
Hell is a real place and I'm there.

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Why are you still using that truck?

>>507750374I don't have any better ones.

>>507748256>>507750374Ditch that truck, put the big crane on it. IT works pretty good when it's got some weight on the back wheels. Use the Fleetstar, the AWD upgrade is one of the first one's you find.

>>507750889The Fleetstar is right beside the first garage just winch it over into the garage zone.

>>507748256What are the maps like in this all new edition of spintires

>>507751134Everything is straight up upgrade.

>>507751009I didn't think of that, I thought I'd have to wait to find a field repair kit.

>>507748256i have so many mods on mudrunner on steam. i love that game so much. i have over 150 hours logged on it. never played snow runner though. is it for pc?

>>507751581>is it for pc?Its Epic store exclusive

>>507751702thats gay. probably wont get any mods either. epic is ruining gaming on pc.

Refreshing to see SteamJews knocked down a peg (:

Local man prepares to be brave.

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>>507752234Too brave.

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>>507752234in mudrunner on steam i have a giant school bus with 50ft tractor wheels that could drive right into any water and not even get halfway submerged.

>>507748256Didn't this dev steal the source code from his old tea or something?

>>507753230No he owned it but signed over the spintires name. Their original publisher stopped paying them so they released a patch that fucked up spintires, then fucked off. The original publisher hired a new team to unfuck spintires and they did the chernobyl DLC. While the O.G guys went on to do Mudrunner.

>>507751818How can you complain about free games?

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>>507752463Use the goddamn Fleetstar.

>>507755407I don't have enough money to put the crane on it yet, and I need the crane.

>>507755470You can take the crane off that truck and move it to the fleetstar, ffs

>>507748256do trucks really get stuck every 10 seconds on mud

They need to add recover trailer option and fix the camera when pulling long trailers. Other than that it's a really fun game.

>>507751009I just got in it and then recovered it

This is my baby.

>>507755578Oh neat.Too late though. I made my bed.

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>>507755628Yes, 100%, 10 seconds, never fails

Sell trailers you aren't using at the trailer store.Get the fleetstar then sell the piece of shit you're using.Sell upgrades you aren't using.Sell price is always the same as buy price so you'll never lose money.Get your shit together OP

>>507756362Selling parts is huge.Every time you upgrade a truck’s suspension, diff, or drive system, you can sell the useless stock parts for a few thousand bucks.And I just instantly sell highway trucks - they’re cool, but useless in this game.

>>507756229Time to pull this fuckboy free.

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>>507757228If you don’t have a bunch of upgrades for that 1500, don’t hold your breath.

>>507757367WITNESS ME

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>>507756868Highway trucks are great for towing semis on the highway. They don't use much fuel and the front wheels stay on the ground if you keep stock suspension.I did the heavy fuel trailer contract in Black River with just a highway truck and had no trouble.


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Free and clear. This shitpile has a delivery to make.

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>>507757814Mr Stark, I don't feel so good.

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>>507757642IMO there isn’t enough paved highway in the game for the most part to be worthwhile. It only takes one small mud patch and it becomes a huge pain in the ass to drag your Transtar through.And short of exploring other maps, I find fuel doesn’t become an issue very often. If I’m driving around a bunch in a place without gas handy, I just park a fuel truck or trailer in the area and use it to top up whenever.

>>507758021I should add I just use trucks like the Fleetstar or Kodiak for any general stuff like that. They do just fine on roads, and rarely would I ever need more gas anyways.

>>507757367A few extra horses can be all you need to break something free. Don't forget the stuck truck is still contributing.>>507758021That's why I like semis. The main routes are fine for the most part as far as I've seen as long as your engine is upgraded, I haven't gone beyond the dam map. I can just leave heavy duty or off-road trucks to take over on the muddy side routes.I prefer to save gas so I don't have to go pick up more fuel every few jobs.

>>507755781I fought with the Kodiak in the swamp for so long trying to recover it with those 3 early-game trucks before I realized I could do that.

Made it.

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>>507758567Towing trucks always annoys the hell out of me - because yes, they do at least give it some gas.But it is so frustrating seeing the truck I’m trying to tow just gunning it, not engaging AWD or diff locks, and steering straight into obstacles. If it is at the point of needing rescue, just spinning the rear tires at full throttle is pretty useless.

>>507758567I think part of the difference is that my strategy isn’t using trailers as much unless I need to. I just load everything I can right into the truck (usually places only need like two of any one thing anyways), which makes it way easier to get around and not get stuck.And given that I then can’t transfer that cargo easily to another truck, I just take a heavy duty or off road truck that can handle any part of the trip by itself.

>>507758907Get yourself a P12 and you won't have that problem anymore. The winch alone pulls harder than two trucks tied together.

>>507759879I found the 16 already and use it for that. The only downside is that it only accepts high trailer saddles, but then again the 12 doesn’t accept that much more either.

>>507758640Yeah it took me awhile to realize it too. I wish the game did a better job of setting you up in the beginning. They kinda just throw you in and dont explain things well.

>>507760093I never checked with the 12, can they tow regular trailers? I guess if they can't the winch would work for that.

>>507748256Real Germany hour

does this have wheel support?

>>507760641IIRC the 12 can only take a Hugh trailer saddle and maybe 3 specific modules, I don’t think it can take low saddles. The 16 is less, it’s ONLY high trailer saddles. I think the 12 also gets AWD while the 16 doesn’t.I would say these factors probably make the 12 better, but you have to buy it. The 16 you just find for free and it still works great.

>>507760628I only JUST discovered, quite far in, that you can preview trucks in the store and see what they can use before you buy them.>Bought a UAZ 452 (Slav van) assuming “oh nice it’s the van so it will let me hold much more supplies inside”>It can still only take one roof rack, the fuckhuge empty interior inexplicably can’t be used for anything

>>507761405How are you going to pick up chicks when your van's full of engine parts?

>>507761672The babushkas can ride up front, waterbed in the back

>>507755672I have one semitrailer just sitting in that stupid quarry because it decided to roll over for no apparent reason and there is no good way to get it out of there.

>>507750374>>507750902I personally love that truck. I like old american diesel tractors like that GMC. get some tire upgrades on it and its a piece of cake to use.

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>>507750902>put the big crane on it.Is this nigger serious?The big cranes weight is all up high, you're almost guaranteed to roll over on the slightest camber, doubly so if you're running lifted suspension/fuck huge off road wheels.

>>507764229I do too actually, I really like trucks like that GMC or the old IH tractor.It’s just that I find them fairly useless in this game, and I can’t justify keeping them when the money from selling them can get me trucks that are so much more versatile.

>>507752463>No AWD>No locking diff>Driving in mud>Whilst trying to tow a heavy as fuck loadkek


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>>507748256as someone who played hundreds of hours of farm sim and truck sim, this game sucks

post webms

>>507764229but the best truck right now is this russian truck mod

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>>507764229Man I need to upgrade my gpu. That looks way better than my game.

>>507764962yeah, i hear ya. I was a tight wad early on, but after 20hrs of running around tyring to discover every map I ended up with some cash and a ton of upgrades. I went in thinking like it was mudrunner or spintires where it was the truck that did the job, not the equipment. Some trucks dont even come with unlocked diffs or 4x4... u gotta unlock them ,and when you do.... this game turns into gran turismo 4x4 edition.

>>507762837If it's somewhere you can drive to a heavy crane will flip it over.