Have they ever made a bad game?

Have they ever made a bad game?

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Bayo 1.

inb4 jealous snoys


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Infinite SpaceIt had interesting ideas but it's a terrible game

Legend of KorraStar Fox ZeroTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan

>>517551207those 2 licensed nickelodeon titles

>>517551207B8 thread

>>517551207I heard TMNT and Korra were awful, but out of their real games I feel like Wonderful 101 is the most clusterfucky

>>517552475no u

>>517551207Mutants in Manhattan was so bad Activisionstopped selling it digitally.polygon.com/2017/1/4/14172096/platinum-games-ninja-turtles-mutants-in-manhattan-tmnt-removedFucking Activision of all companies!

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Have they ever made a good game?

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Unpopular opinion: nothing platinum has ever made has ever come close to being as good as DMC3/4/5Platinum's action games are games you play once (note by "once" I mean clear all the difficulties) and then basically drop forever except for a nostalgia reinstall 5 years laterDMC games are games you can just keep playing, over and over and over again, because the gameplay has that level of depth and complexity and precision to it that you can just keep getting better and it feels rewarding. DMC can survive on the strength of its gameplay alone, which is why bloody palace exists, all you need is a room full of enemies to go crazy on. I can't imagine anyone would really play metal gear rising without the cutscenes and story.So, while Platinum have never made a "bad" game, I am still always disappointed in them for not pushing beyond, like they're sitting at 8/10 and not even trying to go higher.


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>>517553676This is why no one likes you DMCfagsThe only good DMC is Detroit Metal City

>>517553676>Unpopular opinion

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All they’ve made are bad games.

>>517553783Detroit Metal City is one joke stretched over too many episodes. It;s not that good,

>>517553687They should work together again. MGR is the best game Kojima has done since MGS3.

Have they made a neutral game?

So is that Granblue game dead or what?

>>517551207Wonderful 101


>>517551207Most of their games are bad MGR and Vanquish are the only exceptions

Why are all MGSfags so fucking stupid

>>517555472Who are you talking about?

>>517552631>>517552986Never played Star Fox Zero, but Korra and TMNT were not bad games at all. Sure you can say it isn't their strongest, but both those games not horrible by any stretch of the means.

Yea every single one

>>517555829>>517555440>>517556005shut the fuck up onsokumaru

>>517556236Rent free

>>517556005TMNT had no local and online ran like shit, you nigger.

>>517556960It's why we tell him to shut the fuck up

>>517553416Anon, TMNT was shit, but Activision lost their Hasbro license. They also pulled TFD (which is a masterpiece), along with all their other Transformers games.

>>517556005Korra was fine considering it had a short budget. TMNT was bad surprisingly.

>>517551207Better question: Have they ever made a good game?

>>517553479Quality bait.Automata isn’t a BAD game the way Star Fox Guard or TMNT:MIM are bad. But man is it mediocre as fuck, and Plat’s contributions are indisputably the worst things about it.


>>517557140TMNT got removed from steam long before they lost the license. Apparently it was just plain broken so rather than commit to fixing it they removed it from sale.

>>517557301Be quiet secondary

I hate this studio. All their games are heavily style over substance.

>>517551207Anarchy Reigns was very mediocre although everyone on the internet kept sucking it off for some reason.

>>517557414They're both

Unironically nier automata. Just an extremely lazy diluted bayonetta with coomer shit tacked onto it for sales.

>>517557475t. not ruthless

>>517554215This but unironically. Although Kamiya had nothing to do with MGR. That was mostly on Etsu Tamari.

>>517557414Bayonetta a game with an incredible amount of mechanical depth and detail lacks substance?

yeah several, TMNT in particular is complete garbage

>>517557507Posts this bad should be a permaban

>>517557365They are though. What is Automata loved for?Story (written by Taro, Plat didn’t contribute)Score (Plat didn’t do, it was Okabe)Sexy robutt characters (Yoshida, Plat didn’t do this either)They slapped together phoned-in combat and stumbling-in-the-dark attempts at RPG customization and let the work of others carry them. Basically the kindest thing you can say about Automata’s gameplay is “it’s better than what Cavia would have done” and that’s such a low bar it could be used in a limbo contest.

>>517557779I told your secondary ass to be quiet

>>517557829Aww did you literally cry at ending E? I’m sorry I shit on your middle-of-the-road ass game. Takahisa Taura is a hack, everything he touches falls apart. They should have gotten a better combat systems designer.


>>517551207Nier Automata

>>517551207Metal Gear Rising is their only good game.Vanquish get's honorable mention.

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>>517558236>retarded meme edit poster>MGRfagAwful post, only based Vanquish saved it

>>517554215>>517557608Kojima also had nothing to do with it either.Neither of the big daddies had anything to do with that game and it turned out fantastic.

