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Other urls found in this thread:


>play video games instead of putting time and effort into improving your personal lifeI mean I'm a fuck up too, but at least be accountable for your shit.

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>>507747843go watch some more jordan peterson videos, you genetic failure.

>>507747712Isn't there AC comics exactly like this? Are they that unoriginal?

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>>507747712>MY LIFE IN ANIMAL CROSSING IS GOOD BUT MY REAL LIFE SUCKS AND EVERYTHING IS AWFUL HAHAwhy is like every animal crossing comic like this?

>>507748093Says the similar waste of carbon shitting up Holla Forums.

Think about this for a second.Video games have become so normalized that now it's the people using them as an escape from reality who are considered the odd ones out.

>>507748175>>507748230Because the artists that make those comics are all w*men

>>507748493I guess that makes sense, because The Sims comics are like that too

post the real one next time, little bud.


Attached: theACwbcomic.png (660x1435, 918.98K)

I've never played an Animal Crossing game before but it seems to be the premier game for losers desperately trying to escape reality.

How many people have made the exact same comic now?

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>>507748964Can someone post the true ending of this comic?


>>507748964i just harmlessly edited the ones i wanted in, no animals hurt in the process of achieving my utopia.


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>>507747712how is making this thread over and over any better than making the same comic over and over?

>>507749413AC trannies cannot possibly be this self entitled

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>>507749413How do people become so attached to shitty little creatures with predetermined catchphrases? There are like 25 Raymonds.

>>507750291There's literally nothing wrong with this image though

>>507748093Why, so he can blame trannies and feminazis for his personal failings? If you want to turn your life around, you should seriously listen to the phone call between Chris Chan and Kacey's father


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>>507750291What the fuck is maps?

>>507748857AC's fanbase consists of retarded trannies, faggots and women, don't be suprised now.


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It’s the lie of happy gay coupleCome on maaaann most are disfinctional and nothing like that

>>507750821pedophileit's short for "minor attracted persons"

>>507750676>Why, so he can blame trannies and feminazis for his personal failings?Nobody actually blames them for being anything but annoying cunts and wannabe-cunts

>>507750676Haven't heard those, post'em

>>507750924Based and pedopilled

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>>507750930Balance has been restored


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>>507750924What the hell is an ageplayer?

>>507750924I'd rather all these things be illegal than none of them.In fact, just ban them all, fags proved they can't keep it in the bedroom.

>>507751385go google ddlg

>>507751385It's when you pretend to be 80 years old and deaf when your wife asks you to mow the lawn

>>507751253That's not Chris? Or is than another Chris

>>507751385People who get off to pretending to be a baby or toddler.

>>507750924you can only be a pedophile if you like little boys. dont put your sick shit on us based cunnysuerspedo-before vowels ped-, word-forming element meaning "boy, child," from Greek pedo-, combining form of pais "boy, child," especially a son, from PIE root *pau- (1) "few, little." The British form paed- is better because it avoids confusion with the ped- that means "foot" (from PIE root *ped-) and the ped-that means "soil, ground, earth." Compare, from the same root, Sanskrit putrah "son;" Avestan puthra- "son, child;" Latin puer "child, boy," Oscan puklu "child."

Gay couples aren’t like this.shits a fucking lie

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>>507750676>Why, so he can blame trannies and feminazis for his personal failings?What the fuck is wrong with you for defending such evil and disgusting ideology, and what the fuck does that have to do with Jordan Peterson? Oh right. I get it, its because behavior is influenced by genetics, so all leftists and left sympathizers have this genetic quirk were they demonized people that go against their religion and treat people who hate disgusting things as the bad guy.What other stupid shit are you gonna say?>listen to the phone call between Chris Chan and Kacey's fatherYou really have to be a fucking failure to get life advice from that.

>>507750821pedophiles. Like, not meme shit, but straight up literal, child raping pedophiles.

>>507751253What is shmorky even up to anymore? The guy had a pretty good gig going on with it's animation, even did adult swim stuff and did something for the aquabats. Then the dude went and fucked it all up

>>507748964 reminder the tranny cat creator made this

>>507751651the world would be a better place if every bottom and woman was an animal for human men to fuck i agree

>>507751253Hey, that sounds nothing like sonichu dude

>>507751790Hopefully he's dead

>>507751253>that part where shes about to say "You're the man of the house" and stops herselffucking lmao

Lgbt couples don’t last together most break up within a few months or years the rest resort to polyam or open bullshit to hold onto their sham of a relationshipThe turnover rate for lgbt couples is much higher than straight relationships This is due to lgbt people having a hard time committing to someone and even when they do commit it usually isn’t a few years until the love isBurned out another big factor in lgbt relationships failing is that a lot of mental illness and social problems are rampant in the community. This making it even harder for a lgbt relationship to succeed as gay standards are also higher than straights. Most lgbt people are incels for this reason.

>>507751385>>507751486>>507751545Oh, heard that shit is active on second life because of fucking cory on sleepycabin. You're telling me people get off the idea of some hairy middle age dude pretending to be a kid? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose?

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>>507752079no, they get off on the girl pretending to be a kid

>>507747712A crummy social commentary?I would rather be reading comics about water.

