This is one of the best games ever made. If you disagree, youre wrong and possibly an idiot

This is one of the best games ever made. If you disagree, youre wrong and possibly an idiot.

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>>507753832not possibly. definitely.

>>507753832City is a straight upgrade except for muh metroidvania elements(which were always barebones because of the linearity)

>>507753832Arkham City improved damn near everything

>>507754381>>507754497Asylum is a concentrated dose of pure soul. City outstays its welcome. Sure, its technically more proficient, but it tries way too hard.

Knight is a good game

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What would you rather have?>Beyond Arkham featuring Damian and Terry both rising up to take up the mantle of the bat>Arkham Legacy, a series of smaller games where you play as different members of the batfamily adapting to a post Bruce world

>>507757490>>Arkham Legacy, a series of smaller games where you play as different members of the batfamily adapting to a post Bruce worldprobably this considering I hate Damien with a passion

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>>507757490Talia's dead. Where's Damian coming from?

>>507757490The latter probably>>507758171>We'll never get Teen Titans season 6 to tie up loose ends like finding out who Red X was in the same vein as Samurai Jack coming back for a final seasonIt hurts.

>>507758469what are the chances he's Jason Todd?

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>>507758434Popped out earlier and raised by his auntie

They were all great games. Dare I say it, I enjoyed origins too (it was admittedly too short).

>>507758434Damian was a test tube baby

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>>507758710Origins had the best boss fights

>>507758575If that were the case, it would definitely be a way better reveal than Jason in Arkham Knight.In fact, the DC Nation shorts already poked fun at that possibility

Is it worth paying to watch the new Justice League Dark movie?

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>>507756949Weirdly, the one thing everyone wanted (Batmobile) turned out being the thing that broke the overall game.

>>507758864Because it was essentially nothing but boss fights. The whole story was written around them.

>>507753832It was pretty great; arguably the best game in the Arkham series in terms of aesthetic, a story that doesn't get overly outlandish, and a Batman who doesn't feel like too much of an asshole or overpowered Batgod.Being able to use gadgets in combat like in City would've been nice, though. Also more variety in the boss battles. And Killer Croc's segment did not need to last as long as it did for how simple and repetitive it was.

>>507759991if the Mr freeze fight were in asylum it would be a perfect game

>>507760715It wouldn't make up for all of the melee bosses being Bane reskinned, but it would certainly help.

>>507754381it's also great but i agree with >>507754993 that asylum is much more concise. also no forced catwoman segments

Asylum and City are masterpieces, Origins is really good. Knight is just okay

>>507753832It's got maybe the most amateurishly programmed mongoloid-catering camera in any AAA game ever made.

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>>507757490Who in the everloving fuck would ever pick that gay-as-hell second option?

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>>507762328both the bane fights in origins were hype as hell

It's the best one of the bunch. Combat is still shit, though.

arkham asylum really has such a creepy "soul" too it. like the game really feels kind of haunted in a way. I always replay it around Halloween. I remember those fear toxin scenes being a teen and some of them actually tricked me for a bit. like the one where it "restarts" your game

Hottest batman

>>507763892In theory you could do a lot with the idea>Nightwing motorcycle sections and Teen Titan callbacks and maybe a character swapping fight where you use all of the titans to take on Deathstroke>Azrael going after the Order>Oracle training a new Batgirl


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On a real note: I think this is my favorite location and soundtrack wise. Knight is my favorite story wise, and city gameplay

>>507764343yeah the environments in asylum really have such a cool feel to them

>>507754381spbpasylum is still good and have the best atmosphere

>>507764274Again, why would anyone pick that homosexual tripe over a fucking Batman Beyond game?

>>507761540>also no forced catwoman segmentsjust don’t download the dlc

>>507764343Knight has the best combat and fixed the dogshit camera issues from the first game. It's just the batmobile bullshit that snowballed into the NPC talking point and mental fixture that defined the game.

I want to see them create a Teen Titans game, so I can see a fully modeled Raven and Starfire in their full sexy glory.

>>507764308why is bane here? she isn’t a woman....unless

>>507764586because everyone hates damien

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>>507764212I'd say "duh", but then City has this and the pic with Catwoman...

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>>507753832I prefer City but Asylum definitely gets its due for being the template of every mainstream AAA adventure game for the next 10+ years. Here's hoping WB Montreal brings something new to the table in their Batman game reboot

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>>507759991>a story that doesn't get overly outlandishIt had the shittiest and wackiest ending in the series.

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>>507764586It's a 50/50 with me, the idea of the Titans fighting together in vidya does sound just as good as a Return of the Joker remake where the Joker escaped Bruce's psyche and Terry has to become the new Dark Knight to stop him

>>507759991>a story that doesn't get overly outlandish,did you even play it

>>507763956Origins Bane is peak Bane, he's a big guy for us and not cartoonish bulging monstrosity like he is in the rest of the series.

>>507765089Titan Joker is fine as long as its confined to Asylum. Its only silly when the rest of the series is taken into consideration.

I'm not an Holla Forumstard at all (quite frankly I don't give a fuck about politics in games) but I think Arkham Knight might literally have been the last unpozzed AAA game released.Seriously, can you think of a single forced progressive element in it?

>>507765580Doom Eternal just off the top of my head

>>507765382he's also smart bane too. a lot of batman games and movies will get bane wrong as a character and just have him be some brute

>>507765089I mean. to be fair its not hard to see that was coming considering jokers interest in titan and how crazy he fucking was. the only problem I have is that in arkham asylum he's back to looking normal despite his illness.also why the hell didn't batman get sick too? he got injected with titan in arkham asylum and cured himself too right?

>>507765580You mean western games, right?

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>>507753832Literally the best licensed game. God fucking damnit, what a game.

>>507753832So boring. I like the VR Arkham game more. It like puts me in the game. If you know what I mean.

>>507753832Its awesome except for the retarded Joker boss fight

>>507765580>catwoman showing her clevarage while walking sexyi miss vidya anons

>>507765089>>507765198Yes, Titan Joker is pretty silly, but in isolation it's just Joker using Bane's Venom.Compare that to a lot of the dumb shit the later games do, like Batman soloing all of his villains in one night while dying of mega Joker toxin. Or Joker's blood being a virus that takes over people's bodies and turns them into him.

>>507753832That's debatable, but the atmosphere is 10/10

>>507766150It makes you feel like Batman

>>507766065Presumably because he used the antidote on himself before it wound up mutating his body.

>>507765580They covered up Poison Ivy's ass in Knight. It was full display in Asylum.

>>507766270>Compare that to a lot of the dumb shit the later games dothey're following the comics

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I'm surprised they never adapted the plot of knightfall into a batman game. it would have been great and they would have had an opportunity to use the full villain roster and have it make sense

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>>507766457>Gimp Batman and his bitchboi Robinswhy

>>507764827You literally posted Terry, are you retarded?

>>507766094Yeah obviously.>>507766375Honestly I think that just them downplaying the comic style of the game.Arkham Asylum had those beefy fucking characters straight from the page and even had a comic book HUD and that

>>507766586that's the Batman who Laughs

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>>507766586they know very well which is the Robin audience

>>507766695read>>507757490he said terry and damien

>>507765086>Asylum definitely gets its due for being the template of every mainstream AAA adventure game for the next 10+ yearsIt has two areas and zero towers. It didn't even influence its own sequel.

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>>507766712I still don’t get it why DC shill so hard this guy. like yeah it have a cool design but forcing will make you more core audience to dislike him.

>>507765094>where the Joker escaped Bruce's psyche

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Rocksteady's a great developer but WB's slaving them on some bullshit games as service crap


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