If you think that the Fireflies were incompetent and unable to produce a cure, you're wrong...

If you think that the Fireflies were incompetent and unable to produce a cure, you're wrong. There's no evidence in the game at all to suggest that their researchRESEARCHR E S E A R C He s e a r c h s e a r c he a r c ha r c hr c hc hhRESEARCHwas inconclusive or that they were otherwise unable to produce anything.>b-but what about the fact that a single man killed a whole troop of themSo what>b-but what about the fact that one single guy let a group of monkeys bite and infect himSo what>b-but what about the fact that they didn't have the numbers or infrastructure to distribute a vaccine or cureThey were a nationwide organization that operated in numerous QZs with presumably hundreds of thousands of members, and they've been around as an organization for as long as the outbreak itself, which happened more than 30 years ago at the beginning of TLoU2>b-but wah wah muh fatherly instincts muh wah wah I need to rationalize my selfishnessSay whatever you want, writhe in your own filth, but you can't say that they wouldn't have produced a cure. They would have. Just accept it and come up with a better argument already. You're pathetic.

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Who the fuck cares?

>>514410702Good, I'm glad you finally understand. Does this mean you'll finally shut the fuck up about this idea that they were incompetent?

>>514410612So what you're saying was the story was shit since the first game. Got it, The Last of Us is garbage story telling.


>>514410827You cared enough to let people know that you don't care. You must care to some degree.

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>>514410938Maybe, I'm not here to argue over the efficacy of the story's premise and scenarios, I'm just saying that this is the only shred of evidence in the game that asserts anything about the potentiality of a cure, and it effectively confirms that they were close to producing one.>>514410962Well shit, that's fine. As long as people know you're retarded.

>>514410612>they've been around as an organization for as long as the outbreak itself, which happened more than 30 years ago at the beginning of TLoU2more than 30 years to make a cure and all your hopes land on a single little girl to make a vaccine for a fungus, and for that you need to kill her. antibodies can be farmed from a single person over the course of a lifetime. doesn't require ever killing the person.

There's nothing to say it would've produced anything either. Technology doesn't advance like a video game. You don't dump X amount of resource A into a project to unlock the advancement you want. All that recorder says is they believe it might.

>>514410612>wishing for miracle to justify all those atrocities and sacrifices means they were competentOP is a fucking retard.Fireflies were incompetent.Marlene lost THE WHOLE FUCKING FIREFLY CREW of city you started in just to get to SLC.>They were a nationwide organization that operated in numerous QZs Nice bullshit pulled out of your ass.>and they've been around as an organization for as long as the outbreak itself, which happened more than 30 years ago at the beginning of TLoU2Already long time disbanded by the time TLOU 2 started.Again, OP is a fucking retard.Also let's not forget that if by some miracle the made cure it would be 99% useless.

>>514410612And what part of immediately opening Ellie's brain makes sense? They want to replicate something that they don't even understand by any past attempts. If she's a cure, then let her be a constant source of study, not one that immediately kills her AND all her metabolic processes in the first hours or days that Joel even got there. They were incompetent user.Even not knowing ANY idea what you're doing, you can move into attempted eugenics/pedigree and try to obtain the results from breeding. Again, the Fireflies were retarded.I remember the surgeon was going to open her brain up as the first fucking choice. And the information you just provided said her MRI shows nothing. What do they plan on "seeing" in her head that will help?

>vaccine >fungus

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I barely even care OP

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>>514411407>more than 30 years to make a cure and all your hopes land on a single little girl to make a vaccine for a fungusNo. "All your hopes land on a single girl" is a disingenuous interpretation of the events at hand. It would just be another source of data to add to the research. If she failed to produce any breakthrough, they likely would've continued looking for a cure, but with slight more knowledge than before.>There's nothing to say it would've produced anything eitherFair enough, but you've no evidence to suggest that this would've been the case. You have an assertion that they're incompetent which hinges on a number of assumptions and that's about it.>>514411595Shut up, idiot.>>514411817>They want to replicate something that they don't even understand by any past attemptsThey understand it to some extent, but you can't say to what extent they do or don't understand it. They've been researching for more than 10 years, they know something about it at this point.>attempted eugenicsWho's to say they couldn't have preserved her womb and used it to produce children in vitro?>the information you just provided said her MRI shows nothing. What do they plan on "seeing" in her head that will help?>MRI of the brain shows no evidence of fungal-growth in the limbic regions, which would normally accompany the prodrome of aggression in infected patientsIt says "in the limbic regions" not that there's no fungal growth period. Way to just gloss over that.>>514412148k

