The Greatest Artistic Tragedy of The 20th Century

Hindsight is 20/20. That should probably be the theme of this deluge. Before we get to the crux of the issue however, we unfortunately need to take a brief glance at Star Wars. Whether you like it or not(I do not), there is no denying how prolific it has been.

It revolutionized marketing, it changed the tone of the modern blockbuster, it heralded the end of more complex character pieces a la Godfather, Taxi Driver and the like. It completely reformed hollywood, not immediately, but in retrospect utterly. Some would say for the worse and I would tend to agree but I would also counter that it was inevitable, It hit a chord with the masses that "they" have been trying to milk ever since.

This was not how it was meant to be. Our…destiny was a very different one indeed and I intend to prove that insofar as such a thing is possible.

I am of course talking about Jodorowskys Dune.

Cruel fate and the machinations of a select few stole this jewel from humanity, they killed it dead and have been desecrating the corpse ever since, with no abandon.

You cannot name a single sci-fi film that has not taken from Jodorowskys vision, some in reverence and some like a diseased flock of vultures.

This will all make a lot more sense to those who have watched the documentary, if you have not then shame on you, you have no right to utter the word "Knho", be that in jest or in all seriousnesss.

I myself should probably go back and watch it again before I write these words but I cannot, its too painful, I was already in tears the first time around. 5 million dollars was all that stood in the way, or perhaps that was only the excuse. The documentary does a good job of conveying just how far ahead of its time it would have been, and the trials and tribulations jodorowsky faced, and bested to make his vision a reality.

He tortured his own son with the regiment of a soldier, he got everyone on board that needed to be on board, even complete fucking loonies like Dali, and he was ruthless in removing those that were not capable of seeing his vision, those he saw unfit to be his "warriors".

If this film had come out, star wars would have been a fart in the air conditioning, had it been released at all. In all likelihood Lucas would have hung his head in shame, and gone back to making irrelevant films about rich kids racing their fucking cars. At the very least Star Wars would have been the infantile alternative, with Dune being the forbidden fruit.

A travesty, there is no other way to put it. Jodorowsky would have easily outdone Lucas in terms of bombast, while at the same time staying true to his Gestalt, he would have fundamentally altered the sci-fi landscape, combining the spectacular with the metaphysical and the philosophical. Even in "failure", his influence is undeniable

He had it all worked out, a divine vision, and these fucking…KIKES, they killed it dead. Refn is the only man in the documentary that is willing to state the obvious truth that anyone who is…awake about hollywood realizes about 20 minutes in:

They did not want this film to happen, they were deathly afraid of it.

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Instead of a goofy, childish, amateur piece of garbage like starwars with no redeemable qualities outside of fluff and a warm fuzzy feeling of escapism, the most prolific sci-fi movie would have been a violent, sexual romp full of bikini armor, iconic imagery, and great warriors, all of this while still being intellectual and questioning the very state of man. It could have been the foundation, the centre of the arch, third-wave feminists would be spiralling out of control trying to negate its power and refute its godliness for decades to come, and it would have led to what can only be described as a mental breakdown for the sharlatans in hollywood, the fucking suits that have done their damndest to keep anyone with a shred of artistic and creative integrity from doing their thing ever since.

Some might put all this off as speculation, to which I can only retort fuck you, you fucking heathen.

Even a more autistically minded individual can see how great this movie would have been based solely on the talents that Jodorowsky managed to surround himself with, and how his mania gave their creativity wings. Watching the documentary you can see the sadness in all of them, even a raging case of spectrum disorder like Giger is visibly afflicted.

And Jodorowsky himself, what an artist, truly. He watched his child dashed to the ground, skull shattered, its brains and entrails picked apart by scavengers for a percieved infinity. You would think a man subjected to such an act of bestiality would lash out, attacking all and going into a suicidal funk

Quite the opposite. He rejoices at every small element of his work that lives on in someone elses work, he wants only for his vision to fly; money, fame, none of that fucking matters.

But there is still a sadness. Like all artists, Jodorowsky was sublimely naive to how the world works. He believed that he could waltz into the office of some cutthroat cunt, present him with the most glorious piece of sci-fi ever concieved, and that these godless creatures would rejoice with him and fight the good fight to make it a reality.

