motivation, I can't imagine Joker surviving