>>514410612>They were a nationwide organization that operated in numerous QZs with presumably hundreds of thousands of membersThen why did joel have to take her across the entire US? don’t tell me abby’s dad was the only person that knew how to reverse engineer a cure

If you need to open somebody's head with a saw in search for answers, in the process killing the only Guinea Pig with the specific conditions you need, I'm sorry, but you're frankenstein style retarded.A good doctor would at the most make a biopsy to take material for study, but would still let the patient alive and unharmed.

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>>514410612Joel living peacefully in 2's intro proves the cure is a practical placebo, and the fact that most deaths are caused by other humans only reinforces that. the fucking zombies are reduced to barely environmental hazards

>finally get your hands on an extremely rare specimen, possibly the only one you will ever see>kill her immediatelyyeah they seem very competent


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>>514410612>They were a nationwide organization that operated in numerous QZs with presumably hundreds of thousands of members, and they've been around as an organization for as long as the outbreak itself, which happened more than 30 years ago at the beginning of TLoU2You say this as if a large decentralized organization is a model of efficiency instead of a mass of factionalism, politicking and incompetence. You know, like how they are in real life

>>514410612This is now a Aniki thread

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It feels like its getting harder to tell whose actually retarded and whose merely pretending to be retarded

>>514410612>Like nothing i've ever seen!>I need to kill her right now and examine this one sample that i can't harvest from her alive or study her physical reactions to tests! She has to die this instant!

>>514410612The black chick tells you at the beginning that they're picking fights with the military and losing and then at the end that most of her men are dead and Tommy left them for a reason. They are fucking idiots and not to be trusted. OP clearly a Firefly

>>514412289>not understanding that scientific inquiry is a process of induction, requiring the gathering of as much data instances as possible in order to be reliable whatsoeverIt would be completely retarded to think that they could just obtain the cure with a single sample of her brain tissue or whatever. They would need many more samples to actually make any reliable inferences from their findings.The fireflies were never gonna make it.

>>514412858Marlene's forces were being driven back by the military in Boston, and she made the rash decision to entrust Ellie to HJoel and Tess. They were supposed to escort her to a rendezvous and hand her off to a larger platoon of Fireflies. The group they were supposed to meet got destroyed, so they pressed onward not knowing exactly what to do with her while being chased by military personnel who wanted to capture or kill them.>>514412930>>514413290You're just assuming that their methods weren't sound based on what you think you know about "proper methods". You have no way of measuring just how competent and knowledgeable their researchers were, and you're trying to write them off based on those assumptions. >>514413462The point is that, assuming they could produce a cure, at the very least distribution wouldn't be that much of a problem, because they already have an established network of people all over the country who could follow through with the execution. Why wouldn't they do that, even if they're decentralized? A cure's a cure, and even if one group of Fireflies use it to extort, or bribe, or appoint themselves like dictators for their own personal gain, it's still true that the cure would've been going through more than one channel of distribution, and would likely spread all over the god damn place, regardless of the methods involved. Hell, maybe some Hunters or military guys could raid a Firefly stronghold and take the cure for themselves. At that point the goal of creating a cure would've been met.

>>514414265You are an absolute retard, and this is not an assumption, but reality. Just like saying the fireflies were retarded for not just making a biopsy and instead sacrificing the ONLY OBJECT OF STUDY THEY HAD without properly knowing what they were even looking for. It is just obvious they areNigger, biopsy, do you know what a biopsy is? When doctors real doctors, not butchers like Abby's father don't know what you have, or the nature of some mass in your brain, they take a small sample that won't affect the organ, in order to study without killing you.You are trying too hard to defend their shit. Killing Ellie was just a moronic idea

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>>514414026>It would be completely retarded to think that they could just obtain the cure with a single sample of her brain tissue or whatever. They would need many more samples to actually make any reliable inferences from their findings.Well, you start with one and move onward. Additionally, we don't know how many other specimens share similarities with Ellie, and we don't know how many people end up acquiring an "immunity" like Ellie did. For all we know, she really was just a number of subjects who shared similar traits and she was just one more to add to that pile. The game doesn't really explain, it just postures her as a high priority target for the Fireflies.Beyond all the postulation, you can argue that Neil Druckmann is a hack writer who didn't think everything through entirely. I've got no problem with that and I won't sit here and argue that there isn't the possibility that they wouldn't have failed, but your assertions are not based on anything more than speculation, which is shit. If the game says that they were close to producing a cure, they were close to producing a cure. People just want to use this argument to try and avoid considering the moral implications of Joel's actions, which is gay. If you would've doomed humanity to save your daughter, then just fucking say that. Quit trying to rationalize it. Fucking Christ.