Nothing could be further from the truth, such creatures fear the light, they fear progress, they know whether conciously or unconsciously that they do not belong, they are a cancer holding us back, a growth that must be purged

Death to IP, Death to the hollywood kikes, Arizona Bay baby, it all has to burn, or sink, its the only way.

Watch the documentary. You owe it to yourself, even if it might hurt

Allow me to end with a quote from Warhammer40k of all places, I think Jodorowsky would agree despite the crimes commited against him and against all of us. A small amount of consolation if you will:



The guy went massively over budget, his script was nonsensical, he was clearly mental and on something and nobody wanted to work with him. The author of the book even said that when he was given the script it was roughly the same size as the actual book was.

The project wasn't "tragic" and "cruel fate". Even if the production company suddenly gave him more money for a project that was already overbudget while it was in pre-production, it most likely would've been seen as pretentious and would've flopped.

As good of a documentary as Jodorowsky's Dune is, the fact of the matter is he wasn't a perfect filmmaker. And it is frankly a little naïve to assume that a film would've been amazing even though no actual footage was filmed and all we have is just what was planned. So many films completely changed drastically while they were being filmed. Including Star Wars. And this would've undoubtedly occurred with Dune because it was so badly over budget and the scope would've had to have been drastically cut back.

Plus the failure of Dune directly led to films like Alien being produced. So it's not like the film's failure didn't lead to good films being produced.

Have you read Jodorowsky's comics? They're a lot of fun, but they're also kind of fucking stupid. I'm not sure this movie would have been the profound religious experience he intended it to be.

5 million was a lot more money back then, but I still think thats an exaggeration, he wasnt asking for endless funds he was asking for a very specific amount and they had put together a revised budget

The way that the final meeting is described is beyond suspect, It feels like these fuckers realized the script/storyboard they had in front of them could be milked for 30 movies, why should they take a risk when they can just take bits and pieces to pad out other nonce for decades to come?

I completely disagree, even if he had all kinds of high falluten metaphysical stuff woven into it in a very..eclectic manner to put it nicely, it was still first and foremost a spectacular film, he says it himself the goal was to make the movie like a drug trip sans the actual drugs, and you are telling me that shit wouldnt have sold? Im not buying it, it would have sold like acid on berkley campus

ja no fucking shit buddy, all good artists are batshit insane on some level, thats exactly why this would have been great, he would have made exactly what the voices in his head were telling him to make, as opposed to someone like Lucas that doesnt even really have any good ideas and is just winging it, grasping at any straws he can to pad out his product. The man reads fucking cliff notes for fucks sake, the comparison is perverse

I very much doubt that, see above, any changes could have probably only been made by putting a knife to his throat, the entire buildup to the film not happening demonstrates what a complete fundamentalist he was, this man would have set himself on fire to accomplish what he set out to do, he wouldnt have comprimised. You could argue that he wouldve failed because of other circumstances even if he had gotten the funds, but this isnt fucking lucas we are talking about here its the crazy rapey chilean jew that made fucking holy mountain.

bitch please, now you are just being offensive

You are acting like he never made a movie and was an inexperienced madman, the latter is correct the former is not.

dont get me wrong alien is a great, unsettling movie and on some level im happy that his shit has lived on in other films, but that is a sad fucking consolation prize compared to what could have been

coulda woulda shoulda I guess

I actually put them in my queue before I started typing this, the incal ones at least

ill…get back to you on that

It was by far the biggest movie he was making at that point.

This was before Heaven's Gate when studios were much more liberal about how films were produced. The guy spent 2 million of the budget just on pre-production and his script as it was written would've resulted in a 14 hour movie. It would've been massively changed as it was being filmed and as it was being edited. Don't kid yourself. Had the film flopped (and it probably would've) it would've easily sunk the studio.

It was planned to be an almost semi religious movie out of Dune. He took so many creative liberties with the story and tried to distance the original author from the project.

It's clear the studio saw it as a clusterfuck waiting to happen.

There was no way he'd be able to film a 17 hour movie without having the script rewritten at least 4 or 5 times and the majority of it cut out.

Having a batshit director who mostly makes films that look like he was high when directing them, make a good adaptation to a sci-fi novel isn't a good mix to me.

He spent 2 million of the budget just on preproduction. The guy let the project go to his head and wanted it to be something completely different.

Don't get me wrong, they're the best kind of fucking stupid, but they're fucking stupid.

What did he mean by this?

He meant he's a degenerate dago hack.

