ITT: movies that made you cry

ITT: movies that made you cry

The Land Before Time

vid related.

The Dark Knight Rises
Suicide Squad
Ghostbusters 2016
The Mummy

I forgot how ugly those dinos were.


I think its the wrinkles on their lips.


U know u did too



Mama mama mama

I honestly think that's it.


The scene with his dying mother was way more of a tear-jerker.

the ending scenes of Blade Runner

I probably could have held my shit together during the Chinese ones but Dear Zachary and Into the Abyss left me very emotionally upset.

RIP Jim ;_;

Forgot about this one.


Am I a robot Holla Forums?

No, you're just autistic.

Kino actually.

Top tier. Tarkovsky's best. Come at me.

When Keanu cries, we all cry.


Didn't cry, but I did tear up a bit

That gook film with the two brothers that fight in the korean war

Call me a fag but peter jackson's king kong made me tear up a bit at the end

Also got a horrible surge of patriot tears watching captain america 1 lmao

I've mostly cried at TV shows

The part where he finds his grown-up retard fluid made me tear up more.

i cried like a fucking baby at the end and i don't even know why
and i don't usually cry, nor display emotions very easily

I always tear up at Simpson's episodes where Lisa and Homer bond. Episodes like Lisa's Sax always get to me for some reason.

That movie made Spalding Grey cry enough that he killed himself.

Scrubs gets a lot of shit, but no tv show has as many tear-inducing moments

I've never cried watching a movie before. I remember when this subject was brought up in the meat space and the meat puppets jeered at me like I was evil for merely saying that I've never cried at a movie before. The meat people hate truth. They live in a world of emotions.


I'm Christian.

hi Christian, I'm Ali

We Holla Forumseddit now?


TIL that yes we are

The userbase is that young now? fuck.


Not that guy, but do you have a better idea, fuckface? Almost every type of thread can be considered a template.

No wonder this board sucks now…

ITT autism tbqh

I hate romantic movies and I cried like a bitch to this movie, felt like shit after watching it, felt even more shit after I watched it again a few months later. I just couldn't help myself, tears were flowing like a river. I don't even care about girlfriends, but this movie is just amazing.

Green mile for me too. Gran Torino. Cider house rules, I think. As a kid I cried when they tried to kill Johnny nr5 in short circuit. I'm sure there's more.


Why didn't he just call for a doctor?

Gets me right in the feels every time.

My Screw Up, My Lunch and My Cold Shower have top tier endings.

Pic related has gotten me to tear up every time I've watched it, especially the scenes with the main characters' father.

After honoring the wishes of the former emperor, getting revenge and freeing his men he probably just wanted to be with his wife.

i think you mean barber

What's that Braff dude up to anyway? I kinda liked that garden state movie he made, wouldn't mind to see some more.

Being the same unfunny rag he was in Scrubs since he's forever typecast.

I got hit hard in one of the first episodes where JD had been keeping the dying old lady company. She tells him to stop wasting him time with her because he has other patients to help, and he non-nonchalantly tells her he's already been off for a few hours.




2:07 is the only scene in film history that is justifiable to cry during. Anything else makes you a girl.

overrated shit

tears of anger