>>514414265If the fireflies arent retards and the research was so detailed and sound then why does abby and her group not even know who ellie even fucking was and did not attempt to re-capture her to finish the cure?

>>514414848>hurr it's just obvious that they're big stupid dumdum!>hurr they didn't know nothing bout the stuff in her body!!11!11 this was the very first body they'd even tried to slice up evar!!1!1!!No, dipshit.

>>514413470Sleep tight, Aniki.

>>514415313Explain me why they didn't went for a biopsy them, you fucking retard.

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>>514415172Cause abby's dad was the only neuro-surgeon alive. Yes, the thing people were memeing about before 2 was announced.

>>514410612>find a unique person who can be key to the cure that has never been seen before and you may never find one>being your research by killing them

>>514415172>why does abby and her group not even know who ellie even fucking was and did not attempt to re-capture her to finish the cure?No idea, I haven't played the second game, but as I understand it, the search for a cure was disbanded after Joel's assault on their headquarters. Also, Abby knew who Joel and Tommy were simply through word of mouth, I suppose Ellie wasn't really relevant to her because all she wanted was revenge for the death of her father. I don't know, and again, it probably comes down to hack writing because Druckmann didn't take the time to think of all this in terms of worldbuilding and "lore" when he wrote the god damn thing.

>>514414963>Outright says in OPs pic "girl's infection is like nothing I've ever seen"In thirty years Ellie is the only infected person they've seen like this. You're retarded.

>>514415509The organization is so vast and the research so sound yet not a single person in 30 years thought to learn surgery at any point, even if just for a backup plan incase the man that plays with corpses gets attacked by one. Real smart crew you've got there

The game makes a point to show that the fireflies are inept, so a recording showing they are confident in themselves is pretty meaningless. Ellie was simply their last hope because everything they had tried before was a failure.

>>514410612The Fireflies were incompetent. Just look at all of their outposts that got overrun by either bandits or the 'Zombies'

Literally shit story telling, could be fixed with>We're gonna keep her here indefinitely, while draining her blood>She's a little girl, doesn't she deserve a life beyond this place? >To save the world, she has to be locked away from it, it's too dangerous out there>What you're talking about is slavery, what if she doesn't want that?>She doesn't get a choice, and you can't see her again, you're too much of a liabilityEveryone draws weapons at Joel>Joel: the world doesn't deserve herOr whatever

>>514411916bro u a game theory fan too

>>514415803>>514411407>All that recorder says is they believe it might.>>514416021How does the game show that they're inept? The game merely shows that their numbers are dwindling and tnat they're feeling the pressure from other factions that want to eradicate them and take their resources.

>>514410612>If you think that the Fireflies were incompetent and unable to produce a cure, you're wrong.Nothing you posted supports that>guy is optimistic, therefore they have the ability to do science requiring pre-apocalyptic worldpenicillin grows on fucking old milk.

>>514416128That's not bad actually.

>>514410612You wasted your time typing this shit, I thought I'd let you know real quick before I exit this thread.

>>514416321It's the only shred of evidence, directly from the source, that suggests they were close to a breakthrough. You can argue that the asshole who made the recording was too incompetent to know his asshole from an unprecedented medical discovery, but you have even less evidence to assert that. Where do you get off saying their research was wanting or otherwise worthless? This is one source from a presumably important figure from within the organization. What do you have besides assumptions. I want in game evidence, a testimony from someone, along with evidence, that suggests that what they were doing was ultimately a waste of time.

>>514416539Glad I could waste your time :^)

>>514410612>Can't transport themselves across the country safely>Can mass manufacture an anti fungal agent, keep it active, and transport across a war torn landscape.L O L. The only way the Zombies from the first game were dying was by letting the fungus die out by decades of isolation from it.