>>517551207WHat? Like lots. There was a time after Bayo 1 when they were considered the top notch devs by Holla Forums. We'd have threads where people thought about what if they made a game in your favorite genre? They got a lot of respect from their Clover days too. But then they made Starfox Zero and everyone stopped that. They have made tons of janky or cheap rushjob games too. The TMNT game is clearly a cheap paycheck and is really awful and is now removed from most stores. Most of the devs from their clover days aren't around anymore and they're kind of limping as a company. They didn't really diversify beyond action games, and something like Bayonetta is frankly bizzare since i have no idea who this design and setting is aimed at. The game just feels weird and alien. Like it's trying to be sexy but it's done by some alien who had no idea what sexy is. That sort of thing. And this is the main series for the company! Then something like Wonderful 101 which is okay but such a weird niche title. Where are the hits? Where are the games with broad appeal?! They lucked into a hit with Neir: Auto Tomato which is great. They should do more games like that really. So I really feel like they're going to suffer a few years of slow stagnation and eventual death.

>>517551207Have they ever made a good game is a better question.


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>>517551207most of their games are bad. redditors just deny it because that hack kamiya is SO HECKIN' EPIC on twitter.

>all these filtered plebsNo wonder Holla Forums is so casual

>>517558586This is pasta yes?

>>517558586>They didn't really diversify beyond action gamesIs that a critique, though? I mean really? From Software has been releasing basically the same game with a new coat of paint exclusively since Demon’s Souls and they’re making money and accolades hand over fist.The problem is Plat, with the exception of the old guard (who, to your point, have all either left or been promoted past the point of having meaningful creative control), don’t seem to understand action games, despite it being all they make.

>>517558968Hey retard

>>517558968Fromsoft is hot garbage too.

Bayo 2 and Astral Chain

>>517558809I think so, I swear I've seen this same argument about how Bayonetta being "weird" and "alien" like a million times that I can't believe its not a pasta.

>>517559054Another filtered casual>mfw he doesn't even know about Ravens

>>517558809No, I'm just going through their game history. Uh, most of theri games are just rehashing the same action game or weird niche titles. A lot of their games jsut appeal to tiny audiences. Look at something like Fromsoft which is a similar small mid tier budget studio who focus on gameplay driven games. They are smarter about cutting corners in genius ways, and they make a lot of action-roleplaying games. Now something like that has a wider audience since the combat is simpler and it's more about building a character, exploration, than learning complex combos. So they've horribly limited themselves to just appealing to pure action game fans. >>517558968Souls games as I have said just have way bigger audience potentially. Something like Neir is like them accidentally stumbling into something that might have mass appeal like a Souls kind of game. Simpler combat rpg thing.

>>517559267You have to be over 18 to use this site

>>517558809Yes and makes me wonder why this turbo autist hates platinum so much.

>>517559130>I think so, I swear I've seen this same argument about how Bayonetta being "weird" and "alien" like a million times that I can't believe its not a pasta.It's true. It is designed from the standpoint that Baoy is super hot and sexy but she's just this weird alien with fucked up proportions to me. Her design is pretty stupid. The setting isn't as cool as a big spooky castle or mansion. The story is weird and incoherent. The whole game almost feels like a fever dream. >>517559357I am literally 36.


>>517551207TMNT. Every other answer is a meme.Korra was good for $15 at launch.


>>517556005>Infinite SpaceSF:Z was absolute garbage but that's not Platinum's fault, they weren't responsible for any of the design.

Nier automata>no no no you NEED to play the game twice with the 2nd plahthrough being more boring than the first>no no no it doesn't matter that the enemy didn't hit you, you didn't dodge therefore invisible shockwaves hit your character instead

>>517559020Kamiya doesn’t direct anymore, except for games which aren’t action titlesSaito is MIA since TFDMikami is goneHashimoto is goneKellams (kek) is goneTheir new golden boy is Taura (lol), the only other regular director on staff is Shirahama (double lol).

>>517559789Unironically yeah, just because the credits rolled didn't mean you even saw 1/2 of the game dumbass. Game was always gonna filter people though.

>>517559789Go away secondary

>>517559435It’s little things too. When Bayo gets hit, rose petals fly out. Why? Does that convey a sense of damage? There are so many little things about the game that make you go “who the fuck signed off on this”. Like TW101 was a weird game, but it was internally consistent and aesthetically coherent. It never did something that didn’t feel exactly right for the setting and style. Bayo doesn’t even have a coherent style.It has pretty fucking neato combat though

>>517559480Bayonetta. Okay good way to think of her is that she is appealing to sexual fetishes that I don't have and don't even know exist. So she's clearly trying to be sexy and push someone's "this is sexy" buttons but she does nothing for me. Her design just looks weird. In-game for 1 she is like 13 heads tall or something which should put her in the range of 7 feet tall so she just has the weirdest proportions ever. And i heard that she was based on fashion models, which despite them existing for decades I have never seen someone actually praise their fashion. They just exist in this weird little world where they praise each other and no one else cares. So designing fashion after fashion models is just making your character niche. So the game's design setting, world, and story just comes off as weird and confused. Who is this meant to appeal to? And the gameplay si the most smooth and mechancially deep action game ever, and that limits yourself to about 1-2 million people who care in the entire world. And this was meant to be their big tent-poll series? Compare it to something like DMC which I get as a setting and game way more.