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>>507752056Nice blog grandpa

>>507752320Fuck off you know it’s true


>>507752410I do know it's true that's why I posted it

>>507752410yeah but this ain't the thread for it retard

>>507750291I love this MAPS shit just for how much it makes the LGBetc. angry

>>507752480Fuck off I lived this shit I know better than anyone how true it is it’s all a goddamn lie about how much better these relationships are >>507752458

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>>507751651cats with extra toes are actually extremely common IRL. Many breeds have this defect in high numbers for example the Maine Coonjust thought that was interesting :)

>>507751253Did he fucking pinch his nose, it feels like it's fucking edited.

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>>507747843The fire is on the outside you retards, and it's literally referencing the state of the world. Holy shit you guys are so autistic it's insane.

>>507752542It's a double edged sword because it makes real pedos feel more accepted.>>507752608sir this is Holla Forums not /lgbt/

>>507751782Not all of them are rapists

>>507752259this is a pretty good premise ngl, and the water color is nice too. source?

>>507752626my mother had a cat when I was growing up that was born with 9 or 10 toes on every pawa lot of them fell off but he still had 7 toes on each footi miss that cat

>>507752608Good thing we all know how important your opinion is

>>507752739got it from here

>>507750924Wow, they sure can, let's make all of them illegal!

>>507748964>comfy game about community, friendship, and kindness>characters are designed to be cute and have their own personality>internet trooners show absolutely 0 empathy and become virtual human traffickers, based solely on the fact that certain characters arent cute enough for their tastesits funny that trannies dress up like the opposite gender and never pass while looking absurd, and then fire up AC and proceed to do what society does to them to virtual characters. the level of self loathing is phenomenal.

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>>507752671you mean /tttt/, not /lgbt/

>>507752079It's pretty common in MMOs. People pretending to be babys and shit. Wearing diapers is a pretty popular aspect of age play

>>507752259>comics about waterAny recommendations?

>>507748857Honestly, I've only seen four and that includes the one you just posted.


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ten years ago all we had was drag queens and the almost mythologically rare tranny drinking horse piss estrogentired of hearing about this demented garbage

I made a AC comic, is generic enough?

Attached: 20200512_215315.jpg (2973x4232, 1.36M)

Where's the comic where it's literally, LITERALLY the exact same joke and setup, except I think the house is on fire in the last panel?

>>507750924Being a pedophile is not illegal, acting out on your desires as a pedophile is.

>>507748964The fact that the dude is using the :3 face seals the deal

>>507747712Someone post the other version of this same comic.

Attached: FamilyGuyLul.png (1069x1415, 1.44M)

>>507753321needs a panel of the player in real life sitting in squalor as the world burns down around them

>>507753321Heh saved, where you post your stuff normally?

>>507751643>you can only be a pedophile if you like little boys. dont put your sick shit on us based cunnysuers

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>>507753321Yup, just have Marshall pulling a rapeface in the last panel.

>>507750924Real question, can women be classified as a pedophile? There has been countless stories of females sleeping/flirting with school kids and they never get in any real trouble.

>>507751643i cant tell if youre a troll or if youre actually mentally ill / retarded. good job i guess?

>>507748964I don't get it

>>507753954Plenty of them have been jailedAnd that's NOT a good thing

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>>507751253why is spongebob fighting with somebody what am I listening to

>>507748857Almost as if real life has gone horribly wrong for some reason.

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The ammount of AC trannies stealing Ronnie's jokes and comic ideas is sickening

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>>507754006It's okay to marginalize ugly people and make them leave your community

>>507749413this can NOT be real

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>>507751253tl dr?

>>507753960>>507753795did you not read the post i fucking posted?

>>507753954>can women be classified as a pedophile?Yes.>There has been countless stories of females sleeping/flirting with school kidsMost of those are high-schoolers who would be past puberty, meaning that, while still illegal, its not pedophilia

>>507754151Fuck, I hope someone sabotages the corona cure.

>>507748486Videogames have always been overrun. Fuck you escapist faggots, the only real vidya fags are the people who like vidya for it's own sake.

>>507754060Children are not in the prisons with them though?

>>507753954women get lighter sentences for all crimes in general, not just statutory rape

>>507754151shit dude maybe we should have listened to those guys

>>507754345Well the law system isn't designed after H-manga

>>507754151wow....really makes u think......


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>>507754082You can't trick me when I expect it at this point


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>>507754151>it go down hill when we accepted the jewsReally make you think

>>507753136It's about depression and loneliness but Undercurrent has a lot of water motifs

Attached: Undercurrent - Vol.01 Ch.001 - 17.jpg (728x1095, 98.58K)

>>507753321panel 2, "tho" is the acceptable shortening of "though"panel 3, a nurse outfit IS cute toogood comic otherwise

>>507751671Sounds like you should listen to Kacey's dad

>>507754561FUCK YEAH!>tfw this image alone is enough to trigger most of 4chan

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How do we fix Animal Crossing?

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>>507754849What's so triggering about Bugs?