>>514416716>It's the only shred of evidence, directly from the source, that suggests they were close to a breakthroughThey can't be close to a breakthrough. They don't have the science to do it. Simply put the facilities, computers, electricity does not existthe story is stupid

>>514416934>Can't transport themselves across the country safelyThey did though, also let's not forget to mention that it isn't easy to move a huge number of people and medical equipment and test samples and what have you multiple times across the country when everything in the world is trying to kill you. If hunger, fatigue, dehydration, and sickness don't kill you, the other humans who want the remainder of your resources will, to say nothing of the infection that you're fighting against. Don't act like it'd be a cakewalk.>Can mass manufacture an anti fungal agent, keep it active, and transport across a war torn landscape.They certainly were trying, and by this one guy's testimony, they were close to a cure.>The only way the Zombies from the first game were dying was by letting the fungus die out by decades of isolation from it.What does this have to do with anything? Besides, I'm pretty sure the military were actively trying to cull the infected and with varying levels of success.

>>514416716>muh researchUnless that guard punched Joel into a fucking coma, they've had Ellie for less than a day and are already jumping to killing her instead of any other possible way of getting the mutant strain from her.Yes, I know he decided that that was the only way to do it but he's has hours to come to that conclusion, after running the tests and recoding his thoughts on the test. Dude didn't even sleep on it or anything.

>science>researchGay reddit shit.

Also, someone mentioned this on another thread but>Start the game after Joel lost his daughter, we really don't know Joel's motivation, seem kinda of an ass>After getting knocked out by the fireflies, you play the scene from when Joel lost his daughterI thought this was a better way of doing it

>>514410612>find the first immune person in decades>can't even transport her out of Boston, leave with her with some literally who>literally who manages to transport her across half the country with next to no assistance>sedate immune girl on arrival and immediately start planning to harvest her brain, don't ask any questions or get a history from her>also wake up literally who before the surgery just to let him know you're about to kill his surrogate daughter for a cure he doesn't give a fuck about, and post one guard on him even though there are 50 upstairs>don't barricade the OR after hearing 20 minutes of gunfireEnding of the first game was already stupid; the Fireflies go full retard to make Joel's decision more justified. If they're not going to obtain consent from Ellie, there is no fucking reason to wake Joel up just to antagonize him. The surgeon is the smartest guy there, and he doesn't even know what a biopsy is. Still don't know why the fuck anyone argues about this when Joel's decision never took into account the likelihood of the Fireflies' success

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>>514417228>hey don't have the science to do it. >Simply put the facilities, computers, electricity does not existWat. All throughout the game, you see that there are generators that run on gas. There's your electricity. The Fireflies were occupying an abandoned hospital in Salt Lake City; maybe some amount of the computers and other tools were left in a functional state? Since they traveled across the country, maybe they scavenged for equipment they could use to repair previously broken equipment, and maintain equipment to a certain standard?>>514417443>they've had Ellie for less than a day and are already jumping to killing her instead of any other possible way of getting the mutant strain from her.Why assume that what a a surgeon, who is presumably a medical professional (in as much a capacity as one can be in a post apocalyptic setting), is wrong in his conclusions? If you have no evidence to assert that he is wrong to try and extract the sample from her, then you've got nothing but assumptions. >Yes, I know he decided that that was the only way to do it but he's has hours to come to that conclusion, after running the tests and recoding his thoughts on the test. Dude didn't even sleep on it or anything.What does the amount of time have anything to do with it? He was likely expect Ellie to be there months in advance, he probably had been preparing for this analysis and subsequent extraction for a while before she actually arrived.>>514417445Okay, retard

>>514417829They obviously wanted the parallelism with carrying Sarah and carrying Ellie, so putting them too close together may have felt redundant

>>514418028>maybe we can play golf sometimeAbsolutely based

>>514418065>Wat. All throughout the game, you see that there are generators that run on gas. There's your electricity.bro you need a little more than gas generators to develop medical sciencei'm sorry but the people supporting this asinine, bad storytelling are doing themselves no favors in perception. read a fucking book, jesus. there are actually good stories to defend

>>514418065Scientific advancement has not improved human life one single bit since WW2. Modern scientific research is the gayest shit in existence and only busted faggots still hold it in the slightest bit of esteem.

>>514410612how would the fireflies convince the hunters and the military to stop firing on them and innocent people to distribute a cute? The world is fucked in so many ways that a vaccine would make it worse than it already is. Imagine if civil wars breaking out between factions over controlling the cure. It would be a nightmare.

