/ctt/ - Console Tan Tuesday - After Dark Editionhttps://consoletan.booru.orghttps://aggie.io/mqlld01_5vhttps://flockmod...

/ctt/ - Console Tan Tuesday - After Dark Editionconsoletan.booru.orghttps://aggie.io/mqlld01_5vhttps://flockmod.com/thebreakroomhttps://consoletans.neocities.org/

Attached: 43656e682adef8c9ff67ba8f3eab5596f11768bd.png (573x707, 178.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>>508853620We've started way too many threads with this particular OP image.

quick to the draw there bud.

Attached: gaee.png (186x356, 41.12K)

>>508853770True, but you gotta admit it's a fucking good one

>>508853802I refuse to have dogfucker start shit like that again, that was a disaster

Attached: angery.png (600x1000, 116.29K)

>ywn create a console and then watch as Holla Forums makes porn of itWhy even live?

To the draw user looking to improve his art.Even though you feel like your art might not be up to snuff, I still like it. Please feel free to post your drawings of -tans here, because any new content is good content.

Reminder that there's nothing wrong with making a thread "too early"

Attached: 1570643233424.png (1138x1539, 59.02K)

Could we make this a real thing? Like, have tradeoff between each page or something?

Attached: why.png (835x1193, 1.38M)

>>508854225I'd genuinely enjoy collabing with Mariogrant in doing it, but doing comics is hard workAnyway here, the quick variant of the Master System Super Compact I just posted last thread>>>/i/614702

Attached: 1562283006858.png (279x630, 26.16K)

>>508854195>Two threads up at the same time for half an hour before the old one dies>New thread gets filled up faster when the old one could still be used while autosaged>Messing with the traditions and the way things are and have always beenYou're lucky Holla Forums is a fast board and not one where dying threads take hours to archive, you dang young homos

Attached: 1280x720_nbc-boomer-1056a_bc0f66732c37335399de146435e025f2.jpg (1280x720, 216.26K)

Why is PS4 the futa console so often?

Attached: 1588767238414.png (357x388, 5.09K)

>>508854508Is one of your fetishes bangs? Like, big 80's anime bangs? Because I notice a lot of your designs use them.Not that I mind, because I love it.

>>508853620Dude... It's Wednesday...you're 18 hours too late.

Attached: _ctt_ (91).png (562x521, 102.97K)

>>508854508Cute nipples!

>>508855327Dude the earth doesn't face the sun all at once.

>>508855251cause she's a big dick

>>508855327Are you not aware of what "time zones" are, user?

I've been trying to buy a Switch all night but bots keep grabbing them too fast. Not even for me, but for a friend who wants one. Of course nobody wants a Lite.

Attached: switch.png (800x1000, 57.62K)

>>508855313Not necessarily, although they're fun to draw. It's moreso that for this, I tried to think of period-appropriate hairdos, and since Sega did a ton of stuff in the 80s, we end up with a ton of 80s floofIf I had to codify the most common traits I can see from all of these designs together, it seems to be thin lithe bodies, feet, clothes that emphasise the fact she's nude under the clothes, whether by being revealing in specific ways like the translucent jacket or baggy in such a way that it makes me imagine them naked with only the item (like the System 2's super big jacket)


Attached: PkXj7xN2.png (1109x1381, 394.86K)

>>508855564>Of course nobody wants a LiteThank god my little sister wanted a lite, which made finding one just that much easier for me.Good luck, user. I hope you find your friend that Switch.

>>508839868A deal's a deal/i/614705

Attached: PS-ZURI.jpg (358x275, 18.62K)

>>508855838Commission user here. Maybe next week you'll find yourself enjoying what I've got done.

Attached: Illustration5.jpg (2894x4093, 1.89M)

>>508855419>that pose>those tits>that ass>those eyesFucking UNF

>>508856008Oh for fuck's sake>>614705



Attached: 1588180082088.png (1212x1072, 33.12K)


Attached: 1589947565893.png (1500x1500, 343.67K)

>>508855838I want Retron 5 to give me a sockjob!

Attached: b4ea126f3166198e0bbdd728f704c15f35a97b1a.png (574x1157, 30K)

>>508855251You can thank JADF for that

Attached: 1521554853112.png (916x802, 27.11K)

>>508855419SeX-tan is precious, I want to gently cuddlefuck her through her bodysuit while looking into those glowing black eyes and tell her she's a special girl

Attached: 1589937868704.png (874x658, 44.04K)

>>508856703That's hot and wholesome at the same time. SeX-Tan truly deserves the best

Oh shit almost forgotStick requests to this, this should be higher up but whatever

Attached: anchor.jpg (2119x1415, 937K)

>>508853620what's more autismocringe, these threads or the Holla Forums drawthreads which are entirely full of porn requests?

What's that, post bikini tans? If you say so.

Attached: cursed.png (672x858, 348.2K)

>>508857717If you want tits, all you gotta do is ask man

Attached: xbox_.png (358x303, 143.86K)

>>508857943kill yourself cumskull

Attached: baseball head smash.jpg (640x481, 49.77K)

>>508857621I'd like to see a silver PS2-slim tan

Attached: 41XB87BKW1L.jpg (500x500, 25.32K)

Attached: 6f122c5151f7064128f063027e0ae4dc273ccd0c.png (600x554, 125.12K)

>>508857621Naomi blushing as the viewer massages her feet.

Attached: 46a03e4e57eb463a0021f672f4f01dd4074b29d2.png (729x1032, 592.81K)

>>508857621Neo Geo Pocket Color doing Rock Howard's win pose would be awesome.