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>>517559965Don't get me wrong I loved what the game was trying to do but holy shit the combat was sloppy and the means to unlock the true ending just seemed tedious

>>517559965I will agree that Automata doesn’t really even start until Route C (and having the title drop in Route C was a nice touch), but it’s really fucking retarded to design the game that way.

>>517560121But her name is Bayonetta, not baoy>>517560225>9S! Don't hack into that! That's the Nier Automata directed by Yoko Taro out now for PS4!

>>517551207Korra and TMNT, but I barely count those.

>>517560105it fits the girly shit they're going for. Which is another thing. Bayo is super fucking girly. Like it's levels of FF X-2 levels girly. But it's a super polsihed deep action game... which is something only males care about. So it's a super girly game aimed at guys? Like I completely get something like X-2 who it's aimed at and what they're going for. X-2 is mechanically simple and doesn't rely on complex combat or reaction time (girls are awful at that). Bayo is just confusing as to who the hell this game is aimed at. >>517560121Bayo in 1 is 11 heads. Normal humans are 7.5 typically.

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>>517560121I don’t think Bayo is meant to be “sexy”, as in have sex appeal to the player. I think she’s meant to be SEXUAL, as a part of her characterization, but not fapbait.Like an elegant, long-legged witch version of Anarchy Panty. Her sexuality is part of her character even if she’s not designed to be an object of your fantasy specifically.

>>517560137I guess I just can't ever feel like Automata's combat is sloppy because I played DoD1>>517560225Eh you can call me a drone and I'll never say it was a popular choice but I wouldn't have Taro change it.Automata's been kinda rough as a Taro fan because it's exposed so many new people to his bullshit and it used to be that everyone went in knowing they were going to be a rough fucking time, but now there's this AAA title and people want the kinks hammered out and I just couldn't care less. I don't expect people to want to put up with it or anything. I dunno what I'm trying to say really other than that for me personally it doesn't detract from the experience even a little and I think the game would be worse off if the section was cut out.Also Automata is actually kinda good overall so the old smokescreen of all the fans agreeing his games were shit but interesting doesn't work as well

>>517560338I'll defend Korra because that shit was $15 and fun to play

>>517560505She's sexy to me. Real women can't BEGIN to compete

>>517560121>Okay good way to think of her is that she is appealing to sexual fetishesChrist dude, how can you be this fucking retarded?

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>>517559435Her proportions are for game play purposes it's like when people complain about Street Fighter characters having big hands and feet even though they're that big for readability and hitboxes.

>>517560693>I guess I just can't ever feel like Automata's combat is sloppy because I played DoD1It’s such a monkey paw though. I mean when it was announced, the universal response was “PLATINUM doing the gameplay? The one thing that always holds back Taro’s games is going to be fixed!” And then it released and everyone had to backpedal to “well it’s a Taro game, what were you expecting”. I was expecting a Taro game with great gameplay. Not a Taro game with meh gameplay. That was the whole point of Plat being involved, to fix that shit. To not crank out another wonky jankfest that Taro’s madness had to carry through the tedium of the fighting.

>>517560121>Compare it to something like DMCIn what sense, DMC almost died twice. It's not even a popular franchise.

>>517560505This, Bayonetta is sexual but she's kind of a horrifying spider monster of a woman with a horrible hairdo and I do not want to fuck her. My interaction with her is more of a power fantasy than a sex fantasy, even as a dude. And her sexuality is part of that. She's confident af, absolutely does not give a single shit if you think her hairdo is bad, isn't afraid to even be awkward with confidence, I dunno. She's cool as all hell.>>517560405I know enough girls who liked Bayonetta that this post just seems silly to me.

>>517561026See but I did enjoy the gameplay. It wasn't wildly over the top great, but it's so, so far away from Square Square Square Triangle (x1,000) that I enjoyed it just fine.

>>517561181But it’s basically exactly that. You just also hold R1.