>>514418065>she's nothing like anything they've seen before>don't bother asking her any questions about her history such as diet, environment, illness, or otherwise in case the mutation isn't genetic>don't bother asking about family history and living relatives in case it is genetic>come to the conclusion that the surgery is the only solution when it is literally impossible for him to have covered all possible solutionsAnyone with even a vague understand about medical research knows he's full of shit. Dude probably just wanted to do surgery, the freak.

>>514418423>gas generators aren't good enoughThe point is that they have the ability to create electricity. If you want to make even more assumptions, maybe it's not so farfetched to think that a humanitarian group like the Fireflies had some engineers in their midst who could repair structures and electrical coils and what have you to allow them some degree of power in whatever place they've decided to hole up in.Besides, you can argue that it's shitty writing because it's all vague and leaves too much pertinent information out, to which I can agree. However, if that's the case, then why even argue about whether or not a cure was feasible to begin with? You're operating on the same lack of knowledge as those with whom you disagree, so we're all just pulling shit out of our asses while Neil laughs and counts his Jew gold.

>>514418937>The point is that they have the ability to create electricity.yeah, which is meaningless, do you know what a fucking amp is? please, by all means, go run the cyclotron on a fucking gas generator

>>514418676I can only Imagine what the fireflies would start charging once they have the cure. Your first born son seems like something they'd ask for

>>514419008>If you want to make even more assumptions, maybe it's not so farfetched to think that a humanitarian group like the Fireflies had some engineers in their midst who could repair structures and electrical coils and what have you to allow them some degree of power in whatever place they've decided to hole up in.

>>514419057>these people with no education will just become both mechanical and electrical engineers as well as fabricators, metalsmiths, and electronics specialistsThe story just doesn't work.

>>514416212no i had athletes foot and know that antifungal medication exists

>>514419140It hasn't been that long since the destruction of humanity, it's not impossible to think that some of the Fireflies were former electricians, fabricators, metalsmiths, and the like prior to the outbreak.

>>514418065>Why would you assume a fictional doctor is wrong, he's an expert!Common sense is enough to know that he's behaving stupidly, let alone that anyone who's taken a college-level biology course is more educated than video game writers

The first time you see Marlene she is shot in the stomach. This is supposed to show anyone with a working brain that the fireflies are incompetent.

>>514418662Shut up, retard.>>514418747How do you know they didn't account for all that shit and that it didn't happen off screen? Marlene was this girl's "guardian" for the entirety of her life, it's not impossible to think she could have been in a position to be able to answer some of those questions. You don't know what their trials looked like, you can't say they didn't account for these things.>>514419331Riiiight because some layman like Joel is in a position to know that the procedure they were to undergo was medically flawed and that the group of doctors were unfit to tell the difference between a scalpel and a toothbrush.

>>514419260>it's not impossible to think that some of the Fireflies were former electricians, fabricators, metalsmiths, and the like prior to the outbreak.it's improbable to think that extremely low percentage careers that work in population centers (100% death rate or close to) would cover those tradesthe fireflies are fuckin truck drivers and retail associates dude. statistics. percentage.

>>514419631Lol. Suck my dick redditor. I have a degree in faggotry too but I put it in the bin where it belongs.

>>514419662Are you trying to argue that electricians, fabricators, metalsmiths, and the like didn't exist post outbreak because they've all been killed off? If not, then why wouldn't the Fireflies attempt to recruit people with those talents? They could surely take as many people as they can get, but they'd be "incompetent" to fail to ask people what sort of skills they have and try to find people who could help them facilitate a lab environment. If so, then they've likely had a way to acquire some of these skills; it's been more than 30 years, do you think people just sat around eating scraps out of dumpsters while the world passes them by? Do you think a humanitarian group wouldn't attempt to acquire and disseminate practical knowledge like this to their members in the hopes that they'd be able to use it to keep the operation going?It's like you're going out of your way to think of reasons why an organization like this couldn't exist.

>>514419981>I have a degree in faggotryYou surely put it to good use.

>>514410612>mentions research 200 times, thinks that somehow makes it betterThese idiots were trying to make a vaccine against fungi by removing a brain. They are fucking idiots, or the game is written by fucking idiots.

>>514410612>>514411170Go to bed, Neil.

