Mario 64 PC PORT

>Trying to take down an 8mb fileIs Nintendo management run by smoothbrains?

Attached: Mario64Face.jpg (1920x1080, 146.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s

>>507751425is that even a question at this point

It's mostly formalities to protect their IP. Literally no one thinks they can completely erase it from the internet besides the links to more popular hosts.

>>507751425what does the file size have to do with this? your bank account password is 10 bytes

>>507751425Yes. It's why you don't say you are making a Nintendo fan game until release. Some Nin-toddler will snitch to them and get you a C&D.>>507752151OP is pointing out how easy and fast it is to upload anywhere.

>>507751425They know exactly what they're doing. They know very well they can't stop people from sharing the file, they want to deter developers from making fan projects at all.

Please deliver, user...

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>>507751425It's what they have to do because they own the IP. No one but actual smoothbrains expects the game to vanish from the face of the internet just cause Nintendo are cleaning up

has there been a port to windows 9x?

>>507751425>>507751669>>507752575>>507753098Nintendo fans who defend takedowns are literal poorfags who can't also buy a PC. They have Stockholm Syndrome from Nintendo, who gives them subpar content compared to what the fans want. Take Smash for example: Nintendo could very well add Waluigi and Midna to Smash if they wanted to, if it was another company like Netherrealm, they would have added fan requested characters more often. But Nintendo are cunts. Compare that to fangames/ROM hacks. Anybody can be added with enough knowledge on the game like pic relatedNintendo sucks

Attached: PicsArt_05-09-01.27.17.png (1365x713, 1.37M)

>>507752724>they want to deter developers from making fan projects at all.what, no, it's stock-standard IP protection and they're being pretty half-hearted about it. mario fan games galaxy is still alive and well. these things always have somebody running their mouth about fangames and fan-projects being the devil in nintendo's eyes

How can i turn on the fullscreen in the OpenGl version? Alt+Enter does not work

>>507752151you are beyond retarded

Does anyone have a working link to it? Also Is there a reason to play the exe over an emulator?

>>507752151good to know that their followers are just as stupid as they are

>>507753261What game or hack is pic related

>>507753452Free cam

>>507753554Smash Universe:

>>507753261>user doesn't understand the concept of protecting your IP>People trying to explain it to him with small words somehow are suffering from Stockholm syndromeOk

>>507753098Nintendo doesn't have to do anything. No other game company has a massive team of lawyers to take stuff down like this.

>>507753704every game company has a team of lawyers you massive retard

>>507753641Holy fuck, kc-mm is still alive?

>>507753878>to take down stuff like thisRead the whole message you retard

>>507753560does it have that by default or do I need a mod?

>>507753927>Your bank password is 2600 digits?holy shit laugh at this retard

>>507754036nintendo's current legal action against the sm64 port is the blanket equivalent of a dmca claim, that doesn't need any lawyer involvement

>>507753704>Nintendo is the only company with a team of lawyers on standbyIf some user made Jak 2 playable on a toaster tomorrow you can bet your ass Naughty dog would have lawyers on his ass within minutes of finding out even though they haven't done anything with Jak in years.

>>507753680You're a bigger retard than me for sucking a rich companies' cock that doesn't care about you.

>>507754098How is it wrong

>>507754036Any company would take this kind of action against this kind of distribution of their game. It's objectively a form of infringement but brain donors like yourself stick their fingers in their ears because they don't know what the fuck they're talking about

>>507753994Yes but it's slowly dying out. There are still thousands of people a month downloading Brawl mods. I also recommend VelvetKitsune's modpack:

>>507754568is there a quick way to get the final Project M for Dolphin without fucking around with patch tools?

>>507754348when did knowing what you're talking about become sucking corporate cock, you're still going to be a retard even if you're stickin' it to da man

>>507754559>Any companyPretty sure SEGA not only lets fan games fly but actually encourages them to keep doing it while Nintendo takes them down for IP "protection".

