1/3 of this game is your character slowly opening doors and slowly turning levers...

1/3 of this game is your character slowly opening doors and slowly turning levers. I'm convinced a major reason this game feels so long is because it's completely filled with non interactive filler animations like this. There is legitimately one 2-20 minute scene where you have to slowly put on a space suit, open some doors, go out and re-orient a satellite dish that's excruciatingly far away from you and then slowly walk back inside, you know nothing interesting is going to happen during this scene because when you have a space suit, your movement options are restricted and your entire inventory is gone. Also the ending chapter was horrendous, if you play this just stop after the first nest scene. I would give the first 1/2 of the game an 8 but the second half is maybe a 6 or lower. It deserved the mix reviews it got, the atmosphere was great and it has some really well designed levels and encounters but it just deliberately wastes far too much of your time.

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those 2-20 minute breaks are imporant in a game some people claim is too dam long. pacing. gotta give players a breather and the enjoyable views aren't bad

>>507753979>non interactive filler animationsA plague on almost all games now. A:I was pretty good, though.

>>507754391Agree with this. The game did drag, especially that fucking forever space walk where you move the satellite, but other parts of the game literally made people cry and turn it off, so you'd think they would welcome some slow parts.

>>507753979>>507754425>non interactive filler animationsNice new buzzword

I'm so conflicted over this game. It absolutely nails the Alien atmosphere and the shit with the actual alien is all great (especially with the unpredictable alien mod). But holy fuck, why is so much of the game just a janky stealth game with robots? I get wanting the game to have some variety, but those pure stealth segments are fucking garbage.

>>507754602>>507754391I totally get pacing being important, the game had plenty of slower parts that still gave players agency to explore and do things, but some of it, especially the space walk and other scenes like it, felt like a complete waste of time. It doesn't build tension when you know you're not in danger in scenes like that, the only "danger" you'd be in would be some pre-scripted event like an elevator collapsing, not as genuinely scary as the unscripted alien behavior.

>>507754895part of me likes those scenes because i'm just a big alien fan so getting to explore stuff like the boring derelict in some form is like alien nerd porn. the torrens and nostromo dlc where you can just sorta linger and look at things. not having stuff like that sucks.

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>>507755254There definitely needs to be a balance, the first half of the game I feel does that pretty well, it gives you plenty of time to explore in relative safety, It gets to the point where it feels more and more linear as it goes on though, and the scripted scenes just feel like they don't work. I feel RE7 had a similar problem with it's last 1/3 as this had.

>>507755254young Sigourney is hot but the way her face aged really made it 2x worst than a regular aged womanolder she looks stern and looks like she reeks of cigarette

>>507754609nice old buzzword

How were they able to recover anything from the Nostromo when it and all of its cargo was blown to absolute pieces three times over?Why does Amanda hate her mother in Aliens when she knows the context as to what killed her crew and made her disappear for 57 years? Furthermore, why didn't she back her mother's claim up to stop the company from revoking her pilot's license?Why did people choose to terraform on an unknown planet with extremely harsh weather conditions, described as below freezing and "primordial"? Were the other three unsuccessful trips not enough to convince Weiland-Yutani that they were in over their heads?

>>507755797Yeah she's a bad bitch but she's also a straight up dike.

>>507753979This, I'm more of a fan of An Alien to the Past.

>>507753979Probably because it's trying to be like the Alien movie where everything is normal and routine at first. Of course you're going to get filler in a long length single player game these days.

>>507756447the problem is that a lot of the filler is near the end of the game. I was on board with the first 2/3 but the last few chapters got incredibly linear and included the waste of time satellite scene people are referring to.

Only thing that made me not play the game and never finish was the alien itself. I just hate monsters in the horrors that are immortal and can just kill you one hit, without any way to make them leave the level for good. It is not scary, its annoying. Too annoying. it was scary at the first tho, really fucking scary but quickly stopped after 2-3 deaths

I still like it man. Waiting for the train is still the most intense shit Ive ever experienced. I actually kinda wish you were ambushed more at those points.

>>507757212Especially when this shit is playing in the background youtube.com/watch?v=GpE47j1D-HU

>>507757212OP hereI totally agree waiting for the trains is tense and sometimes they would through enemies at you while the train was on its way, or you could still use the time to scavenge, those sections didn't feel like a deliberate waste of time like some other stuff did.


>>507757453I remember this one time I was doing a bunch of stuff for collection so I using the trains for quite a bit. I got complacent at one stop since no one showed up the past 4 times. Then suddenly on the fifth time after pressing the call button, stabbed by the xeno. Fucking freaked me out.

