Rate the logos

rate the logos

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>>507745117IX is the worst. Simplicity can be cool and that works for V, VI and VII, but IX is taking it too far and the laziest shit ever.

>>507745117XV, VIII, XII.In that order.

X, Vll, and IV are the best onesIX looks really terrible. Not sure what they were trying to go for but it looks awful

>>507745117IX is my favorite game but IV and VII have the best logos.

>>507745117V, X, VII

>>507745117X and XII are the best. XI really captures the fact it's an online game however.

>>507745117X and XII were baller holy shitthat being said it prolly IV or VI

I liked having Noctis added to the logo of XV at the end

>>507745117what do you call this artstyle?

>>507745117XV > XII > IV > XIII > the rest > X (only one I hate, cut it in half and it will be good)IX is definitely the biggest pleb filter, I'll give it that.

>>507745117IX is the best game in the series but the logo's just the fuckin crystal, it's weak on that front. IV, XII, VIII have top tier ones

>>507745117V is the absolute worst one

4 > 6 > 15 > 7 > 10 > 5

>>5077451171 to 8, 10 out of 10. everything after, 0 out of 10.



Attached: YoshitaAmano.jpg (800x450, 147.99K)

>>5077451173>8>6>13>10>everything else

>>507745117I like the original IV logo a lot.

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Attached: ffiv_cell_logo.png (820x312, 32.75K)

>>507750578Both are good, I prefer Chadbez myself. >>507750782The other logo is from the DS version

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>>507750578>>507750782Lets face Kain vs Golbez logoGolbez takes the win by a mile

>>507745117XIII > XIV > XII > XI > IV > VI > III > I > XV > X > VII > II > VIII > IX > V

>>5077451176 > 3 > Everything else

>>507745117They're better in color

Attached: 159409-final-fantasy-iii-nes-front-cover.jpg (800x548, 139.83K)

>>507745117How many years does it take to start drawing like that? I've always sucked at it but I'm fascinated by the people who master it

>>507745117I think we can all agree that II, V and IX blow major dick

>>507749861Honestly this, it's so bloated and goofy looking. XV is actually composed pretty similarly but done much, much better.

>>507745117They're all soulless

Attached: 14724_front.jpg (640x467, 87.87K)

>>5077451176 > 8 > 12 > 4 > 10 > 15 (with Noctis) > 13 > the rest > 9 the bottom row is kinda too busy outside of 12, like I cant even tell what 13 logo is suppose to be but its still more interesting than 9


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>>507745117II looks like he coomin

>>507751178II is better than most of those


>>507745117Pretty sure IV uses Kain and that Golbez one is from After Years

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>>507751768The After year is the 2 moons. Golbex is for the DS version.

>>507745117>God tierI, IV, VII, XI>High tierV, VIII, XII>Low/shit tierII, III, VI>Ther was an attemptIX, X, XIII, XIV, XVWhat's with the over-designed trash after IX? It's like they want it to be unrecognizable.

>>507751974>>VII and I God Tier>V High Tier>II, III, VI Shit tierKYS

>>507751974>III and VI shit tierYou fucking what

>>507751974>complains about overdesigned trash>puts XI in God tierlmao

>>507745117XII is the coolest but VIII is the best.

>>507745117>all the even numbered games shows bad guys or something related to them>The Emperor>Golbez (or Kain in some versions)>Terra (mindcontrolled) on a Magitek>Rinoa is Ultimecia>Yuna Sending>Gabranth>MMO lolonly slip is 7 using Meteor

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>>507745117Why is V a dragon? I don't even remember any important western dragons in V aside from Bahamut, and Bahamut and all the Hiryus aren't that chunky. Is it supposed to be Syldra?

>>507752235>>507752323>IFunctional, archetypal, good. Looks great next to a title.>VIISimplicity and a nice motif.>VSimplistic and looks great next to a title.>IILiterally who.>IIIIAn over-designed literal who.>VILooks horrible next to a title.>>507752368XI is pretty good because it captures the structure of the game, a massive world. XIV by comparison is some blob of exploding garbage.

>>507747932Anon, art styles generally don't have names unless they're tied to a particular artist or movement.

>>507752797>Literally who.I want to blow your brains into your mouth.

>>507750410Does he do other works than FF art?All I can remember is him doing art for a Japanese Sandman story

4, 12, 8, 10, and 15 (before beating the game added something new to it) are all good

>>507752653>>Rinoa is UltimeciaNo and 10 also doesn't count

>>507752949oh shit it's the Saga nigger from Brazil, ajajajaja

>>507752653DEEPEST LORE

X > XII > II > rest

>>507752949Well done my Disciple.

