Friendly reminder Hollywood will be run by the Chinese soon

Friendly reminder Hollywood will be run by the Chinese soon

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Good, maybe they'll clean house.

Good! Now I know when to stop watching new movies.

So instead of being fed Jewish propaganda, we'll be getting Chinese Communist propaganda. I don't know whether that's a good or bad thing.

The chinks dislike coal burning and faggots, so it's an improvement.


China is communist only in name anymore.
Less kikes, more Jackie Chan

Communist in name, crypto kike in heart.

Good, Chinese are better than jews

For once i will welcome our new Chinese overlords

And? They can't turn matters worse. Why should we care?

China will grow larger


Friendly reminder, Everything will be run by the Chinese soon.

That is, if the Muslims don't kill everyone first.

It's amazing how much shit taste China has. They will throw their money at anything. Films that flop everywhere else will make loadsofdosh in China

better the chinks run it than the slimy jews

Or worse Korea

How is that a bad thing? Chinks hate niggers, coal burning and ugly women.

Anything is better than kikes.

Oh you poor baby.


Just you wait.

Plenty of rallies go on in HK against the mainland Chinese government and its attempts to creep more of its political influence into the region.

It's only a matter of time before they take over that place completely and no one will go against them based on that because too much business happen with China.

If anything will start a war with them, it'll more likely be the Spratly Islands dispute just because there's oil and natural gas at stake.

The Philippines and Vietnam have a better claim to that place because they're at least directly beside the fucking islands
