Xenoblade: Definitive Edition

It's that time again get in here

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>>507755805Previews come out tomorrow btwWhat's the Metacritic prediction? Realistically I'm thinking 90 while my worst case scenario is upper 80s like 85-86

>The thread about Xenoblade 1 DE cenosrship got removedFucking kek, it proves jannies are working with Nintendo or are Nintenbros.

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>>507755805I'm convinced that this game is hyped by people who only played up until eryth sea and just kinda have fond memories of the music and general atmosphere up unitl then.

>>507756013>Previews come out tomorrow btwSo that means we get reviews right?

>>507756025That thread was retarded so the mods are doing their job cleaning up trash


>>507756142Maybe, the handling of news for this game has been weird

>>507756964>the handling of news for this game has been weirdWhat do you mean?

>>507755805Where's the leaks?

>>507756025Is it censored?

>>507756142No, reviews will come out closer to the release date.

I just want this game back.

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>>507757084Daily Twitter drip, we didn't get gameplay until this month, and previews are coming out two weeks from release. But that's probably normal since the base game is a decade old it's just weird to me.

>>507757741I see

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>>507757731Oh, it's her.

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>>507757919I miss the soul.

>>507758234are you just saying that because you don't have one?

>『ゼノブレイド ディフィニティブ・エディション』と『ゼノブレイド2』の壁紙をご用意しましたので、ご活用ください。 *画像の加工や営利目的の利用、再配布はご遠慮ください。>"We made wallpapers of Xenoblade Definitive Edition and Xenoblade 2"What did they mean by this?

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>>507758437They made wallpapers

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>>507757838Also I forgot the big thing of the world-wide pandemic. I'm a first-timer who already preordered the game but I've been getting withdraws from not seeing what changes this version offers over the original. Most of the spoilers don't really bother me

>youtube.com/watch?v=vyFV4Srl4c0Someone made a Timelapse Comparison of Eryth Sea. No idea where they got the definitive edition footage from though. When people said it out of preview tomorrow isn't that now in JP time?

youtu.be/vyFV4Srl4c0Someone made a time Timelapse Comparison between Wii and Definitive Edition. No idea where they got the footage tho

>>507759326Uh a little late there

>>507759191I think the embargo lifts at the same time worldwide.

>>507758437Nintendo just put out a shitton of wallpapers for Switch games for reasons. All Switch games, obviously so XBDE and XB2 are in there.

>>507759548Feels good to be acknowledge

>>507759191>>507759326DE looks great

>>507757731"Seven" looks pretty good. Is it me or her hair looks like has a bit more volume to it?

>>507756025The game isn't censored

>>507758234The new one objectively looks better, XC1 characters were horrendous looking

>>507760591Compared to her long hair in DE it's the same.>>507760660Yet for some reason some people on this board wish it was so they can complain about it

>>507760591Go back to r.e.d.d.i.t with that "seven" bullshit.

>>507760591>"Seven"never call Fiora that

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>>507760591Why call her seven when there's a picture of her and it's very clearly Fiora?

>>507760758They still could have added some soul in. Like her lips and nose could be in the shape and size as the original style instead of the tiny ones we have for her now.

>>507761007>>507761021>>507761063No duh, I'm playing around anons.

>>507761530or you could not be such a desperate, ridiculous contrarian about literally everything to the point of actually suggesting that we should keep the disgusting fish lips that made every girl look awful in the original

>>507761530Her nose isn't as wide, the lips are a different color but not the same color as her face, although it's not easy to make out the exact color due the screenshot.

>>507761530It looks exactly how I would imagine XB1 would have looked like if it was made with modern tech. The only models were ugly as sin, user. Stop using """soul""" as a substitute for what you're really feeling (rose-tinted glasses)

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>>507761530I get what you mean. They didn't really neef to anime-ize the characters to get them to look good. They would've looked fine if they just used the original designs but with better detail. They look more generic now than they did in the original.

>>507761986>anime-izeI wish I could wring your fucking neck.

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>>507758234The color looks fuller I will admit but it's based on a screenshot of a Switch Lite screen so I will wait for ingame footage, still the wii nails the deadpan look but that's about it

>>507761986>implying XC1 wasn't already anime, just held back by the Wii's shit hardwareStop fooling yourself and just admit the new one is leagues better

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>>507761928>It looks exactly how I would imagine XB1 would have looked like if it was made with modern techThen your retarded since they removed a lot of detail.

>>507762421They removed a lot of *mud

>>507762421This nigga...

>>507762104It was anime, but you're fooling yourself if you think they didn't make them more "anime" than they already were.

>>507762421If by detail you mean the marks on their faces that made it look like they got makeup done by a drag queen then yes. And it's all the better for it

>>507762104It's clearly better, but it's also more generic. They could've made the models look better without downplaying those facial features. It's already better hardware so it would've looked better no matter what; they didn't need to change the artstyle. And don't tell me they always wanted it to look anime, because that would've been a perfectly achievable artstyle on the wii.The remaster looks really good, but it's undeniable that the character designs have "lost soul", in that they look less unique than before. You're crazy to try and dispute this.

