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>animal crossing economy

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>>507746695>game has no cloudsaves because muh cheating>there were several duping glitches in less than two months already

>>507746695who gives a flying fuck. If you care about muh animal crossing economy you are either a stupid tranny or just a huge faggot like OP.Visiting islands is meant to be fun to hang out and fish, or play games with your friends. It wasn't created for trading villagers or items. Holy shit its animal crossing.

>>507747046This is the most funniest shit I've seen since years in videogaming. How ironic. They tried to avoid hacking and glitching, literally 24h after the release people were printing crown and switches lmaoo

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>>507747310That's exactly why I'm laughing. People right now on nookazon grind as hell for selling nmt, while you cant print them by raw of 50 lol

>>507746695>duping pictures of the meme catbased clickbaiter

>>507746695This method is faster too than the first duping glitch too, no?

This game was clearly made to not have any type of economy bullshit in mind so it's funny to me the playerbase even attempts to have a serious one.

I fucking hate AC

>>507747046any and all attempts at stopping cheating will not only fail but end up punishing only legitimate players, yet absolutely zero developers have fucking learned thisthey keep nerfing every single means of obtaining bells aside from the turnips and at this point i wont be surprised when the find a way to shit that up

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>>507748289No it's quite hard to setup but when you do it you literally can duplicate everything by sending what you want to duplicate in letters

>>507746695I'll just duplicate Nook Miles, Gold Ores, and Crowns probably. Don't really know what else to duplicate.

>>507748946The whole thing is retarded.They didn't even bother trying to fix the most basic and classic exploit that is time travelling and yet disable cloud saving because muh cheaters. What the fuck were they smoking?

>people paid hundreds of dollars for a metrosexual cat in a video game

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It's actually great news though.Opens up to alternative methods of payment.

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>>507750380If your town is set to have a good week, you could dupe turnips. But at that point, you may as well dupe and mass-sell TVs and crowns.Gold Ores are the most prime target.

>>507748946Remember when they nerfed interest rates into the ground to the point millions in the bank barely produces 1k bells a month? Like why even include it at that point?

>>507752203is that... RAYMOOOOOND?!?!?!?SONIC HEROOOOOOOESSS

>>507752203I don’t know which is worseThe cow that did this for Raymond or the guy wanting to see the fat chick nekkid and masturbating

>>507752440Any other recommendation? I'm probably going to do some cherry blossoms.

>>507748946>they keep nerfing every single means of obtaining bells aside from the turnips and at this point i wont be surprised when the find a way to shit that upbut user, you need to use NINTENDO ONLINE to make money with Turnips, which means you pay real money to make bells


>>507746695There's an economy? What do people even use bells for? I paid off my house and make 60-100k a day from just picking fruits from my treesWhat the heck do people need millions of bells for? There's nothing to buy.

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>>507753446brrrr brrrr numbers go up hehehe

>>507753446Anything infrastructure related costs a lot.

>>507746695Finally I can buy nook tickets for non retarded prices

>>507753446The currency just becomes something that isn't easy to mass produce, but still rather generic (in this case its nook tickets)If one player has something another wants, and the other player wants to sell the thing, then the easiest way to exchange them is a currency that everyone agrees on.

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>>507753609Not really. Unless you're constantly demolishing and rebuilding things for some reason, you're maxing out at maybe 2-3 million. I barely sell fruits, pretty much never fish anymore, and don't min-max my turnips, just buy on my island and sell to decent prices with friends. I have maxed out infrastructure, final loan paid off just because, and something like 7 million bells in the bank.

I''ve not played this game but why does everyone want this cat? he doesn't even look any special at all.


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>>507754102What am I supposed to do with 100+ Nook Mile tickets, though.>tarantula island for bellsBells are useless after the first few weeks.>grind out islands for villagersI'm buying and selling them in this instance, though. I'm going to sell this animal for 100+ NMs, then spend hours using those to do, what, get some other high value animal to sell for more tickets to repeat endlessly? Nothing of value ends up gained from any of this.

>>507754510Its the same thing as keys in TF2. People don't sell a hat for 1000 keys because they want to open 1000 crates (well maybe some do), they want to use those keys to trade for other stuff they want.You'd use those nook tickets to trade for a character that you want

>>507753906Prices actually go up during dupes


>>507755207prices of things in terms of nook tickets will go uphowever the cost of getting a nook ticket (such as in terms of bells) will go down

I don't give a shit about your faggy economy but I feel like the game took way, way, way longer than usual to load up when I started it today and just as long to close when I stopped. Anybody else have something like that happen? Don't think there was a recent patch or anything so unless I just had bad luck it's almost like there's a fucking memory leak somewhere. Is that even a thing on Switches?