Their games are literally just "it's okay when japan does QTEs"

>>517560505She's meant to be hot and she is meant to be a kind of fap bait. But as I said she is built around sexual fetishes I don't even udnerstand and the whole thing feels like alien sexuality. And I can't get over her messed up proportions. If they just made her a 7 foot tall super god human I could live with that, but she is supposedly normal height. If I'm bitching about the game, it's because it's meant to be theri big tent-poll consistent selling series that they put out every few years and sells like 2-5 million or whatever. But it's a strange bizzare confusingly designed mess of a game. And I actually enjoyed the gameplay overall and I might play it again, so I liked the game. It could have been better. But I'm just critiqing the game from a business angle. >>517560995The game is like: look at this sexy bitch strut and do her thing. The game spends quite a bit of time in gameplay and cutscenes focusing on how sexy she is. But I don't see anything that me or any human could find sexual in the slightest. So the analogy I'm using is that she is trying to appeal to some sexual fetishes that I don't have so it's just not clicking for me. I don't even see her as a female or human to be honest and she might as well be an actual alien. Compare her to 2B and I just obviously get what they're going for and how she can be sexy.

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>>517561304NAh not in the same way. You can bother to be creative, there's dodging mechanics, the enemies have more interesting patterns, you have the gun, everything in general is just a lot smoother. It's a hundred billion miles away from DoD1.

>>517561394Everyone hates their QTEs though.I personally hate the Space Harrier sections.

>>517561394>Their games are literally just "it's okay when japan does QTEs"That's another thing. They're loaded with QTEs and I hate that shit. I'm liking the game and bam I get a QTE which completely makes gameplay grind to a halt and show some "cool" flashy animation I don't care about. Gameplay in their games is all smooth action constantly interrupted by shitty QTE.

>>517561481DoD1 at least did the flight sim dragon thing. That was cool.

>>517561438I mean pic related is Bayonetta's lead designer. I don't think she wants to fuck Bayonetta, she just likes fasion.Some elements like the glasses are there because that's Kamiya's fetish. But I really think that between the design itself I think there's a lot of evidence to support the idea that Bayonetta was designed by someone that wanted to feel sexy, not by someone who wanted to look at something sexy.

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>>517561631Those sections are good, actually. And even better in DoD2.

>>517561839I'm starting to think that he's baiting, user.Although i'm not really sure.

>>517561839And I think that's part of the explanations. Kamiya has some weird sexual fetishes and choices so Bayo is meant to appeal to him as hot. And then it's designed by a woman who thinks "this is what men will think is hot". She has no idea what men will find hot. This is what I meant by I'm thinking Bayonetta is designed by aliens by what they think humans will find sexy or attractive.

>>517561543>Everyone hates their QTEs though.Not entirely true

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>>517551207Its complicated

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>>517562120Oh yeah, those are great.I actually meant the ones where if you don't instantly react you get a game over.

>>517562051Again, my point is that the woman has an established love of catwalk fashion. I don't think she was intended to be designed for "the male gaze" or whatever, she's the result of Shimazaki wanting to design a character who's FABULOUS. No one thinks a beehive is sexy, but it *is* a strong statement. This is why she's eleven heads tall and has towering heels and shit. That's the whole thing. That's why she strikes these dramatic poses for the camera that half the time just aren't sexy but kinda of a caricature of it.

>>517551207Korra and TMNT. Done.

>>517561980>>517561839>>517562452Bayonetta the game is meant to be coomer core game and Bayonetta is meant to be a selling point. Nier: Auto Tomato is also meant to be coomer-core, but that is something with mass appeal and it's actually quite subtle genius.

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>>517562564This whole "discussion" thing is a lot more interesting if you make some kind of point to support your statement, man

>>517551207Nier Automata had bad combat

>>517561394That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Do you even play video games?

>>517562792>This whole "discussion" thing is a lot more interesting if you make some kind of point to support your statement, manBayonetta is a middling selling series that few people give a shit about. And it's entirely deserved because top to bottom its' a weird game not even thinking about mass appeal but instead appealing to the weird design quirks of its creators. Something like 2B is just something that is going to have way more mass appeal because it's actually sexy. That's my point. It's a game with a big budget but aimed seemingly at no-one, or at least just the people who made it. It's quite self-indulgant in the way that Kojima is accused of (just different indulgences).

>>517563324I meant Bayo being a coomer game but yeah, fair enough.Self-indulgent art is the best kind imo

>>517563324I think this disproves your statement,

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>>517563324But I don't care for games that have a mass appeal considering that a lot of my favorite games are pretty niches especially these days. I'd rather more games be made to appeal it's author's sensibilities and influences that being made to appeal to as wide an audience as possible. Makes for more memorable content, not to say everything niche is memorable and everything normie is forgettable but it's good to be able to have both available.