>>507761986Have you ever seen the concept art? It's significantly anime, if anything it clashes with the game because the low-res in-game models naturally lack the anime flare.The characters from X are essentially what they originally intended the Xenoblade characters to look like, but couldn't because of the Wii's limitations, I will agree that 2 feels far more anime but that's mostly an artifact of the game's tone, rather than its design straying too far from the rest of the franchise.

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>>507762957By detail I mean upper and lower lip detail, nose bridge, and ala

>>507762619I'm so tired of thisSo, so tired.Every time some dumbass preteen that's just learned for the first time what an opinion is and is getting high off of the feeling of disagreeing with others, they inevitably find their way to the already-cursed Xeno threads and, believing themselves to be the fucking Parmenides of JRPGs, decides to finally make their mark in the world by going "it's too anime, lol." Truly, improvement isn't always a good thing. What does anime mean? It means more generic. What does more generic mean? It means more anime, fuck you.I'm so fucking tired of all of it, just shut the fuck up. Just shut up. Stop it. What's wrong with you. What are you going to gain from this? Does it make you feel righteous to say stupid things over and over again with nonsense words that mean nothing to anyone other than you? Just stop.God I fucking hate Xeno threads.

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We're so close to the release date of Shulk and Fiora's game anons. Can't wait.

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>>507755805Am I the only one that was disappointed by 2?X and 1 are fucking fantastic and 2 just didn't grab me like the others.

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I'm so excited to replay this game. What should I play until then?

>>507763541>Shulk and Fiora's gameShulk and Fiora's game released 10 years ago. What we're approaching is the release of Melia's game.

>>507763691Depends on what genre you feel lik. Personally I'll be playing FF7R and Trials of Mana

>>507761928Jesus christ that old model looks like shitJust looks like absolute shitLike some mid 00s girl doing a duckface or some shit.Or someone with a genetic disorder.That mouth is just fucking gigantic

>>507763907Sort of want a JRPG but also know that I'll need to finish it before XCDE comes out or I probably never will

>>507764015Trials of Mana is like 20 hours for a playthrough if you want something quick.

>>507763879Melia is getting an epilogue where she accepts loneliness.

>>507763532>What does anime mean?The style most commonly used in anime/manga>What does more generic mean?Generic - "characteristic of or relating to a class or group of things" Meaning in this case it's taking more commonly used characteristics used in anime that often makes them incredibly similar (sameface) to one another. Like tiny nose, smooth airbrushed skin lacking texture, tiny lips.>God I fucking hate Xeno threads.Then leave you fucking retard.

>>507762619I'm looking over the models, the main differences seem to be the following>Noses are a bit skinnier>eyes are more detailed, though they take up about the same real-estate on the face.>Lips are far less pronounced>Shading has gone from earthy to more cel-like>Hair has a bit more volume, particularly if it was hanging down before like with Fiora and ShulkThose are the major differences I've seen.It's definitely trending more 'anime' but the major difference I think that rubs most people the wrong way is the shading. It's very typical of current series to have very bold colors for characters, and the original actually kind of under-stated color palette of characters quite a bit.>>507763691I just beat FF4, it was pretty funPlaying FF5 right now and beating XB1 on Dolphin again so I can jump directly into Future Connected

New comparison footage of Eryth Sea:youtu.be/vyFV4Srl4c0

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>>507763691Personally going to play Grandia 1 and if I have time after that, Thracia 776

>>507764236>The style most commonly used in anime/mangaThe issue is that that could mean a lot of things.It sounds pedantic but please specify what you mean by 'common?'Like, 'common' by the number of series that use a style or 'common' by the popularity of particular styles among readers?Because the most popular series tend to be those that actually don't fit cleanly into the typical anime aesthetic: Naruto, DBZ, One Piece all have pretty distinct styles.I'd even throw FMA and Bleach into that mix.

>>507764236I don't care. You win, it's more "anime." Whatever the fuck that means. Why does it even matter? I hate people like you who just want to argue for the sake of arguing. Not about anything important, but over inane bullshit like this. Take your win and just let Xeno threads not go exactly the same way over and over and over again.

>>507764384Already posted, but cute Melia art.


>>507764467>the typical anime aestheticThat's obviously what we're talking about. Why did you even ask this question if you already understand what the "typical anime aesthetic" is?

>>507764115Seconding this, ToM is a breeze and highly replayable. Remake I heard is like 30 hrs as well, and I plan to finish my first playthrough in time for DE

>>507764628Have some more.

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>>507765015This should have happened. Sadly Takahashi has some fetish for female NTR.

>>507755805Reminder that there's a difference between "I liked the old style/The old style grew on me" vs "The new style is bad/The Old style was good"The 'objective' quality of a style tends to be more a matter of the 'tone' or 'mood' it evokes.I think the new style of XB1 does about the same job as the old style: makes the world feel inviting and the characters seem vibrant and likable

>>507763574I like 2 but it is very clear they rushed the fuck out of it, I mean, after X had a development cycle of like 6 years 2 literally came out 2 years after that.My main gripe with 2 is its horrible QOL, the menus are hot garbage and the field skills very poorly implemented.The story is fine, it's not on the level of 1 or X but it gets the job done and characters like Morag and Zeke make up for Rex being boring, the whole thing is made much better by the Torna DLC but that's mostly because parts of that narrative feel like something that was cut out of the main game and as a result certain characters feel flat and incomplete in the main game until you experience their past.

