What is the superior mystery genre formula? Hospital games, detective games or stealth games?

What is the superior mystery genre formula? Hospital games, detective games or stealth games?

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By the way, I found a way to disable the censoring. NSFW input should work smoothly now.

>>507752563Spy of courseA spy named Snake, more specifically

>>507752840You are Snake, a spy living in Chicago. You have a concealed pistol and a syringe of poison. You listen to the Russian diplomats and hear them discussing what they want you to do."We need you to kill your wife," one says. "She is planning an escape.""I'm not going to let her get away with it!"

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>>507752914Remember who your wife is

>>507752914Consult Otacon.


>>507752914Use the radio to contact Otacon and ask for advice

>>507753720> You use the radio to contact Otacon and ask for advice.You turn on the radio and speak into it."Otacon? Are you there?""Yes, I am! What's wrong, Snake?""The Russians want me to kill Anna. They're going to attack us.""What?! We can't stop them!" Otacon shouts.

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>>507753836ask him "why the fuck can't we stop them???"

>>507753836Otacon creates an overly complex plan that will allow you to defeat the Russians without harming Anna. It goes as follows:

>>507754135Otacon creates an overly complex plan that will allow you to defeat the Russians without harming Anna. It goes as follows:You sneak around the back of the embassy and hide behind a corner. You wait until you see the diplomat enter from another room, then shoot him in the head.You quickly retrieve his keycard and then run out of the building and hide behind a dumpster. The Russians don't notice you. You deliver the keycard to CIA. The CIA kills the Russians._holy shit the AI actually created a plan

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>>507754421Ask CIA about Bane.

>>507754421Ask Otacon to describe the diplomat you are tasked to kill

>>507752592>By the way, I found a way to disable the censoring. NSFW input should work smoothly now.>Not playing the 4chan modded game that allows for absolutely everything and fine tuning the AIgithub.com/VBPXKSMI/Open-CYOAI-Project/wiki

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>>507754987The default website has a vastly improved AI that allows for much more coherent narrative. 4chan's fork is still using the shitty model.

>>507754421try to execute the plan

>>507754421prepare the lube

>>507755405> You prepare the lube.You take a small bottle of lubricant and put some on your finger. Then you walk over to the trashcan where Anna was hiding and start rubbing it all over her body.

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you can tell the difference in quality between the anons that actually put an effort to write at least 10 words and the memesters that shit the story with just 3 words

>>507755515Ask Anna about START-2.

>>507755515remember the basics of CQC

>>507755875> You remember the basics of CQC.You remember the basics of CQC. You grab the gun and fire at Anna's feet. She screams in pain but manages to roll off the couch onto her hands and knees before you shoot her again in the stomach.You keep shooting at her until she stops moving. You stand up and look down at her body. Her eyes are still open, but she doesn't seem to be breathing._user WHAT THE FUCKWHAT ABOUT OTACON'S PLAN TO AVOID HAVING YOU KILL YOUR WAIFU

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>>507755989Call the Russians and tell them that the mission is complete; your wife is dead.

>>507755989Ask Otacon why his plan didn't work.

>>507755989It's OK, we killed her non-lethally.

>>507756345> You ask Otacon why his plan didn't work.You ask Otacon why his plan didn't work. He tells you that he had to sacrifice Anna because if she survived, the Russians would've killed everyone else in the house."Sorry for tricking you, Snake, but it had to be done for America's sake!"

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>>507756494tell otacon you'll make diamonds from his ass

>>507756670> You say "I'LL HAVE MY REVENGE OTACON, PREPARE YOUR ASS"You tell Otacon that you'll have your revenge, but he has to prepare his ass first. You walk over to the TV and press play on it. Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain in your back.As you fall bleeding on the floor, you see Otacon standing beneath you."I am sorry it had to be this way, Snake."_I think we're dying.

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>>507756890ask him why

>>507756890perform a non-lethal takedown on otacon

>>507756890Ask which anime this reminds him of.

>>507757065> You perform a non-lethal takedown on otacon.You perform a non-lethal takedown on Otacon. As you attempt to choke him out, you realize that he is immune to your choking technique."No! I won't let you kill me!"

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Why does your AI Dungeon 2 seem more intelligent than mine. Mine forgets context often.

>>507757197Shoot a tranquilizer gun at Otacon.

>>507757217It often prints nonsense completely relate to your input, so you need to undo the response and try again until it sticks to the narrative.

>>507757197use gun

>>507757325> You shoot a tranquilizer gun at Otacon.You shoot a tranquilizer gun at Otacon. He falls unconscious. You black out shortly after because of the blood loss.Several days later, you wake up in a small room. Your hands are handcuffed together and you are tied to a chair.

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Why are you not using lucidteller or clover even?

