Thank god for kasumi so Makotofags no longer think they're canon

Thank god for kasumi so Makotofags no longer think they're canon

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>>507744941too bad kasumi isnt even canon at all

imagine caring about whats canon in a game about self insertion

>>507744941Only canon love interest in the Persona series is Elizabeth because she's my favorite.

>>507744941I really like this girl's design and want to coom to her game, is persona actually any good?

'''''Kasumi'''''' added nothing worthwhile to P5's story and I just wished she joined earlier instead of cockteasing 'til the last month

>>507744941>disappointed that she only joins your team in the last dungeon>listen to some P5R ost>youtube started recommending P5R stuff>got recommended a mod to permanently have yoshizawa and akechi in your teamIf fucking atlus isn't going to give us an update to have the entire team available for new game plus, then some random chad will do it for us

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>>507744941makotofags are the worst kind of fags yes I agree

>>507744941I see significantly more complaining about Makotofags than actual Makotofags on Holla Forums. That aside, no girl is canon, same as its always been. Making any girl canon would upset people who like the other girls, ATLUS would have to be out of their mind to make that the case.


Is there even a canon choice? The persona series seems to be all over the place as far as what is and isn't canon.

I love Anne.

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>>507744941Kasumi seemed rather shoehorned in and you still only get her on your team for one month.

>>507747353Nothing canon, but there is always someone who is implied more heavily as a love interest over other characters.

Honestly the phantom thief girl that would be the best "canon" option is haru.

>>5077475533 had Yukari4 had Yukiko5 had Makoto I guess?

>>507747429>shoehorned How is she shoehorned when she only pops up a few times and fully joins you in the new semester? Even haru didn't have proper screentime compared to her

>>507747726Yukiko was not implied heavily to be a love interest in 4. If there were a canon girl for 4 it would be Marie, but what's actually canon is there being no romance.

>>507744941>implying Futaba isn't the canon choice

>>507747069PS4 supports mods, or is it just through save editing?

>>507748183It's through save editing

>>507748320Please don't tell me Save Wizard is still the only method.

>>507748380As much as I hate being the bearer of bad news, yes, it uses save wizard as the only method. Sadly there hasn't been another video with a better alternative it seems

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>>507744941Enjoy the new Joker/Makoto scenes in literally P5 2 while Kasumi is MIA ;)

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people who date 15 year olds in a game probably want top rape them in real life, persona is for pedophiles

Persona bitches look pretty bad, but the newgirl in royal looks pretty good.Where the lewds you fucks

>>507749576But every girl gets one of these

>>507749576It's a good thing the other girls are there to still pick rather than the narc ;^)

>>507749709If you date 25 year olds in a game, does that mean you want to rape 25 year olds in real life?

>>507749793Not Kasumi

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>>507749896it means you're a loser but at least you don't want to fuck high school kids

>>507749576It's confirmed that Joker isn't dating any of them in Scramble though.

>>507750041Nice goalpost shift.

Good god the school festival scene feels so shoehorned in especially if you're dating one of the girls

my bird bride

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>>507752091she isn't even a good dancer

>>507744941>Literally more forced than Marie>Everyone loves herHow did Atlus pull it off this time?

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>>507752225Anon, I love yoshizawa too but just tell me why you call her your bird wife already!

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>>507752365New audience.


>>507750085how does it confirm thar Joker isn't dating any of them ?

>>507746687I don't know.

>>507746687I don't know

>>507746687I don't know.

>>507752365She wasn't an obnoxious tsundere like marie. People say she's shoehorned but she only shows up a few times before actually joining your team. Hell, they did a better job trying to introduce yoshizawa as a character compared to fucking haru. Who still feels like almost nonexistent to the team because they never fixed it in royale

>>507748380>Save WizardFuck those niggers

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>>507747353I mean....your father figure (who's adoptive daughter is a party member) implies that you getting with her and calling him dad wouldn't be so bad, that's the closest it got in vanilla from what I remember.In P5R though they ship the new girl with you HARD from the getgo, it couldn't possibly be more obvious.

>>507745108It's far more likely that Royal will be considered canon from now on and Scramble will get deemed non-canon. Or they'll come up with some convenient reason why Kasumi was absent for future spin-offs. Marie became canon so there's really no reason why Kasumi won't either.

>>507752365I couldn't stand her for ranks 1-5.....after the big reveal she became more tolerable but it kind of felt like the devs saw Makoto and Futaba as the popular choices and tried to make some sort of frankenwaifu out of both of them.

>>507744941Makoto and Kasumi are shit.

Wanna huff and puff those boots while wearing her leotard after a day of dungeon scouring.