>>507748946>any and all attempts at stopping cheating will not only fail but end up punishing only legitimate playersthats obviously not true.

>>507755929never though about fish baits, you're a genius

I'm probably not gonna bother duping tickets, dont really need them anyway. But fish bait and communicator parts for the robot? Hell yes.

>>507756085name a situation it didn't. harsh DRM's and anticheats that fucking slaughter the legitimate player's computers while theres still day 1 exploits, half-assed nerfs in an attempt to crack down on cheaters that only serve as a hindrance to normal people. i've yet to see a overarching attempt at stopping cheaters that was actually successfully or at the very least not a massive middle finger to the regular playerbase

is it easy to set up two more accounts to do this

>>507756473Anon... rusted parts can't be duped unfortunately

>>507752993Rusty parts if you care about that

>>507756538>game has exploit>exploit gets closed>cant cheat anymore>nobody got harmed except for retards who want to cheat morewoooowexample: basically every fucking MMO on the market with duping glitches including the biggest ones like WoW.not every cheating fix has to be some sort of faggot rootkit.you need to play more games.

>>507753446 welcome to capitalism

>>507746695Oh no, economy for a game is falling oh noooooo. Maybe play the game legitimatly you fucking losers. Wait for nooks cranny to sell shit like everyone else. The economy crashing is your fault and I cant be more happy.

>>507747046>no cloudsaves because they don't want people hacking their saves>meanwhile, less than a month after releaseIt keeps getting better and more powerful as well.

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>>507746695Time to dupe some fucking bait!

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Is this why fees over on turnip exchange are being retarded and asking for 20+nmt for as little as 200 turnips?

>>507746695>already have infinite currency>can give myself anything i wantLmao, imagine participating in this time wasting shit show.

>>507746695Don't forget that nfc tag barrier has been broken with spoofing amiibo cards if you're a samsung chad so even if this is patched you can still easily get bux and nmt from troons that way

>>507758257Hey slowpoke, that's been a thing for years now.

>>507747046>splatoon 2 doesn't allow for cloudsaves for the same reason>game is infested with hackersNintendo's attempts at anticheat are hilariously shit

>>507746695I don't know why anyone is surprised by this when the Switch itself was hacked wide open months after release, and there are already emulators running commercial games at full speed.

>>507755929Rusted Parts also

>Anons in this thread bitching about interest rates getting nerfedOh yeah, 99K capped per month with 20 million bells in the bank was such a good source of income.Anybody who seriously believes this just wants to bitch.

Been at this for about 2 hours now. Filled my inventory with tickets and gold ores and Crowns. What did everyone else fill up on?

So how do you actually dupe now? Is it the same spinning crown trick from before?

>>507757656Still very cheap, professional, and fast on Japanese twitter.I'll let dumb Americans be dumb Americans though.

>>507751943i think worse has probably been done before

>>507754510you use the tickets in trade for something else you want, like rare DIY recipes, rare items, certain villagers, certain materials. your arguments against NMTs being a currency literally work for actual real life currency, which NMTs are also traded for.

>>507747046And even if the duping glitches didn't exist, the fact that you can fly to anyones island to sell turnips already breaks the game.

How do you hack a switch?

>>507760154With aluminum foil

>>507747046Honestly it feels like this game, in spite of the delay, was horribly rushed and is held together by duct tape. The netcode and loading times are a disaster.

What's the max everyone is duping? The guy says 5 items and I'm twitchy to go beyond duping 5, but it feels like there's a lot more time to do this before auto save hits

>>507756601then theres no point

>>507752203>user believes what he reads on the internet

>>507747995I think the point being nook tickets lost all value to trade for meme cat. Time to require 40 colecanthes

I'm not going to taint my island with some fake slave account for tickets.Easiest way to kill your enjoyment of the game.

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>>507760797you do know you could get rid of them, right?

at this point everyone and their mother either have atmosphere jit a save extractor + NHSE to inject literally anything or a friend who does, people crying about this is just trying to ignore this fact.be honest user stop lying to yourself it's escapism don't you see? it's not healty, just keep playing and don't worry

neat, what's the new method

>>507760949Doesn't matter. Even if you can resist duping more and more, your immersion and integrity are already gone.

>>507761153This. I have self respect.

I welcome anything that makes any game worse for bingtendrones.

>>507761312I'll have self respect when I build that fucking robot.

>>507759518Mail to second account, dump received items on ground, swap to third account before autosave triggers, second account will come back with items still in mailbox.

I don’t have any 2x1 items I can put in counters/tablesFuck me

>>507762002You don't need.