>>517563675Oh boy the trailer just barely gets more than 2 million after 3 years? That's pathetic. Youtubers get more per video. >>517563579>>517563579>Self-indulgent art is the best kind imoAbsolutely is not. It's a recipe for financial ruin. There's such a thing as having too much freedom. Look if you want total freedom for a setting write a book or make a comic, low budget media that it's not a big deal if it crashes and burns. Games cost millions. And Bayonetta being such a weird confusing fever dream of a self-indulgant mess is a big massive reason for it.Keiji Inafune talking about Capcom and Japanese games lacking broad world-wide appeal and being weird is bullshit for Capcom, but totally applies to Platinum and Clover. Games area business, and it's easy for gamers to just ignore the financial side of things, but you need a balanace of business, creativity, and technology. The business side ensures that it has some mass appeal and that you're not just masturbating on screen. They act as an editor and go "is that really a good idea?" "will this actually sell?"Using Kojima as an example, Death Stranding is just weird and it's clear Kojima has no editors. Meanwhile the earlier metal gear games are much more directed for mass appeal and are tighter games for that reason. >>517564261Then you'll have to accept that all your favorite companies are going to go bankrupt then? Not saying everything has to be soulless corporate trash, there has to be a balance though! Too much creativity and you just jerk off on screen and appeal to 5 people, too little and you make something shallow and pointless that sells well.

>>517564507Nice bait

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>>517564703If you're going to make something self-indulgent than make it low budget and accept it being niche. Anything too self-indulgent is likely going to be financial failure.

>>517552631>Star Fox Zero>badkek

>>517564507You must be some kind of autistic accountant necktie or something. We're judging these works on the consumer side, the financial viability of a work is completely irrelevant to that. I couldn't give less of a shit if its gonna make the company money or not. And it obviously did, anyways. Game got two sequels, several cameos and half a dozen ports. There's just no denying that Bayonetta made money.Self indulgent art is the most interesting.

>>517553676Wonderful 101 alone is better than the vast majority of Capcom titles from Clover era, but nostalgia fags will say otherwise.

>>517557507>Just an extremely lazy diluted bayonettawhat?

>>517565019>the financial viability of a work is completely irrelevant to that.But do you want these game companies to go bankrupt making circle-jerk games? I love Japanese games, and I love japanese companies. I hate AAA Western trash. I want them to make good gameplay focused games but also games that financially make sense and sell. Platinum Games are on rocky financial footing and Auto-Tomato saved the company but that money can't last forever. They need hit games. I believe that Platinum are good devs with good ideas but they need to make games that are more marketable. >>517565019>And it obviously did, anyways. Game got two sequels, several cameos and half a dozen ports. There's just no denying that Bayonetta made money.The only sales figures i see is 2010 it sold 1.35 million. Maybe it ended up with 2 mil sales. The game might have just broken even. Sega had zero interest in a sequel which implies that the game didn't sell well at all. We only got 2 because Nintendo stepped in, hoping that they could get an exclusive hit. That didn't seem to pay off. The reason 3 seems to be in developer hell is likely because the series never sold well and they are having trouble raising the funds. If Bayo sold then publishers would be throwing money at them and the game would ahve come out by now! >>517565019>Self indulgent art is the most interesting.It's a recipe for failure. And the worst parts of Death Stranding and Bayonetta are the self-indulgant parts.

>>517565703What's your point?You want more action open world because they sell well?

>>517564507Majority of the companies I like are doing fine. Capcom can always pump out an RE or a Monster Hunter to fund their other ventures even though the usually don't outside of the bone they finally threw Itsuno to make DMCV and Megaman finally getting a new game. Vanillaware makes very niche titles but the cost is never to the point that it ever bankrupts them plus they have both Atlus and Sony keeping them afloat too so they can put all of their self indulgence into it which they do. SNK got their mobage shit keeping them alive with Metal Slug Attack and KOF All Stars so they can actually make their real titles KOF XV, Samsho 7 and Metal Slug 8. All Koei Tecmo does is sell to the same coomer audience with DoA volleyball games and are now sitting even prettier since the new Atelier is like the best selling game in the franchise. And even Platinum had pretty substantial hits comparitively with Nier Automata and Astral Chain and even though W101 pretty much rereleased and got forgotten again it still pulled in like 3 million+ dollars on KS so that all seems negligible since all they did was just port it with some tweaks. I can't remember the last time a really niche company went under in recent memory other than maybe Irem but now they're back as Granzella and just dropped Disaster Report 4 and got a new R-type on the way. Taito and Hudson got purchased by bigger companies back in the 2000s and now their properties get either ports or some new games sometimes but those new titles usually always forgotten cause they're very souless budget games with no care put in. Obviously you need a balance and I'm all down for mass appeal shit to fund self indulgent shit.

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>>517565703>But do you want these game companies to go bankrupt making circle-jerk games? I love Japanese games, and I love japanese companies. I hate AAA Western trash. I want them to make good gameplay focused games but also games that financially make sense and sell.Okay sure whatever but that's irrelevant to judging the quality of an individual game. Platinum was on rocky ground because they did years of work on Scalebound with no pay off, microsoft sunk several other companies doing the same shit. Bayo sold fine and is widely loved. She's in fucking Smash for god's sake.