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>>507753321having ragged edges on the lines of the eye make her look like she has crow feet and makes her look oldotherwise i coom


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>>507749413>"He is my comfort character.">"Seeing him in an environment not meant for him brings me anxiety.">Retard then demands the character.

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>>507750698I think I see the problem, americans, the fragile and always "right" americans.they think they always have the answer for everything, and they try to shove it into other opinions.fuck trannies, fuck niggers, fuck americans

>>507754864What up with the random faces?

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>>507748093I don’t know who that is

>>507754864Add an acceptable alternative to 3 mouth, all of the others are trash unless you want a slasher smile.

>>507753321yes, I'd even think you were a woman for making it, if I didn't know it was made in jest

>>507754186>that screencap

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>>507747712>consist A ntwomen are retarded

>>507751651Who the fuck actually enjoys reading this shit?

>>507755165that nigga looks like he wants to buy potions

>>507750924I don't mind being into chicks again desu

>>507755171*people are retardedfixed that for you



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Shit thread

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>>507749413The fuck is a comfort character?

>>507750291lads whats worse and more patheticreal pedophiles or twitter roleplay accounts


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>>507755448pedophiles. Posting as anonymous on 4chan is basically the step below Twitter RP

>>507755448real pedophiles hiding behind twitter roleplay accounts

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>>507754561Isabelle says Yes to MAPS though

>>507755293women aren't people

>>507755508i hate tranny eternal retard faggots too but this image is a little much

>>507755315Based but holy fuck I have NEVER seen such a thorough and malicious raping of one's own work before what Dreamfall/Dreamfall Chapters did to TLJ


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>>507752259why did he become bald?

>>507755315Based The Longest Journey chad

>>507755585She kinda has to. Dogs don't live that long, if age was an issue than she'd never get laid.

>>507748964It'd be nice if villagers that leave under bad circumstances could fuck up your island somehow.

>>507755448i would rather 9001 children get raped a day by pedophiles than see even a single hint of a twitter RPer

>>507755735He was always bald. The first panel just just beard hair.

>>507755706Im not sure whats worse, the tranny or the shirt with chinese text on it.i hate trannies and china almost equally

After paying a bit of attention to trans posting on here, I've come to the conclusion a large portion of it is falseflagging. Possibly an attempt to drive up the contempt for these people by acting as them, and as obnoxiously as possible.Wouldn't be the first time this has been done with other demographics.

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>>507747843this, nothing is wrong and everything is fine so just stop complaining

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>>507756060what, in a place that encourages people to post the most retarded shit they can come up with for (you)s?surely everyone here is genuine is telling the truth and totally not just jerking themselves off to starting outrage for people they dont like

>>507750291>>507750821MAPs are just pedophiles latching onto the progressive movement under a new name, in hopes that people will accept them and the FBI wont raid their houses.Twitter bans you if you call them out, because they view MAPs as a protected minority class. Also, there is tons of CP and CP accounts sharing this stuff on Twitter right now using Mega Uploads.

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>>507756219If it's so obvious, why do they get so many replies?

>>507756242>early teens>11hmmmm


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>>507748001>being a tripfag

>>507747712technically you dont have a consistent income as its not a guaranteed or set amount you have to go out and actually get items to haggle for and sell. meaning your income varies wildly between days.

>>507756375>reverse-psyop another psyopstoooooop

>>507756478>>507756119The number of soibois, gays, and transexuals have also been on similar rise.Interesting once you figure out how to get things for free without working for them.

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>>507754561>trans-gendered people don't even exist in the Dobutsu no Mori universe>Isabelle has a shirt that says trans rightsIt's like using an iphone in dragon quest it just doesn't make any sense

>>507756375Getting angry is fun.


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>>507752682How did you hit "t" instead of a comma in the word "not"?

Why do we hate trannies again? Be honest

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>>507747712>same comic ad nauseum We get it.

>>507750924is there a downside to the scenario this tweet describes?

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>>507756242>just pedophiles latching onto the progressive movementNAMBLA has supported gay rights since the 1960s. Why is that I wonder?

>>507753792i have this twitter account twitter.com/CannonOozu but its not too active because i can only post 18+ drawings there and the bulk of my work is cute and funny if you want a link to that reply to this post or your mother will be proud of you

>>507755028but user its white women and jews everywhere that push this nonesense. they use minority groups as weapons against white men to gain power. its been like this forever

>>507756878>he does pornwow, its almost like becoming a tranny is a fetish or something. weird

>>507747712So the joke is the irony of you guys mak ing a 20th thread this week to bitch about this for the 40th time right?


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>>507754561I son't get this trans rights thing. Do trans people not have rights in pretty much any civilized country? Last I checked men in skirts weren't being pelted to death with rocks in the town square.

Yeah these faggots recycling the same content again and again to share with their faggot friends is totally different from you remaking the same thread again and again to talk about people who hate you.Stop making this thread. These people are faggots. We get it. We fucking get it. We understand.

>>507753321you messed up erasing part of the title when you stole this

>>507747712>being in your mid 20s and another having a consistent income and a house of your ownWe need to stop babying people and just gas all these useless shits.>>507747843Also this.

