Name your favorite cult classic. One like The Room where it's so laughably bad its genius

Name your favorite cult classic. One like The Room where it's so laughably bad its genius.

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Final Fantasy 14 is a cult classic


>>507762023How? FFX is a Holla Forums cult classic for sure.

>>507761954So have your sales increased yet?

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>>507761954YIIK?More like YIIKES!

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>>507761954YIIKES will never be a cult classic.

The poster below me will never have a girlfriend. Make fun of him.

>>507762170That WAS a doosie. Has anyone here genuinely played this garbage?

>>507762167>taking the time to crop out these reviews and put them in a folder just to troll some boogeyman devTake your meds, incel.

>>507762508I now agree with him, you are 100% the loser dev that made this pile of shit.

>>507762481ur gonna die a virgin, incel

>>507762671lol don't ever try to make video games again, you're a failure. LEMONADE

Is it really the dev in here posting his game over and over again?

>>507761954The room was ironically funny to watch this one is still painful to go through even if your being ironic.

Was this game an sjw one or was it just stupid/bad?

Nobody is gonna buy this trash ass game

>>507762808two possibilities;1. it's the dev and this is how he chooses to spend his time (instead of drafting a new game)2. it's some (You) farmer who thinks this is a memeWho cares

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>>507761954TES Oblivion.

dont know why people think the guy who shat out the story is a devyou shouldn't call him that the actual devs are trying to patch the combat to be less shit because they can actually take criticism the "writer" is just up his own ass

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>>507763052Good lord that's beautiful. >>507763031I still legit wanna know if anyone here has played this shit. Specifically if they 1st hand seen the lemonade part.

>>507762508so that's a no for more sales?

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>>507762874No, but since the game is actually bad and is disliked, contrarians on Holla Forums have to like it, plus it makes for good shitposts

>>507762481Based virgin

>>507761954>The Room>it's so laughably bad its geniusHipsters fuck off

I find the shitposts and arguments hilarious as fuck. The few times I don't hates you guys is in these threads. Someone always posts that fucking llama.

>>507763254>Good lord that's beautiful.I'm a sucker for this shit>I still legit wanna know if anyone here has played this shit. Specifically if they 1st hand seen the lemonade silly ass has 400~ steam friends and only one has it wishlisted and none of them own it. This game is a joke. Check out that video by Running Shine about the game and you glean everything you need to know as to whether or not you want to buy it.

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>>507762931No this game is fairly alt right. Maybe that's why this board is obsessed with it.>inb4 combat patch

>>507762874yeah its pretty funny


>>507761954It's obvious you are shilling your trash game every day. Nobody is going to buy this especially with your soí looking faggot characters.But whatever you will bump this thread until it hits post limit anyway.

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>>507763692Oh trust me, I don't want it. That's mad hilarious though, out of 4000 people, 1 has it...

>>507763606I agree. Yiikposting is fun and harmless but only when it triggers people and then it's more fun. Better than wojaks.

>>507761954The Legendary Prophecy Of Light And Darkness: The Power To Save The World. Still waiting for the sequel because the ending was such a great plot twist.

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>we have threads every now and then mocking yiikes>discord trannies want to ban this too because they failed at banning abby choke memes

>>507761954Nobody likes it except the most learned patricians

Attached: Dark_Cloud_PS2_Game_cover.jpg (265x375, 26.24K) shill sage

>>507764081Don't EVER compare yiikes to fucking dark cloud.

YIIK is shit, Exo Skello Teen post instead

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>>507764125busted. Just like that one faggot that makes n64/oot hate threads every day.

>>507764081This one is good. I never owned this game but rented it constantly. The fucking game was so comfy that even like 10 year old me still remembers the music.


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>>507764224Johnny is home, bitch. Anything anime is by default better.

>>507761954I don’t know if it’s “laughably” bad but FFX-2. The plot is absolute trash but it’s one of the most fun turn based RPGs I’ve ever played.

>>507764324>>507764125>>507763871>>507763386>>507763052>>507762167Calm down Barry, there's enough threads for you already.

Anyone played it since the combat patch?

>>507761954that's very funny ha ha ha hawannawatchmejerkoff?

>>507764506The n64 guy isn't him, the one who makes the oot and n64 hate threads is some autistic furry into vore.

>>507764534no dev, we didn't. now please kill yourself

>>507763254I played the switch version. Can confirm it's ass. It's funny as shit to play but the problem is that unlike the room which is a fun few hour experience. YiiK takes forever and it feels more like your being forced to experience a piece of shit versus watching a piece of shit in good fun.>Also I didn't even make it to the lemonade part.

>>507763871Theoden King is unironically the best LOTR character that's not Boromir

>>507764668Same guy would reccomend you watch this video instead of playing honestly. I only bought and played it for having the stret cred of playing the worst modern era RPG among my nerdy friends. It was not worth it at all>

just a little more maru then I guess i'll see you guys next time this meme thread pops up.

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>>507764839>only bought and played it for having the stret cred of playing the worst modern era RPG among my nerdy friendsWow you are a fucking loser lol

>>507764506Based boogeyman poster

>>507764839>shilling 4chan meme spouting e celebs on Holla ForumsSad its come to this

>>507764362YE YE

>>507763936based tamersbro

>>507765064I am a loser that is true.>also got the switch version so no refunds

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>>507765167FACT YIIK is shit because it doesn't have

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I’m still waiting on the limited run of this game

>>507765234You have to get to the lemonade part 1st before you can return it.

>>507765323Why would you ever want a physical copy of this shit

>>507762874Not really, but because someone did it once all the shitheads that make shit threads say everyone does.It's why you don't see threads where someone talks good about a game they played, because they just get called shill and "hello x company *smug wojak*", until people leave and they declare victory.It's really shitty, but easy to ignore in my opinion.

>>507765427dude why wouldnt you

>>507765530Depends if the llama is on the cover.

>>507765323what about the limited run of your mouthand my cock?

this game is literally garbage and making threads on Holla Forums isnt convincing anyone to buy it. try making a better game next time instead dude.

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His style looks so bad. It looks like he failed cal arts and then went to some bootleg ass school to finish up.

>>507765763but YIIK was his attempt at making a better game, his last one got pulled from Steam for Plagiarism

I liked it when he said "fuck".

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>>507765806Look at Alex's shocked expression with his hands on his head and then the Keebler Elf design for their Whoopsy! Fudge stripes.Almost the exact same thing outside of the smile.

>>507765806As much as I hate that shit, he would never get into that school. Neither of them would. They're hacks.

>>507765763I'm not a footfag, but sauce.

>>507766102Post it cuzin, I don't know any of their names

>>507762481please be in London

>>507764950I love her work. Goddamn she's the LITERAL perfect body type

>>507766285I'm a man ding dong. Why he fuck what I said mean I was a girl?

>>507766253sorry, don't have it, just saved the .webm from another degenerate.

>>507765323They said it’s gonna happen this year