>>517551207Yes, most of their games. For some reason it's a reddit meme to pretend to like their games though

>>517565943Platinum have the raw talent and creativity to be more financially successful than they are. Fromsoft has been way better at cutting corners to ensure polished looking games for a fraction of AAA budgets. They for instance don't have Japanese audio, and only use English and set their games in apocalyptic settings so they can have an excuse for only a handful of NPCs. Then instead of hiring professional voice actors they hire British theater actors who actually end up sounding better than hack VAs' ever could and give their games a kind of grace and elegance. Voice acting is such a bullshit multi-milliondollar sink and it's a shame too many Jap companies still bother with dual-audio. Also I think Capcom has been selling their soul lately, hiring American business guys to act as "prodcuers" to westernize their titles. A lot of their games look like soulless Western AAA games. >>517566283>Okay sure whatever but that's irrelevant to judging the quality of an individual game.It matters if you want more of said games and not for them to just die off and become extinct. We're talking about Platinum games which has been in shaky financial situation for years. The company is not healthy.

>>517565703>The reason 3 seems to be in developer hell is likely because the series never sold well and they are having trouble raising the funds.>Source: my ass

>>517551207Wonderful 101Fuck you, it's terrible.

>>517551207Hoooo man was Astral Chain a real letdown

>>517567129>It matters if you want more of said games and not for them to just die off and become extinctYou're either legitimately on the spectrum or I'm being baited, it's like you're not even listening to me.Again, Bayo did fine and she's a cultural icon now so I don't even know what your point is supposed to be.

>>517567129Have you even played any of the games you're talking about?

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>>517552631Star fox zero was disappointing but isn't bad

>>517566287I can't think of any of their games that I like more than Clover studios games. Actually I think MG Rising and Bayonetta 1 are really solid polished games and are pretty good. I still like Godhand more though. >>517567183If you want a spokes person saying "bayo has never sold well" then sorry. Like the Mega Man Legends games, Bayo titles have a fanbase but they have never sold well. A big selling series doesn't have problems getting sequels. They released a teaser in 2017 and then we have zero god damn news. It's reasonable to infer it's in dev hell because of lack of funds. I literally have the same discussion with Mega Man Legends fans who are in denial their series never sold well either.

>>517567512>It's reasonable to infer it's in dev hell because of lack of funds.It's honestly fucking not, especially when devs say it's on track. You're pulling this from your ass.

>>517567512Bayo 1 sold like 1.5 millions and 2 sold 1 million.That's pretty ok considering it's kinda a niche title.Also you're a filthy retarded nigger.

>>517567384>Again, Bayo did fineA badly selling series that at best broke even and only got a sequel by Nintendo hoping to breath life into the series to get an exclusive series who then didn't bother funding a third game and said third game is limping along in development hell because of no funds and may never release? That is not a healthy new IP at all. That's something on life support. Whether 3 is ever released is up in the air. No one, not even Platinium knows! >and she's a cultural icon now so I don't even know what your point is supposed to be.Bayo games never crossed into normie-world like, say the Dark Souls games did. A game that sells 1.5-2 million copies is niche.

>>517567824>muh financialswho fucking cares. I didn't read the rest of the conversation so maybe you're just replying to this nigga making shit up or something but anyone who cares about sales is mentally ill.

I can't believe i was being baited this whole time.I'm a fucking retard.

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>>517567824Sounds like you slurp down a lot of AAA turds but bitch was in Smash from a popularity poll and a million seller isn't a bomb unless you're Squeenix or something. And you're constructing the entire first part of that post out of your ass. If Bayo didn't make Platinum money they would have been sunk a long time ago.And all of this is fucking irrelevant anyways

>>517567746>especially when devs say it's on track.They of course are going to always say this. Hey guess what happened with Red Ash? They never announced a cancellation, saying the game is on course and even made blog updates. The game then vanished. Devs always say things are going great even if things are going to shit. A game that is a sure fire big selling IP never has any problem securing funding because publishers will be lining up to throw money at the game. That we have no news, no information, no release date, not even sure what console 3 is going to be on is telling. >>517567771>Bayo 1 sold like 1.5 millions and 2 sold 1 million.>That's pretty ok considering it's kinda a niche title.1 was not a niche budget title though! It was a pretty costly game, showcasing the new engine and features and a lot of push by Sega. That Sega had no interest in a sequel is pretty telling. At best 1 broke even and maybe even lost money. >>517567943it matters since there's no guarantee that Platinum games will even survive.