Movie would have been hot garbage just like everything else he ever did. A lot of money, time and intellectual property was saved.

heh you seem pretty new kid

The faggot who wanted to make paul atreides conceived by a blood droplet from Duke Leto, and have him be killed at the end only for the Fremen to speak with his voice because hive mind consciousness?

It was total shit. Jodorowski just took his own diarrhea and slapped the 'Dune' title on it.

Fuck off Faraci, not everyone is a perverted wop with shit taste.

Read the Metabarons instead. It's much more like Dune than The Incal.

Image related is a fucking insane comic. I couldn't stop laughing all the way through, and I mean this as a compliment.

The Metabarons seems the closest to what he had planned for Dune. The Incal's good too though. The Technopriests, you can take or leave.

I doubted this number but you are right, the claim is a bonafide 14 hours lul.

Looking at this thing from the perspective of a suit its hard not to see how your point isnt at least somewhat valid, but again its not like he used that money on hookers and blow, he was busy getting the best of the best people he could on board, fucking Dali, Orson Welles, the rolling stones, he had already put together an impossible cast and he didnt blow his entire budget, he still had a solid 7.5 million left, that already kinda changes the dynamic from "im incompetent and blew all my shekels" to "this is gonna be even bigger than I thought"

Maybe a film with hours in the double digits is insane, but maybe its also exactly what it had to be, nowadays with hbo and the like it seems a lot more feasable I guess

This is by far your strongest point, I will go back and watch the doku and try to do some research from your perspective, but it does feel like you are approaching this from a purely logical standpoint, and thats simply not all there is to it.

as for jodorowsky completely rewriting Herberts work, well that was kind of the point wasnt it, dont get me wrong the novels are good, herbert is a knowledgable man, they explore all kinds of facets and are basically steeped in an abstract form of geopolitics, but I think what he was going for would have resonated a lot more with people and stood the test of time better than a faithful adaptation, which wouldve basically been a house of cards/GoT in spess

this thing wouldve been supremely unique, truly a trip, it wouldve had very little to do with the novels outside of the basic setting, everyone was aware of that, even herbert was basically fine with it

Yeah I started the Incal yesterday and was wondering why it seemed more like blade runner than dune only to turn to the wiki which pointed out what you are saying, will definitely start with metabarons

his weird one armed western comic seems to get a lot of props as well, jesus he made a lot of comic books

you worthless cunt, its like you are trying to trigger me. Ill take the hot garbage to the face nigger but the fucking audacity to start babbling about Intellectual property, talk about showing your hand, kill yourself you small-minded kike

that was one of the most hilarious parts, just rampant vagina metaphors, it wouldve echoed through the ages causing waves of temporal butthurt, especially in our day and age

he means exactly what he said, sometimes you just have to take something and fill it with your seed

Meaning Herbert's work would have been sullied (or in his words "raped") and the Lynch film never would have happened, not to mention otherwise successful and artistically fruitful careers could have been derailed. Get it now you neckbearded fat fucking mongoloid?

I watched the documentary. Everything about his process suggests to me the movie would have been total shit.

-He wanted to hire different artists and musicians to represent each house. Giger and the Rolling Stones for instance, and complete clashing styles for others.
-He hired creative people based solely on whether or not they were willing to get high with him.
-He wanted Orson Welles in the picture and lured him on board by offering to hire the chef of his choice for the film.
-He has a long rant justifying his decision to completely change the film's ending by saying "a story is like a beautiful bride in a wedding dress. Sure she looks good, but to make a baby you have to tear off the dress and rape her. So yes, I rape the story, but with love." which is retarded on a dozen levels.
-That piece of shit who's name escapes me at the moment was one of the people praising him in the documentary. You know, the flabby fatass bearded beta who's always whining about angry white men, said ISIS was better than GamerGate and a bunch of other insane hostile drivel like that? The one who recently stepped down from his editor position when in the midst of lecturing about Trump's "grab her by the pussy" line a woman chimed in to point out he'd done exactly that to her, and others started jumping in revealing a history of the very behavior he decries?
-He intended to star his own son as Paul in the film, and the ending was a sort of weirdo Communist message. In his new ending, Paul loses the duel at the end, but then his consciousness takes over everyone's mind and they all pronounce "We are all paul" and he wins by essentially turning all of humanity into a hive mind.

Why is everyone mad about a work that never materialized?