Attached: RockHoward.gif (500x489, 538.92K)

Alright, it's nearing 6am so I'll go sleep soon. Reply with requests for me to do tomorrow if the thread's up. As usual, you're free to request any character, but I'd personally appreciate obscure -tans, the Sega-tans I made, the Evatchi ones, SeX-tan or PS5-tan over maybe others that already have a ton of porn. Not to say I won't draw the latter if the request interests me.For reference on -tans to request stuff ofconsoletans.neocities.org/consolestest3.png - The current outdated chart, for referenceconsoletans.neocities.org/uncharted.png - a quick compilation of designs I've drawn since, whether mine or by others, and just haven't added to the chart yet>>508857621

>>508857717you, being a cringey little bitch. your fucktarded meme is dead, grow up and move on.

>>508857621Some SeX-tan cutelewds as discussed in last thread, being all shy and mute >>508840567>>508825619>>508826564>>508828872 + >>508829463>>508835468>>508841918

>>508857621Famicombox enticing a businessman at a hotel to play with her

>>508858491Requesting this one >>508858202 because I love her design and feet

>>508858491Requesting Arcadia 2001 getting dicked by Toaster

>>508858491If you can, Sammy and Neo Geo playing games on an MVS cabinet. Or the two of them competing as to who can make user cum first, either or works.

>>508856703nut 4 lewd.

>>508857621Request from last thread >>508780315

>>508859658based, seconding

tomboys for life

Attached: brown_ps5.png (1256x1191, 372.07K)

>>508859646SeX-tan is good for wholesome lewd, see pic for example>holding arm between tits but ultimately to hold hands>shy smile, hidden eyes, still saying nothing but possibly small affectionate noise with that heart in the speech bubble

Attached: d5b85a6266c4de4f6a52ed60ebb4651fd7cd6c30.png (444x196, 6.86K)


Attached: xboxwombkiss.png (742x685, 170.81K)

>>508860206My fellow tomboy brethren

Attached: 34b5bb09c3b3afd9048c56744e9918233d3229c8.png (729x1032, 235.42K)

Attached: Untitled.png (201x105, 4.15K)

>>508860413Gen9 looks like it's gonna be sweet

consoletan.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10579https://consoletan.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10580https://consoletan.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10581tried drawing on paper again.I miss the scent of old paper, a no.2 pencil and shitty eraser.

>>508860886Lovely Wii U thighs and hips

This thread needs more Zeebo, draw more Zeebo.

Attached: 1550033706890.png (494x611, 119.42K)

>>508860381magine putting something between those.

>>508860886All of these are nice as hell

>>>/i/614707Everyone's favourite, the Wataru SupervisionI'm off to sleep, reminder to request stuff at >>508858491

Attached: 1583319529516.png (410x386, 81.52K)

PS5 getting flustered by SeX's creepy eyes

Attached: 60b77d7a18c742607641bf84ba64f59aa99ee5e6.png (766x650, 48.69K)

>>508861182>PubesAbsolutely beautiful. Great work, really love her expression in the pic.

>>508860886You're a saint, Lem

A͡ll will͝ c̷ǫnnȩct to the̢ ̸ecos̸y̕stem ͞in̛ the e͟n̴d ̵͎͙͔͖̻̱͓̪͞ͅ

Attached: 3539e030a06bd762f3f5a2a01b70a4ac912f27e3.png (275x481, 55.21K)

>>508856703She's fucking adorable.

Attached: 8ed78334a7f9f585aeb7bb43db004105e19d0288.png (3000x1500, 1.59M)

>>508857621I want see that Nintendo Switch-tan wearing swimsuit

Attached: PSX_20200508_020207.jpg (274x467, 27.43K)

>>508858491An embarrassed Stadia clumsily giving a footjob.

Attached: be8d8d8b9029ca9f4d1a147e3344e63b8459359c.png (643x893, 24.72K)

>>508861182The idea is really hot but boy this is kind of terrifying, I feel like I'm looking at revenant porn

Attached: Agitating Spoilers.png (100x100, 2.73K)

>>508862698It just reminds me of that one episode of Aeon Flux, except for that the Supervision is specifically mentioned to have a stiff torso

>>508858491That Natsume-tan showing her breasts

Attached: IMG_20200520_082516.jpg (443x1024, 65.15K)

The night is long as this thread will be.

Attached: AtariDisco1resized.png (1400x1106, 1.38M)

What are you fags playing/listening to/working on/etc

Attached: 1477551855290.jpg (450x338, 38.58K)

>>508858491Game Gear getting groped in her sleep.

>>508864073Recently bought the complete series of Samurai Jack, so lately I've been watching a lot of that. Just started up season 3, starting with the episode where he gets turned into a chicken.

>>508864073Right now I'm playing Persona 2 Innocent Sin on my Vita. I'm supposed to be asleep right now so I can wake up early, but fuck I just want to keep playing.

>>508864073warhammer 40k idol songsyoutube.com/watch?v=LYgvdf3oBsA&t=65s&frags=pl,wn

>>508863365I really hope so, good stuff by the way>>508864073I'm playing gmod

Attached: 1520382866209.gif (960x720, 295.46K)

>>508864073ERPing banging elf twins.

Attached: file.png (1011x875, 223.91K)

>>508864073Nothing, I have to go to work tomorrow so I'm gonna sleep

>>508865593What flavor is it?

Attached: 1583972939660.jpg (756x536, 90.46K)

>>508864975Now those are some big butts

>>508866038She probably pissed in it

>>508864073workshoppin an idea about kamen rider console-tans

Where are your games ps5? I don't care how big your tits are, I want to see games!

>>508866265Do tell

>>508866038gamer gurl flavor

>>508853620Requesting dinobox please

This but with PS4us.rule34.xxx//images/3042/d0f8c5fb0b68650dc08604e7eb1709d7.gif


Attached: file.png (572x542, 102.66K)

>>508856364>urethral insertionAs someone who has had a cystoscopy I will never understand this fetish. Most pain I’ve ever had in my life and this is coming from someone who has had hemorrhoid surgery where I had my asshole sliced up. Pen sized camera on a slinking wire going into my bladder, pain so intense I couldn’t breathe. Not in any way pleasant and unless you’re a sadist if the highest caliber.


