Who would he vote for in 2016?

who would he vote for in 2016?

Hard to say since every available candidate is a kike-lover.

Hmm, the conservative alpha male or the woman who once said a 12 year old girl who got raped was asking for it. That's a real corker, user.

Hiloli Clit-on

Dan "The Preschool Pussy Pulverizer" Schneider wouldn't let that opportunity pass.

Not Donald, he'd edge in on his game.

Hillary's more likely to legalize pedophilia.
Then again, making it legal might take the fun out of it for kiddie rapers.

what did he mean by this?

For the lack of a challenge or that it becomes too mainstream?

Either one, really.

He can just go to Cali if he wanted the real thing. They were one step ahead of Hill

Well, Holla Forumsirgins said that Trump will make lolis real.

The one who'll most likely to keep the Jews non-imputable for their crimes, like pedophilia.

Jill Stein

Is the support of pedophilia a left thing or a right thing? or do both sides hate them?

left thing.

The left is just a short distance from openly advocating for pedophile rights.

14+ isn't pedophilia

but why do they always use it as a scapegoat with rich white dudes like Trump?

Same reason they frame any who oppose them as being rapists while simultaneously coddling Islam and rapefugees.

i dunno lol