>TWO shitty casino levels

>TWO shitty casino levels

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>has to play them 4 times over.

Bingo highway is at least a cool concept

What do you mean two? Every zone has two acts in Heroes. It's one casino zone with two acts.

I fucking loved this game man, how isnit viewed among the Sonic fanbase?

I like both of them though.

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>>507746840Good but too glitchy to be of any interest to anyone but big Sonic fans.

>>507746052I like the music.

>>507746840Fun game, bad game.

>>507746052I really enjoyed this game. Anyone that complains about the controls is fag or has legitimate fucked up muscle coordination - you should get used to it after a couple levels. Also the soundtrack is very good and has no bad songs. The mob rush boss fight on the haunted level is fucking trash though.

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>>507746840>I fucking loved this game manWhat did you love about it beyond the music? The game is genuinely fucking terrible

>>507746840Most fans like it but there are a few that don't. We mostly ignore them though. A heroes sequel at the time would have ironed out most of the kinks and been much better received. But STs adhd fucked that up.

If the level lenghtt was kept closer to team Rose' for all other teams, It would be a a lot better.Fuck doing 8 minute mansion levels with team dark just to die on the last rail skating section and fucking over your score.

>>507746052I got to the last level with team rose and somewhere with rail canyon and the rainforest with every one else and didn’t care to finish it

>>507749213I agree. The controls are fairly easy to pick up. Don't know what other people mean when they call it slippery.

I really like SOnic heroes and deseperately want a sequelall the game needed was to remove amy rose team and add some levels, maybe mix them up a bit between the remaining teamsI want them to only use the 'cool' characters for the sequellike ray, mighty, omega 123, silver, shadow, ect

>>507753871Try playing as Team Dark and switching to Omega

>>507746840it's shit

This is genuinely my least favorite sonic game and one of my least favorite games period. I think the worst part is that the first stage is actually pretty solid but second is meh at best and it just completely falls apart by the time you reach the casino stage.

>>507755954This is why I recommend everyone just play Team Sonic's story and stop there. You can tell the game was only made and balanced with them in mind. You'll have a lot more fun with the game that way.

>>507756869the game was still bad with team sonic. hell I hated it so much I did drop it there because the idea of doing that three more times made me sick to my stomach.

>do light speed dash>die

>>507757180This is every game with the light speed dash until Shadow finally mapped it to a separate button though.

>>507757257Still sucks

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I thoroughly enjoy Heroes but it does have flaws. There are numerous glitches/bugs on main paths that cause you to insta-die, it is way too easy to fall off ledges as power characters, plus I remember some attacks not registering against the final boss even when you were using te right character at the right time. Tbh it doesn't matter though because it has SOUL.

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>>507757406>Omega Lvl 3: Little peashooter bullets and small explosions that can't hit shit>Knuckles Lvl 3: Makes fucking earthquakes that kill everything instantlyEat a dick, Team BLACKED.

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>>507757406Based. Fuck Knuckles.

>>507756502>it's shitthe only bad parts are team rose and repeated levels

>>507758062Special stages

>>507746052Ah yes, The great Sonic filter game

>>507758176The Special stages are a good concept at least. Check out Generations 3DS where they actually did them with good controls, they're fun.

>>507758379Yes, I have played those and I agree, but they're absolute shit in Heroes.

The entire game is shit but zoomers seem to like it now. Soon enough they'll be praising Sonic 2006.

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>>507746052>shittyYeah I can't argue they made every flaw of Sonic heroes objectively worse. And broke the games shit balance in half. Boss fights where the worst in the entire series. both 2d and 3d. And take the shitty AI just absolute CANCER in every possible iteration. Good is that the Aesthetics and GODLIKE music made it kind of barrable. It's one of the best casino levels ever. And if the physics, AI, and Game mechanics where good it would have been one of if not the best in sonic history. And it only would have taken minor tweaks, actually they could have done literally anything than what they've done to make it workable and it would have been much better. I hope they remaster Sonic Heroes. It needs the least amount of tweaking to be good. Same with Billy Hatcher. God I'm so fucking mad. They have everything they need with only minor smart tweaks. And they fucking squander it every goddamn time they exist without a port of Sonic Heroes, Billy Hatcher, and Sonic Riders 1. Every. Fucking. Time.

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>>507759132>Soon enoughPeople already defend that game over games like Colors and Generations

>>507759409>Zoomers think Colours is good

>>507758062and the chaotix missionsand the special stagesand the pinball areasthe leveling system is dumb and unnecessaryand rail grinding is absolutely broken it's shit

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>>507759409I genuinely enjoy 06 more than Colors because I find trash fires more entertaining than mediocre games that are only considered good because of just how goddamn bad things were before it. That said I would never even try to pretend it's better on a single metric. Unleashed is the only post-Adventure 3D game I think is genuinely good, if flawed as fuck. Generations has some great modern stages but everything else is such a goddamn slog. Lost World is kinda weird since I think it sucks too but I at least appreciate what it was trying to be, I guess. Forces can die in a fire, worst game in the franchise outside of maybe Heroes.

>>507759936It's flawed but I don't think it's that bad.I definitely wouldn't say 06 is better but I know people who say 06 is better than Mania even

>>507760037>hating the chaotix missionsThe rest I can agree with you on, but having missions beyond get to le goal was based.

>>507746052God this game was shit. The atmosphere was fucking depressing and every level was an enormous slog to get through. Like, the levels were LONG.