>>508864073SeX-tan sheet, can't sleep anyway (tasf)

>>508866632>>5088584912 images total not counting the joke WiiU one from last month



>>508867465Whoops lol I made sure to crop but I forgot there are typically two

>>508863365Those are some hot mamas

>>508867517I just like doing the garbled text

>>508866479basically the console tans are kamen riders who use their exclusive games as transformation upgrades/weapons. They fight a legion of pc drones, faceless automatons that plan to take over the world, with a select few evolving with their own exclusives. I was thinking of focusing it right around the end of 7th gen, when the Wii U was getting destroyed and a lot of all star AAA games were coming out left and right

>>508866790I do not trust this creature

Xbone: "Oh hi user! I've got a big surprise~! Tadaaa! I can eat all the burgers I want, and I'llNEVERGETFATEVER!

Attached: chubs.png (267x269, 78.79K)

>>508857621Genesis rolling up in her wicked sweet jaguar xj220 sports car making Jaguar-tan extremely nervous

Attached: segacd_jaguarxj220_4_thumb.jpg (360x241, 119.17K)

>>508855419I love this pic, perfect job lem

>>508864073I got monster boy on my switch on sale recently, so I'm playing that. It's really good and it makes me feel like I'm bad at vidya because I'm actually bad at vidya

Can't wait to see this finished.

Attached: 1589408105664.png (341x326, 12.69K)

Looks like we've got some sleepyheads itt

Attached: 1578509788043.png (402x389, 10.16K)

>>508870645Just waiting on my artist to come through with a reference sheet.

>>508777709>>508795004>>508831471I love Xbox 360!I love her!!

Attached: b09e7686d455bbe56cbc4a680955f2bd477ea9a5[1].png (262x365, 48.36K)

>>508870645>Been up for 11 hours>Already feeling tiredI still need to shower dammit, I smell

>>508870868Speaking of that, anybody wanna hit me with some ideas I can commission?SFW, please.

>>508871371PS2 bullying Dreamcast and making her cry

Attached: 1505864376102.jpg (487x441, 54.98K)

Attached: Vita and PSTV.jpg (1280x1024, 154.01K)

>>508871371Gamecube-tan as Mermaid Girl

>>508871846poor Toasty didn't make it

>>508871371Something about SeX-tan being shy maybe?

Attached: safe.png (220x232, 39.54K)

>>508864073Listening to Love My Way by The Psychedelic Furs. Just one of those goddamn ear worms that won't leave my head.

Ray-tracing mode activated!

Attached: working(3).png (154x235, 1.83K)

>>508871690By taking some of her touted exclusives?

>>508875361This feels like a Naruto reference

>>508853620Is that meant to be Fa from Zeta Gundam?

>>508876420sure, or any way really

>>508877000I feel like it's a way to really twist the knife.Not only did DC lose and get support dropped, but now its former competitors have what used to be DC's exclusives.

>>508876856I just thought the X-pupil some other artists draw her with would've been cool for some special ability or somethingLike "ray-tracing" as a power implies some sort of X-ray vision or eye beams

>>508877376There's a version of this with dreamcast but for the life of me I can't find it

Attached: A Bad Day.jpg (500x484, 143.18K)

>>508877376Boy. Doesn't that sound tragic. Hmm.

Attached: f189b468b3783d96fabd3f0976e14dc5daf76932.png (200x403, 7.78K)


Attached: 1573575479824.png (500x500, 460.96K)

>>508877573Wii U's exclusives all went to her successor rather than her competitor though

>>508878126ahhh, thank you user

Attached: 60e9cb10821d3ed1307bd8ec3731a65081def9d8.png (2000x1440, 1.69M)

Requesting Sega Master System Girl-tan meets Casio Loopy-tan

Attached: PSX_20200520_113945.jpg (76x195, 7.22K)

>>508878643I swear I didn't even know half these Sega consoles even existed until I started visiting these console-tan threads.

Attached: pusbrd.png (241x254, 17.68K)

>>508878154In some cases, there's others like Rayman Legends, Winderful 101, DX:HR Director's Cut, ZombU, Sonic Lost World, Lego City Undercover, and so on where a game meant to be Wii U exclusive was eventually ported (sometimes even before release) to other systemsBut I digress, I'm just still salty about that whole situation

>>508879946It just wasn't a very good console. Being basically forced to use a huge, clunky controller with a screen slapped onto it with a battery life of a Game Gear wasn't a very good idea.Star Fox Zero was one of the most unpleasant experiences I've ever had playing a first-party Nintendo game. And the games I did enjoy didn't even benefit from Wii U's gimmick.

>>508880438To each his own, I loved the GamePad and thought it had a lot of potentialWhy I'm interested in Amico since it's bringing that concept back

Attached: d0635f6a2fbb9619435cc4ba5fe3d0eace321b81.png (698x813, 26.95K)

>>508859646>>508860232Weird how the console-tan literally named "sex" is the pure girl with relatively tame lewds

>>508880438Pikmin 3, the Wonderful 101, and Splatoon I think all benefited from the Wii U's gimmick. Splatoon in particular I think has some advantages over Splatoon 2 specifically due to the touchscreen controller because you had the map on the controller's screen, which was really useful.

>>508867038Maybe you should take better care of your ass and dick then you fucking degenerate.

Have sketch of Sega Naomi-tan

Attached: IMG_20200520_121916.jpg (1343x2048, 593.41K)

>>508880893Still definitely built for sex tho

Attached: a0f0d29e30db16613e4c604f8766c4c554ffd200.png (358x550, 109.77K)

>>508880990Maybe, but I'd still rather use a regular controller over Wii U's behemoth tablet monstrosity.