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for me, it's

Attached: kisspng-final-fantasy-xiv-heavensward-logo-portable-netwo-final-fantasy-xiv-heavensward-patch-3-15-is-live-5b8ec70db19ac8.7627802815360837257275.jpg (900x600, 133.99K)


>>507752653>>Rinoa is UltimeciaSquare said no to that:kotaku.com/is-squall-really-dead-final-fantasy-producer-addresses-1800007113


>>507752797XIV is by comparison much more compact and focused. The explosion of weapons is brilliant, infinitely better than literally just a wide shot of some fucking army. Please stop sharing your shit tastes so we don't have to keep pitying them.

>>507753397wtf is wrong with you

Attached: logo_ff14_Heavensward.jpg (1063x708, 93.37K)

>>507745117I don't really like any of them enough to rate them. I guess X and VI are neat. VII had potential but I think they chose the wrong color for it. IV is okay too.The rest are either uninteresting or I can't figure out what the fuck it is, XIII for example.

Does anyone know what port uses this version?

Attached: Final Fantasy 2.png (1600x1000, 275.02K)

>>507751030Shit taste

>>50775376020th anniversary version

>>507751172Amano is a God. Only he can draw like that

Attached: Dissidia.full.1426299.jpg (1405x1913, 2.16M)

We can all agree that IV is the best right?

>>507753616>of some fucking armyt. didn't play XINice talking with you tranny!

>>507753726>can't figure out what the fuck it isWhy would you need to do that, it looks cool.

>>507753760>>507753815That's the original oneThe one on OP is the PSX and GBA version20th anniv is on the PSP was this

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>>507753760The PSP/iOS/Android versions.

>>507745117I like X because it’s the most colorful.

>>507753726XIII is Cocoon getting destroyed and crystallized by Ragnarok

>>507745117XV > X, XII, VIII > I, II, III, IV > XI, XIV > VII > XIII > IX > VI > V

Everyone is objectively wrong

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>>507754039Maybe instead of making it fit the game, he should've made it good.

>>507753760>>507754110The Emperor was such a smug piece of shit but I kinda liked him. He definitely had presence (for the few times he appeared) and a distinct personality which is always good for an antagonist to have.

>>507750578>>507750782>>507750868One has a cuck that gets brainwashed, the other has a chad that also gets brainwashed.


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>>507753498Death of the author, nigga. It makes too much sense to not believe in, plus it makes a retarded plot more sensible.

Press F

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>>507752797>II>Literal WhoOf course a faggot with shit taste wouldn't recognize the godly visage of Emperor Chadeus

Anyone have a higher res version of this?

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Make way for the King you faggotsyou guys don't even know Final Fantasy

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>>507745117XV's logo was so good it tricked me into thinking squeenix had somehow recaptured the FF magic. Boy was I proven wrong.

>>507754736Godlike logo for a poorly advised failure of a sub series. That said, XIII, XIII-2 and LRXIII HD trilogy release when?

>>507745117>double amputee waiting at the counter>Michael Jackson's O face>Farah Fawcett>dude come smell my finger>furaffinity vore mascot>Word Muncher: Revengeance>Final Fantasy Golf>Titanic>Kidney Stone>A stream of piss falling out of a conquistador hat>Koreans>Somebody jacked off on my drizzt poster>a tumor>A sea urchin>Kefka

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>>507745117X, IV, XI, VII, V

>>507753024From the top of my head Vampire hunter D, Mospeada, Gatchaman, Front Mission, Brigandine.

>>507745117III>cool action pose>cape blowing in the wind, reminding you of the single best FF music track of all (youtube.com/watch?v=_VRWlmXuv8E)>dude is dual wielding swords, giving you a pro tip about what you should also be doing in the game

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>>507755428he also did some FGO art

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God I hope XVI doesn’t suck. It’s a long shot I know, but now that the development hell of Versus XIII/XV is over with and Nomura is preoccupied with the VII remake series they just need to put someone on as director and keep them there until it’s done instead of letting them fuck around doing whatever and passing the project around between directors like a slut at a frat party. We don’t need a multimedia franchise, we don’t need the biggest most ambitious game ever created, we just need it to be good.