>>507754452You can see her vag in the last panel

>>507754151>patreonYeah i'll pass

>>507757176Look you poor niggers, no one even NEEDS one home. Who are you to tell anyone what they need anyway?

>>507757297That's right goy, wages haven't stangnated, everyone just got lazy.

>>507747843it's almost as if the rules that dictate reality are fundamentally unfair and chaotic compared to the rules we program into our VIDEO GAME simulators.You never asked yourself, why do people play video games in the first place? because they are consistent, and engaging. When you play animal crossing, nobody is going to run up and murder you because of your skin color or sexuality.If you want people to be your friend and look out for you, and work together in a little community together and share resources, it has to be coded into a video game because that shit doesn't happen in reality.Here's a little wake up call. And it's going to blow your mind because it's the exact opposite thing you've been told your entire fucking life.people who are doing bad, are not always 100% responsible for their situation.If you believe every person is to blame for every bad thing that happens to them, then you are rejecting reality.You grow up being told by your school, your parents, and corporate media that anybody can do anything! just work harder! work harder indeed you little monkey, it's all a load of shit.

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>>507757124Probably because they're literally fucking gay? Like where did you think you were going with this lol

>>507751790No idea, but I dated this chick and my friend did too. Shes as crazy as you think. Nice tits though, pierced nips too.

>>507754864fuck, I chose that mouth because of "lolol random"am I one of ("them")?

>>507757460Even if wages have stagnated it only affects the dumb or lazy you stupid kike.


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>>507757252according to them "trans rights" is basically free HRT, free dick choppings and whatever else they need to feel "normal" or some shit

>>507750291Trannies are just as terrible as pedophiles. They want to be able to determine their kids as transgender from birth and it won't be long before they start pushing for the right to give their kids gender reassignment surgery in which case they'll be shoving metal rods up their kids' mutilated genitals post surgery on a daily basis while insisting that violating their kids with foreign objects isn't child molestation but instead medical treatment.

>just work harder

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_timworstall_files_2016_10_wagescompensation-1200x1093.jpg (1200x1093, 109.23K)

>>507754978Woah. Real life Busujima from Bloody Roar.

>>507757662Nigger I don't even get the medicine I need to not have my organs shut down for free. If they want to mutilate themselves they can do it with a kitchen knife and a bottle of vodka.

>>507756242>ephebophiliaIsn't that just a normal man?

>>507757252They want their tranny shit to be covered by health insurance and stuff

>>507757638>actually stagnant wages aren't a bad thingHoly shit how do you get this brainwashed?

>>507751253what the fuck is going on


>>507757176I wonder who pays to maintain the property and take care of any problems then... Certainly not the people paying rent.This picture only applies if you live in a giant shithole city like in New York or California, and you are a retarded progressive that refuses to move somewhere more rural.

>>507757818>mad poorfag fell for the (((college))) meme

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>>507757860uhm excuse me swettie but i LITERALLY cannot stand having a m*le body and demand to be the beautiful woman i was always destined to benow pay for my health insurance and this hacksaw

>>507751253>"stop pretending" he says in the voice of a cartoon character

>>507757912I didn't say they aren't. I said it only affects the dumb and lazy. If you're neither you should be fine. You're obviously both.

>>507754151this is why we shouldn't have let jews in

>>507757176The existence of landlords is funny as fuck because we get to see people who make poor financial choices in their life blame anyone but themselves for not making ends meet.

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>>507754243Shmorkys Ex Fiance goes crazy. Shmorky dumped the recorded convo cause he was scared lol. I forget the actual reason of the melt down too and I was close to her at the time.

>>507750924My dad: If gays have rights then it'll be pedos next.Me: No they wont dad.Well fuck me I guess.

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>>507758082>lol why doesn't everyone just move somewhere thats cheap then????then it wouldn't be cheap anymore you fucking retard

>>507758051If you're not attracted to 16-19 year old girls you're just gay user.

>>507748175If so many people are making the same joke that's just a sign of how bad the situation is.

Because this thread is absolutely not vidya gaems alreadyHere's a storytime

Attached: FrankenFran_v2_003.png (825x1200, 219.14K)

>>507747712This is probably the worst lol thread we had in years

>>507755359vroom vroom

>>507758163>prices increase>but your wage doesn't>this somehow doesn't affect you

You guys just complain about trannies ruining our games, but WHEN THE FUCK are we going to end them?I dont mean kill them, that would be harsh

>>507747843They're not actually that much of a fuck up, "poor and depressed" is just a popular aesthetic right now.


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>>507758219i think he hide "her" meds, and incited the meltdown to record it to post it on SA

>>507755735Why am I so bald?

>>507752967Trannoids are professional hypocrites, nothing new

>>507757818>Not wanting a promotion so you get paid forYes, it is everyone else's fault. Surely not you looking to blame someone else for your failures.

>>507757818Modern capitalism is utterly fucked. Im unemployed and earn more than anyone my age because of yields and dividends for stocks.


Attached: FrankenFran_v2_005.png (804x1200, 293.52K)

>>507751253>a.tumblr.com/tumblr_o1w43x4GGX1v772mro1.mp3#_=_What the fuck is this? Is the woman complaining about Jews, or is she Jewish and complaining about being called out?


