What do you use to play fighting games?

What do you use to play fighting games?

Nothing because I don't play fighting gamesI use a custom stick with a brook universal to play shmups thoughI would post a picture but it's a cardboard box

same exact stick as ur pic, rap4.


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>>507748842Keyboard. WASD for movement, numpad for attacks

>>507748842I use my ps3 pad. I don't think I'll buy a really nice stick unless I can find a group of rl people to play with.


>>507748842i bet she can grip a dick just as well as that stick haha

>>507748842POST PENIS

>>507748842two sticks, tho one more often at the moment. If I'm not testing the shit'll run on my laptop to begin with.Razer Panthera with a Taeyoung Fanta lever, and a Tatsuno vs Capcom stick with a golden collar Myoungshin for Wii/U/PCAlso use it for beatemups



>>507748842a gamepad

>>507748842>that stickyou just know

>>507749564>>507749174do you guys find execution easier or more consident on hitbox? considering switching. i'm so used to stick but things like releasing the stick to neutral and getting an input in the opposite direction fuck me up sometimes

>>507750615I use K levers, this post >>507749529 and don't have that issue. You may just need a tighter spring

>>507750615you can take the spring out of the stick and kind of reset it by stretching it out. i was having the same problem.

I've tried pad, keyboard, and stick. I just do better with sticks.pad is too cramp, and easy to garble up inputs. buttons aren't as accessible as the alternative.keyboards are alright but takes some getting used to. circular motions are awful, you really need to put in the hours to get the timing right.stick is just the best, but biggest con is the amount of travel and effort you'll need to move the stick.

Wii U Pro Controller

A qanba obsidian.

>>507748842A joystick/hitbox hybrid I built.I use the stick to navigate trough menus and play 2D platformers and beat em ups, hitbox for fighting.

3D fighters, I can only use a stick. Only exception is Tekken because I've been using pad for that since Tekken 1 and I don't think I've ever even seen that game in an arcade.At some point in the distant future though, I will have to replace this. It's missing an important feature.

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>>507748842>left handed

>>507752181You got a pic?

>>507752271It's mirrored, you assbutt.

Same stick the slut is using but without the replaced stick and buttons

>>507752228is it by any chance the cable panel door?

>>507748842I use a Qanba Dragon with a silent lever and oversize actuator

Attached: qanba dragon.jpg (640x480, 21.08K)

>>507750615Execution is easier, except for TK inputs and half circles. But it gets better with practice

>>507752676No. L3/R3.

>>507749004Made me laff


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>>507748915BasedFighting games are rotten garbage for autists that want their hands to go to shit before age 40


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>>507752940>paying $700 for a controllerlmao

>>507755264>$700now where the fuck did you get that number from?

>>507755264bruh they're $250 commonly

>>507748842i use an obsidian a gift i wouldn't have personally bought it with a crown 309mj-dx the one without a spring and a 35 grommet

right now its a silent sanwa modded panthera evo. gamestop has them for $150.i really hate the body shape of most of the current gen sticks. love how this one is a simple rectangle and changing the art is easy.

Attached: PlayStation-4-Panthera-EVO-Arcade-Stick.jpg (768x768, 30.04K)

I kind of want another stick besides my obsidian. You guys got any recommendations? I mainly play guilty gear.

Aluminum battop for added weight, 2lb spring, oversized actuator, octagon gate.

Attached: PS4-098U_Fighting_Edge__89843.1565738614.png (1280x1280, 2.62M)

>>507755419>>507755668Nevermind I'm retarded. I thought that was that one premium stick that goes for a shitton of money.

>>507750615i went from controller > stick > hitbox in the past year (before this i played fighters extremely casually)definitely wish i didn't waste the money on a stick and went straight to hitbox. doing everything on hitbox is just so much easier, you'll adjust in a few months if you play sparingly and likely much faster in other scenarios

>>507748842hori fighting commander and ds4.

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>>507748842I also use an hrap4 with a korean stick but it’s a red handle and black buttonsAlso I just realized this one is reversed

>>507752940I have one of these and it's everything I want in a stick right out the box. The lever and buttons are perfect, braided cable, L3/R3 buttons, and it's built so much like a tank I feel like I can toss it down the stairs and the stairs are gonna break before it does. It's fucking huge though. Bigger and heavier than I thought. I'm thinking for the next generation it might just be better to buy a smaller stick and mod in whatever buttons/lever the dragon has.

>>507748842I like not being bald therefore none.

>>507756608what did he mean by this

>>507748842My boomer hands are way to stiff to use a dpad properly so I ordered a budget stick. I have no idea how people can use a pad for anything with more demanding inputs than a capcom game. I must have stupid fingers or something.

