Why did Holla Forums lie to me?

This game is absolutely solid. Why did people bullshit so hard about it being terrible? I almost didn't play it because of you dumb low IQ opinion faggots. It seems like once someone poisons the well these days, everyone is just slurps that shit toxic opinon up without question.

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>>507745091youtu.be/ukqZ5VOoK5sop btfo

>>507745091it's an open world game, which means it's automatically trash, AND a pretentious kojimbo movie. of course it sucks.

I told you its great though

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>>507745091>toxic opinionSo you think you're some clever fucking genius for posting this low-tier bait bullshit? even Holla Forums, bad as it can be, deserves better than this. Try harder.

>>507745091no need to lie, at least half of the people threads were praising it relentlessly. it's up to you who you choose to listen to

>>507745091OP if you wanna play a game, play it. DOn't ever listen to anyone on this fucking website, unless its a comfy thread

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>>507745091It’s good with immersing yourself in the world and story. The gameplay is kind of dull in that most of it is spent traveling. Which is at least better than a lot of other games, but the ultimate reward in this game is building the road network which reduces travel time, the very thing you’re supposed to be enjoying. I mean I still liked the game, but it will be a while before I replay it.

>>507745091Sounds like you slurped that shit up without question. Think for yourself next time.

>>507746049>deserves better than this/v/ deserves worse than it gets

>>507745091Probably one of the comfiest games ever

>>507745091If this game sucks then Ico/Shadow of the Colossus/etc all suck dick. I might hate stupid ass movie games but I'm not about to pretend like this bullshit is something new kojima came up with. People have been making shitty games like this for a long time.

>>507746437Based and comfpilled.

>>507745091>This game is absolutely solid.Hehe

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>>507746437>faggot ass reaction image>comfy threadCringe and thinskinpilled

Did that one absolute fucking sperg ESL guy that spammed every single DeSt thread with 2-3 sentences broken into two lines finally give up? Is honest conversation possible now?

>>507752263Yes but it turns out no one actually wants to talk about the game anyways. Which is a shame.

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>>507745091MGS fans were still butthurt over MGSV so they gaslit the everloving fuck out of this game, and it was easy to do because kojima is a genuine fartsniffer.

>>507752465because it's shit.

>>507745091There are lots of retarded secondaries who just regurgitate trashy memes and the opinions of retarded e-celebs.The game does have plenty of problems but it's definitely a unique experience.

>>507752742well its my shit and I aint ever gonna stop loving it

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>>507745091Not on switch or pc who the fick cares

>>507745346Wow someone slap that dude

>>507745346>Someone said something>Must be truePlus it's fucking hilarious to watch how badly he plays the game. Some of his videos are funny but this one was just cringe.

>>507745346>Muh fat pseud e celeb faggot with fake voice said thing

>>507745091The only bad things about this game are >Should be more difficult boss fights>More MULE encounters, or the Mules act like nomads who travel around and might surprise you while going around in a truck>Map should be larger. It's big, but considering the story of the game, it doesn't feel large enough. >More exploration of abandoned cities, or abandoned ruins, or things on the map to discover that are secrets instead of everything being a clearly labelled shelter.Still a wonderful game though.

>>507753589You forgot>game should be thrown in the trash and replaced with Metal Gear 6

>>507752465>it turns out no one actually wants to talk about the game anywaysOr play it.Death Stranding was the first soldi proof that Hideo Kojima never made any of the games credited to him. It's not just bad, it's bad a in a way that shows its designer doesn't have any idea what a videogame is or what it should be like.

>>507753730Clever and funny reply there lad.I think we have to accept that MGS is over. Where else would it go now, where would it be set? A game where you play as The Boss going on missions with The Cobras during WW2 would be incredible but that's it

>>507745346>just keep saying it

>>507745091>considering it on PCI actually want to pirate it but these games are dime a dozen and would love to experience Kojima's NEW OC MULTIPLAYER IDEA.I like that it's a comfy simulator because i really did love MGS5's movement and would be happy it to be translated to a game.