You will all be integrated

Attached: c905f967a4f29e23246daa67ba9d81443e5f7f7c.png (738x655, 26.08K)

>>508881738I swear I've seen some creepy pasta very similar to this

>>508882128Sounds like my kinda creepypasta

Attached: dfeb4a8eee31471af5ce1348ded88e994129e325.png (293x252, 45.01K)

>>508854716I didn't even make the thread, you dip.

>>508871371Vita loading up a gun, perhaps after 3DS and Switch keep making fun of her

I realize most of you guys are probably asleep, but I figure I should at least drop off my comm delivery since I said I would earlier today.Here's the linework of the Genesis Model 3.

Attached: genesis sheet.jpg (7200x3200, 2.29M)


>>508883591And here's the full color version. I had to resize it in order to make it postable here on 4chan.

Attached: genesis sheet color.jpg (3000x1333, 261.02K)

>>508883591>>508884395And with these posted, I'm off to bed. You anons have a good one!

>>508864073Playing FNV JSawyer modgame crashed after launching the rockets at REPCONN so i'm taking a break and remembered that it's tuesday.

Attached: 1571873197229.png (333x314, 61.99K)

>>508885051And now the thread dies dun dun dunn

>>508885351Oh please no

>>508883556Should probably link to>>508857621while I'm at it

i spilled my coffee there a bit.

Attached: heybboy.png (552x506, 455.83K)

>>508865593Ma'am, your banana is leaking

Attached: _ctt_ (56).png (210x337, 63.37K)

I love PSP

Attached: psp abs.png (417x816, 17.79K)

Attached: ddddd.png (227x358, 39.77K)

>>508858491Think I can get a refsheet for Hi-Saturn? (assuming it doesn't already exist)Saw her design and immediately liked it

Attached: 1589945740243.png (322x641, 26.69K)

>>508865593Banana > Shuten.

>>508893167Have you ever wanted to fuck a boy before?

Attached: 3e9b843bd10421da3ce2a5a8f368b79cda95bb3a.png (552x929, 50.19K)

Remember This?Someone posted wii U as Zdrada on the last threadHeres something i've been cooking myself

Attached: 1589516383805.png (5079x1455, 2.5M)

Corrupted Luci Famicon>Semen Demon

Attached: Console Tan Famicon Semen demon3.jpg (631x355, 97.35K)

What does a Raspberry Pi tan look like?


Attached: _ctt_ (79).png (688x579, 244.6K)

>>508895338Like this.

Attached: 1556134660811.png (237x450, 57.16K)

>>508894626Are you trying to catch milfs?

Attached: Console Tan Milf Bait Mariogrant.png (883x995, 39.18K)

>>508895317ok Anons thats gonna be it see you next week

>>508895317I'll give her whatever she wants.

>>508864073Playing Helltaker, the newest meme game on Holla Forums. It's pretty good.

Attached: ad351f361a8ee5182bbf9ada317d8f8dd19bedbc.png (343x391, 113.86K)

>>508896926Is it actually a game though or is it just a VN?


Attached: B7x1c6L.png (1136x640, 251.6K)


Attached: file.png (982x952, 319.95K)

>>508881047Cope harder that your fetish is shit


Attached: 53FEC78D-77F4-4D37-9E4F-C2CF9205AEB6.png (1210x1000, 25.6K)

>>508898690>Banana JaguarNice, nothing cant top that.

>>508898989It isn't my fetish, just saying that you're a fucking walking disease.

Good morning motherfuckers, thread still alive I see

>>508899112fuck off fuck off FUCK OFF

>>508899112>this image now immediately triggers a self-defense mechanism in my brainjust like Jurassic Park

>>508864073Mostly alternating between playing on my xbone and laptop.

Attached: 9a4b80efea75d5a5adaf130fc689de581e3d41f3.jpg (1800x1500, 573.1K)

how big is her dick, exactly?

Attached: ps4.png (809x1535, 39.15K)

>>508900713bout 6 or 7


>>508901142maybe 8

>>508899580?>>508899580How come user?

>>508901830Ignore them, they're just trying to start shit.

>people stop drawing the noncanon switch designs>threads get better and we have consistent after darksI’ve been saying it for months and now I get to bask in victory


Attached: beepbeepbeep.png (263x147, 16.51K)

>>508899730you say that as if conditioning is some sort of obscure psychological fact that rarely happens


Attached: 89465327002121.gif (250x192, 516.22K)

Someone requested snes feet some weeks ago.Here you go

Attached: snesfeet2collab.png (1528x1480, 741.76K)

>>508903435very nice

Attached: 1581050892162.png (800x800, 626.42K)

>>508903435/d/ shit

>>508900372Man takes me back. Didn't know somebody even saved that old pic of mine.

Attached: VitaGotgeym.jpg (2200x2000, 847.41K)

>>508895238This is just Vita's personalities split

>>508903435actual good feet. noice.

>>508897512Its a Visual Novel with Extra Steps


Attached: 1562701776573.png (1989x1649, 200.61K)

>>508883591>>508884395Good stuff user, more Genesis is always appreciated. Maybe upload the full on imgur/catbox if you're having to downscale it.

Attached: 1588097056295.jpg (2894x4093, 2.26M)

>>508904921>>508884395Yeah, I uploaded the downscaled one on the booru, but feel free to update the original image and I'll erase mine.

>>508903435Now do her armpits please, with gen licking them

>>508884395>>508904921Not sure where this onsie look came from, I much prefer the jeans and jacket combo, makes her look more tomboy

Attached: 3b9f9d74e534292dc73c5bb451e6ce68986d7ce6.png (373x430, 87.98K)

>>508905990Agreed. Also the lack of Sonic shoes feels wrong.

good morning xbonebros

Attached: 1547004020317.jpg (400x523, 95.64K)

>>508902561fuck off

Attached: smug console3.png (450x450, 112.78K)

>>508853620Requesting Series X-tan impressing PC

Ok, I woke up. Got some chores to do so pls keep the thread alive another couple hours then I'll start doing request deliveries

Attached: 1579133741036.png (1024x768, 61.93K)


Attached: FC2B9A5D-5324-45EE-9FCA-0F3413D16900.png (563x646, 37.35K)

>>508906710Intellivision Amico looks slightly old, illusion of bags under her eyes, Dunno if you were going for that but looks bretty gud.