Attached: FrankenFran_v2_006.png (832x1200, 233.51K)

>>507758530>productivity increases but wages don't>"well obviously you should have just worked harder!"

>>507747712wow an actually funny comic?

Attached: CjcQBE6.jpg (362x346, 37.55K)

>>507753795As always, pedos justifying their mental illness

>>507758606anon, those are 2 guys

>>507758406>prices increase>my wage increases because I'm not a moron and am good at my job>get promoted and make more money>use that money to start my own company>make even more money off of retards like youNo not really

>>507755414>The fuck is a comfort character?Its when 40 year old Twitter fags fap to something but wont admit it so not to trigger their online pretend friends. They just call it a comfort character.


Attached: FrankenFran_v2_007.png (801x1200, 241.67K)

>>507758771>n-no the chart is lying, my wages didn't stagnate and one day ill be super richlol americans


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>>507758812Have you been reading the new franken fran manga?


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>>507757460>t. "depressed" child who doesn't want to work and complains immigrants are taking """>her""" job, while waiting for the government to give >her everything

>>507756605but there is a cannonically trans character user

Attached: dfehnbcc3nv41.png (984x950, 353.25K)

>>507758768...seriously?I need context for this.


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>>507759049>>507759035I have. I just haven't saved them to my PC yetI can't wait to storytime UNLIMITED MILKERS JUST WORKS

>>507758282If people spread out, then yes, it would be cheap.Do you realize how much empty, cheap land is in central America?You morons are choosing to paying $1,000+ a month to live in a small apartment in San Francisco.You only have yourselves to blame for choosing to live in cities full of homeless people, litter, and human shit on the streets.

Attached: D8v_yFeUEAEptD9.jpg (710x1024, 47.5K)

>>507759067t. fifteen year old zoomer who does not even have a job

>>507747843And yet here you are

>>507759067The average household income has objectively decreased despite tbe average worker being more productive. What is yout explanation for this?

>>507758943>one daykek not my fault you're a loser you should have put more effort early in life so you could just cruise in comfort for the rest of it


Attached: FrankenFran_v2_009.png (810x1200, 206.43K)

>>507750291>MAP rightsTwitter needs to be banned. Its too fucked up, too many pedos and dog fuckers use it. Guess thats why its popular with actors and Marvel writers.Burn it to the fucking ground its a danger to kids.

Attached: 65266012_940149662983316_1871522263873799864_n.jpg (695x425, 68.23K)

>>507759076Spyro is also trans.

Attached: SpyroThiccLGBT.png (931x906, 621.04K)

>>507759229*yawn* yes, I will be in my own house crying with my money I got from stealing Americans their jobcontrol engineer here


Attached: FrankenFran_v2_010_011.png (1677x1200, 579.42K)

>>507759076I love how it says right there in the image that she's an ostrich


Attached: FrankenFran_v2_012.png (834x1200, 249.63K)

>>507759273keep being delusional goy

When will the Americanmutt free himself from the Jew's shackles?


Attached: FrankenFran_v2_013.png (828x1200, 312.16K)

>>507759482CAN HE SEE?


>>507759076My ass is trans right now. I had chilli today and it has been nothing but an absolute bitch since.

Attached: bear.jpg (612x408, 54.3K)

>>507759591You have gained Insight.

Attached: FrankenFran_v2_014.png (835x1200, 192.91K)

>>507759525Whatever helps you sleep at night in your one bedroom apartment you broke ass nigga.


Attached: FrankenFran_v2_015.png (795x1200, 272.14K)

>>507755206>implying there's a potion weak enough for that twink

>>507759785You have gained Insight.

Attached: FrankenFran_v2_016_017.png (1672x1200, 626.88K)

>>507759676Wouldn't being next to a bunch of people with cell phones blind him?


>>507747712I wonder if that woman showered all ready of if she is still playing?

>>507759730Not that guy but no one worth anything browses this shithole regardless of money. Also your not black what are you doing trying to act tough?


Attached: FrankenFran_v2_018.png (835x1200, 298.4K)

>>507759229grow up kid, world isnt like you wanted

>>507759676Shouldn't she have stripes since he can see UV?


Attached: FrankenFran_v2_019.png (848x1200, 340.13K)

>>507759929Who are you quoting?

>>507760106UV babes

>>507759969/v/ has a large concentration of children, which means much more internet tough guys and people pretending to be chad millionaires with 12 wives.

>>507750698Only rapists want Non-Binary toilets.

Attached: 60f2d73d60099674b9294e4af893c647b6f30b1e610228fc9b40390892148bb7.jpg (527x484, 208.4K)

>>507757818It's almost like there was some law passed in 1965 that allowed millions of subhuman third worlders into our country to drive the wages down


Attached: FrankenFran_v2_020 sfw.png (838x1200, 665.14K)

>>507759969What year do you think it is? This place is as normie as Twitter these days. I'm not, but he obviously is if he's so lazy he just wants everything handed to him without having to work for it.


Attached: FrankenFran_v2_021.png (831x1200, 309.76K)

>>507754864>localization does something stupid>on a nintendo gamewhats new?

