Have you noticed how kpop stars and actors are making asians the new desirable alpha males...

Have you noticed how kpop stars and actors are making asians the new desirable alpha males? The azns time might have arrived.

I thought that was Miley Cyrus at first.


I want to explore his boyhole.

He looks like a faggot but probably still more manly than nu-males.




tbh I desired this fella for two decades.


Fucking sexual jews

pls never post again

Still bigger breasts then Daisy Ridley and Gal Gadot.

Don't bully his flap jacks. He's getting old and has a slot of stress dealing with his cancer.

Why are chinks so materialistic?

because theyre autistic

Vietnam especially

wait he's got cancer? That sucks I like his work.


Both countries were cucked by muricucks, you know how cucked people cucked by a country of cucks are? Really fucking cucked

fucking gookshit.

He's had cancer throughout his life. The most recent development was stomach cancer. He had surgery but there's no telling yet if it worked.

He's like the only jap that ever gets work or casted in hollywood.