Does he always talk like this? Even when he's ordering lunch or calling his mother on Life Day?

They decanonized them. It's not pretending, it's openly not caring. I think it's rather clear they don't care what the old fans want, anything being published under the Star Wars Legacy brand is just stuff on contract that couldn't be cut short. They only thing care about the new shit for their new fans, which is why Rebels gets the blurays.

clone wars cartoon was autistic shit anyway. i got out of star wars then and there. dee bradly baker is a hack and all you faggots that like ps1 cutscene cartoons can suck a dick.

I never liked the cartoon Clone Wars. It was just mindless action sequences with nothing to really make me care about what happens. The CGI series had a few great episodes and sequence in between loads of garbage as well.

I got out of Star Wars after Farce Awakens. Gave it the benefit of the doubt, and it failed. I haven't even had the curious desire to watch the Rogue Whatever trailer/s, it's just straight up dead to me.

never seen that before.


Well I know Disney cheaped out with the Marvel cartoons so maybe they're doing that with this.

No, you're a hack

Yeah it's really bad and they're paid to do this.

You know, it makes a lot of sense that they cancelled the Clone Wars series, not only because they wanted only the OT fans for TFA and their sequels but also because the drop in quality would have been so noticeable when they took over because of how cheap kikes are.

Marvel and Lucasfilm are run semi-autonomously, at least in theory

There's also the fact that Cartoon Network held the broadcast license

I bought it up because Marvel Animation and Disney TV doesn't get this treatment

Damn son, even the original starwars was more subdued