>>507758225"MAPs" are just people like your dad falseflagging. Actual pedophiles are here in Holla Forums shitposting.

>>507760348Oh god. Mods dont ban me for such flagrant lewdity

Attached: FrankenFran_v2_022.png (828x1200, 263K)

>>507758771You sound like one of these dumb ghetto fuckers that think they have gone up in the world because they got a promotion at Burger King.

Attached: 2N8peqhB8_iJxL2BGjmC_UZOrgYNWPFbhOsWJ2NEc8g.png (596x448, 318.34K)


>>507760438Waifu achieved.

Attached: FrankenFran_v2_023.png (845x1200, 351.18K)


Attached: FrankenFran_v2_024.png (846x1200, 237.59K)

teeheeLast Chapter: >>507097643

Attached: 2.jpg (959x1400, 567.14K)

>>507751651where's the joke

>>507758343>Spamming a shitty mangaWell at least it isn't that shitty green loli but still fuck off.

>>507760550Imagine fucking the air and cooming

>>507754082this isn't even the first time I fall for it twice ______________


Attached: FrankenFran_v2_025.png (837x1200, 242.98K)

>>507759183But then there won't be any of those cool city things that we don't ever do because we spend all of our time sitting at home watching Netflix


Attached: 3.jpg (959x1400, 542.17K)

>>507759172Educated person here.It's the faces that show easy-to-read expressions and makes it easier to feel empathy.


>>507754186Holy shit I remember seeing this post live and losing my shit.Now it's only mildly funny. 4chan humor really evolves. Well, the good parts.

>mfw house only costs $600 not counting utilities>can even go outside and not be bothered by anyonehope you urbanites starve, then i don't have to commute for over 1 hour to build your shitty commieblocks

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>>507751253god I hate Shmorky.

Attached: huff.gif (300x300, 43.81K)

>>507760732>shitting on franken franBased contrarian

>>507760763WHAT IS IT?

>>507754151Accidentally based?

>>507754151wow 1940 man was actually right

>>507760763>507760732>he goes into dedicated shitposting threads and gets normalfag assblast because of shitposts more akin to site culture than bitching about politics and tranniesLmao @ u

Attached: FrankenFran_v2_026.png (826x1200, 357.44K)


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Games for this feel?

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>>507758530its actually remarkably easy to get promoted up the lower ranks of the latter but trying to move from lower to middle is incredibly difficult then its eaisy to move through middle management, but breaking into upper is nearly impossible. for reference lower management is slightly increased wage with guaranteed 40+ hours. only middle makes salary

>>507755043>america too afraid to acknowledge the two genders


Attached: 1587852619874.png (800x960, 481.7K)

>>507760860>roommate's gf makes us move from the countryside and $250 a month to a downtown city apartmenta-at least my drive is shortened to 10 minutes and there's a microbrewery two blocks away

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>>507761010Thanks user for posting these

Attached: cancer.jpg (2400x1600, 647.42K)

>>507761010Is that it? Who is this by, Junji Ito?


Attached: 8.jpg (959x1400, 648.41K)

>>507748001You should be supporting one of your tranny brethren

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>>507759304Spyro is choking to death, I think he found some garbage and it got stuck around his neck.

>>507757176>why yes I am a landlord how could you tell?

>>507758051why not? is the common age these teenagers are already doing it, not saying is ok to go out and get one but at that age they are more aware of what they are doing

>>507761010>They show up again in a later chapter and she hasn't even eaten him or bodyjacked him or anythingI think this might be literally the only Fran chapter that has an actual happy ending

>>507748175White woman's comedy comes from misery.


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>>507760732>shitty green loliIf you don't like Yotsuba you genuinely don't even belong here.

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>>507754849Exclamation marks trigger me more than any image.

>>507761010Is this it? WHATS IN THE BO- on the painting?!

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Attached: 10.jpg (959x1400, 659.23K)

>>507761610>that picdump it

Attached: EJvN3GEWwAAzNdT.jpg (1600x1200, 380.07K)

>>507761406You'd think with that ending, but no>>507761476You just got Ito'd by Katsuhisa

>>507759183>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1000 a month in SFHoly shit get out. Also cities currently house the great centers for IT. Build some work out in the boonies and people will move there. It's cheap because THERE'S NOTHING TO DO YOU FUCKING MORON.>inb4 farming is now a career people should aspire towards

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>>507761572Oh, that's what he meant. That's unforgivable.

HahahaHere we go

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>>507754864Use the custom face paint for the eye browsor other features

Attached: face paint.png (254x301, 193.87K)

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>>507760998So were the politicians of Rome and the philosophers of Greece 2000 year ago. Yet here we are.

Attached: clownscoming.gif (200x200, 1.53M)

>>507758768>>507758606 I don't know what this website is, but it might have answers to the whole shmorky business.fireden.net/co/thread/80921580/

Attached: ELcmsp1XsAI4J9o.jpg (2048x1365, 676.94K)

>>507749413>furry avatar>faggot flagis everyone that plays animal crossing a degenerate? besides the (actual) women of course


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This is the last one, I hope you liked it

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>>507761510i used to webcam with grown ups at 16 and turned out fine

>>507753214Wait, that guy

Attached: wfj4jAli_400x400.png (400x400, 135.81K)

>>507748964Was it a tranny who made this? I thought it was lambasting people who do this, based on how his villagers seemed to be disapproving of what he was doing to Canberra


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>>507750291pedo rights? trans rights? what’s the difference?