>>514419631>some layman like Joel is in a position to knowYou fucking dipshit, Joel doesn't give a fuck about their medical expertise and no one claims otherwise. The audience of the video game knows that the fictional doctor is a moron, and therefore is less likely to care about his presumptions. The ending is rushed and poorly structured, making the Fireflies look grossly inept and antagonistic because the writers pussied out of a truly morally ambiguous ending. A sequel 7 years after the fact can't salvage it. Take some of the time you've spent doing mental gymnastics for fictional characters and use it to realize that some fiction is poorly written

The fireflies had as much chance making a vaccine for a fungal virus with 2013 technology as the doctors that treated the first aids patient in 1981 had finding a cure.

>>514420090I bet your too gay and little dicked to even have sex with men science fag

>>514419631I can easily say they didn't account for those things when they had Ellie at the hospital for a measurement of hours while she was unconscious and Marlene had no feasible way to communicate cross-country in the fucking apocalypse.Attempting to recreate the mutation is the first thing they should have done instead of reverse engineering it, and they didn't and we know that they didn't because they didn't have any time to do so and fucking Marlene certainly didn't while she and the lads were playing IRA on the military.

>>514420107>The game is written by fucking idiots.Sure, that's a likely possibility.>The audience of the video game knows that the fictional doctor is a moronNo they don't. No you don't. You just think you know. You don't know shit. Ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect?>The ending is rushed and poorly structured, making the Fireflies look grossly inept and antagonistic because the writers pussied out of a truly morally ambiguous ending.Fair enough, that's beyond the point, though. The point is that you don't know. You don't know. Accept it.

>>514420107>or the game is written by fucking idiots

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>>514410612LMAO, Fireflies were barely above marauders. The doctors used to as protections and in exchange they said they could make a cure. A cure for a fungus a VACCINE? LMAO

>>514410612>game establishes clickers as using echolocation>they're actually just blind and can't detect you unless you make noiseWhy are we still arguing about the lore of this game? It's been 7 years

>>514420439>they had Ellie at the hospital for a measurement of hours while she was unconscious and Marlene had no feasible way to communicate cross-country in the fucking apocalypse.What do you mean communicate? Why would she need to communicate with? It's been less than a period of a year since she last saw her, she's raised this girl for the greater part of her 14 year old life. She knows better than anybody what she's eaten and how she grew up or what sort of illnesses she's had. She knew her mother before she was born, she knew the circumstances of her mother's death.>don't bother asking about family history and living relatives in case it is geneticHow the fuck would they be able to ascertain whether a genetic line is predisposed to be immune to a novel infection?>Attempting to recreate the mutation is the first thing they should have done instead of reverse engineering it>"We must find a way to replicate this state under laboratory conditions."Seems like that's what they were trying to do.>we know that they didn't because they didn't have any time to do soOk, sure. They've only been researching this infection for more than a decade at this point, they surely didn't have enough time to figure out how they were supposed to go about replicating this infection under the desired conditions.

>>514420339And even if you make a cure for the vaccine from Ellie, her thing is that it killed the virus before it could spread further, so not only does it not stop infection it's not like they could make a love bomb.Still the worlds going to be full of clickers that will rip your face off, also the rat king was clearly one of the first infected, imagine what this world is going to be like in another 5 years, the vaccine wouldn't cure shit, especially giving a cure to a terrorist organisation.

>>514421014It's topical. People keep asserting the same retarded arguments, even 7 years later.

This reads like speculation and wishful thinking.He says there are about to make a breakthrough but that does not translate into reality.He says they have never seen that before, so it was not even theorized such a thing was possible, meaning they have no idea how it works or any reason for us to believe they can replicate it with one singular test subject.This is deliberately ambiguous to leave the possibility open without any intent to deliver. Except because of shit writing the point did not actually get across, so ruseman had to spell it out in the most hamfisted revenge story ever written.When your writing relies on feelings you can't expect people to think rationally. And even after the story has had time to get through, the players will stick to their interpretation born of feelings. With all that said that was one unnecessary sequel.

>>514410612It was never about whether or not they could make a cure, it was always about whether it was right or wrong to sacrifice a little girl to do it.The game's answer was that it was wrong.