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>>507756984>budget stickDo yourself and invest a proper stick if you stick with fighters. Budget sticks are notoriously shit

>>507757169He's a boomer so budget to him might be $150-200 which is usually enough to get a decent stick if you shop around for non MSRP, especially if you find a nebay/kijiji guy selling his stick to buy food during coronatimes. Just disinfect it first.

>>507756427It's arguably the best fightstick on the market right nowalthough, I felt that the lever on mine was way too clicky with its actuations so I swapped it out for a silent lever and it's been fucking amazing

>>507748842Is this her stick?

Attached: CompetitorLol.png (554x636, 86.89K)

>>507748842a big black stick that I've personally lubricated and made more tense

Attached: fucking charge moves how do they work.webm (1370x1080, 2.85M)

>>507757491>He's a boomer so budget to him might be $150-200Nah, it's a $60 Mayflash that is supposed to be easily moddable. I looked at lots of reviews and no one said its outright shit, so I figure if I find it worthwhile I'll just invest in better parts. I also work in a upper scale neighborhood so there is always a chance I'll find a busted arcade cabinet by a dumpster or some other rich people toy I can break down for parts.

keyboard, i have no money for a stick, and even if i had i'd make a mixbox or something, keyboard is literally better than stick in everything other than 360s, if i want back and then down forward i press the keys and that's it, it'll come out right 100% of the time, why do i have to move a lever and risk misinputing just because games 30y ago in arcades used that controller?

Is hitbox good? I've never really paid attention to it

>>507757721what's wrong with this statement? Samsho DOES have shit netcode and KOF is good

>>507757793you have very soft hands :3

>>507758278honestly when I played samsho ps4 for a month the netcode was great

>>507757793I'm trying to figure out what you'r'e trying to do but if i had to guess, it would be a Urien vt combo

My old MadCatz TE broke, and instead of buying a new stick, I learned how to play on pad on my old PS3 pad.


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>>507748842Most of the time I prefer stick, but there are some games that seem a lot more natural to me on pad.


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>>507748842A light switch and 2 LDRs

>>507760982fuck that's a nice hitbox

>>507748915do you use your left hand for movement?

>>507760982>>507759141How do I get art and stuff on my stick? Do I really have to take it apart myself?

>>507757793Haha this is very original humor good job user

>>507761253Yep. I play on real cabs a lot so it's what I'm used to

>>507758278It's just that she's lecturing about a game and its marketing offending her while also admitting she doesn't play said game.

>>507761325Send it to me. I'll do it.

>>507761601quit playing it online because playing samsho online sucks dick.

>>507755202what the hell are pasta wings?

>>507761756>playing SJWsho

>>507748842I'm planning to make a stick for Tetris because why not. I have no interest in anything else, but my Tetris autism is infinite.

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I don't play fighting games. They suck.

I used PS3 controller now I use PS4 controller, will probably switch to PS5 controller on release. PS4 controller is ass compared to PS3 but I guess I just got used to it. I can't play stick I tried, too much muscle memory to relearn. Hitbox seems godlike though I want to learn it eventually just don't want to shill out the money for it.

>>507762528Arcade sticks are, quite obviously, very fun for arcade type games on PC. I use one for Nova Drift since it's basically Asteroids. It took some steam remapping though.

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>>507748842Is there a specific name to an arcade stick that has the stick on the right and the buttons on the left?

>>507762528Remember to set the gate to 4-wayDon't get a Hayabusa stick because they can't be set to 4-way out of the box

>>507763976It's called taking the image and flipping it in photoshop

Why is the file deleted

>>507764145No tits on Holla Forums.

I use my cock.

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>>507764416i didnt even get to see the tits.

>>507748842A saturn controller if it's a Saturn game, otherwise the Pokkén controller. Although I have ordered one of those retrobit Bluetooth saturn controllers that works with PC/PS3/Switch so I'll be switching over to that soon.


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Why do fightsticks have 8 buttons? Is there some secret 8 button fg I don't know about?

KeyboardConsidering Hitbox in case I ever decide to dust off the Bloodborne machine or go outside for fighting games.

>>507766304The last two are for PPP and KKK

>>507766304Mostly for 3 Punch or 3 Kick or whatever combination button press the game has it set for. Really you only need 6.

>>507766549>>507766514I thought the whole point of 3P/3K binds were for pads though?

>>507766304Most fighting games are five or six button on paper, but some are realistically 8 buttons.Skullgirls is a good example. Yeah you can do it all with six buttons but it's so much simpler to just have your shit right and proper macro'ed.

>>507766664If the game has them why not use them?They're also useful for utility buttons for controlling training mode stuff in 3/4 button games