Can anyone tell me if the protagonist is male or female? I might play it but the cover looks like a woman. Can you play a male?

Dunno why but I really loved the fact that you get killed at save points. Any other games where the save point isnt actually safe?

>>507757759Are you retarded?


>>507757759Youre playing as Ripley's daughter.

>>507757903Thank you. Dropped.


>>507757958This is your brain after 4chan. Sad.

Loved A:I but slow walking/interactive cutscenes are becoming a chore. If people want to immerse themselves nothing is stopping them from not pressing the sprint button, but they even slow down normal walking.

>>507758034Why? I don't want to play as some weak little girl when I could be a marine armed to the teeth that makes that alien my little bitch.

>>507758719But you were fine with Ellen Ripley doing the same????? The fuck are you on about dude?

>>507758719You are really retarded. Did you even watched the movie or just heard about them and played some game after it, like Alien vs Predator?


>>507757759>>507757903you can play as some dudes in the dlc

>>507757903I'm the one who asked, not >>507757958>>507758719But he's right. Fuck women. I don't like playing as women in vidya I'm extremely tired of feminist propaganda, if you guys are trannies and enjoy taking the role of a woman, moving around as a woman and getting addressed as a woman, GOOD FOR YOUUUUUU, but not for me. And I don't like Alien, hell, didn't even think it was connected to the movie other than the alien monster being the same.

this game's story sucks.

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>get to medical area>alien just patrols a small area in front of the room I'm in nonstop>it never once saw me or heard me>people said the AI in this game was good

>>507759505did you play at launch before the rubberbanding bug was fixed?

I want The Thing with this game's autistic attention to detail even though I don't really enjoy Alien stuff in general. It wowed me as a kid but maybe seeing the Alien everywhere in media turned me off

>>507753979the game is a masterpiece, cope>>>507754873>unpredictable alien mod>woow why is so much of the game just a janky stealth game with robotsfirst of all it's not janky at allsecond of allYOU FUCKING RETARDED FAT FUCK, PLAY THE FUCKING GAME WITHOUT MODS, THEY RUIN THE GAME, FUCK YOUR STUPID UNPREDICTABLE CRINGE MOD, YOU HAVE NOT FINISHED OR PLAYED THIS GAME IF YOU PLAYED IT WITH THE MODS THAT ALTER THE ALIEN BEHAVIOR YOU FUCKING DISGUSTING CASUAL PIECE OF SHIT

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>>507759391Is the original Alien a feminist propaganda piece? The original film also had a female lead.I think 4chan has rotted your brain

>>507754873The unpredictable alien mod literally just makes the alien less likely to confront you

>>507759391this is either amazing bait or irrefutable proof that Holla Forumsirgins should be gassed, and that 4chan turns you into pic related>>507759919dog what? the unpredictable alien mod literally makes certain parts of the game harder. also imagine caring about how someone else plays their game, how old are you? serious question

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Is the dlc worth to get or am I fine just playing the base game?

>>507759505play the game on something other than normal. The game literally says you should play it on hard for the best experience

>>507760409if you really enjoy the gameplay of the base game, the expansions just throw cool twists and work really well as an equivalent of an arcade mode where you can try to run through them as quick as you can.

>>507759505There was bug that allowed that to happen. Its back to normal now.

>>507753979>Go flip this switch for us>sneak past the robots for us>fix this generator for us>go retrieve object for us>stealth past these humans in a scenario that you will have to repeat dozens of times because of how dodgy the enemy detection is>stealth past this Alien in a scenario that you'll have to repeat dozens of times because of how dodgy the Alien's AI pattern isI was so fucking bored, and the game just shamelessly rips off the entire aesthetic of the first Alien film, then it writes in this fanfiction tier storyline that never happened. Glad they never made a sequel fuck that shit.

>>507760638Is the expansion mode separate from the main game?

>Can anyone tell me if the protagonist is male or female? I might play it but the cover looks like a woman. Can you play a male?

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>>507759391I would tend to agree. Playing as a woman really takes away from the atmosphere and realism.

>>507753979The game actually goes downhill once they throw multiple Xenos into the mix.

>>507759919Fuck off you opinionated little slut. No one cares how much you enjoyed walking around for 20 hours doing the same damn shit ad nauseum.I bet most people never finished the damn thing, it was buggy as hell on release.

>>507760905You play as Ripley's Daughter who dies as an old lady in a cut scene from Aliens, though this game ignores that ever happened.