>>507757310this is the shit that makes me not understand the hype. i thought everyone who owned a switch had em hacked up? just download the save editor and give yourself 999999 nook miles and a bajillion bells and take anything from the checkbox that's rare that you want in your house and give it to yourself. after that you realize there's nothing actually worthwhile in this game aside from being able to customize a virtual space and there are other games that do it way fucking better than this piece of shit ever did. the only reason people gravitate to it is because of my cute villagers and my degenerate porn fetishes and fantasies that i project onto everything that is pure. it's fucking trash

>>507762002Use the mailbox method dipshit

>week one of the game>I got it early and was already playing with /acg/ anons, already had a shitton of things and all that>I was happily playing in the train just minding my own business>four guys pass and see me playing, then they ask me what's my turnip price and if they can visit my town?>sure>they see my semi-developed town, with bridges, stairs and the comunity center>one of them force close his switch and start screaming shit along the lines of "cheater" and "for people like you the rest of the people can't have fun" among more things like thatthe other ones stay for a bit then catch up with their friend>can still hear the fag ranting about thatwhy people is so obsessive with this again? I got banned from a gropu too for similar reasons even when I haven't even TT or duped at that point

Lemonade! Fresh Lemonade for sale!

>>507762056It's definitely a "I want to fit in and belong" mentality that drives this game's success.

>>507759005I can't send Rusted Parts.

I got a SXOS hacked switch, how do I hack Animal crossing so I can trade that heterochromia cat into getting me some time with a cute girl i know who plays animal crossing.

>>507762157I really don't get why people care if you TT or not. Personally I time traveled because it's just too fucking slow not to. Hell I get most of my free time late at night, and I couldn't even visit any shops then playing legit

>why yes, I used to sell animals for NMTs. How could you tell?

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>>507762757I actually TT to unlock upgrades and thats it, no duping or anything and I play normally struggling with fossils/buildings as usual, but I must confess that I'm tempted to stay in a never ending loop during winted, gotta love the snowmen and the color scheme

>>507762056The entire point of the game is slowly growing your dollhouse through mundane but kind-of-fun chores and watching things improve over time. It's not deep, it's supposed to be a cute noncommittal time killer you'll run every day for a few minutes. If you're going to just hack everything in, you're killing the point. This isn't Pokemon where through hacking in competitively viable monsters you're skipping bullshit to get to the main dish, here this bullshit IS the dish.

>>507763010because you're handsome as fuck

>>507762056Do you just think theres no point in any game if you can just cheat in it?

Hey...remember when you guys said this game was going to flop?Hey...remember when you guys said it's going to suck and not sell at all?Hey...hey....remember when you guys refuse to acknowledge that it's one of the top selling games of all time?

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>>507763763Just like the cannonball run records set during a time of crisis doesnt count

>>507760578Normally I would think this is a lie but I've seen some shit user.

>>507756601But can robots? If got 8 time for me to return to trading...

>not just using your own amiibo cards to sell marshall over and over again for unlimited whatever you want

>>507754510it's a currency, user. everyone sells things for it. you can also just sell them for 100k bells each if you actually need any down the line.

>>507763763Remember when Holla Forums wanted to boycott MW2?

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So a useless furniture dupe that doesn't include tickets or crownsYawn

>>507765054are you retarded?

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>>507764829Did they ever get dedicated servers?

>>507764667If there was a Marshall amiibo he wouldn't be valuable, dipshit.

>>507765224Is there a way to dupe tickets? I only see the dumb furniture glitch.

>>507765287stupid fucking retard

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>>507758674Is it really or are you yolking?

>>507765332Read the thread, user.

Good, Nintendo deserves this shit. Fucking morons nerf insect/fish rates instead of nerfing turnips, I haven't seen a single golden trout and I bought on launch day

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I thought people were already gigahacking the game with a modded switch?I mean I get that's a world apart from a thing you can replicate in-game but still


>>507753162Lol no, even without retarded 600 bell islands you make a fuckton profit each week off them. If Nintendo had any brains, they'd implement a max turnip amount you can buy each week and revert the spawn rates for bugs and fish

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>>507763059no no, don't get me wrong i get the "point", i just don't get the hype. >>507763290even if you weren't "cheating", anyone who hoped to get halfway decent in money making in this game already got into turnips and made well over enough to get all the house upgrades and any bridges and stair sets constructed about 3 weeks into the game and have probably gotten bored of trying to collect everything for the museum since they most likely already did all that shit in stardew valley before moving on to this. it does nothing new, and the small things it does that are unique to this franchise were done better in the first release, which is fucking silly

>>507748946Tbf, Valve learn this (or probably didn’t and just stopped caring about TF2)

So what's the method?

>>507751943I have one hacked console and one legit. I've sold Raymond at 15$ 6 times now.

>>507766330mail, 3 accounts, 2 controllers, switch