Why do I see so many games with amazing graphics but not fun?

Why do I see so many games with amazing graphics but not fun?

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because graphics cost a ridiculous amount of money to produce, throw in marketing, there's like 10 dollars left in the budget to make a fun game with good mechanics.

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I wish game developers stop hiding behind graphics.


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>>507761108making something look good is more objective a concept than fun to play, i'm sure that every shit mechanic had at least one guy thinking it was the neatest thing since shiti'm sure most developers don't give a rats ass about actually trying to make the game fun though

>>507761108Where is this from?

>>507761108It's easier to make something look ""good"" than it is to make genuinely fun gameplay

>>507761407Smirking Partners

>>507761407Smiling Friends.


>>507761348I did. I thought it was funny

What about this?

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>>507761495Name a game you like the look of, but didn't enjoy, and what you would change.

>>507761108>>507761348Fuck off nigger no one cares about your Reddit and Morty ripoff.

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>>507761108They are fun, you just forgot how to have fun.

>>507761398>i'm sure most developers don't give a rats ass about actually trying to make the game fun thoughThe sheer number of Indie devs make this statement invalid.The general consensus in the indie world is to make fun games, because they can't afford to sell with looks alone.

>>507761348its nice to have a cartoon that just wants to be dumb and not some retarded pseudo-intellectual bullshit like R&M's devolved into, and not over-reliant on grossout shit and pure stoner humor like most of adult swim's other shiti'm not sure if i can actually trust them to keep that consistent though or if its going to veer too hard in either direction, the "life is meaningless" shit was played as a gag but i'm sure some fucking retards are going to take it in earnest and they may hijack the show

>>507761108why do you keep posting this shit?

>>507761407Cringing Gays

>>507761348It's fucking dogshit, worse than Mr Pickles. I have no clue why people shill it so much except for ecelebs.

>>507761681That's kind of cool I guess.

>>507761763I don't think the moral/message of Smiling Friends was "life is meaningless". I think the message was supposed to be "helping people can come at great personal cost".

You got 150 artists at a studio but only 2 gameplay designers.But gameplay designers STILL need to take into account aesthetics. When people talk level design, they're no longer talking about pathing or item placement, but how good the level looks.When games were only 10-50 people you could get a focused product. 100+ people means more time is spent managing them then actual work getting done.

>>507761681Coolest shit I've seen all day.

>>507761939I liked Mr. Pickles

>>507761632good game

>>507761632I miss the "Sim" series.

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>>507761108Because companies throw an insane amount of money into modeling the asshole hairs of a character but refuse to give the go-ahead to games that don't fall in line with the most popular market research.

>>507761108Fun not important, only presentation important.

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>>507761495That's completely wrong; designing a game and developing a proof of concept is way easier and more affordable.

>because this!>because that!user, no. it's because you just don't like games anymore. 90s you would've been completely fucking blown away with gaming now, because you actually liked games back then. but you've changed. just let go of gaming.

>>507761348I did. It’s not very good. Relies far too much on shock value rather than any jokes with any sort of structure. It’s almost as if it was made by someone who only knows how to be entertaining through short internet videos on a by yearly upload schedule.

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>>507761632>Thought the bottom of the box said Electronic Arts Company>Realized this game was released before the EA buyout of Maxis>"The Electronic Ant Colony"Is this prophetic or am I retarded?


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>>507761348i did. it was ___bad

>>507761108it's like how this show had good animation but wasn't funny. wait a minute the animation was shit So why is it on every board makes no sense... oh wait .. it's by some internet waifu of some spergs.

>>507761108work is put into the graphics and not the gameplay, because flashy shit sells more than fun now.

>>507763075You take that backZack is a precious gift from the High heavens and everything he touches is gold- give it a chance.

>>507763306>internet waifuI mean, you're not TOO far off the mark...

>>507763075you sound buttmad nigger

>>507761495define fun faget

>>507763394Not that user, but coming as a fan of Zach, if this is the best he came up with after 10 years working in the industry, it's a bit underwhelming.

>>507763394you need to step back man. Once you're in love with someone this is how you think, yes. but later you fall out of love and you look back and laugh at how you thought the totally ordinary things they did were exceptional - and how you even projected greatness into them in ways they never even tried to claim. Like someone says they help their dad at his business and if you're in love with them you just assume they were like acting CEO at some big corporation but it's actually a guy in a shed. Later you will say they lied about it but they never did. Later you will hate sam hyde or Olney or whatever it is because you will say they lied and tricked you into thinking things were funny that were lame. but they didn't it's just you being in love

It's marketing. Graphics by its nature sells itself, someone sees it and enjoys it with no other work from anybody trying to sell that person on the game. Now lets think about something like FPS, a better FPS looks somewhat better but most of its value comes from when someone plays a game and feels the responsiveness. The work to show to show off something like responsiveness or how fun and satisfying a gameplay loop is going to be is going to be more while having a way smaller pool of people that it will actually work on. So if you're an exec who's completely disconnected from gaming and sees that a dollar spent on art assets gets a 200% return and QA testing or adding another team of developers only gets a 120% return you're going for the 200% until diminishing returns equalize it with everything else.

user....did you really think when video games got pozzed by normies that new games ever stood a chance? You better pray a big studio makes a good game or you are shit out of luck. Once I play this botched last of us game, I'm officially done playing games for the time being. Could be years.

>>507761108Why did Mike do it?



>>507761694>They are funOnly if you're a braindead zoomer.>you just forgot how to have fun.Nope, still have plenty of fun with good games.

Because 'the industry' had ruined gaming and that's regrettably what sells to unskilled normalfags

>>507761407Smiling niggas

>>507764029Based star trek man

>>507761230No, bro. AAA games look nice because retards like shiny things. Obviously retards also have shit taste and can't deal with any level of complexity deeper than Peggle. If the game doesn't basically complete itself than most people who buy it will never complete the game.


The worst is that even indies are not fun


sadly graphics are what attract the average person not gameplay

>>507761230>we ran out of money in the fun budget, now we can't make the game fun!Yes, that is exactly how video game development works.

>>507763460lack of an argument shows you're the buttmad nigger

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>>507761348I liked it but I have no idea where the hell they're gonna go with it

>>507761108Most games have just been rehashes for like the past 10-15 years. Technology stopped limiting gameplay much a long time ago and peaked back then too, so people just focused on cutscenes, graphics, etc. to sell games instead.Your best hope is probably for VR to keep improving if you actually care about gameplay.

>Look for games>Most games bad>Find game that looks good>Don't want to play it

>>507763075Thank you for encompassing my feelings exactly about it. It also doesn't help that the voice cast sucked hard and had the range and emotion of a high school play. Yes, even Zach.

>>507761108There are a lot more bad games with bad graphics that bad games with good graphics

>>507763460It was a genuine non derogatory complaint. I don’t know how you could have misinterpreted it so poorly. Criticism helps to improve not to tear down.

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>>507762603correct post