Is this another warcraft?
Is this another warcraft?
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I sure hope so
The only Assassin's Creed where you don't have to climb a tower in order to unlock the story.
Assassin's Creed had fun gameplay, but the story was complete and total garbage. I'm sure this will be no different, except for the lack of gameplay to redeem it.
Because Jewlywood wouldn't know cool if you stuck them in a freezer.
Thats pretty retarded
Imagine that 500 years equals to around 20 generations, assuming that protagonist had 2 parents and each parent also got 2 parents that gives us 2^20, so in his ancestry line there is about 1048576. And one of them just happened to be a assassin.
Thats fucking retarded
In the games, the parent teaches the child how to be an assassin then when that child grows up, they teach their child how to be an assassin and so on.
So a bloodline with 1 assassin is likely going to have a lot of assassin ancestors
ass creed would have had a phenomenal story had they stuck with the religious shit instead of fucking ayy lmaos.
Ass Creed has always used shitty music for their trailers, though. I'm betting that Jewbisoft were the ones to pick the music, everyone else would pick some mystical-sounding techno/classic hybrid, they're the only ones that would go with fucking pop music for this shit.
Fuck me, there's phoning it in, and then there's sleepwalking through the whole shoot.
Do…do you not know how human procreation works? It is always two parents.
Why "Assassin's Creed"? Shouldn't she say "Assassin Order"? The creed is their fucking ruleset/motto, it doesn't refer to the organization itself.
I can already see this being a trainwreck.
Assassin's Creed was quite good until Ubisoft decided to get rid of Patrice Desilets. You could see in AC 1 and 2 the passion he had for History.
It's definitely a bad sign.
Yeah, it wasn't as heavy-handed in the first two.
Just look at the shit that came from the subsequent iterations.
I doubt it. Warcraft was successful thanks to China, who play the fuck out of WoW. I don't think China ever cared about AssAssSin's Creep.
0/10 didn't even apply.
This is the same franchise that considers the jewish NEET Karl Marx a "hero."
I fucking hate Assassins creed so much.
Will they ever have a game that lets you assassinate Scalia? Maybe everyone that messed with Hillary too.
It's kind of funny that the Assassins are always shown to ally themselves with lowlifes to achieve their ends. Pirates, thieves, bandits, street bums, robbers, etc…and nobody ever raises an eyebrow as to how they are still the "good guys".
It really was the Jews this time, though. The actual Jewish leader killed Jesus because he knew how corrupt the were. The real templars were wealthy and skilled Christian crusaders and soldiers.
Are they fucking kidding with this shit? It doesn't even make sense when you read it.
Oh fuck you Jewbisoft, Ford was the first businessman to actually pay black workers the same as white workers, and was generally regarded as a decent man.
But no, because he hated kikes and their shitty business practices, he's the fucking devil now.
Jesus Christ Ubisoft. You can't be this stupid. This is such a naive way to view the world. Fuck these communist retards.
No I think this is Assassins Creed.
You know it's amazing that the Ass Creed lore and plot is so terrible that it manages to make even Evangelion look well crafted and sensible. Even fucking Rebuild.
what is the thing behind the Assasins and the Templars anyway? What does Adam and Eve have to do with it?
literally Leftypol: The Franchise
>>>Holla Forums
What did you expect from pro trannies mate?
I've never played these games but heard of them. I never thought it was this dumb.
I don't know man I don't know!
You should know!
I'm sorry I've never played this series and only recently became aware of how pozzed it was.
I actually assassinated Marx in their game.
Anyway, are you ready for some well-shot freemason/marxist muslim dick sucking and christian bashing ?
you did the world a great favor user.
Unless you are black
Blacks reproduce through binary fission.
Everybody knows that.
AC2>Black Flag>Brotherhood>AC1>AC3>Revelations>anything after Black Flag
prove me wrong
you're mostly right, with one small correction:
a pile of literal horse shit>AC2>Black Flag>Brotherhood>AC1>AC3>Revelations>anything after Black Flag
This is what passes for lore-building these days?
Why do people even like this property? The games are shit.
It was popular until like 3 years ago. Since then Ubishit produced the broken and glitchy AC: Unity which people bated because it was the same ol AC shit compared to the fun pirate adventure that was AC4. They released another game last year which literally no gave a shit about and sorta killed the franchise already.
If thy were going to make a movie, it should have been done 3-4 years ago, don't know who actually cares to watch the movie now.
Then it will most definitely be another Warcraft.