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>>507753415How is she similar to either of them

>>507754129She was an unholy combination of "Perfect on the outside but crumbling under the impossible standards she's being held to" and "Broken because of traumatic family issue bullshit she lets consume her."How is that not both of them?

>>507754518Weird, that sounds like both makoto and sae

>>507754518So.......generalized backstory framing? The details of both of those are completely different, and her personality is also completely different (both sumire and kasumi) on top of her looking nothing like either of those abominations. Futaba is not popular in Japan, anyway. Neither is Makoto, really, although she's higher than Futaba.

>>507754818>>507754725Look idk maybe I would have hated her less if they didn't cram all of her development into the 11th hour of the game. She definitely improved in faith ranks 6-10 but she felt like sports Makoto up until that.

>>507754518Let me add on to the fact that she just looks like a red Futaba with her hair down.

Joker funny trying to impress a girl

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>>507755076I think that was the idea, the reason why she seemed so robotic and acted completely off and awkward was because she was literally brainwashed and desperately trying to pretend she was something she wasn't. I can see where you'd draw a connection to Makoto's awkwardness but really they are two completely different things. Makoto can handle most situations fine, while not "getting" how to act like a kid. Kasumi just straight up acts like she is repeating programmed responses for the first half of the game- because she is.

>>507754818>Makoto is not popular in japanI could have sworn she was....who the fuck does Japan like then?

>>507755112No >>507755464Akechi

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>>507755182I was actually hoping for a dancing all night mini game in this part with you and yoshizawa breaking loose and impressing everyone. Sadly it didn't happened

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>>507752365Marie is a cunt

>>507754818>Futaba is not popular in Japan, anyway.She's literally the most popular girl from P5 in Japan.

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>>507755464Akechi and joker from what I last saw

>>507755464Nah. She is. I think typical PT girl ranking is Makoto, Futaba, Haru and then Anne always dead last. It'll be interesting to see if Sumire will shake things up at all, but who knows when the next official poll will be.

>>507754818>Futaba is not popular in Japan>Neither is MakotoThey're the most popular girls senpai

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>>507752824The whole fucking month and a half around Haru is by far the worst section of the game and not only did they not fix it with Royal they made the boss fight worse. At least Edgeketchi is funny.

>>507755686What's the update on the P5R? I know they had an updated one. Though I don't care much since those fuckers put my idiot bro ryuji so low

>>507745108reminder that scramble references the utopia palace from the end of royal. its just that kasumi and the akechi thing isnt mentioned

>>, but really polls are terribly inaccurate and they all basically put the girls within apart by a sliver of data. I know that before the game released, Futaba was the most popular with Japan, but I'd attribute that to her OP appearance making her seem much different than she actually is in the game. All the polls that have been done in various magazines etc. since release have put Akechi and MC in the top places, and in terms of girls Makoto, Kawakami, and Futaba are typically high rankers.

>>507744941>Great romance>Great story that fucks with my expectations of Mary Sue added characters like Marie and Rin>Fun Persona >Cool interactions with last villain>Cute confession scene>Ends without her saying goodbye and instead saying "See ya at the big leagues, kid." at the fucking train station in-cutsceneWhat the fuck were they thinking with that shit?

>>507755686>literal fuck who poll no thanks

>>507755823Weird how they actually fixed akechi and people actually liked his edgy side and gave yoshizawa proper development. But they still couldn't give haru more meaningful dialogue so she can feel more natural to the group. Did atlus just didn't give a single fuck about her?

>>507744941>they add a new character>HeR pHaNtOm Is ShE's ToO pErFeCtIt gets better, right? Just cleared Madarame's palace and she's so disgustingly sterile as a new addition it's painful.There's a TUUWISTO, right? This isn't just Great Value Rise, right?

>>507755949Why are people so salty over this, it's almost like highschool romance doesn't fuckin matter when you have dreams of your own it's not that hard of a concept to grasp

>>507755863I understand why people like Ryuji but c'mon you can't blame people for not liking a guy who creates or worsens like 75% of the bad situations in the game .

>>507755982It was a Famitsu poll.

>>507756068Yes there's a twist and you should fucking leave before someone spoils it because it's the main point of the last act of the game.

>>507755949To be fair user. No matter who you romance they just give you a fucking lame ass goodbye like you were never in a relationship with them. I wish atlus would have put the effort to give a small romance goodbye scene for whoever you romanced. Hell, I'd take a still frame image of them kissing and that'll be enough. They failed me with this

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>>507756067She genuinely feels like leftovers, like they just crammed Gun/Psi/karn in her since that's what was left and had her get over her only parent's death immediately because anything more would've been inconvenient.