>>507764236Let's go down that route, then, and agree that it's more anime.Who the fuck cares? Why are you so scared of anime? Did you even play the first game? The story of XC1 is anime as fuck.

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I can't wait to play this game with my no Switch. FUCK NINTENDO THIS SHIT HAS BEEN UNATTAINABLE FOR THREE MONTHS.

>>507763909Agreed, her ears are literally flat square textures.

>>507764942Well because I'm making an assumption of what you may have meant with 'typical' being the one the most number of series seem to adopt, the A-1 pictures type of shit

>>507765098I swear there was something going on between Dunban and Vanea, but that may have just been my imagination.

>>507765203>parts of that narrative feel like something that was cut out of the main game and as a result certain characters feel flat and incomplete in the main game until you experience their past.Torna was originally planned to be in the main game so that's exactly why it feels like that. Could you fucking imagine having Torna inbetween the last chapters adding even more hours into this long ass game.

>>507756013The gimped 3DS version got an 86, so ill be very surprised if it does worse than that.

>>507765203I agree with you mostly.2 also suffers more from its story-telling being weak than anything else: its pacing is all over the place and the actual way that certain events are depicted in terms of letting tension build, fall and rest is weird.While I'm happy to have gotten it when I did, I wish they addressed some of the polish issues with patches. Maybe not an entirely re-done dub but more work on some of the cutscenes, and re-working some scenes to give more time to breath

>>507765098I have hope that Future Connected is Takahashi saying "Sorry about that...I got carried away by the whole Giant Green Birds thing".

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finally a good game after the piece of shit of XB2

Is it kinda weird that the squishy mage is also the one who would probably fare best in a fight with no weapons?

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>>507765637I'm sure this version will get a fucking 95 or some such.It'll be on a system at the peak of its attention, released during a pandemic where everyone is stuck doing largely asocial things, at the cusp of a summer season where most people can't go do out-doors social things they normally would.Out of sheer loneliness, a lot of people are going to want to have a group of JRPG friends to hang out with

>>507765516I think they are seen talking in the epilogue, but nothing more.I don't know, Dunban didn't seem like the type to be too interested in romance. I could see him marrying some random Homs girl later down the line.

>>507755805Has it been confirmed to include Japanese audio? I think I'm the only person in the world that fucking despised the English "ay guvnah" dub.

>>507766123Yes it has dual audio.

>>507766123The original Wii European/American release also had dual audio.What it didn't have was Event Theater, which was a feature that was added in XC2.

>>507765857She just touched his shoulder as she approached.

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>>507766174>>507766332Thanks anons. I only had the 3DS version. Didn't get too far because of the voice acting + it just didn't feel right on a tiny screen. Going to give this version a crack though

I can't wait for /xgg/ to come back

>>507764536>Whatever the fuck that meansI literally explained it to you. >I hate people like you who just want to argue for the sake of arguingThe irony.>>507765220>Why are you so scared of anime?I'm not it's just if a game I like uses a anime style you rarely see and replaces it with a more generic style looking one you can find everywhere it's a problem for me.>The story of XC1 is anime as fuck. Not talking about story.

>>507766453>because of the voice actingfiltered

>>507765160This, I hate nostalgiafags. The reason dislike this change is because it's something that's not just updated, but actually different from the original. Even if you don't think being faithful to the original artstyle is an important objective merit, I still think the more realistic-leaning look of the original fits the tone of the game better. It's a game meant to be very big and epic (in the original, unironic use of the word), and the story is fairly serious. I don't think the lighter, more simplistic look of the new character designs is a better fit for the tone of the game than the original.It's a small change of course -- the game's world looks the same as before -- but it's still there.

>>507766453The nice thing about Event Theater is you can watch the cutscenes again in a different language and listen for yourself if you think they did a good job with the dub or not.It also shows how XC2's localization does feel rushed in terms of lip-syncing dialogue. XC1 did it far, far better.


>>507765596>Could you fucking imagine having Torna inbetween the last chapters adding even more hours into this long ass game.To be honest I'm fine with it being a separate thing considering how the game is just too long even without it, I just don't like how disconnecting it from the main game throws a huge wrench into characterization.Maybe remove slow unimportant shit from other places to make up for the excess time spent in Torna (And also expand a bit on the Praetorium); the amount of time spent in Torigoth and Uraya could have been less.

>>507766810>It also shows how XC2's localization does feel rushed in terms of lip-syncing dialogue. XC1 did it far, far better.The actors carefully looked at the game cutscene so their voices matched the tone of the scene as much as possible.The XB2 guys had no context for their lines, which explains the difference in quailty.

>>507760591>seven>in a post-Smash world

>>507766445O HT H E YF U C K I N

>>507766810One was rushed to release to the extent they were doing obvious QoL fixes as post-launch support. The other was "lol I guess we should localize this for the 20 otaku who want it so who cares how long it takes"