I hate how Disney was allowed to buy star wars. They have ruined the world

oh, and by "make something original" really i mean "stick to george's episode 7 outline, because i'm sure it was way better than the trash we got"

4 billion dollars


From the start, Star Wars a shitshow full of jewish projections. They truly cannot stand the beauty and might of what Germany once was so they must constantly attack it ( in vain, mind you).

In reality, it is ZOG that uses programmed clones to carry out their absurd ideas. It's only fitting that Republic would go full cuckold.

they only made 2 on the movie, and at most another 1 on the merchandise/disneyworld

george wins

shush faggot, george depicted germany correctly, while disney is drowning it in muh black/white everyone is ebul propaganda.

lol u wat

well sure

you have the head honcho fucking shit up (sheev)

the second in command actually doing shit right (vader)

the average joes who are fighting for a multitude of reasons (stormtroopers and such)

With how much they shit on the General Staff and tried to stick everything on the understaffed OKW it's no wonder Hitler squandered everything he'd regained.

Forgot pic

that's a decent gi joe collection you've got there

Low effort bait Moshi. Didn't even get a rustle out of me.