>>507754681Yes, get the virtual SD card and use the Gecko Elf file

>>507754568>mod packsGross.

>>507754770How's the Nintendo jizz you're licking off of the cardboard poorfag

Attached: ZomboMeme 22032020201108.jpg (888x500, 37.8K)

>>507755030alguem br?

>>507753680>protecting your IPIP doesn't need to be protected like this.No fucking major company has ever had their IP negatively affected by fanwork.


>>507754825SEGA still puts up a token effort against fangames when their IP is going to run out, ie Streets of Rage. Nintendo's own action against fangames isn't really dissimilar, Another Metroid 2 Remake is one of the prime examples and it was still up for a few days before being definitively copyright struck, and after striking the guy that made it they've done nothing against any distribution of it. Same for Project M, Pokemon Uranium, etc. Nintendo doesn't really give a shit what you're doing as long as you're not trying to make money off of it, and if they don't arbitrarily decide it's competition to something they're about to put out.

>>507754997>No Fun

Attached: SAVE_20200513_121540.jpg (225x225, 33.2K)

>>507753384It doesn't work. I tried Borderless Gaming, but while it works, every couple of minutes the screen goes black for a few seconds.

>>507753641Huh, the page says it was deleted.

>>507755337Oh, false alarm, apparently I had to click on the name of it to download it.

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>>507751425If you do not actively take measures to secure your copyright it is considered forfeit.Not matter how futile it seems.Doing SOMETHING is legitimate over doing NOTHING in the eyes of the law. Source: I'm in law school.

>>507755337The download is still there I think. Just click on the name

>>507755256Part of the fun was mashing people's mods together to make your own frankenstein creation. I get it though. Not everyone has the time or desire now to go full autism making their own Brawl setup.

the official rerelease of the best mario game ever made, how will sony cope no gaems

>>507752953>"I'll upload it" >*Disappears*Many such cases. Sad!

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>>507755536what pisses me off is they C&D all these ROM sites and fan projects with passion put into themmeanwhile faggots in china are still making Grand Dad 8 and NES clones christ

>>507755536Explain Sonic.

>>507753261If they can afford nintendo and their games I am sure they can afford a pc user is just that nintendo kiddies hate freedom.


>>507755536which is another pointless law in the digital age.burn it all down and start over


>>507755635The mod wasn't made by me, it was made by some Japanese youtuber. I guess he just quit the project because some of the characters bugged out or froze the game.

>>507756021copyright-striking china will just result in a billion slant-eyed rice farmers laughing at you emuparadise still works. there's downloader GUI scripts and browser extensions that add download links

>>507753680>>507751669Don't bother. These people just want to rage and accuse everyone who doesn't feel outraged or pissed off as well as being traitor. They're fanatics which is ironic because they never shut up about cults.

>>507755536Yeah and literally nobody likes you for it. Now fuck off before you tell the class that someone picked their nose.

>>507755536I guess it makes sense, I know nothing of law so I cannot refute this.I wonder though, isn't Mickey going public domain in a few years? Does Disney still fight for bootleg stuff from him until then?

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i've got the dx12 version. The sound is terrible and scratchy. and i got stuck right after the initial cutscene because the keyboard controlls dont seem fully implemented.

>> have one hour.

>>507755536That's not how copyright works, it's not like a trademark. I hope you didn't take out large student loans.

>>507756482Did you limit your fps?

>>507751425They are seething because Nintendo planned to pull a grand jew with mario 64 on the switch but now PC has native mario 64 while Switch doesnt

>>507756757Thanks for the dolphin porn bb, you're a champ.


>>507756952>falling for fake leaks in current year

>>507756757wtf, there's mustard gas coming fr

So how exactly is the PC version better than the emulation ?

>>507757737No emulator required

>>507757784But it runs like shit, unlike how the emulation has been stable for years.

>>507756075>Explain Sonic./thread

>>507757853It took over a decade for N64 emulation to stop sucking shit. Can afford the port guys a couple of months to play cleanup.