>>507760257>>507759919>why is so much of the game just a janky stealth game with robotsthe unpredictable alien mod makes it so you rarely see the alien because it's "truly random" so you get a game with nothing but working joes, it makes it overall much easier unless you get really unlucky in certain parts of the gamewithout mods you see the xeno and working joes in equal amounts always harrassing you and the cat and mouse element works as intended so it's not just robots 24/7

>>507761219you still haven't told me how old you are :/

>>50776145425 soonget good shitter

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>>507759964It was female propaganda and the actress is hideous. It doesn't bother you because you probably watched it as a kid and it was a time when we didn't have man hating feminism in your face like Brie Larson, Birds of Pray, etc.Of course you have it in high regard, you were never called sexist for not liking Alien, but let's not pretend it wasn't feminist propaganda, one of the biggest compliments the movie gets is that you could replace the protagonist with a man and it would be the same, Men are women are not equal, specially when it comes to survival and fighting the way the protagonist of that movie does.A woman could never do that, women are weak, Alien was a feminist power fantasy. Sorry to burst your bubble.

>>507760257>this is either amazing bait or irrefutable proof that Holla Forumsirgins should be gassed, and that 4chan turns you into pic relatedREEEE everyone who hates women are brainwashed and ugly reeeeI'm gay, If it were up to me all women would be killed and I would have a gay orgy after, seethe more. I know it must be hard for you that there can be successful attractive people who get laid out there while you ugly male feminists can't help yourselves but get arrested after harrassing women for not sleeping with you and the FBI finds 9 GB of child porn on your pc.

>>507760936It's fine in silly games like Overwatch or LoL, but games where you actually have action sequences, meh, Lara does it fine because she just jumps around and shoots arrows or uses guns. But having women overpower men, or aliens, or run like Bolt, etc meh, if women enjoy that kind of game, good for them, nobody is asking for the game to cease existing.Dunno why Holla Forums seethes so much when someone refuses to play their feminist game.

>>507753979>entire middle section of the game is full of androids that are more terrifying than the alien and more bullshit too

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>>507763224>but let's not pretend it wasn't feminist propagandait wasn'tbasically the only reason they swapped ripleys gender is because they thought no one would expect her to be the last survivor

>>507761569>25 is oldwhen are newfags going to learn

Reminder this is what we should've gottenyoutube.com/watch?v=iAcAd1fUiy8

>>507763495>Holla Forums

>>507763802story is these guys basically gave up because they got mogged so hard by Isolation and knew they couldn't compete

>>507763670So you think a woman, being better than men, at dealing with monsters, is not feminist propaganda?Doesn't she have 3 movies fighting the alien? You people are very odd and defensive. Like, nothing wrong with you liking some feminist things, I used to watch Charlie's Angels 24/7 as a kid, I've no shame in admitting it was feminist propaganda and I enjoyed it.

>>507753979>1/3 of this game is your character slowly opening doors and slowly turning leversIt's a processing plant worker simulator?

>>507754391People would not be complaining that the game was too long if it was good all the way through. Those "breathers" are what make people dislike the game. Too much of the game is scripted non-interactive shit. The gameplay mechanics were simply not fleshed out enough to feel fresh for an entire campaign. When the alien isn't there, A:I is fucking downright boring. There are much longer games than A:I that people do not complain about being too long.

>>507763970that would be sad. a lot of people wanted a sequel to alien isolation and would have picked this up that wouldnt have otherwise.

>>507763970Thats very foolish of the developers if true

>>507763979>Doesn't she have 3 movies fighting the alien?your conflating the pop culture image of the series now muddled by the sequels and prequels and whatnot with the 1979 originalthe original alien movie was not a feminist film by any means. Look up the behind the scenes, even the main actress Sigourney Weaver has said it multiple times--it's not a feminist movie. It was just to make the b-movie script less unpredictable.


>>507764861those are all wrong, concession accepted

>>507765560LMAO. yeah I'm sure a biased Holla Forumstard is more of an authority rather than LITERALLY WOKE PEOPLE WITH A GENDER STUDIES DEGREE.

>>507753979Did anyone else buy this game for the VR mod to.

>>507764357they appeals to different kinds of players. even in niche stuff there will be splits in who likes what. some want a fast game, others slow. some want 10+ hours nonstop scares and runnings and others like quiet moments. playing the game in a single sitting never feels boring to me

>>507757958>>507759391You're dropping one of the better horror games around because of the most intense concentrated autism I've seen in the past five months. The only thing that could make you even more braindead is if you hate the film for the same reason.

>>507766362It's a mediocre walking simulator at best. Having to play some cunt just makes it nigh unplayable. The film is unrealistic as fuck. A man would have been the last one alive.

>>507764861All of these are modein so theyre essentially saying feminist in revision.