>>507762374Would you take the deal, Holla Forums?

Attached: FrankenFran_v1_036.png (843x1200, 214.65K)

>>507762221Another heh

Franken Fran is a colossal bitch.


Attached: 17.jpg (959x1400, 593.18K)

>>507748813Everyone I know who plays it hates they're life, and refuses to look at why their life sucks. All their opinions are formed for them by mainstream media, and their day to day is just feeding back into that system. Only non-people play this shit.

>>507747712Isn't there at least 10 comics of this same scenario, each one just a bit different?


Attached: FrankenFran_v1_037.png (835x1200, 324.01K)

>>507754082I think have never seen the original in all the years I've been here.

>>507762484She turns into a monstrous fly that ends up eating him as I recall, so no.


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>>507762586You must be mistaken user.All that happens here is true love

Attached: FrankenFran_v1_038.png (842x1200, 290.01K)

>>507762579Isn't there at least 100 threads of this same topic, each one exactly the same?


Attached: 19.jpg (959x1400, 559.96K)

>>507762484If I didn't know who she was, I would.


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>>507762519She pretty much always means well. She just can't help but have some fun at pretty much everyone's expenses along the way, though. I think the only time she was a real bitch was that time she harvested all those guys' organs for a laugh. But even then, that started with those guys trying to hijack a bus full of people at gunpoint.

>>507756242This is the truth, but normalfags think pedophile = child molester so they all hate it.

>>507762819OOOOH BABYWould you, Holla Forums?

Attached: FrankenFran_v1_040_041.png (1705x1200, 495.05K)

>>507756060A lot of it is probably false flagging, but I know from experience that the shit they're imitating still happens.


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Attached: FrankenFran_v1_042.png (838x1200, 257.99K)

>>507762948Fuck no, I know what happens next.

>>507762887The number of manslaughters and crimes against humanity she has perpetrated are sufficient to call into question whether her innocence is just an act.


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>>507763057>Fran is a bitch nowChampions red was a mistake


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>>507763285>>507763273>nowThis was literally the second chapter

Attached: FrankenFran_v1_045.png (841x1200, 280.39K)

>>507763341That's the end of Chapter 2. See you next LOL thread for Chapter 3.

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Attached: FrankenFran_v1_046.png (843x1200, 237.32K)

>>507763510Oh sweet, she's going to go back to normal Holla Forums

Attached: FrankenFran_v1_047.png (843x1200, 242.39K)

>>507763621Imagine getting made fun of by a cripple

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Attached: dabcliff.png (92x97, 13.68K)

>>507763857>>507763873Holy shit based

Attached: FrankenFran_v1_050.png (842x1200, 278.45K)

Attached: BogzJKy.jpg (1400x980, 160.52K)

>Waiting for someone to post a page every 30 seconds instead of searching for the comic myselfWhy am I like this

>>507763973Noice tiddies here, Holla Forums

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>>507764074it's the only social interaction you get

>>507764095>>507764074Because (You) are based and storytime-pilled

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>>507747712I own a small farm, it produces consistent income, it's 8 hours from all my friends, can't grow pot anymore because i foster care.I like helping the kids but i sure do miss getting stoned, chilling in my hammock while playing my guitar.

>>507761010Your shitty manga isn't good. It doesn't reflect any sort of culture on 4chan.Just fuck off or post a manga that is actually fucking GOOD.And no that does not call for fucking Yosutba or whatever the fuck she is called. She is even worse then this pile of horseshit.

>>507754151Yes, I'll personally illustrate an actual slippery slope to show them that the slippery slope is a fallacy. Perfect.

>>507764074because it's more fun with friends when you get to anticipate and linger on every page instead of just being able to speed read ahead

Attached: kelly.png (1600x1120, 493.14K)

>>507763057Yeah she fucked up on that one a little bit.

>>507764205>507764238Oh? What's a manga that reflects this apparent 'culture' onto 4chan and that you would consider 'good' you whiny nigger

Attached: FrankenFran_v1_053.png (838x1200, 249.57K)

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>>507748230Why the hell would you play AC or be an artist unless you hated yourself?

>projecting agendas onto something and twisting their intended purpose

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>>507764238nobody cares fagleave the thread already geezthat's an order

>>507764409This man managed to have sex, Holla ForumsWhy can't you?

Attached: FrankenFran_v1_054.png (838x1200, 210.24K)

>>507764409>Oh? What's a manga that reflects this apparent 'culture' onto 4chan and that you would consider 'good' you whiny niggerTails Gets Trolled

Attached: 2.png (453x352, 180.68K)

>>507750407you will never achieve the same level of "there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish"have a pity (You), cretin

>>507764542Okay cool this was a good chapter I'm glad it ends right here and there are no other pages, goodnight user

AC is still better than the shitty games Holla Forums plays

>>507764525You're right, the good part is already over and done with now it's just shitty manga spam.