>>508906649You got it.

Attached: 1589352238435.png (542x488, 148.75K)

>>508905990Different model, different outfit. The jumpsuit is supposed to be based on the Model 3 which is more compact and smooth without that iconic circular bump in the other models.

Attached: 1589357276671.png (837x1704, 308.65K)



Attached: 1586924002768.png (867x684, 27.9K)

>>508881265It’s a cute sketch, love it

>>508903435Holy shit I want to say I was OR, but I kinda forgot. Either way awesome work!

>>508902561You fucked it up, thanks


Attached: 1586307319080.png (844x1126, 27.27K)

I'm getting the feeling of these threads just throwing new tan designs without giving them enough time/content to develop.Unironically kinda soulless.

I want to smell PS4's sweaty, smelly crotch!

>>508909591Painfully understandable

bumpity bump

Attached: 1586372186575.png (412x1038, 253.89K)

>>508906368I happen to love K Switch most of all, but fuck the design wars. I'll just go with whatever PoJ designs and consider that the canon. Worked alright for the Switch, she's been getting popular.

>>508909582That's because console devs keep throwing out consoles without giving them enough time/content to develop.

>>508903160>says the thread where people force fat, feet, futa, armpits, hairy, inflation, and more without objection

>>508913258Teeth brushing chads rise up.

Attached: 1587554598981.png (326x358, 8.03K)

>>508909582God forbid we create new content instead posting the same old busted tans over and over again.

>>508909582Well we are coming up on a new console generation (see >>508860413 for the four "main" -tans this coming gen)

>>508912340Love her eyes in this pic

Attached: androidtamapose1.png (756x816, 165.74K)

Attached: 1585101622007.png (798x598, 100.28K)

I got a tablet to draw, what program is good to start out with? Been using pencils irl, I like some of Krita's pencils. I can register my tablet and get painter essentials 6 and clip studio paint pro, but I haven't done that yet because at a glance they seem like trimmed down versions of the good software.

>>508917271Dat cleavage window

Attached: prrvn.jpg (266x451, 29.74K)

>>508915816Cute tama.>>508917449I usesai, and as far as I know clip studio is a really good program, probably better than sai.

>>508917449Sai is probably your best bet

>>508917449For what it's worth, I enjoyed using Krita, MyPaint (although iirc a later update fucked it up) and Autodesk Sketchbook. Circa 2014 pirated Manga Studo 5, and since then have been happy using Manga Studio, later Clip Studio Paint; bought the thing outright. If you can get CSP Pro for free I'd get it, it's got a lot of the features of the complete version and CSP tends to go on discount a ton of times so if you end up really wanting the full you can easily get it for cheap later.Although, this is assuming you mean tablet like drawing tablet. If you mean tablet as in iPad or something, I dunno if I can recommend CSP- IIRC they've got a subscription model on mobile now.

>>508917271BIG FAT CAT TATS

Attached: thefreakingwiiuisded.png (3259x1782, 366.48K)

Alright, time to start drawing requests. Gonna be reading from OP down

>>508920054godspeed to yah.

Attached: approve.png (145x119, 4.18K)

Attached: saldat.png (354x215, 36.18K)


Attached: vitadtv.png (294x312, 27.95K)

New little comic

Attached: androidjoyditamacomic1.png (1548x1964, 823.68K)

>>508921234What's this? What's this?

Attached: 1582429381947.png (129x184, 8.51K)


>>508921171Fuck, this is hot as hell. Good shit

Has anyone ever drawn idort with a harem of console-tans?

Attached: 1491074055910.png (1046x1288, 264.66K)

Attached: field.png (1381x895, 1.26M)

>>508893167homo Shield is best Shield

Attached: thing.png (520x282, 28.7K)

>>508921234Mmmm... that poster...

>>508857621Requesting once again a picture of Commodore 64 in a body of water telling the other consoles on the beach to stay the fuck out of her sea.


>>508922902Who is the one sitting in the chair?


Attached: phillips.png (1080x1349, 243.39K)

>>508922124Oh shit

Attached: 1556710298606.png (238x270, 4.28K)

>>508920054Good luck man, looking foward to it

>>508923449Oh shit, there's a Phillips company-tan?

>>508922740I don't think so, but I like the idea

Attached: hlf.png (209x334, 63.52K)

>>508922740There's this one from Graph way back when

Attached: 8ac50cbace2a3cae5c63c7897526f4f4094a3c4f.jpg (962x559, 251.91K)

I got two questions.Did people ever decide on a Switch-tan?Is there a Switch Lite-tan as well?

Attached: bacd0091-a3b5-4f31-be65-bb7c53ec1ac3.__CR0,0,2067,847_PT0_SX1464_V1___.jpg (1464x600, 88.89K)

>>508857621Requesting a PS4 gaining weight and becoming a bit chubby. Have her comment about how heavy her boobs are getting.

>>508925092The PoJ Switch's long been the generally agreed one, but people draw the others if they feel like it too. There's two drawings of a Switch Lite, but she rarely gets used so there's no "generally agreed on" one yet

>>508925092this is the switch lite design I've seen

Attached: switch lite kid.png (1217x1108, 783.66K)


>>508926017>it’s a “it’s another anime girl with a hat to tell you what console they are” episode


Attached: 1564959891912.png (789x1139, 88.79K)

>>508926320>"character identification bad">its another retard running its mouth episode


Attached: Console Tan Switch Twins Sharing.png (1142x1985, 807.2K)

>>508926778i suppose making her flatter would be injustice.

