Grown Man Simply Cannot Stop Sperging About Bad Movie

90% of the action in this movie is 'fight some grey guys against a grey background' and honestly a putty fight from power rangers is more compelling.

My nakama.

tl;dr you hate it because its popular and has strong female characters on it. kill yourself


You make it sound like strong female characters were just invented. Fucking idiot.


this thread is fucking golden. i haven't seen a sperg rant this hard in years. the fact that you get a hate boner when fortunate son actually plays (while down in fucking louisiana of all places, the one part of the country where ccr's music fits better than any other place lmao) for once in a movie is 8/10 shitposting material.

please continue, i also legitimately enjoyed the movie, despite expecting it to be a total pile of steaming shit.

What the fuck is Fortunate Son?

something we'll never be.

But if they had to pick a CCR song, why use Fortunate Son instead of embed related or Born on the Bayou?

Fortunate Son is what "It Ain't Me" is actually called.