>>514421242>What do you mean communicate? Why would she need to communicate with? It's been less than a period of a year since she last saw her, she's raised this girl for the greater part of her 14 year old life. She knows better than anybody what she's eaten and how she grew up or what sort of illnesses she's had. She knew her mother before she was born, she knew the circumstances of her mother's death.Marlene knows this but the fireflies at the hospital don't you raging autist

Yeah the entire world cooperating on working on a cure or at least a medicament for corona for months and billions of dollars invested and hundreds of millions immune cases being free for the picking didn't produce anything but opening the head of a single immune patient will immediately ship the cure.Why won't Cuckman admit he has no idea how medicine works?

>>514420641Well, I rest my case.

>>514421717Because if you are just vague enough on the exact details in a field you are an amateur at best in, you can appear more smart than you actually are while not having to worry too much on people calling you out on your bullshit.

>>514421717To be fair, the fireflies didn't have moral or ethical restraints. I still think they're incompetent failures but if anyone is going to get it in one it would be the research team vivisecting the immune patients.

>>514421623She's with them at the fucking hospital, and you're just assuming that she's never been in contact with them>hurr but muh cross-country communicationEver heard of the pony express, faggot? Besides, Marlene knew about the immunity from the moment it fucking happened. She has likely been arranging this procedure for some time, at least a year in advance, so the surgeon likely had all the relevant information ahead of time. Prove that he didn't.

>>514421717He knows the fireflies have good intentions but bad ideas, said as much himself this week, he's all about the moral ambiguity of the situation.The fireflies real goal is probably to have a vaccine before the fedra cities to entice people to join them.

>>514421717>COVID-19Nigger it's been less than a year since its outbreak, meanwhile the Fireflies have been in operation for more than a decade. You can make that argument in 2030 when we still don't have a vaccine or, at the very fucking least, some efficient method of curtailing its spread.

>>514410612I saved Chloe, what now? I would burn the world down for the people I love. If you don't like it then kill your daughter right now.

>>514410881They managed to get fucked in the ass by a single guy, they were incompetent.

>>514420532>user who can't even reply to posts properly talking about the Dunning-Kruger effect>still can't grasp why people aren't dignifying the decisions of fictional characters behaving stupidlyThe writers didn't care enough about making it plausible, and neither should anyone else. The burden of proof was on them to make their fiction make sense, and they only succeeded for morons like you.

>>514421991There are laboratories in china that operate with zero ethical restraints. >>514422195Nigger, we are talking about a million times more resources working on this. They can have worked 100 years on this and it won't even amount to a tenth of the manpower and resources working on covid. They have only one fucking neurosurgeon for fucks sake. Experts of every kind of field are working on covid.

>>514422389>hurr ur dumbOk faggot. Fuck off then.

Imagine getting emotionally invested in The Last of Us fan theories. Pathetic.

>>514422490>no argument

>>514422540Imagine getting emotionally invested in people caring about The last of us fan theories. Pathetic.

>>514422665imagine imagining

>>514422490When people act like morons, I treat them like morons. Glad you finally understand, here's your last (You).

>>5144224121. Money shouldn't be a concern in a post apocalyptic setting. Society has crumbled and currency means whatever people want it to mean. People are just volunteering their time and expertise to the cause of finding a cure in the name of humanity. You can't tell me there isn't some degree of that happening in the present.2. While the Fireflies obviously don't have the same amount of resources, in terms of readily available medical equipment or whatever else they'd need, as we do in 2020 and on a global scale, that is not somehow an argument that the Fireflies' volunteered talent were incompetent within the context of their own universe. In a world where society has crumbled and you take whatever you can get in the name of finding a solution to a problem, you're going to argue that the faggots responsible for researching a cure are committing malpractice? Give me a fucking break.

>>514422665Imagine getting emotionally invested in people getting emotionally invested in people caring about The Last of Us fan theories. Pathetic.

>>514422946You must treat yourself like shit then. Must suck to be you.

>>514410612i think it's pretty funny how abby's dad didn't document his research so anybody else could finish it should something happen to him, i guess Ellie was the only person who truly gave a shit about curing the fungus

>>514423007>the Firefiles don't have the available resources to live up to their goals>yeah but you don't KNOW that their one volunteer neurosurgeon is incompetent, he himself claimed otherwise!Brilliant. >malpracticeRemoving a minor's brain without their consent is medical malpractice, yes. They're doing it because they think it's worth it. The player is allowed to think it's not, despite your autism.