>>507745091Console warriors and low IQ americans too drugged up on coffee to appreciate slower games like DS or Eurotruck or Snowrunner

>>507745091I love Death Stranding, Yakuza 6, Final Fantasy XV, Resident Evil 6, Metal Gear Solid 5 and The Last Guardian. Holla Forums hates all them with passion. Don't (you) me faggots, your opinion is shit and you're shit, fuck you

>>507745091>take a shit>drink brand name energy drink>drink brand name energy drink>drink brand name energy drink>collect your own piss>depart base>listen to dialogue clearly written by someone that can't speak English performed by low tier actors>depart base>cutscene>walk for 30 minutes>cutscene>enter base>deliver packages>go to bedroom>take a shit>drink brand name energy drink>drink brand name energy drink>drink brand name energy drink>collect your own piss>depart base>listen to dialogue clearly written by someone that can't speak English performed by a good actorI returned the game after 2 hours of playing. I've never been more insulted in my life, OP. God bless you for having the autism to consoom this piece of shit.

it's because Holla Forums is completely reactionary and hates any videogame that explores new ideas

>>507755341>run>shoot>run>shootWTF is this what your video games are? I'm never playing video games again

>>507755341Your brain has been addled by memes, I'm afraid your affliction is terminal.

>>507755468Unless it's eurojank in which case mainstream journos hate it and Holla Forums likes it

its unironically going to be a better PC experience, albeit youll need a controller still, im just not paying twice for preorder bonuses when you dont even get a physical copy

>>507755468>walking is a new idea

>>507755708>Ummmm pushing buttons is a new idea????See I can also reduce everything to a retarded non-argument. Not sure what the point is though.


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>>507746049/v/ deserves every beating it gets

>>507745091It’s too high iq for the average Holla Forumsedditor

>>507755885I'm not the one arguing its a new idea. Am I user?

The only things Holla Forums doesn't hate are titties and dicks

Shitposting aside, watching Sam fall asleep when his stamina bar is tanked was like digital trazodone for me. Made my bed feel that much comfier.

>>507756106True, all video games are the same. You just push buttons, this isn't new.

>>507756171Speaking of which, Amelie had the most depressing tits I've ever seen rendered in a game. I always feel bad seeing her dress struggling to make that situation work. Can someone either feed her a sandwich or help her out with a better SFM model or something? Geez...

To me it's a masterpiece. I'll.never blame or try to convince people who don't like it though because it's incredibly unique and niche. I loved the gameplay and the sense of scale/ wonder it brought. I loved the aesthetics, the characters, the ethos and the story. It felt surprisingly mature for kojima in some parts and it was obviously a passion project. Its hard to describe but there's so many little touches that show how one man's unbridled autistic vision can really create a novel vision. Even if it wasn't perfect it was interesting and took honest risks, and I love it for that. It actually had the rare achievement of also admitting life is pointless but also instilling hope at the end. Sam is a great sisyphian character

>>507757041she is a skelly but her ass is huge, fucken Higgs knew what he was doing right there

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>>507745091it's not even close to being a bad game but it is very different from what people expected

>>507745091Not the best, but definitely the most beautiful game I've played in a long time. I know gameplay is more important but sometimes you just gotta look in awe at the scenery around you.I don't mind the walking because I love the atmosphere of the world and plus that sense of accomplishment when you build roads to ride your bike around, or climb treacherous terrain to build ziplines and fly around making deliveries.... that makes it all worth it. Some people will get bored of the game before they can reap the rewards of hard work and determination. I kinda got the same feeling when I booted up minecraft and built my first house. It felt good to complete something and call it my own, just like the highways and ziplines and taking down the MULE camps in Death Stranding. It's a good game.

>>507755892>Going on foot to Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City from Elder when he's already visited the distribution center itself which means he has the bike unlocked and it's given him a tutorial for it.>Entering the Private Room without delivering anything.>Not only that, using Fragile's fast travel when you have story-related goods which get thrown into the Private Locker if you use her essentially making your journey pointless.I don't understand the point of this webm. Having to skip all the menus has been patched out for months now, you just mash X or O. Foot travel also becomes very uncommon and unneeded around the point where that person is in that webm. You should already be using bikes there.

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>>507752164Here's a you for ya

>>507745091>Why did Holla Forums lie to me?I didn't.There's literally just a handful of salty same-fags review-bombing this game, no matter that they've not even played it at all.Anyway, beat it for the first time last month. A great 150+ hours into the game already. Haven't finished cp15 yet.Will be buying it on PC as well when it finally arrives this July. Will be great time helping out fellow porters.

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>>507745091>dumb low IQ opinion faggotsCan we please give a rest with this repetitive shit flinging? It's the same bullshit every thread.

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>>507763636Based as fuck Captain Unger

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>>507753589I agree for most of those parts, but the cities not too much considering they all get destroyed by voidouts or terrorists. I do like what little city ruins there are though. What would've been cool is to be able to explore even one of the major cities, even just a little bit.

I'm waiting for the pc port so I can actually play the game to pass judgement on it, unlike most of Holla Forums.It looks intriguing from I've seen of it, and the world design is gorgeous.