>>507760037how is the level up mechanic unnecessary?>>507759409good. Fuck Colors

>>507760037>and the chaotix missionsI wish there were more, team rose should probably have had alternative objectives in lieu of being easy mode of the other two 'cool' teams>and the special stagesno bad at all, reminiscent of the pocket neo geo levels>and the pinball areasthey get a bit frustrating but it is a one off experience that I look back on fondly afterwards, I like them>the leveling system is dumb and unnecessarythis should be more leaborate in a sequel, there could be more abilities accessible when high leveled and maybe it can range from 0-10 and go a bit quicker, not bad but pointless>and rail grinding is absolutely broken???>it's shitdisagreeI want a sequel without rose big or cream, I want silver, ray, mighty,

>>507759409Colors is good. What it has is fine. With the only outstanding aspect is the music like usual. The only reason it's loved is because it wasn't objectively shit in every aspect. It only had underwhelming parts, in part with aspects that are ok. Colors is incredibly consistent. Same with Generations. (Modern being good and Classic being absolute garbage is a balance factor). 2006 is only 'loved' because of the infinite non-existent potential it had. And them projecting it back into the game. They like an OBJECTIVELY garbage game. Their opinion is genuinely garbage in that aspect. Same with Sonic Forces which is better than 06. by not being a broken glitchy mess. Forces is shit for an entirely different reason.

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>>507746052>two GOAT haunted castle levels>they aren't used in Generations

The PS2 versions of Heroes and Shadow aren't that bad

>>507761113but they are the buggiest version of heroes

>>507761264that would PC actuallyliterally a beta build

>>507760680>The atmosphere was fucking depressing>blue beaches, colorful metropolis city, bright casinos, forest full of cartoon frogsAre you confusing Heroes with Shadow?

>>507746840I liked it as a kid, but playing it recently made me realize how terrible it is.

>>507746840Worth a playthrough, but it can be glitchy at times, and the combat gets really repetitive.

>>507746052>>507751718>>507750420>>507756763>>507760037>>507760796Literally kill yourselves.

>>507746052I cant even refute that.>>507759249They need to fix the slippery ass controlls one tilt of the stick sends you flying off a platform as sonic>>507760796I know you like this game but come on.rail grinding led to a lot of cheap deaths.

>>507761648maybe but how else would you ever die in this game? the original sonics would kill you with spike pits all the time

>>507761113Yes they are.

>finally complete all special stages and unlock the true final boss after 10+ years >its one of the shittiest boss fights in the the series>all you do is wait for the team blast meter to fill up and than press Z to win Damn. At least the theme kicks ass.

>>507761113Those were my first sonic games. The music is what makes me so fond of them.

>>507746840I think it was a perfect translation of 2D Sonic to 3D with just a couple kinks that could have been ironed out with sequels.>Level design on point>Character designs on point>Story on point>Personalities on point>Music on point


>>507760906Yeah, it's baffling that they would actually defend certain bad design aspects in one game but not another.>>507760132In some cases I can agree but in general I just like enjoyable games more than mediocre or trash ones.

>>507759409Of course 06 was shit, but so are Colors and Generations. I'm not going to defend any modern trash and especially not 06 of all things.

I would’ve loved for a Sonic heroes sequel like how Adventure got 2 to smooth some things out. Such a shame

>>507761971never thought of it that wayI want a sequel

>>507761736You sound like a faggot who's objectively terrible at classic sonic. Like the kind of faggot who'd consistently get caught by the same trap every single time. Classic sonic [and any sonic game that emulates it like Sonic Advance trilogy and Sonic Rush series] is all about repeatability and master the mechanics given to you. You could argue the only good classic level is Green Hill. But every game and level after exploits this replayability aspect. Objectively better than the bottomless pit spam literally every game even some of the 2d modern games spam. Everything is bottomless pits. EVERYTHING. At least you can use spikes as a common hazard. But not pits. Even games I like in terms of gameplay like Sonic Advance 3 spam pits in the first act of the first fucking level.. Pits are the anticrist of sonic yet is spammed EVERYWHERE in sonic. Also the only game that spams spike pits was Sonic 2 in one level. So please find a better argument.

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>>507763168then you need to get better at sonic heroes and stop being a lil bitch

>no sonic heroes with a team for BlazeSadness

>>507759409that's just the Pontaff rage reaching a fever point as if it's THE biggest issue here

>>507763168Also to clarify Sonic 2 also spammed bottomless pits [as early as act 1 level 1] instead of spike pits. Sonic 1 glitchless spike pits [if you where smart the instant death in sonic 1 from spikes of any kind was a glitch that gave zero damage Invul before you died again instantly from the stun.]. Hot take every newer Sonic takes after 2's Emerald Hill. Which is why Empty death pits a shitty meme in modern sonic. >>507763759Come back to me when Heroes gives invisible companion controls so I can at least fix the shit AI in the Casino Levels. The reason why the Casino levels are considered trash is because it removes the billions of safeguards the normal levels give to mitigate the Absolute shitheap of an AI leeway to be retarded (this includes the insane AI). I beat that shit. Doesn't stop the faggotry I had to endure to beat it. I had to rely on the AI increasingly each time I replayed it. And because of that it only got worse. THAT's why Sonic Heroes worst level is Bingo Highway, and Casino Park. It's shit for a reason user. PLEASE Be smarter about this.

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