>>507757345completely unrelated*

>>507757525look around the room for any way to escape

>>507757345Do you use the Do/Say commands or do you use the "story" one.

>>507757525Fall over and break the chair

>>507757658Each command has a specific purpose. For example: for >>507757325 I used "do" since that's an action. For >>507756670 I used "say". For >>507754135 I used "story". It's very intuitive what each one does, and using the right command increases the quality exponentially.>>507757534Because AI Dungeon 2 has better AI.

>>507757525spasm uncontrollably

>>507757525>>507757525Notice the bulge in my pants. "W-what's happening?!"

>>507757525hop around and try to find an exit


>>507757525Ask Otacon, who is also tied to the same chair, what is the next step of his master plan.

>>507757525Pray to Kami-Sama for help

>>507757525Blow up the small room and survive.

>>507757525take a huge shit and have janny clean it

>>507757783Are you retarded? Clover and Lucidteller ARE AIDungeon 2.

>>507757525You hear hissing all around you. Poisonous cobras litter the poorly lit room

>>507757525Hum the song "On Green Dolphin Street"

>>507757525Wet yourself out of fear

Vibrate your molecules through the rope and handcuffs

>>507758230They assigned a new model on 1st May for some users. I don't think Clover and Lucidteller are running that model

>>507757525the room suddenly fills with bread

>>507758430> You wet yourself out of fear.You wet yourself out of fear. You sob uncontrollably as you wonder what happened to Anna. When you finally calm down, you remember that Anna is dead.

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>>507758230Clover is way more retarded than the colab version, I haven't tried the official version enough to know if it's really better than the colab one but it's way faster.

>>507758551wait until something happens

>>507758551Shrink down to 40 cm allowing you to get out of the handcuffs and chair.

>>507758745> You shrink down to 40 cm allowing you to get out of the handcuffs and chair.You shrink down to 40cm so you can escape from the handcuffs and chair. You then make your way downstairs where you find Otacon being held captive by several guards.>>507758613There's also that. The official version never disconnects and all input is instant.

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>>507758847leave the faggot

>>507758847Perform CQC on the guards

>>507758847watch as otacon gets his dick flattened by the guards

>>507758847Fart uncontrollably

>>507758847Create a distraction to make half of the guards leave their posts. Then sneak around and non-lethally takedown the others through CQC. Rescue Otacon and get him to a safe place.

>>507758847save otacon by taking the guards down with CQC

>>507758847crawl up a guards nose and take control of his brain

>>507758487>>507758613>colab.research.google.com/github/VBPXKSMI/Open-CYOAI-Project/blob/master/Open_CYOAI.ipynbYou can pick what to use anyways. Plus I'm pretty sure there are multiple models from previous threads that a few Anons trained themselves.Unless Mormon spent another 100k or something renting Google's 100GB clusters for a few months. The new model isn't any better than what we already have. There were a fuck ton of amazing stories resulting from the 4chan versions of AIDungeon 2.

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>>507759215> You crawl up a guards nose and take control of his brain.You crawl up a guard's nose and take control of his brain. The guards begin to follow your orders.>>507759334It feels better to me, it's much faster and it never disconnectsI just don't see reason to use the 4chan version

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>>507759541"Jump off a cliff"

we're 40cm aren't wehow did we crawl inside his brain if we're 40cm

>>507759541Make the guard remember the basics of CQC

>>507759541Shoot the other guards and leave otacon to die

>>507759541order the guards to leave you alone with otacon>>507759334No one managed to make a model better than the original mormon one because it requires a super computer, apprently the official verison is using a new model now so it might be better but I haven't tested it enough.

>>507759662The guard is jewish so he has a really big nose

>>507752563It's funny because in some ways Evil Within 1 protagonist is all of the three lol

>>507759541order the guards to do something embarrassing

>>507759541return to the my original size, exploding the guard from the inside

>>507759864rerolling this

>>507760340> You return to the your original size, exploding the guard from the inside.You return to your original size, bursting the guard from the inside. They all die screaming.

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>>507760445Grow to 40m

>>507760445ask otacon if he has any last words

>>507760445Crawl up Otacon's nose and take control of his brain

>>507760445Kick otacons head off

>>507760738Mate we are the normal size now>>507760445Free Otacon, ask him what we should do now

>>507760445Put a gun against Otacon's head and ask him why he tried to kill us earlier.

>>507760445Banish Otacon onto a boat

>>507760445start yelling at Otacon

>>507760995> You banish Otacon onto a boat.You banish Otacon onto a boat. He dies of shock and exhaustion.The End._It's over.

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>>507761124Snake had a hard life

>>507761124Like father like son

>>507761124New story?

>>507761124you planning on doing another OP?

>>507761630>>507761705Sure, one minute

how does one play this shit?is it paid?I lost the whole ai dungeon bandwagon when it happened months ago.


