Someone grew up watching too much Nostalgia Critic when they were growing up I think

Someone grew up watching too much Nostalgia Critic when they were growing up I think.

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Jesus Christ that jaw

That's not a real woman, is it?

Can we have a Margaret thread instead? She's dreamy.

Yes its a Woman, but apparently trying to look like Jonathan McIntosh is the new in thing.

They look talk and edit almost identically


It's like the lovechild of Robert Z'dar.

I think you fucked that up a bit mate


I'm so ashamed of myself that I want to fuck this one. She's so stupid and annoying, and I know you don't put your dick in crazy, but I just want to keep her in a cage, hatefuck her for months, and then drag her out, clean her up, put her in a 50's housewife dress and force her to look at her new long hair. Then I'd force her to admit she's just a stupid fucking woman under threat of impregnation.

They already secretly believe that



One on the left is a woman?


9/10 cuckposting, you show improvement

why are mentally ill people trying to talk down to others about social issues? They are the last people to be given a soapbox

thats her bf

I know what you mean. She looks like Geppeto brought a Tom Brady bobblehead to life and then decided to switch sexes at the last minute. On top of that she's shithouse rat levels of crazy, yet I too would happily settle down with her in a pastoral setting where I could cage and routinely hatefuck her. On weekends we would take those peddle boat things out on the lake too.

Nolstalgia Chick had already done a rant on how Beauty and Beast was sexist muhsoginy, and that was in 2008 or 09.

I'm surprised if this was true. I was exposed to Nostalgia Critic in highschool. And that was from around 2009-2012. I didn't think small children watched his stuff around then.

I like this word, it's more shorter than saying "unfuckable fat-face feminist fucko."

If shes asexual it means shes on shitloads of meds for her mental illness, that stuff kills sex drive completely.

Judging by this cringiest moments vid I'd say she's on so much medication that she, herself, is one giant pill dressed in drag.

Speaking of those fucks, I just discovered that Nostalgia Chick's fat fuck friend Nella was in this cringy TV show a few years ago :

Then it's time to shut down all chans.

Say this bitch with /cow/ please

Is there a female equivalent of Nu-males?


Feminists, mang.

reminder pulse shooting was hoax and no1 dieded

Why is Sam Hyde considered a nu-male?


Yeah pretty much

Wow thats pathetic.



I haven't heard a thing she said, I could not get past that huge jaw.

That jaw makes olivia wilde look thin

Is that Robert Z'dar's daughter?

Is there still hope?

She's not the only e-famous feminist who became a real woman. It's a very short list, but it's a growing list and needs to be monitored.

I heard there was this one Brazillian feminist who converted to Christianity and apologized for her behavior after she protested a church because she was pro-abortion.

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

I, uh, that's not the image I wanted to post.

Nevertheless, thank you for playing me the song of your people.

Oh no. I think you made the right choice.

Hey guise.

who is that chick with Lindsay and why does she look like Rob Walker in drag?


Some fan she met up with Disneyland, I think.



well if the SJW's and neo nazis fight to the death the gene pool will be better off.

Lindsa looks like a middle aged woman in that pic.

She did, yeah. Leftists went on a pretty wild damnatio memoriae of her on BR blogs.




she is a middle aged woman

really? I thought it was that the internet reviewer gig sucked the life out of her rather than her aging.

Is she dating someone mentally handicapped? I thought that was considered abuse.

nah it was trying to legitimize herself to the NYC intelligentsia crowd that did it. One can only spend so many years pretending to like shitty modern art in Soho and agree about the wage gap while sipping on $15 cocktales in order to fit in before it turns them into elitist snobs themselves.

was it down syndrome?

He's out of her league tbh

This might be the ugliest pair of people I've ever seen.



You don't even know what a cuck is, do you?


That was an awfully quick reply.
Did a joke go way the fuck over my head?

Just give me Children of Men already. Younger generations shouldn't be allowed to exist and make me feel old.

no I'm just memeing

Looks like she's defecating in the first one.
Even has the facial expression to go with it.

Muhammad Ali was cool as fuck.
Too bad he was a Muslim.