>>507755949The farewell is shitty, but I can kind of understand why Atlus didn't give her a different animated farewell if the player romanced her since it would unfair to the other waifufags, but it's kind of tiresome seeing people writing off her entire romance because of an animated scenes that are completed well before plot stuff is even finalized despite her white day and valentine date showing she has no intention of breaking up. Fucking Maruki's hair is a completly different colour in the animated scenes which just shows those were done when designs weren't even finalized. can watch her Showtime over and over again without getting bored.

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>>507756291I have no idea how easy it actually is, but I can't imagine it's too hard setting a flag if you finish someone's social link, they having the script change a little bit based on whether the flag is set or not. It seems like such a basic thing to do to let the story show that characters have been growing on the side.

>>507744941She's just too precious

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>>507756291I don't give a fuck what people say, Futaba is canon in my heart

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>>507756475but you can literally romance everyone and nobody is canon-technically, from a canon standpoint, nothing in rank 10 ever happens.

>>507756453>that little hop she does for you to catch her>that little dance routine at the ending of the showtimeGod she's adorable

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>>507756067This is a direct quote from Atlus about Haru in Royal:>Haru only joins in the latter half of the game so her presence is rarely felt in the beginning. We tried to let her show up as much as possible in events in [P5R] such as cleaning the park and the school trip to Hawaii. We’d be glad if players can feel her presence earlier than in [P5].Atlus thinks giving her a 30 second cameo in the school cleaning scene and interrupting Kawakami's fanservice is a big fucking deal. They can eat a dick.

>>507756067The whole Haru and Okumura storyline is broken. This part needed a complete rewrite and probably a drastic change of her character to make it work.

>>507756291>No matter who you romance they just give you a fucking lame ass goodbye like you were never in a relationship with themThe fuck are you talking about? All the girl's have different goodbye dialogue depending on if you romanced them or not.


>>507756421I don't think it invalidated the romance, it just pissed me off. If they didn't want to be unfair, they should have just given her a normal "goodbye" option like the rest of the phantom thieves. Have her hang out in Kijijoji or some shit. >>507756072Hey fucker, I'm the only reason her dream isn't to be her sister that she killed. She can do better than the Rise of Skywalker shoulder-pat.

>>507756705It's honestly kind of hilarious and sad. Kasumi is how they should be executing late game party members, but with more playtime, then the mess that was Haru.

>>507756767I think he means the ending animation right when you're leaving towards the station.

>>507756705>guys we let you play Where's Waldo with Haru is some early scenes, what do you mean you still don't feel her presence?

>>507756072Joker means way more to her than a simple high school romance which is why the farewell is kind of jarring.

>>507756951Wada can only change so much and Haru wasn't on of those things

>>507755112lol 2futaba

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>>507756705I can feel their disdain for her just from the words. She's a goddamn afterthought.

>>507756705The hell, why didn't they do what the did with yoshizawa? It worked well with her, haru early presence bearly changed anything. Man they really just gave up on her


Kawakami > everyone

>>507756986Honestly it felt like they just ran out of budget or flat didn't fucking care about the actual ending. Like everything up until Maruki's palace disappeared was great and then they just give us the same fucking ending but there's a taxi cab and 10 irrelevant seconds with the new girl now.Like I wasn't let down but I sure as fuck wasn't impressed either, the ending felt so unimportant.

>>507744941>Akechi is gone forever because of what I did and Maruki is a fucking taxi driver>"Oh Senpai! I just know Kasumi would be proud of us!"Bitch, this is all you've talked about for the last five months. Why am I a third wheel to her relationship with her sister?

>>507757486did you watch post credits lmao

>>507756767Not Kasumi since she isn't available on the last day lol

>>507752365Marie is a cunt and is front loadedKasumi is spread out and doesn't start showing up till after Madarame's Palace

>>507757308Kawakami's character is good but her romance path feels exploitative and creepy. Their handling of Takemi is much better in thie regard, because Takemi looks like the kind of woman who could indulge in underage dating compared to Kawakami.

>>507752365Marie is a bitch

>>507757621And yet Kasumi is 100x worse and every time she shoes it feels shoehorned as fuck.

>>507757308Dangerously based

>>507757561The shit on the bus where Joker sees his phantom thief self in the window and you catch a glimpse of Akechi in the background? Yes I saw that, doesn't change the fact that they gave us the same ending.At least we got a proper epilogue out of Golden.

>>507757812They are making another game It was sequel bait Which, makes it important

>>507757812>At least we got a proper epilogue out of Golden.I'm pretty sure they're saving the epilogue equivalent for whatever the final story heavy P5 spin-off ends up being. The shit with Jose and Akechi is hard spin-off fuel.