>>514423007You're still arguing that a team with one neurosurgeon and a few hundred volunteers which most of will not be experts have made more progress in 10 years than the pressing global effort of the entire earth. 1. They won't have access to every chemical, stem, pre existing medication, the purest of materials, high end equipment and the best of facilities2. They don't have access to the internet, research documentation and all kind of preexisting materials on the topic3. They don't have access to a good infrastructure, they don't have a high tech global network and IT manpower for data gathering, statistics and data evaluation4. They don't have sufficient security, scientists live in constant fear since one nigger is enough to be able to gun them all down. Science explodes when scientists feel the urge to develop but also feel safe to not be distracted by fear5. They wouldn't be able to manufacture a cure6. They don't have the power to protect the cure since they can't even keep one nigger awayIt was all doomed to fail from the beginning and they didn't make any sufficient progress at all.

Maybe its just the autist in me, but I always found TLOUS to be boring. Ellie's immunity is just another one of those J.J. Abrahm's Mystery Boxes. You don't actually get to understand fully her circumstance. Instead its a more glossed over feature. Sure its a fungal parasite strain that is rendered harmless by Ellie's body for some reason, but the worldbuilding doesn't really want to delve to anything deeper than the surface of such a concept of a person being immune that way.Which in part is why the Colorado section always felt like a trash fire to me.As you finally get to a location where we can understand more of what makes Ellie tick, but instead we have the whole thing of "hurr durr unethical scientists is a cool plot twist guyz".As if. If anything that is more boring because it shows the main writer Druckmann had no intention of actually exploring deeper into the strain residing with Ellie's skull. Instead he only wanted cheap shock value because it gets people talking but it doesn't actually elevate his games to a real form but instead a perpetual edgy teenager's view of what 'art' is.

Considering fungal infections aren't treated via vaccine, yeah, I'd say the writing isn't great.Still enjoyed 1, enjoyed PLAYING 2 but the writing has too many holes for me to like the story.

>>514423787>Joel kills their one neurosurgeon>entire group disbands, survivors don't have the actionable knowledge or motivation to try and find the cure againClickers must've eaten every other doctor in the world, it's a shame

>>514410612Dozens of test subjects died during experiments. Yes there's a chance they would've been successful with Ellie, but that's the central dilemma Joel faces, he's uncertain if she'll survive so he chooses her life over the Fireflies.This is fucking storytelling 101 god damn people.

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>>514410979I care about the state of this board, and this thread is pollution. Delete it.

>>514424029The game was only ever liked because Joel and Ellie had a good dynamic. Everything else is mediocre. The sequel suffers because its two primary characters never communicate outside of trying to murder each other. The supporting cast is just too weak, much like the other characters in the first one.

>>514424360There is no dilemma and also you didn't even understand the ending because there was no chance that Ellie would have survived it, they were basically going to dissect her brain. Cuckman pretends in part 2 that if Ellie was sacrificed the fireflies would have 100% developed a cure but the writing of the first Last of Us doesn't support this claim even a tiny bit.If he wanted to create a dilemma he should have better written the ending of last of us 1. Literally everything would be different if the writing supported that the Fireflies would have developed a cure with Ellies sacrifice.

>>514424467I really liked the multiplayerI would of bought tlou2 if it had multiplayer

>>514423921>one volunteer neurosurgeon is incompetentProve to me where it says anywhere in the game that they've never had any other surgeons or researchers who contributed their time and expertise to finding a cure. Prove to me that simply because this single unit within the organization has a single surgeon that this means the entirety of their efforts were in vain and made by incompetent people who had no business conducting research in the first place. You don't have that information. You just want to chastise this one guy despite not knowing enough about his background to gauge whether or not he is qualified to make these kinds of decisions.>Removing a minor's brain without their consent is medical malpracticeShe gave her consent more than a year ago, and she would have given her consent had they not rushed her to the operating room. The only person who didn't give his consent, and who had no business adding his input toward the decision, was Joel. He decided to take that opportunity for himself.>>514423981>They won't have access to...the best of facilities>They don't have access to good infrastructure>They don't have sufficient securityTrue, fair enough. This doesn't mean they're incompetent, though. It just means they're operating on a tight budget so to speak.>They don't have access to research documentation and all kind of preexisting materials on the topicYou don't know what sort of documentation they do or don't have.>They wouldn't be able to manufacture a cure>They don't have the power to protect the cureThese problems don't need to be solved immediately or by the Fireflies alone. If they can demonstrate they can produce a cure, maybe that would be enough to convince outliers to lend them aid in solving these problems.