>>508926778Nice look, good call on the hair streak

>>508925092>>508926017Here's another one, but you don't see it as often

Attached: 1562776717765.png (333x574, 32.45K)


Attached: 468c27f13796dc99ee66bdf4008bc1d835b7c9ad.png (457x363, 19.2K)

I miss Inkerton...

Attached: 1472579437386.png (373x331, 53.75K)

>>508926778Something about scarfs are just rad as all hell

>>508927668I miss Potion.

Attached: fa1e4946a1ebcf33351598ed57c91165346a2794.png (720x506, 15.39K)

>>508928143I miss my mom.

Attached: momtana.png (318x615, 120.71K)


Attached: uh oh spooky.png (400x400, 7.41K)

>>508928503Retron 5 was made for dom material, and this is amazing!

>>508928503Good edit

>>508928794It was a pleasure to serve you

Attached: 804f02383702b7f0b6dd8f5c8a0f400ad0a87949.png (800x728, 64.46K)


boning Xbone

Attached: da44ffd9b9387b271fc7aa0d0e5f61ded85d7724.png (502x697, 85.3K)

>>508929531Totally gay.consoletan.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9286

>>508929970I would.

>>508930061Damn right

Attached: 1579680687487.png (983x1013, 74.98K)

>>508930061I gotta agree with Shield, fuck this gay shit


Attached: 1578494368444.png (1457x2064, 234.36K)

>>508928461I wish microsoft was my mom and my gfalso pc and toasty being related to microsoft is dumb

Attached: 1549398494465.png (772x1080, 186.84K)


>>508930805>PS5 gets JUSTedKek

>>508930805That's fucking adorable and hot. Also love the seething expression on PS5.

>>508930472I'd fuck this gay shit.

>>508931783Then you ARE the gay shit


Attached: 1587290653044.jpg (500x427, 207.34K)

>>508913258I have no fucking idea what this has to do with my post.

>>508860171Thanks for that user.

>>508878643smol bean

>>508930061damn, shield is bisexual?!?

Attached: 8d36e5c4ec2971bd27b298a9951ec7534777eca4.jpg (641x835, 138.74K)

Did sega get some love with the release of Streets of Rage 4?

>>508933467He is just confused.He needs a little bit of a push.

>>508933654>He needs a little bit of a pushOr pull, if you're the one pounding him.


Attached: 1581087281693.png (1457x2064, 186.82K)

>>508934236Naomi a cute! A CUTE!Love the art a lot.

Out of curiosity, what do you guys think of Merryweather and his artist friends console girls designs?

>>508934759Doesn't ring any bells.

>>508934759Merryweather was always good at hiring people to do cute enough anime designs. I like their Switch design. So long as we're talking console-tans from outside of here though, Yoshizaki's are still my favourites, followed by a few of the Sega Hard Girls

>>508933775>Or pull, if you're the one pounding him.As in threatening to pull out and Shield begs for more?

Attached: adreamofnibs.png (266x366, 37.83K)

>>508935416Requesting 360 and Scorpio giving SeX the nibs she dreams of.

>>508935416Sharp teeth best teeth

Attached: Firefox_Screenshot_2020-05-16T18-09-11.421Z.png (483x526, 33.2K)

>>508936390poor foreshortening, makes arms look tiny and neck non-existent

Attached: sssz.png (400x880, 257.76K)

>>508934759Bland, most of them are just basic serafuku schoolgirls with some token branding in their outfits/hair, he doesn't actually stretch the character design at allThing I like about /ctt/ is that though we occasionally reuse some design elements, a lot of -tans try to use the console to inform every aspect of their design rather than just what boils down to costumes

its wednesday


Attached: 1572619675103.png (1457x2064, 175.2K)

>>508857621Requestiong Streets of Rage Mash up with tans

>>508937097I had to look them up and I agree. Not a big fan of Merryweather's design and you hit the nail on the head.

>>508937568Well God damn looks like I found my new phone wallpaper. Thank you so much, came out perfect!

>>508936891Toasty always wins babey!

Attached: 1589319809498.png (790x552, 23.98K)

>>508936891Based Toasty

>>508937898Genesis and Game Gear are shoo ins, since they had SoR games

Sorry deliveries are being so slow, I'm trying to multitask drawing and lunch and just going slow on both

>>508939827Ngage is perfect bully material

>>508940853Ngage for loving bullying, Ouya for hateful bullying.

>>508941265Agreed. Truly, the duality of man

>>508940586Nothing to worry about bruv. You're doing so much, so just take your time.

Attached: file.png (862x746, 313.17K)

>>508942180>DOMINIC YOU RAT!

>>508942180poggers reference?

>>508942465>>508942513Damn, both of those would have been better ideas to reference. Maybe with another cattwitter.com/CoolBoxArt/status/1263144957377839104

>>508942180Jag doesn't look very comfy.


Attached: 1584249826330.png (1457x2064, 141.52K)

>>508943660I will now invest in your console

Attached: c3fb6310cd2884e83e65b87fe17901643c637faa.png (2445x4376, 2.16M)

>>508945294Busty chicks in yukatas are the best.

>>508945294Makes me want someone to make a JAV cover for a tan>XBOX-116 - "Don't put it in my ass!" Girl stuck in wall is thoroughly pleased by random men while crying but secretly enjoys

>>508945815true, I like that image more because of how cute it is though

Attached: 1498014008729.png (178x421, 25.21K)

>>508946196I agree. Yukatas are pretty stylish in general.

>>508930805PS4, later on: You bring great shame.

Someone has that old comic where the girls ask PC why he doesn't have face and he answer that he can "mod himself", then proceeds to mod his face into hot guys and then a girl?