The only positive thing this group of games have done is expose me to link related.
assassins creed went to shit immediately after 1 when all the mystery led to a massive letdown because the writers are actually shit, anything else is the opinion of a literal 14 year old who thinks that AC writing isn't complete garabge
great song user.
Shanties are the best and purest form of music.
The games are actually a chore to go through mostly. But the storylines of the actual characters are immersive and interesting since theres some (distorted) historical stuff in there, its also pretty cool that the map is composed of actual historical cities, so if nothing else the AC games are an unique way to learns about genuine ancient lost monuments on their glorydays.
That's until you have to play as the fucking loser bartender, current year Desmond, or have the storyline afflicted by the retarded magic apples and completely out of place space greek gods talk about fucking alien shit which has absolutely nothing to do with what you're doing at all and feels forced as fuck. Add to that the fact that combat's a joke and theres so much collectable shit you need for 100% completion it gets grating.
I just realized I only like these games for the "historic" cities. A walking simulator in Renaissance Italy would be a better game than Ass Creed 456.
That's a given, the one part that really got to me was in AC Revelations. The Ottoman Empire that invaded Constantinople and destroyed the final vestige of Roman heritage is labeled as the "good guys" because byzantines are the "templars".
Not at any single point of the game are the muslim's barbaric customs shown, no stonings, no honor killings, no beheadings in a fucking sharia law Caliphat
Not at a single moment are islam worshipping absolutist folk offended by Ezio's clearly dissonant cultural and religious values, instead they make le quirky funny comments and sarcastic dialogue. It feels like Joss Whedon wrote the script, no joke.
Because the had to shoehorn the name of the series in so people would recognize it. You're right though, that was really akward.
Linkin Park would've been more fitting
Only this one fit.
The 1st trailer was exactly that.
No; i torrented Warcraft, this i won't.
the leader is Scott Stapp
"lore" is the "app" of storytelling and is not, never was, and never will be good.
because it came out in 2007 when hordes of unwashed faggots with zero taste yet a massive appetite for attention and unwarranted self importance pretended to like video games because the media told them to.
Eva was never meant to have any lore from the start. Eva's "lore" is just autists connecting things never meant to be connected in the 1st place. Anno has admitted as such.
Is vidyashit the new capeshit?
Capeshits gotten stale, now they're aiming for the very demographic they have belittled and demonized in the media for the last 20 years, I can only hope (((Hollywood))) goes bankrupt someday soon and the film monopoly finally collapses.
Well the original game featured the Assassins and the Templars more or less as they actually existed, albeit with a few "artistic liberties" being excercised by the writers. In real life, the Assassins were a faction of Islamic fanatics who ran around the Middle East killing Saracens and Crusaders alike to advance their own political goals, and the Templars of course were an elite clerical order of Christian knights. Real life Assassins and Templars were certainly enemies. In fact, the English word "assassin" is derived from the Assassins, who were portrayed in Europe as savage, sneaky murderers.
Then the sequel came out and any semblance at historical realism just went straight the fuck out the window. Literally the only thing this franchise has going for it is that the combat and climbing is fun to do, but they eventually even managed to ruin that too with AC3.
>>>Holla Forums
wow that sounds interesting user. So only the 1st game was decent then?
As the other user already stated realism went out the window by the end of the first game, had the plot twist been more down to earth and less hipster fueled the franchise would had been respectable.
If you're looking for a good storyline, even AC1 is only meh at best if you don't like political pandering and fedora-tipping. It's also the most repetitive game of the series, which further deducts points. Also the gameplay hadn't reached peak coolness at that point.
Again, the only redeeming factor of AC is the gameplay, which is at its best in Brotherhood, sharply declines in AC3, and then just jumps out the fucking window into trashville in Black Flag. After that I have no idea, because I couldn't get myself to finish either AC3 or Black Flag so I just dropped the series, but I'm assuming that it's only gotten worse in all aspects. As a whole, it's not really worth your money or your time.
Also, the Byzantines weren't exactly saints or super popular at the time. But I wouldn't expect Holla Forums-tier morons to grasp the subtlety of historical affairs.
I think you're confusing the fucking Ottoman Empire with ragheads from Afghanistan.
There's a reason why most of the states under Ottoman control preserved their culture and religion for the most part after separating, when the Soviet Union demonstrated that it's perfectly possible to wreck it in less than a century.
thanks for not bothering to provide even a shred of a counterpoint.
explain to us all how they were so different.
wew lad
Sure thing, Mehmed.
thank you based user.
