It's the money of all their goy subscribers.
200 million for a show no one really liked or watched
It's better than GoT was after season one.
tbh, i was disappointed the get down wasn't a musical. That's how they made it appear to be.
marco polo is pretty good honestly, it's only marco polo himself that's shit. He's legit the worst character in the show. Kublai Khan on the other hand is great.
A decent enough look into the average life of a nigger in Detroit.
Don't like it, don't pay for it. Vote with your wallet.
how do you spend 20 million dollars per half hour on a show about poor niggers living in a slum?
it has to be a tax dodge.
lol everyone here only streams or pirates like a poorfag
Could it be nobody wanted an overblown urban drama from Baz Luhrmann?
With the success of Sens8? They won't budge.