>>508946195there's this consoletan.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=7037>>508946439I kind of wish more tans wore them aside from famicom and sega mark III, maybe nintendo could wear one too instead of a business suit, or at least in a home setting rather than a formal one

Attached: d03f5024b8ef91f4361b054f60c8515ee8097ff3.png (1169x1788, 1.56M)

>>508946195That's a pretty hilarious idea. I can't think of any titles because I rarely read them, I just look for the codes.

With the Wonderful 101 Remaster having halfway come out, anyone thinking about putting approptiate tans into CENTINEL suits?

>>508946795Shit. I know the comic you're talking about, but I don't have it on me.


Reminder: Gyaru Switch

Attached: 1568232408226.png (330x313, 32.79K)

>>508946958Good damn user need sauce

>>508930061>But traps aren't gayPC knows it

Attached: 1500425060655.png (258x264, 8.22K)

Continuing the Helltaker trend, here's 3DS Justice.I don't have a tablet but if anybody here's willing to line and color this I'd really appreciate it

Attached: 3DS Justice 2.jpg (1263x2131, 215.4K)

>>508895317>CorruptedReminds me of a hentai i readimgur.com/a/Yrd49g4

>>508853620i did a thing...

Attached: my first draw..jpg (1455x532, 53.91K)

>>508948069This didn't warrant being deleted

>>508948840Now draw her getting upstaged by a PVM.

>>508948969I think user just didn't want to waste a post since someone already linked to the comic above

>>508948969Was it the nipple?

>>508936891Toasty be part of the team

Attached: f9073ab29b833719af05d9ef7f868cb7805b72cd[1].png (550x400, 176.89K)

>>508949218There's no nipple I think it was what >>508949192 said

>>508902641I wouldn't mind three Tigers all over me

Attached: 1560744133073.jpg (428x424, 16.04K)

>>508949612My bad I was thinking of that earlier post

>>508949183but i don't know what that is...user what is an PVM?i'm only her kus i saw drawing and it lookd like fun

>>508947990I want

>>508950125PVM is a professional video monitor and considered the best crt for retro games.

Attached: PVMem.jpg (4032x3024, 1.35M)

>>508858508then fuck off this board braindead faggot


Attached: 1560317215548.png (326x371, 63.2K)

>>508950945that sounds hot user.but for now i think i'm just gonna try and draw an ok circle.

>>508951390Wow that's really good. Love the expression

>>508951587You do that user. Make the best damn circle there is


Attached: anondidathing.png (963x875, 304.13K)

Still up?

>>508950945 user i found another thing i dont know that is. what is a meleefag? >>508952886alsow im hard at work on those circles.

>>508953618We ain't dead just yet

>>508953657It's common practice to add the suffix of -fag to describe certain people. Such as people who draw are drawfags, so a meleefag is someone who competitively plays Super Smash Bros Melee.

Attached: c7a3e521b904ef60db616944fa7ed9ec2100e0f2.png (500x500, 18.08K)

>>508952886Me on the right

Attached: 1580285628647.png (292x280, 30.51K)

>want to spend all day doing deliveries>there's drama going on with a friend and their work that doesn't involve me but is hilarious and keeps distracting mewelp

>>508957267NooooDon't let the drama consume you!

>>508955158ohh. i know what the -fag suffix is. nervr heard anyone refer to it as a ''suffix'' tho, so that gave me a chuckle & made me put on a big shit eating grini was refering to the melee part of the -fag thankyou for the help anonalsow do meleefags have an afinety for old TVs?

Attached: me=dumb fug..jpg (234x352, 11.82K)

>>508957440It's kind of a meme that melee players are obsessed with playing on CRTs because of low input lag.

I don't often browse these threads but I like the little tiger gremlin, she cute.

>>508952886why dont he have any legs user?

>>508957354fuck man, it's hilarious. basically the company has a new product out that tries to be a very bland tame version of japanese stuff, but their normal audience is entrenched american geeks, so even the bland tame version is getting a lot of "eww what is this" responsesgreat stuff to read


Attached: fc0.png (895x824, 39.13K)

>>508958184...and now I'm interested too. Fuck.What company?

>>508958339I know it's assholish but I'd rather not say much, sorry. I'll mention it's /tg/ stuff and that might be enough to guess, or to ask them and have them guess.

>>508957628Tiger’s the key to all of this. Because she’s a funnier character than we had before.

Attached: 98569FC5-D654-4417-AC93-03BDE524A31E.png (1205x1176, 135.41K)

>>508958184What is it, a virtual assistant/wife?

Attached: 1520986524794.png (1400x1800, 922.09K)

>>508957591ohh ok. this drawing thing is turning out to be really fun. i think im gonna go cook my dinner.im gonna make beef stroganof.what did you have for dinner today user?

Attached: thankyou anon.jpg (637x787, 43.96K)

Attached: 1585457930792.png (2209x1507, 48.53K)

>>508959030I have not had dinner yet.

>>508957628Tiger breathed new life into /ctt/.

Attached: 1580936848405.png (737x793, 25.9K)

>>508948584Damn. That looks like some good shit.

>>508959072My schedule is all kinds of off, so i usually don't eat dinner until about 10pm or later.Gonna have steak with sauteed homegrown mushrooms and baked potato.

>>508959692Damn that sounds so good. I’m making myself some chicken and rice.


Attached: 1575612130878.png (1457x2064, 154.51K)

>>508960103Ooh I like what you did with the clouds.

Requesting Tiger dressed as the Nostalgia Critic

Attached: tiger critic.png (480x270, 99.16K)

>>508853620Why does that intense, lustful, paranoid, psychotic female face make me so horny?

One of my favorite wrestlers died and now I'm so depressed I can barely concentrate on my homework.

>>508960641Because you have good taste, my friend.

>>508853620>when she gets a whiff of your dick


>>508959072i hope you get dinner soon. and that you dont get to hungry!>>508959692souds good do you eat anything with the Baked potato? like a sause made from the mushroom runnoff?>>508959793just chicken and rice, no greens or anything?and thankyou to the user who made my bloob man/thing holding a cup. a hole bunch more nice and cool thx.