I'm not entirely sure if that's badass as hell, or just extremely fucking retarded.
they couldn't be more jewish if they tried
literally what the fuck
where is the sense in this
well it's not like Hitler could have just gone to England on a state visit
hurr da joos
fuck off antisemite
Hey Rogue is pretty alright and it shits on every Assassin ideology.
I fucking hate Teslafags so fucking much. They cram their stupid obsession with some irrelevant birdfucker into everything they possibly can while crying over the guy who made marketable products. Like I just wish this Tesla meme would die already. Tesla made a lightbulb and kept it to himself in the stupid fucking basement he dwelt in, and then Edison made a lightbulb and used it to benefit humanity, and then hipsters found out that Tesla made a lightbulb first and decided to suck his dick for it even though if it weren't for Edison the lightbulb would have died with some insane old slav in government housing.
I fucking hate Teslafags so fucking much.
lol fatmerican supervirgin sperging out
Not an argument.
Reminds me of the dick-measuring contests that happen whenever the topic of whether it was Newton or Leibniz who came up with calculus first arises.
Rudolf Hess did nothing wrong!
Here's a fun game. Go to their "Templars", "Templar Allies", and "Templar Puppets" categories. Post best finds.
Does the Russian Government know about this?
Edison and his electric company was sponsored by JP Morgan, owner of the first billionaire company (and corporate globalist robber baron extraordinaire), he stole patents from multiple workers, and got rich swindling said workers off of their own inventions.
Among other things Edison used Morgans mansion basement as his lab, roasted an elephant, invented the electric chair (the first man died a slow painful death roasted alive) and tried to talk to ghosts as a senile old man.
"A saying from the age of Morgan the robber barons is that an honest man is defined as one who, when bought, stays bought."
Also fuck you, contrarian dipshit jew faggot.
Tesla was fucking rad though.
Welcome to every fucking vidya game today.
underrated post
How is Tesla's free energy supposed to work? I keep hearing Tesla faggots make this claim with absolutely nothing to back it. At least try to spout something bullshit justify your claim of
The real plot twist is that the assassin's aren't the good guys.
we might never know, us govt seized all of his research after he died and never released it. good thing trump's uncle was probably one of the guys who got to look over it and used it to teach trump how to build a time machine. Keep an eye out for Pences.
As someone who aggressively studies history, world history and the history of human relations, this genuinely infuriates me to no end. This actually triggers me. Not because of the politics involved, no, but because they just simplified the entirety of human history into "Red Faction vs. Blue Faction" or "Good Faction vs. Evil Faction". EVERY SINGLE IMPORTANT HISTORICAL FIGURE was affiliated with one of the two Factions? Are you kidding me? Great work just dumping all over thousands and thousands of years of complex, and oft times confusing motives, ideologies, religions, belief, struggles and turmoils into just "Templars vs. Assassins". Why did World War II happen? Because the Templars wanted to transfer a magical macguffin from Hitler's possession to Churchill's. Oh, and bring the world under Abstergo Industries influence. No other reason. Why was George W. Bush elected President instead of Al Gore in 2000? Because the Templars manipulated the election. Why did fucking Xerxes I of Persia invade Greece? Because the Templars told him to. What caused the rise of the Soviet Union? The Assassins wanted to rid Russia of Templar influence but the Templars ended up taking control of Russia anyway.
Fuck off.
I have that image on my computer too! Seriously though, Tesla claims are like those of the Nazi Bell experiment, I want to believe.
Sounds just like Drumpfkins.
1.69 Shekels have been deposited into your account. Please keep Correcting The Record.
tesla fanboys are the worst
I hope this doesn't kill Michael Fassbenders career.
I hope it does
fuck that guy
Why do you hate him so much?
he stole the girl of my dreams from me
JP Morgan did literally nothing wrong, you hipster socialist faggot. He was a great American exceptionalist and without him you wouldn't be sitting here shitposting with electrical devices. Even mememan Tesla tried to work for Morgan, but he got fired for changing the agreed-upon design to something retarded at the last second.
Also the electric chair wasn't invented by Edison you dumbass. He was anti-execution. The electric chair was released by Westinghouse, the same company that sponsored your precious Tesla meme.
oosh ctr, u gettin lazy gurl
I wouldn't care if it weren't so obviously a case of misdirection and intentional dumbing down of history.
Gee I wonder who's behind his post
The Turk was one of the most barbaric peoples ever to threaten Europe, you kebab fuck
edison was a piece of shit, only retarded murricans brainwashed by their jewish schools think otherwise.
((( )))
prove it, kike
who was the girl of your dreams.
Whatever you say, Russkie.
good pic user.
dubs checked