Did anyone else laugh at how triumphant they made the music over a white guy beating blacks in basketball?

The whole movie was unintentionally funny.
Especially at the end where you're intended to feel like niggas ain't bad homies, and then a nigger shoots the MC's brother in cold blood because he vaguely insulted him a day or two earlier.

It's really telling how they think that we aren't embracing them, they're the most privileged group in the west by a long shot. That doesn't happen when you are being persecuted.

Antisemitism is on the rise these days but you'd be hard pressed to find a kike who understood why.

It's almost like they want to be oppressed.

Making shit up about Christ isn't appealing to people who reverence him.

I hope you are going to repent for lying about Jesus' deeds, do not bear false witness.
He never laid a hand on anybody, liar. He only intimidated them out of the temple, he didn't flog anybody. Learn your own religion before you start to bow down to your King of the Jews.

fuck off you larping valhalla nigger, you are the one that has swallowed lies about jeebus being some kind of limpdicked turn the-other-cheek pansexual, the moneylendors episode has been endlessly reinterpreted because its probably one of the most volatile and dangerous parts of the bible, go figure that some faggot would tone it down so as not to offend his masters.

fact of the matter is jesus was first and foremost a revolutionary, the new testament is more maos little red book or dachs total resistance than it is a religious text, its a thinly veiled manual for insurrection against the roman empire

He ejected the moneylendors by force and he was outraged at their transgressions, pretty much the only time he uses violence in the NT or shows that kind of emotion. I have researched this passage ad nauseum, its been endlessly rewritten, your pathetic nitpicking does nothing to change the supreme importance of it especially in our day and age

the sword bit is also legit

It never claimed to strive for accuracy to the Bible, TLTOC set out to examine some philosophical questions concerning Christ. I feel it not only did that effectively, but I left with a better understanding about the significance of his sacrifice and the hardships he must have endured beyond pain. Also David Bowie is in it.

This meme is dumb and doesn't even make sense because it would not have been a virgin birth if god had sex with mary.

William defoe was a pretty scary jesus. It's neat they didn't go with a uber handsome actor.


For some reason you think Christians should like exploitative fiction about Christ. I mean many "christians" do like such fiction, but why should they have to like it?

This is what you actually believe.

So an occultist is in it? How does that help?