I just can't git gud at this fucking game. I don't know why...

I just can't git gud at this fucking game. I don't know why, but after years playing it I just can't time my rolls properly, I still can't reliably parry dark wraiths or silver knights and I struggle against the fucking capra demon. Guess I am just fated to be a fucking casual forever.

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>>507752207Game is fucking trash, that's why. Try Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne for a game with actual combat.

>>507752456holy based

>>507752207Just go magic, literally fucking broken, just backpedal and hurl spells, the ai shits itself and goes full retard, they didn't playtest it.

>>507752207Horrible bait

>>507752207If you don't like rolling, just use a shield.

>>507752207Hey user, I'm absolute garbage at video games and I just beat O&S without summoningYou can do it

>>507752456Absolute cringe DS1 is the pinnacle of the series and DS3 is the worst one

>>507752207>he wears armor>he parries>he blocks>he locks on>he uses magic>he uses bows>he kindles>he ““times““ his rolls>he puts points into anything other than endurance and strengthYikes

>>507752842holy cringe

>>507753205>he levels upYikes

>>507752615>cheesing the game with magic>>507752715>cheesing the game with shieldsFuck off you casuals.

>>507752207>reach Anor Londo>obtain Havek’s armorThere you go. Now any boss is easily beaten by standing in front of it button mashing. Soulsdrones WILL defend this, mind you.

>>507752207I feel you. I can't even take 10% of the white dog bitches health in Bloodborne and I'm 35 hours in.

>>507753412This is LITERALLY how you slay the four kings lmfao

>>507753205You forgot>he summons>he upgrades weapons>even worse he upgrades armor>he levels>he doesn't use a guitar hero controller

>>507752207Bro I've beaten every souls game and I can't reliably parry. Just focus on timing rolls at the beginning of your enemy's attack acceleration phase. As in, when the enemy's arm, sword, leg, or damaging part starts to accelerate towards you, that's when you roll. The game tries to bait out your roll with complex telegraphs but once you harden your nerves it becomes second nature. The game never becomes easier, but that's why beating it is satisfying.

>>507752207just be a poise baby then. bigger crutch than pyromancy.

>>507752207>>507752207all souls games including bloodborne is garbage

>>507752456>Try Dark Souls 3Jesus fucking Christ why would you say thatWho would willingly subject themselves to that trash

>>507754002>ur favorite game = shit

>>507752207*Shlop shlop*

>>507753392>using a mechanic is cheesingthis is your brain on pvpfaggotry

>>507753695>he's gay


>>507752615BB and Sekiro are the only From games that are actually balanced. In DeS and DaS, there's such a ridiculous disparity between a lot of the weapons and builds in PVP and PVE that it makes me think they didn't playtest at all.

>>507752207The game isn't designed for rolls, it's designed to raise your shield.If you wanna roll roll roll play Dark Souls 3.

>>507752207Games with tight iframe dodges like this and monster hunter are something that some people just can't get used to. At least MH allows you to increase the frames. Bloodborne and Nioh dodges are much more tolerable for me.

>>507754853>tight iframe dodges>Monster hunterPick ONE.

>>507754853In DaS you can increase the iframes too with a low equipment weight and the Dark Wood Grain Ring.

>>507754471>If you wanna roll roll roll play Dark Souls 3.Until you get to Friede whose attack chains outlast your stamina whenever she feels like it.

>>507756265git gud noob

>>507754853>tight iframes>Dark SoulsPick ONE. Monster Hunter actually takes SKILL to dodge attacks. unlike Soulshit.

>>507756474I did, but that fight was such a garbage mess of throwing everything including the kitchen sink into a boss that I'm 100% sure it was designed by people who made DaS2.

>>507752207Watch enemies, not your player character. It sounds retarded, but that's 101 in gittin gud at action games, it's just all about looking at enemies and watching for telegraphs and timing. For parrying in particular: In DS1, parry frames begin the second you touch the button. Always prioritize rolling forward/into attacks. Always go unlocked, tracking/pathfinding in DS isn't built to punish irregular movement and it makes the game a fair whack easier.Pump health, then damage. Upgrading your armour has a tangible effect on damage negation but shouldn't take priority. K have fun.

play 2 instead, the good one


>>5077575232 is only good if you like King's Field.

>>5077580762 is only good if you don't have reflexes, don't like gameplay and hate good level design.


>>507752207>rolling >parryingjust get havel's set and go full tank mode

>>5077583303 has none of that

>>507758404Nice buzzword, faggot.

>>507758076untrue, I like KF but I'm not fond of 2's gameplay compared to the other gamesit's still decent to play though, better than a lot of other games that get more attention

>>507758330Who thought 300 enemies hiding at every motherfucking corner for a gank was good game design?

>>507758452>just cheese the game bro>>>/plebbit/

>>507758491>3 has none of thatYou don't know what level design is.

I have a weird relationship with Dark Souls, maybe because I play it on the PC.>First play through I never got past the first Black Knight and I got so frustrated with having to clear the same enemies over and over again whenever I died>2nd play I spent hours learning how to play but I could never tell where I was supposed to go or what I was supposed to be doing >3rd play I used a guide and played up to just past the Moonlight Butterfly but I was never having fun and I haven't played sinceI will never understand the love people have for this game.

>>507759054git gud

>>507759042Something 1 and BB have, but 2 and 3 lack.

>>507752207You're legitimately just bad at vidya if you can't beat this game. You can brute force it by stacking poise and grinding.

>>507752207>tfw beat it todayit wasn't as hard as people say its more of a test of patience if anything

>>507752207fully upgrade giants set and just trade blows with bosses with a high dps STR weapon without blocking or dodging. works unless the boss does a huge power attack.

>>507759246>Something 1Go look at the Tomb in 1 and compare it to something like the Undead Village.

>picked up dark souls remastered recently>tfw can't get used to the bait-y attack animations that have a long drawn out wind-up then almost instant swing>always end up going for a parry way too early and end up eating shitI'm just shield and poisefagging my way through the game now, although I've heard it's much less viable in DaS2 and 3.

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>>507752207At least with simple build planning in Dark Souls 1 you can turtle your way through the whole thing relatively easily.I finally started playing Sekiro today. I put it off for the last year because the combat seemed to be built entirely on parrying, which I've never been good at in these games, and so far it generally seems indeed to be based entirely around parrying. I'm not giving up on it yet but fuck if I'm not having a harder time getting into it than the rest.

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>>507752456Dab on them.

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>>507753205>he doesn't roll SL 1 Deprived games using only items

>>507762136It is 100% built on parrying, but the mechanics are far better than any of the souls games so it works.

>>507759556It's great compared to BB village.

>>507752207Put up your shield, strafe behind your enemy, back stab, rinse and repeat. The game really isn't all that difficult for anybody who isn't a total retard.