>people keep making up words and acronyms out of their ass

Attached: 7A39CEFB-A466-4151-BCE5-4B6B0B5B7638.jpg (400x398, 32.3K)

yes, ace combat is a great game

>>507748230Because those are the ones that get reposted here to trigger people.

>>507764542>507764548>you can only ever post TGT, nothing else allowedNah, that's gay

Attached: FrankenFran_v1_055.png (794x1200, 240.96K)

>>507751671lmao keyboard warriors are so fucking gay holy shit

>>507764939Well, what a wonderful happy ending.That's about the end of the thread soon. Have a good night Holla Forums!

Attached: FrankenFran_v1_056.png (837x1200, 283.51K)

>>507764409Anything that isn't generic doctor shit too lazy to actually give endings to the story. Or when it does have endings it's a boring twist anyone can see coming from miles away.I mean not even Ito is as bad as this fucking loser artist.


>>507765029thanks for sharing, anonhave a good night

Attached: unknown.png (750x580, 474.57K)

>>507765029what the fuck

>>507750698Just give them a designated handicap washroom

>507765079>heh, I've seen this before/been spoiled on it, therefore the twist is obvious and comes from a mile awayWell god damn, you must be some kind of genius

>>507765223Franken Fran, always with the shocker. It's kind of consistent actually. And now you know.

>>507761476From what I heard the chapter is essentially a nod to Saya no Uta. Much like Saya, due to his new eyes he perceives her as a beautiful woman when in actuality she's a horrific flesh eating Eldritch abomination.

>>507765223females eat the male after mating

I fucking hate you Mariel

>>507750698>Where the Non-binary folks gonna go?Away

Attached: 1277835304396.jpg (236x251, 8.16K)

>>507757140Please link those cute n funnies user.

>>507765029What does killing your mate have to do with copulation, at least tell me he banged her first

>>507751545This is a good take

>>507765029I mean you can't deny that he deserved it. She was hit with Truck-kun's blessing so he straight up tore her away from a fantastic isekai adventure by having Fran bring her back

>>507765550>It... It hurts...Yeah, he burst the hymen and coomed inside, fertilizing the eggs and activating Mantis Mode

>>507754186I haven't seen this screencap in like eight full years.

how do I become rich doing what I love for a living, because working harder for it is not working.

>>507764809>language change over timeimagine my suprise, woah truly incredible

>>507762349You're here, so no you didn't.

>>507759393I forgot how lewd Fran could get mid surgery.

>>507749069 Where he commits suicide?

>>507752967Trannies aren't human and should be executed en masse

I wanna fuck and marry Veronica

Attached: tumblr_pu1sjim2Ne1xdeqn8o1_250.jpg (207x210, 17.72K)

>>507765550insects eat their mates after mating because it helps sustain them after expending the energy to produce eggs and junk. It doesn't even help that much, but bug lives are quick and cheap because they give birth by the thousands and they only live a few days anyway.

Attached: QRg8aAd.jpg (760x596, 181.5K)


>>507765550Quite a few female bugs eat their mates after they're done fucking. For example female praying mantises will bite the male's head off after sex. Also pretty sure the last bit is also supposed to be a play on the shit in manga and doujins where the girl goes "it hurts" when she gets her cherry popped. Instead its reversed.

>>507761010Endings like these are what confirm Japanese storytelling as pointless. There is no "lesson" no "moral" no "satisfying resolution" either the reader is disrespected and strung along for hundreds of episodes or the "reveal" is too disappointing to enjoy again. I'm so sick of consuming Japanese media and ending with this disappointment.

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>>507750698>where the non binary folks gonna go?Into a mass grave

>>507747843>the replies They hated him for he spoke the Truth.

>>507764809Yes, that's how language works.

>>507765756>muh pile of degeneratesYou don't think e-celebs ever go on 4chan?

>>507752967Truly activates the neurons

>>507766403Your first mistake was thinking e-celebs are well adjusted people.

>thread was actually within acceptable parameters>assblasted faggot starts to spam an old fucking show to derail itTrannies really are disgusting in every way.

>>507766403More like they go to that Reddit where people post shit from 4Chan so they can find the more cringy and fucked up shit to post on their youtube for shock value.

>>507765749>>507766334I think he's more frustrated at the speed of it. Language changes over time, yes, but it is annoying when new terms pop up almost every day.

>>507765720Well in your case it is either going for giving large quantities of low quality blowjobs at a low price, or giving few high quality blowjobs at a high price. Up to you really.

>>507765029Sooo, does this specific story has a continuation, or it never goes back to see what happened to the girl after she murdered her boyfrined?

>>507766720Pretty much my problem. I tale two weeks away from 4chan and the next thing I know there's some faggots from Holla Forums spewing words I don't understand like glow niggers and get all pissy if you don't know weekday they mean. They're as fucking annoying as this one tranny I ran into while I was in a psych unit who got all pissy because I didn't understand half the shit she was saying like "dead name".

>>507762587Here user, this is the original.

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