>>507757853It runs just as well, uses lower resources, and can natively run resolutions up to 4k. Why make things up if you haven't even used it?

>>507753261>OP asks a question>people give a reasonable answer>massive spergout startswhere do you obnoxious niggers come from?

>>507756757Is this just the normal pc port? I was hoping for the version with the shaders in the pic related I posted earlier that the user from the previous thread was working on. Maybe it takes a while for these to compile or something. But yeah, I have the original port already. Thanks anyway, though.

>>507758202Yeah just the compiled Windows release. Would be nice if whoever added the shaders popped up though.

>>507757853>But it runs like shit,nigger what kind of pre-Y2K office computer are you using that it's not running well. this is the only possible scenario in which super mario 64 running natively on windows does not run well.

>>507758584Ah, I see. Well hopefully that user appears at some point. If it takes a while to get it set up or something, I'll be patient. Guess it just means I'll have to keep an eye on these threads though.

Is there an OpenGL build that has the Mario face-pull start screen? The demo reel with a Bowser fight and a simple "press start" screen is really fucking with me, especially getting kicked back to file-select on a game over.

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>>507756757Stuck on windows 8.1, but downloaded it just in case

>>507758926It works on Windows 10 so should be fine.

this guy seems to have automated booting to fullscreen with some script, but how do I create an auto hotkey to use with steam?

>>'s a compiled OpenGL build that'll work on 8.1. Password raget. 8.1 user

>>507756408Yes, mickey is about to go public. Disney is fighting that hard but not making as much progress as last time, plus the that underhanded financial trouble they got caught with recently is not helping them win support. So they appear to be making a back up plan. They have made a new slightly different version of mickey which they have put the maximum amount of protection on. My guess is the if anyone takes the old mickey they will sue for a violation of the new mickey who is protected given how similar they are. While it is a clear miss use of the law to crate a new IP to protect a old public one, but the burned of proof is on the defendant to persuade the Disney lawyers and judge otherwise.

Attached: 42-429210_mickey-mouse-vector-by-jubaaj-new-mickey-mouse.jpg (880x1005, 222.89K)

>>507756952Somebody already ported it to the Switch.

>>507759274could just use borderless gaming to play it in borderless windowed mode.

>>507755536>I'm in law schoolmy condolences

>>507759976i don't knwo what that is, but i was hoping to be able to load the game from Steam Big Picture

>>507759710Sneaky bastards. Gotta admit that's a good play, though.

>>507759376Haven't been in these threads since the second day after leak.Is this a simple executable I can just run? My first/last attempt at following this came up with a .exe that didn't react when run.

>>507760374Just bind alt + enter to one of your controller buttons or series of inputs.

>>507760632Yeah, that build's just an executable. It'll make a .txt for mapped keyboard controls and it'll make a .bin to handle save-data but that's it otherwise.

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>>507760374It's basically just a program that will force the game into fullscreen if it detects it running, so it works on launch. I know Steam supports launch options that include launching in full screen mode but they're usually only for Source engine games.

>>507760831>>507760632>>507760567>>507760374>>507760317>>507759976>>507759787this port is amazing

>>507760878Same executable still doesn't run. It creates the .txt config file for keymapping, but otherwise shits itself. I must be missing something. Does it require an arbitrary C++, DirectX, or OpenGL redistributable or library installed beforehand?

>>507760878Nevermind, I was using the .exe here >>507756757Yours works. Thank you so much.

So does this mean a new age of custom levels?

>>507761435This means nintendies will be required by law to fuck your mouth every time you ask a stupid question.



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>>507761404Cheers lad.>>507761435Probably not, realistically speaking. KazeEmanuar is aware of it for example but says he has no interest in it for accessibility reasons. It's substantially harder to release or distribute modifications because it's illegal to release a compiled build, and it's not feasible for the average end-user to compile a custom build themselves or for a modder/developer to distribute customized source code in an iterative fashion as with ROM hacks. If tools arrive, *for Windows,* that allow easy compilation of the reverse-engineered SM64 source-code for ROM hack-like purposes, or allow for the loading of mods in a pre-compiled vanilla build of the game, I think there'd be a much better shot of that.