Select a character...1) cyborg2) punk3) cop4) androidSelect a name too

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>>507762430punk, name Sid Vicious

>>507762430Cyborg named Edward

>>507762430Punk, name: Thomas Guy-Man

>>507762430Cyborg named Kilroy

>>507762535You are Edward, a cyborg living in the the futuristic city of Zail. You have a bionic arm and a holoband. You're walking down the dark city streets while neon lights flash brightly above you. As you pass an alley you see a group of people standing around talking. They seem to be watching something on their phones or some other device."Hey! What's going on?"

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>>507763116drop a world nuke, thus killing everyone

>>507763116Use your cyborg bluetooth magic to see what they're looking at


>>507763116Use your cyborg appendage to crush their skulls

>>507763116ask them what they're watching


>>507763315> You use your cyborg appendage to crush their skulls.You turn your head to look at them and they instantly fall over dead.

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>>507763426"Am I really that ugly?"

>>507763426"I didn't do it"

>>507763426Loot their bodies

>>507763615> You loot their bodies.You grab one of the corpses and quickly run out of the alleyway. The rest of the people in front of you do not move, but those behind you start to panic as you continue running towards another building.

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>>507763735form a plan

>>507763770> You form a plan.You enter the building and find yourself in a large foyer with several doors leading off it. You need to get inside before someone comes up here to investigate what is going on._you all need to write more detailed prompts for the AI to actually do what you're asking

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>>507763735Consume spinal fluid from your victims to power your depleted energy reserves

>>507764137Find yourself living in a shotgun shack.

>>507764295> You find yourself living in a shotgun shack.You walk into the room where you live and find yourself in a small shotgun shack. There is no furniture, just a bed, a table and some chairs. A door leads outside which has no lock.

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>>507761817It's free, you can either play the official version or the 4chan fork that hasn't been updated in a while.play.aidungeon.io/https://github.com/frowo/LucidTeller/wiki

>>507764137jump into the nearest trash can and claim it as your home

>>507764371melon door

>>507764371Find yourself under the whell of a large automobile

>>507764371check under your bed to see if there's a monster

>>507764371find shotgun and go on a shooting spree around town

>>507764371Grab a shotgun and head outside.

>>507764371destroy the table and use the wood to make more chairs

>>507764371masturbate then cut off your hands

>>507764371You find yourself in another part of the world

>>507764725> You masturbate then cut off your hands.You sit down on the bed and put your arms through the arms of the chair so that you can hold your penis.

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>>507764862attempt to open door with feet

>>507764862Rip off your penis

>>507764862Go through door to nowhere

>>507764862run away to the nearest church and repent for your sins

>>507764862put feet through chair so you can hold your penis with both your feet

>>507764862suck your own dick

>>507764862get your hands out of the chair and go outside

>>507764862your mother walks in on you masturbating and proceeds to beat your ass

>>507765105> You suck your own dick.You slowly start stroking your cock and begin sucking on it. Your mouth feels like a piece of glass when you first try to eat food, but after about ten minutes you finally manage to swallow the entire thing.

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>>507764862Smoke some rocks

>>507765190swallow yourself and enter another dimension where all the faggots live


>>507764862go to the store to buy bread but don't eat it just leave it on the table for show

>>507765305> You swallow yourself and enter another dimension where all the faggots live.You feel really strange, you feel very weird and you don't know why. You also notice that your hand is now completely gone. You then realize that your dick is gone too. Eventually you find yourself on Reddit.

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>>507765402whore yourself out for upvotes

>>507765480> You whore yourself out for upvotes.You post a picture of yourself with your new dick and you immediately get thousands of upvotes. Soon you get hundreds of comments from horny guys who want to fuck you.

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>>507765402Jump off a bridge

>>507765402make a post about how your dog died to get upvotes

>>507765529start an onlyfans accounts and beg for all the horny guys to give you money

>>507765402"I turned myself into a faggot Morty, I'M FAGGOT EDWARD!"

>>507765529become king of the horny men and take over all of reddit with them

>>507765529Transition to female

>>507765529ask reddit for help to get off reddit

>>507765529Use the word 'doggo' unironically

>>507765529press enter

>>507765529Try to escape from Reddit

>>507765529Spread your anus 10 inches wide

>>507765529tell the horny men that in order to fuck you they must kill Hiroyuki Nishimura

>>507765529add a comment saying "EDIT: thanks for the gold kind stranger!"

>>507766035> You add a comment saying "EDIT: thanks for the gold kind stranger!"You add a comment saying "Thanks for the gold kind stranger! I'm gonna go buy some more drugs and blow myself up."Then you die._And we died.I won't be doing more, if someone else wants to take over go ahead

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>>507766152wow who knew reddit was so dangerous