>>507745117X would be the best if it was a radical black mage (Yuna's sleeves make the brim and top of the hat).XV and XIII are both excellent. XII, III, IV and VII are runner ups.

>>507755625>single best FF trackyou are my brother


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>>507745369Have to agree with you: IX is my favourite game in the series by far, a masterpiece of the whole genre in my opinion but the logo is literally the one thing I dislike about it.My favourite logo is either IV or VIII tho

>>507755046The logo just being an asset is really weak if I'm being totally honest with you. The font is great with the ripple motif and I like the little banner. If it had a nice bit of artwork it would be a strong contender for best but it doesn't.

>>507745117Top tier: 1346High Tier:271213Mid Tier: 5101415Low Tier:81114Shit Tier:9

>>507745369IX should have been the Iifa tree

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>>507756769They used a crystal because IX was going back to the series roots.

>>507753024Aside from what the other anons said, he also did a Wolverine and Elektra comic, this one Japanese MTG card and he co-created the Angel's Egg movie. He also did a lot of miscellaneous illustrations for novels and whatnot and a lot of standalone gallery pieces too.

>>507745117I have to give some credit to XIII for the mind blow effect. I spend the whole game asking myself what the fuck it was, and once I reach the end, it was truly mind blowing. I am yet to look up if they had to explain the concept to Amano first, or if they decide the ending after Amano gave them the logo. Still, my favorite is IV, as somehow Tormented Golbez is a very solid way to represent IV. Then X's logo is not only a solid ilustation of Yuna, but it's also had and dream like quality, as well as a wave feeling that fits X pergectly. In the side of the simple ones, I have to go for VII, It's way more effective than XIII's in the mid blowing aspect, where XIII only makes sense at the end, VII makes more sense, the further you play the game.

>>507756870Fair, but still, in comparison with the rest, is still among the weaker logos, if not the weakest one.

>>507745879XV logo is a rip off of VIII logo

>>507755094Probably at some point between releases of VII chapters to fill the calendar. KH isn't coming back in a while, Nier/Drajengard is just getting on the mid leagues now, and DQ just comes every so often. They already remastered XII and X-X2, a year or two into the next gen, and XIII will be nostalgic enough.Square is weird with the re releases of the retro (pre VII) games anyway.

>>507758020Haven't played XV yet. Is to much of a spoiler to ask what the logo is suppose to mean?

>>507753907I can't pretend to dislike Nomura after growing up with his art, but sill, a part of me wish we could have live in the timeline where Amano stuck as the main artist in FF for long enough for videogame tech to truly capture his style.

>>507754481No joke, playing Dissidia, he became one of my favorites. There is something about evil emperors that when doing right, make for imposing villains.


>>507758503Its Noctis's betrothed, Lunafreya. The full logo is revealed at the end of the game and its a massive spoiler.

>>507751485I don't think I you are suppose to tell what XIII is suppose to be, is kind of an abstract spoiler of the very end of the game. A little meta, but it's almost as an artistic "mythological" representation of an ingame event at the very end.

>>507758503FF15 is so weird since the logo was originally for FFXIII Versus when it had all the Fabula Nova Crystallis lore attached to it. But then with the director change, lore change,concept change and project renaming they still carried on the Logo. By the end of FFXV its revealed that the logo represents Lunafreya and then they slapped Noctis on there too because why not.People originally speculated that the original logo might've represented a sleeping Etro when it was still apart of Fabula Nova Crystallis

Attached: Amano_Goddess_of_Death.jpg (355x400, 136.05K)

>FF1 is the WoL>FF2 is the Emperor>FF3 is a dual-wielding character?>FF4 is Dark Knight Cecil>FF5 is the Dragon>FF6 is Terra on Magitek Armor>FF7 is Meteor>FF8 is Squall and Rinoa>FF9 is the Crystal>FF10 is Yuna during that one sending cutscene>FF11 is a party of players>FF12 is a very pissed off Judge>FF13 is some fal'cie bullshit>FF14 is another party of players>FF15 is ???????????All of them are at least discernible or visibly related to something in their games, but 15's is... what exactly? A sleeping goddess?

>>507759680>and then they slapped Noctis on there too because why not.and it looks ugly as a result.

>>507759759Isn’t the FF1 logo Garland? XV’s logo was carried over from when it was Versus XIII so it was probably related to something planned for that game. Why they didn’t just make a new one for when it got rebranded as XV I don’t know.