>Holla Forums zoomers talking about games that take practice and skillGo ahead and shit on the C-team licensed games though

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>>517568198They announced it at the start of development, plenty of companies talk about their games having problems, you're honestly stupid as hell and clearly take speculation you read on Holla Forums as cold hard fact. Done talking to you unless you're gonna promise to eat a bag of dicks and crows when Bayo 3 comes out.

>>517568134>Sounds like you slurp down a lot of AAA turdsNo I hate that shit! Western AAA games are not games! They're movies. I like Japanese games because they're actually video games! That's why I want Platinum games to succeed! I want them to find a nice middle ground where they're making games that sell and their company can survive and they make creative and gameplay based titles. Fromsoft have done just that. Their games are gameplay focused using the best of Japanese design philosophy while cutting corners. People whine about how all their titles are rushjobs with cut content, but that's just the cost of doing business. If they polished the games as you want they would have to increase the budget which decreases profits and then makes their company less viable. >>517568367I'm gonna screenshot this. I don't think Bayo 3 is coming out for a while and I think that there's a small chance the game is ultimately cancelled.

Oh remember also that Sega and Capcom see action games and they expect them to sell God of War Numbers and are disappointed when they don't. It's retarded because they clearly don't get why GoW sells at all, but it should tell you that I don' think Sega was happy with 1.5-2 million sales for 1. It's telling that they didn't bother to finance a sequel.

>>517551207I have enjoyed all their games so far.

>>517568134>If Bayo didn't make Platinum money they would have been sunk a long time ago.Kamiya on twitter said that Taro saved Platinum games with Nier: Automatia being an unexpected hit. Now does it sound like your company is on sound financial footing if it has to be "Saved" from financial ruin by a surprise hit?

>>517551207They make bad twwets. Fucking YIKES.

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>>517570014Anon you absolute dumbfuck howabout you go look at the release date of those two games and think real hard for a second?

>>517570389It implies that none of their games were hits at all. Which is true. Nier: Automata is the only big hit the company has ever really has and it's their biggest selling title by a long stretch. Platinum has lost so many big key people over the years and financially it's been limping along. Nier mney will keep it going for a while longer but I don't know how much longer they can last. You guys come off as ostriches in the sand over this shit.

>>517570554Anon, are you actually this dumb?

>>517570707Do you think that Platinim games are in sound financial footing?

>>517553620Vanquish is half-decent, that's about as best as they got.

someone who likes Platinum Games respond to this postI liked MGR, I think Star Fox Zero was great but was ruined by its control scheme gimmick, Nier Automata and Bayo both have fantastic soundtracks and style, but aside from MGR the combat for these games all fucking blow. I feel like, specifically in Nier and Bayo, I'm just missing something. I haven't played Bayo in years but I'm playing Nier right now and the only saving grace has been playing 9S and hacking things instead of playing the miserable combat. Unlimited heals, dodge with insane iframes, have to hold down 2 buttons in combat all the time, "hard" fights are massively upscaled health sponges, what the fuck dude

>>517571208My complaint about Bayo is that it has 9,000 combos and weapons and most of it doesn't matter since a few simple combos will take you through the game. It has complexity but I don't care enough to learn it and it just seems to be masturbatory for muh combo vids on youtube. It's complex for the sake of being complex and loaded with obnoxious QTEs.

>>517571208nier has basic bitch combat that's just supposed to look cool and feel nice. the focus of the game is the story and presentation. if you don't like that, then you don't like Taro games and they're not for you. doesn't have much to do with platinumfor bayonetta, play the game on the highest difficulty and learn what dodge offset is. bayonetta 1 unfortunately has a shit story and dumb stuff like QTEs and confusing bosses that will feel lame the first time through. but once you're familiar with the senarios and have the difficulty bumped up, it's easily one of the deepest and most rewarding action games ever made. all of this applies to all of Kamiya's games really for reference, MGR's combat is pretty bad as far as platinum's entire catalogue goes. similar to nier it's focus was looking cool and feeling satisfying, it doesn't have much depth since it was meant to appeal to metal gear fans as well as action game fans. it's deeper than nier's because it's more focused and the enemies require more attention, but in terms of breadth it's far more limited.

>>517570554Anon you're fucking retarded

>>517571567you must reaaaally hate DMC then


If Korra was $60 then yes I'd agree, but considering it was only $15 it was playableTMNT, however, was fucking awful

>>517571941>you must reaaaally hate DMC then1 is my favorite actually and the simple combos is actually one reason why I like it. I really like DMC 1 and I realized I'm really more a fan of adventure/exploration games than I am of actual combat and much prefer simpler combat. I just love exploring the mansion in RE1 and the police station in RE2, and the estate on Mallet Island. And I realized that I'm just not that big a fan of these action-action games. Which is why I get more of that exploration feel from a souls game than any modern dmc game.