Attached: thx for the help anon..jpg (184x271, 7.91K)


>>508961345Well I’ve got some carrots and peas to go alongside my rice. Just turned in my final and taking it easy right now.


Attached: nothing_suspicious_here.png (666x507, 18.42K)

>>508877474>antics where ray-tracing accidentally activates, such as her concentrating too hard>leading to either inadvertently blasting something/someone with eye beams, or X-ray vision of something she didn't mean to see>either way it startles everyone else and she can barely let out a quiet (sorry, sorry!) before running off in embarrassment

Attached: Untitled.png (240x240, 8.75K)

>>508962018I love these little bastards


Attached: 1581596946186.png (650x543, 20.54K)

>would have delivered more but stuck at work doing overtimeSuch is life, maybe next week

>>508961916sounds hard what was your final on?cut the carrot in to sticks and but em in with rice it gives the rice a bit of sweetnes (DO NOT DO THIS WITH THE PEAS!)

Attached: DONT PUT IN THE PEAS..jpg (378x409, 18.89K)

>>508963245No worries my guy. We’ll be here!


Attached: 1564765070612.png (275x662, 21.34K)

>>508963384Thankfully the professor decided to not give out a standard test, and instead have us answer some questions about the overall semester. The last essay for the class was on the vidya Kentucky Route Zero, but I didn’t really like the game.

>>508961345I usually load my potato with sour cream and shredded Monterey Jack cheese. Maybe since I've got extra time tonight I'll cook up some bacon and just fuck my body up with that on my potato too.

>>508963230>>508962018>>508960520t. Tiger

Attached: 1514334072589.png (1600x1145, 225.73K)

>>508964306You can't prove that.

Attached: 1569342643979.gif (432x585, 16.04K)

>>508963940The teary eyes on her are fantastic


PSP is Perfection!

Attached: 53954b6fca907b39e28ca96d4f62810fa6a895be[1].png (1151x845, 145.47K)

I dont want the thread to end lads

Attached: 1548787532109.png (849x811, 35.48K)

>>508926801>character identification badNot at all. But when that’s how you identify like 6+ other tans, it’s lazy.

>>508965504We'll always be with you, anonin your heart

>>508965504It has to be this way

Attached: be13258b89c818cd36b7b4d40185f5ea8ca5ddf0.png (579x983, 52.23K)

>>508965372Licking PSP's sweaty thighs!

>>508901830same reason litteral /d/ tier fetishes are allowed but a dog isn't: autism.

>>508964052>Kentucky Route Zerowhat is it about user?why dont you like it?

>>508965683>>508965750well that's a shame, at least there's always next week to talk more about GBA

Attached: 0867f771e144ee81b734e450349ec77c37d01258.png (672x899, 300.37K)

>>508930805>this>PS5Who was the shitter who came up with this design

>>508932761That’s ok user, use that big boy brain a little more and the neurons might activate.>>508937097

>>508937097Literally describing /ctt/ with “every tan must be an anime girl with the console as a hat and hair colored in company colors”

>>508966041It was an episodic game that started in 2013, and got its last episode this year, and you play as a guy who has to make a delivery. I didn't like it cuz it was a boring as all hell walking simulator. I didn't even play it. I saw videos of it and instantly knew I'd dislike it.

Attached: db7d42d8a0ce909ba12add2be096e682ad9efc77.png (800x1000, 260.75K)

>>508966676Basically. Only difference is /ctt/ is more western-influenced while Merryweather posts more eastern-influenced.I have trouble identifying most of the new tans that are made, honestly, they all just blur together.

>>508966130Same. Tuesdays are my favorite days because of these threads.

Attached: 31d53bee997c106b623ecea6dd4c90c4fec76790.png (1073x1197, 50.07K)


Thread’s almost done, give me suggestions.Not going to draw them though because I’m a non-artfag I just want to see how many people don’t click spoilers.

Attached: 77A12CB5-422A-4390-9EC6-8424EF654751.png (500x556, 95.98K)

>>508967147Genesis licking SNES's armpits and vice versa

>>508965990>>508966396>>508966676>>508967116I appreciate a lot, anons, that you waited until the thread's nearing its end to be salty like this

>>508967147I read it :)

>>508967147uhhhhh switch and mobile flossing in 8k super ultra HDi want it within the next five minutes

Attached: Firefox_Screenshot_2020-05-20T22-30-41.519Z.png (216x205, 11.19K)

>>508967298I will take appreciation in the form of dinobox art


Attached: file.png (540x526, 126.43K)

>>508967467nice work not-grant

>>508967147I want nothing, be desireless, reach /ctt/ nibbana.

>>508967239Even if no one is doing these, I'm seconding this one

Attached: cf2b2a14fd6aa53a5633f999e729d73460544f75.png (241x200, 2.6K)

>>508967553I accept this title



>>508967121me too user>>508967147I read the spoiler but I'm still gonna reply to third this >>508967239

Attached: 1497387207658.png (800x600, 167.4K)

>>508967621Nevermind this shit, I'm also seconding >>508967239

>>508967467>next nostalgia critic is on alpha and omegaOh h*ck, oh f*ck

Attached: 0e8b00574b6b1479fc0b711425ec1a22d1f31a25.png (997x1025, 189.76K)

Okay, /ctt/. It's time. Sony, Sega, and Microsoft consoles want to know. It's time to bully.What are each Nintendo's tans biggest secrets?

Give me a catz request

Attached: file.png (685x698, 375.93K)

>>508857621>Stick requests to thisoh, well fuck and here i am being a fucking retard to this poor user.guess there is a reason we say ''lurk more''>>508948840>>508949183>>508950125>>508950945>>508951587>>508951869>>508952886>>508953657>>508955158>>508957440>>508957591>>508959030thank you for spoon feeding me and for your infinite patience user.