>>507759759FF4 is Kain or Golbez depending on version


>>507759759Mostly right, but:>FF3 Is the current Warrior of light>FF4 original is Kain, remake is Gobez>FF12 Specifically, Gabranth >FF13 the ending fall of cocoonAs for XV, I already asked. And I got this:>>507759290>>507759680

I don't know which is best but I think we can all agree this one is the fucking worst.

Attached: final-fantasy-xiii-2-logo-wallpaper.jpg (1920x1200, 296.22K)

>>507754736FNC almost killed FF

>>507760113No, FF1 is Warrior of Light. At least Amano's take on the idea. I would take years for that armor to be used for any actual Warrior of Light in the series (Was Dissidia the firts time?)

>>507745117X > IV > XV

>>507760113>Isn’t the FF1 logo Garland?No, it's the warrior designed by Amano and he is used as a stand in for the WoL. Amano drew a full party of Warriors of Light in his artwork, it's just that one is most iconic, one is a white mage while the other two are ambiguous (one is probably a red-mage, but the other seems to be a dragoon-ish guy (?))

IX is the best.

>>507759759Lunafreya and Noctis

Attached: FFXV logo.png (1028x776, 864.28K)

>>507760506"Versus XIII" development and the release of vanilla XIV were the actual issue. XIII alone would have been inoffensive, but the sequels was Square reusing assets as well as their only free team at the time to have something to release, while trying to save Vs and XIV. With Nomura tie to Vs, there was no major KH at the time, DQ decided to be an MORPG in the Wii of all consoles at the time (worst timing ever), and Drakengard/Nier weren't exactly among Square top tier franchises at the time.

>>507760491I like it a lot but it’s really not at all in line with the others so that’s a fair reaction to it.>>507760587Huh. I always just assumed it was Garland cause of the two horn things on the helmet. Guess I’m a turbo brainlet.

>>507745117>goodIIVVVIXII don't really give a shit about ranking the rest and those are just in order of appearance.

>>50774511712 was the coolest

Attached: ff12_box_jap.jpg (1024x686, 228.6K)

>>507758968Yes almost all the oldschool villians became based but some others became very dull or flanderized like sephiroth, kefka and ultimecia, props for making Jecht even more cool.

>>507761120I miss when FF covers could afford to be just the logo. In the line of "actual" covers, only FF VII works for me.

>>507760972This. XIII on its own is fine, nothing offensively bad, but what followed showed that it wasn’t a misstep but the new normal going forward. I can only hope that with XIV salvaged and XV finally behind them that SE can put out a truly great FF again with XVI, but they’ll somehow find a way to fuck it up.

>>507755094Already available on Xbone. Better than the PC release in some instances

>>507745117XII easy.

>>507745117X through XII have the coolest logos

>>507760491His original drawing was better.

Attached: FFXIII-2_Logo_Art.jpg (1000x773, 228.74K)

>>507755029>>507760724Ok, so we know the one in front is a warrior and the one in the left is a white mage. I thought the one in the back was a thief, but looking at the image of him nearly being death-raped by a tentacle he seems to be a red-mage.what in the living the fuck is the spear-lad? He can't be a dragoon, they aren't in the game.

Attached: Red Mage?.png (640x432, 622.55K)

>>507761379>but they’ll somehow find a way to fuck it upSquareEnixs management of their projects is clearly all fucked up, I don't know how they haven't gone under yet.

>>507745117I like the first one best.

>>507745117I like 4's original logo the best. Not sure why the Golbez logo has competely replaced the original

>9 logo is shit but all this praise for 7Am I being rused?

>>507761821Again, that was just Amano's idea of a "Warrior of Light", is suppose to be the fighter, but nobody told Amano that spears weren't a thing in the game.

>>507745117IV > X > XII > VII >XI > VIII > III > II > XIII > XIV > XV > VI, IX > I = VI and V are so fuckin plainIX is also too simple but its just not evocative of the gameVI is plain but it instantly makes you think magitekXV, XIV, and XIII are a bit too overloaded and it's hard to get a notion of what's going on at a glanceII and III are just clean looking images of a major characterVIII I would rank higher but Squall looks so weirdly square shapedXI i think it just an awesome logo, really strong for an MMOVII, X and XII just have this awesome splash going on they look so crispIV is perfect

>>507751178>the best games have the worst logosWho woulda thunk?

>>507762237Seven gets better the more you play, going from simple Materia, to Meteor/the planet. As nice as it was for IX to go back to basics, a picture of a Crystal is still just a crystal.