>>507756126Ironically he gets to be relevant because he gets to play retard for the groupas opposed to Ann and Yusuke who fall off the fucking face of the Earth right after they join and Haru who's Fivehead is already deep in space

>>507757626There's only one C world I'll allow in this place and it's definitely not "creepy"

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>>507757915>>507757859Well here's hoping it's literally P5-2 and not a dancing/fighting game then.

Pretty sure Royal has confirmed Akechi to be the canon girl.

I was enjoying the game but now I'm the 3rd palace and I'm bored of it and don't know why. I actually really like Makoto so i isn't her. I just feel like the gameplay is boring since it's basically just hitting weaknesses and all out attacking for every fight and only the music/aesthetic is really saving it at this point for me. Even then I don't even want to boot it up. First palace and most of the 2nd was enjoyable too

>>507757621She shows up in the first 5 minutes mate. She also has like 2 appearances in the Kamoshida section of the game.

>>507757991Ann gets used for her body a couple times but yeah Yusuke just bums around being weird and poor.

>>507758328I blitzed through the whole game the first time I played it and I think it was the wrong thing to do. Do what I did the second time around, play about two hours in a day, put it down, and come back the next day or even a day or two later. Do something else in the meantime. Let the game breathe, it's meant to be episodic.

>>507758646>"You know what? We'll pay you for your art! And you can make it YOUR way!">"...No."Yusuke chooses to be poor and no one should buy his food for him anymore.

>>507758541NGL up until the reveal I thought they were feeding us a fucking Mary-Sue>Saves you from an otherwise deathtrap with no effort 2 minutes into the game>The only character that doesn't collapse after getting their persona, just cuz>That fucking dance scene where they're obviously setting up a shipHer falling apart in the endgame did a lot to fix my views of her but it all happened too late for my opinion to change much.

>>507758854>im-fucking-plying a deal like that ACTUALLY comes free

>>507758865I'm pretty sure they were intentionally building her up as one just to show she's actually a Tomoko LARPing as her Stacy sister. It was intentionally inverting the trope.>>507758984That's not why he said no and you fucking know it. He just likes being a "starving artist" but he's also fine with people buying him shit.

>>507746687it's pretty good as long as you have the patience for dialogue heavy games.

>faces three inches apart laying next to each other in the intro>share a nude scene>dates are necessary for true ending>Maruki thought Joker’s ideal world was one where Akechi livedCan you say CANON?

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>>507758865Not much of a Mary-Sue if she keeps performing poorly at competition when that's the only thing she's known for other than eating a lot and having a shit phone.

>>507759351Why do they have a bottle of cooking oil on the beach?

>>507756453God damn, that’s cute

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can you tell me what is appealing about persona without talking about girls? i dont remember where i dropped 4 and i dropped 5 at the start of the first dungeon.

>>507761004I like the fusion of psychological and mythological motifs, especially in the MC Personas. The ones in this game have a literary twist which makes it easier to be familiar with. It's also cool how the plot's focus and the bosses walk the line between psychological and supernatural as well.

>>507761004the boys

>>507748170>FutabaThe girl who is basically your sister. No. I liked Futaba a lot but dating her just seemed off to me

>>507759825How else do you get a tan?

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>>507761847Sojiro literally says you getting with Futaba and calling him dad wouldn't be so bad.

>>507762013in his rank 10 he literally tells you not to date her

>>507761004The calender system and it’s more grounded realitstic setting

>>507762007Stupid m*koto

>>507761847Ease on the autism user. She is just an attractive video game character

>>507762129And then proceeds to rethink it in the same breath and say you calling him dad wouldn't be all that bad...with a smile on his face even.What of it?

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>>507762129he helps Joker to date her on White Day tho

>>507761004The life sim aspect is really unique to the game, not just due to its sheer inclusion, but the fact that it affects the gameplay by unlocking new abilities for yourself and your teammates. Social links also contain a lot of the game’s best story moments and are honestly generally superior to the game’s main story. The battle system is also relatively simple but it’s satisfying to execute strategies or improvise when your plans don’t work as planned.

>>507761004Autistically fusing the strongest personas possible.

>>507762272>he dates girls purely based on their looksYou don’t really do this, do you, user?


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>>507758854Is Yusuke just supposed to exemplify the starving artist trope?>eccentric >poor>pervert it kino?

>>507766497It would've been more kino if I didn't have to intentionally wait in the menu so that the fight could run long enough to play the whole song.

>>507766848Were you using min/maxed personas on safe or something? It was shorter than phase 1 but it didn't blow over THAT quickly.