>>517571567the complexity is mostly from dodge offset and enemy aggression. bayo is definitely not the game for combo wanking, i dont know how you get that impression

>>517572176the fact that most of Holla Forums's favorite platinum game is the most shallow one says all you need to know. MGR is great but it's a shame that these zoomers have never experienced PPing NSIC

>>5175536763 and 5 sure, but 4? Hell no. The game gives amazing freedom of expression in gameplay, but in the end it is unfinished and bad paced. Half way in It's more like a fighting game with no versus mode whatsoever, gameplay freedom is great, but what is the point if it doesn't work well as a game? Dante is great in concept, but you can really feel the enemies were not made thinking on his gameplay, as you either beat them too easily or must try too hard in order to beat them.Bayonetta and MGR were better hack n' slash of the ps3/x360 generation.

>>517572457The Space Harrier section in NSIC is pure motion sickness.

>>517572306i can respect u because you understand that you just don't like action games. you are correct. glad that you can enjoy DMC1's simplistic genius. carry on

>>517572618I kinda like action games. But I love rpgs, adventure games, etc. I just want to explore and stab things. And talk to npcs. and look under that bush. and then go do side quests and making character builds and specialization. But I also don't like menu driven turn based combat, preferring something more real-tiem. Like I love deus ex and vampire the masquarade.

>>517572592yeah I close my eyes every time I dodge. kamiya never fails to put some over-indulgent blemish on his otherwise masterpieces, but i'd be lying if i said that part of me didn't love that he's willing to go for it

how's Astral Chain, lads?

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>>517572883everybody who likes video games must enjoy "action" to some degree, but in reality, despite sounding so widley appealing, strictly "action games", that are dedicated to action and almost nothing else, are ridiculously niche. it's why god of war decided to be an action/adventure game instead of sticking with dedicated action.

I don't care for Plat, but SF Zero's problems isn't their fault. It would've been fine without Nint's meddling.

>>517573173God of War was always meant for wider consumption. The focus was always the power fantasy of Kratos and the edge in the early games. It's totally aimed at like 12 year olds. Then the recent game is aimed at those same people but grown up so it has some father fantasy bullshit.

>>517573132story is complete garbage but it creates some really cool battles near the endcombat is VERY unfocused, but if you can dig through and find the core ideas that are most important, it's actually a really interesting and rewarding game that earns it's place in the platinum cataloguehowever the scoring system is completely fucking retarded so that can kill the motivation to dig into the gamebuuuuut the shit framerate basically kills the game.get it if you think it looks particularly cool, skip it or wait for a version with a playable framerate if you're only curious or mildly interested. unless you're rich or whatever then just get it cuz its still fun

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>>517573530>story is complete garbage but it creates some really cool battles near the endI heard shit about how it's Evangelion. Ugh. I just wanted a simple down to earth cyberpunk police game. Like it's mission based and you get different weapons and stuff not save the world garbage. Oh is one of the cops a "chosen one" or somehow a super special clone or some shit?

>>517573516it's not just about the age of the audience. god of war was always played by 11 year olds as well as 30 year olds. it's more that back in the ps2 days, action games weren't as niche. buying a game where you do nothing but fight enemies for 10 hours was cool. but for games today, that's a very niche concept. it's why you see even platinum doing things like astral chain, where they shove as many non-action ideas that they can into a game while still being able to call it an "action game"

>>517551207TMNT, but even that is better than some garbage that has come out from Western game devs.

>>517573612I just wanted you to know you sound like a complete cunt.

The korr game was pretty bad, the TMNT game is also lameIMO most underrated game they made was transformers devastation, superb vidya and the best transformers game ever made

>>517573814Korra was $15 it was good at that price.

>>517573612Yeah the main plot is super over-indulgent, derivative anime bullshit. The most enjoyable things are the side characters you can chill with back at the police station, who will pop in and out during missions. But like I said, the anime bullshit does create some visual spectacles that are tons of fun to fight through, but in the terms of the story itself it's truly a bit shocking how bad it is

>>517573663Budgets and costs went up. DMC sold 2.1 million and was considered a hit game. Pure action games have never really passed the 2 million sales figures. God of War has alwyas been the exception but Capcmo and other studios keep thinking fi they tweak their games they'll get God of War numbers. Like studios and publishers literally do not know that they can't replicate some other series success. Like that old Capcom PR saying "We want the Call of Duty Audience" for I think i was Umbrella Corps. Like they just look at sales data and can't make the connection.

>>517572883im in a similar spot as you, when i heard rodin talking about a city that are too close to paradiso im interested. spent a few minutes exploring the city but i realized the game wasnt made for that

>>517574254>rodinThis guy?

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>>517573848>but in the terms of the story itself it's truly a bit shocking how bad it isThere's times when I scratch my head when I see people putting down Japanese games or saying that they are stupid with bad stories. Then I play games like that and I go "yeah. That's what they're talking about".