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if you're having choppy audio and the game is running too fast on the DX12 version set your monitor's refresh rate to 60hz from nvidia control panel, fixed it for me and the game runs beautifully, don't need to bother with the OpenGL version

>>507753261>Retard claims the opposition is poor to access piracyKek


>>507761873If anyone does go through the trouble of building a toolset, it's going to be almost completely anonymous and silent to avoid faggot Redditors shining a spotlight on it for goodboypoints.

>>507753704oh they absolutely fucking do.remember capcom takind down shanghai.exe over the fucking credits sequence?

>>507762650Being totally underground means nobody's going to do anything with it that you'd really care about.

>>507755536kek, I take it you're not studying Intellectual Property Law.

Just completed it with 120 stars, first time since my childhood. Still holds up into, I tried to play the ds version a while back but having to hold a button to run was fucking retarded

>>507759710ip laws were a mistake

>>507762814True. I guess it will probably just stay a curiosity for code divers.


>>507761873>it's not feasible for the average end-user to compile a custom build themselvesfucking windowstards

>>507763793Most people aren't power-users who have a VM with a Debian fork up to compile stuff or have their system set to dual-boot, user

>>507763793I run a dual-boot Linux/Win10 SSD with a small RAID stack and work as sysadmin, and I can tell you with all that, compiling custom builds of anything is tedious.

>>507763920and indeed it's a sad thing>>507764083tedious but not hard

>>507761435Yes, there's people making romhacks by editing the actual source code of the game and then compiling roms for it.There's an Isabelle mod, modelswaps, analog freecam, a roguelite game, a flappy whomp game, give it time for usability and ease of use to happen, they're just starting to make settings menus.

Attached: 770e4ae5eeb9754c59f8a5fad7cb0db3.webm (1036x720, 2.99M)

What really needs to happen if people want to see hacks come to pc is for a source port to be developed like how there are source ports for Doom/Quake/etc

>>507764490>Mario 64 SourceImagine.

>>507764342How will Nintendo stop this mischief?


>they're going to spend millions of dollars on lawyers to take down an 8Mb fileI'm laughing for real right now.

>>507764803It's not released yet, still getting developed.There's clips in the discord channel for the decomp github though

>> mod

Imagine if this had happened again.

Attached: sc.jpg (1200x1600, 191.17K)

When will they port star road?

Have another link, this time with all the source code stuff:

Attached: letsago.jpg (1280x720, 116.89K)

>>507759710Mickey Mouse cannot be public domain. Mickey Mouse is a trademark, not copyrighted. Trademark's don't expire, but copyrights do. What is copyrighted though is works that use Mickey Mouse like Steamboat Willie. If Steamboat Willie ever goes public domain then people could distribute it. The Mad Doctor is an example of a Mickey Mouse short becoming public domain.

>>507757853Runs at stable 60 in 1440p HD on my machine

>>507751425Yes, Nintendo is exceptionally retarded when it comes to things like this. Their ROMs have been spread on the internet for like 20+ years at this point and they still go to the trouble of going through legal costs to threaten people over it as if it will undo the damage at this point.

>>507765179or this

Attached: JozSc1Q.jpg (576x768, 93.71K)

>>507765485really? my games speeds up at 60, had to cap it at 30

>>507765862Im running the dx12 version with my monitor refresh capped to 60 in nvidia control panel. 120 and 144hz breaks the game like you said. Slightly annoying to have to switch it back and forth for the game but worth it to make the game work as intended

>>507766103120 hz works fine as long you run two windows at once.

>>507765291How can I trust this?

How do you edit text in the source folders and have it in appear in the game?

>>507766368when did i say you should?

>>507766343Noice I'll try that tomorrow