>>507745117tfw the worst games in the series have the best logos

the colors in x2 are my favorite

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>>5077451176, 7 and 9 are the best. The others are too complex and don’t read well when small. Square has always had a problem with over designing shit. Some times less is more.

>>507762543>Seven gets better the more you play, going from simple Materia, to Meteor/the planet.What? The logo on the cover of the game was obviously some sort of comet/meteor. What are you on about, dude?

>>507755046I love Crystal Chronicles, but not for the logo.RERELEASE SOON

>>507763425Right now is impposible to see it as anything but Meteor. Back then, you start the game and after getting familiar with the basic, you just assume is Materia. Two pieces actually. Then you find about Meteor, and it hits you.Either that, or I am just to use to the imagine of comets being "bright" lines of light/fire, to call that effect in the sphere a proper comet tail back then.

>>507763656Holy shit, I just remember that! It still isn't out? Fucking VII Remake was released before an HD port of Crystal ChronicleS?! I am more baffle than mad, honestly.


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>>5077622375,7, and 9 are pretty bad but 7 using meteor is less generic than crystal or dragon


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>>507745117Unironically 13,15 and advent children

>>507763919I’m not gonna argue with your recollections, but ‘back then’ in ‘97 when my buddy got the game for his birthday and I was eleven, we thought it looked like a giant fireball raining down hence the comet line. In hindsight, it’s obvious it’s supposed to be meteor, yeah. But this thread is the first I’ve ever heard that people that it was materia. Bit surprising, but it also doesn’t make the logo any cooler to me. I think it’s fine. It’s simple and works. I just don’t get all the ‘seven is top tier and nine is shit’ comments when they’re pretty similar.

>>507764974Holly shit, It has been years and never stoped to look close to AC logo! I don't gonna lie, is a nice follow up to the original, though IMO it depends to much of that original logo, to be truly top tier. Still, far better than what I expected.

Figure this would be the place to ask, but not counting the online games, so far the only mainline FF games i've played are V, VI, a bit of VIII (didn't get far, and probably will never go back to it), and up to the first disk of IX. Does IX get any better after? How is III and is the PSP version a good version to go with? Aside from VII, are there any other must play entries?

>>507764383>>507762543>>507762435>>507756657>>507756146>>507751974>>507751485>>507751178>>507751030>>507750252>>507749796>>507749535>>507746276>>507745369>>507764621>unga bunga 9 bad

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>>507745117XV > IV > XII > XIII > X > XIV > XI >the rest

>>507745117>x>you will never see for the first time yunas sending ritual cutscene and have your jaws drop again

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XIII > VII > IV > XV > XHonorable mention: IX. I can't say I particularly like it, but it's clearly perfect.The rest is whatever.

>>507765632III is a nice nostalgic trip, but I wouldn't recommend it over IV or V in that sense. The problem is not so much the simple story, or mechanics, if anything that's the charm. The problem is the very tail end of the game. Very few people have the patience to finish 3 due to the final dungeon. A looooooong ass dungeon, without any chance to save, or turn back, full not only of the hardest enemies in the game, but also some kind of a boss rush in the middle of a labyrinth full of near instant death attacks. Even with Emulations and save states, that dungeon is barely worth it, and I play it on DS, which was "improved" from the Original on NES. Only improved I notice is that at least the Final Boss use more than one cheap attack over and over, but that wasn't much.But yeah, FF III is a good time, until it STOPS being a good time.

>>507745369The problem is it's too generic. 9's logo could work as the logo for literally any other FF, and it's not like crystals are even that relevant to the story

>>507759759FF13 is crystallised Cocoon.

>>507766282Isn't high difficulty good?

I always really liked 8's, it's striking and communicates the game's themes

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>>507765632Must play will always be IV, VI and VII. Most people would add IX, but I am yet to play it myself, and you seem to have your doubts on the game so far. Now, other that some minor gimicks or different takes on the story, is mostly the same kind of games from I to VI, just improving over the formula, with some hits and misses. VII to IX arent that different, but you can tell they are their own "age". From X onwards each entry becomes experimental and is hard to recommend to new players, not because they are bad games, but because each one is their own thing. Some people love XII, some hate it with passion, same for XIII and XV, while XI is an old MORPG with a hardcore fanbase, and XIV is the new, MORPG in town. Honestly, the most easy to recommend from this era is X. The story doesn't work for everyone, and it's one of the most linear entries, but still a very solid, and mostly beloved entry over all.